Merrick Garland to appoint Special Counsel in Mar-a-lago documents probe

It's an unreasonable search when the target of that search didn't comply with a subpoena? Please do elaborate.
Trump offered them anything they wished to look at. Instead of accepting his open door, they waited awhile and then stuck him with a subpoena when he was out of town. It was a filthy, rotten, no-good, horrible sleight-of-middle finger of the hand thing of the Demonrats to do. And while he was out of town they entered his home armed to the hilt and went through his wife's clothing drawers, and his son's bedroom. How low can you go? Must I go find the text to the fourth Amendment, or are you going to continue to follow these conniving Democrats who have the FBI by threat to their paychecks? I'm done with this discussion. Ta-ta.
Trump offered them anything they wished to look at. Instead of accepting his open door, they waited awhile and then stuck him with a subpoena when he was out of town. It was a filthy, rotten, no-good, horrible sleight-of-middle finger of the hand thing of the Demonrats to do. And while he was out of town they entered his home armed to the hilt and went through his wife's clothing drawers, and his son's bedroom. How low can you go? Must I go find the text to the fourth Amendment, or are you going to continue to follow these conniving Democrats who have the FBI by threat to their paychecks? I'm done with this discussion. Ta-ta.
The subpoena was issued on May 11th. The search warrant application was done on August 5th. Trump was out of town for 3 months?

Every filing done by the government lays out the timeline of events. Trump's legal team doesn't contest that timeline. So the question is didn't you know, or don't you care what actually happened?
The repubs created trump. Now that the walls are closing in...they want to blame someone else.
The AG would be wiser to resign. He is a smart enough jurist to realize the AG has to be blind to partisanship and play fair. Biden is using him like the deep state is using Biden.
Unless they have actual evidence of an actual crime, the Senate will likely not convict.

Funny you finally figured this out after twice impeaching a president simply because he won.

You know you libshits remind me of that fucked up neighbor that walks by a pissed off dog in a backyard and taunts it every single day, and then gets mad when it runs up to the fence and wants to bite you.

You keep taunting Trump, he's not going away. He's going to fight HARDER. And so will his followers. You want him to go away? Leave him the fuck alone. But YOU keep bringing him front and center, and then bitch that he's front and center.
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The AG would be wiser to resign. He is a smart enough jurist to realize the AG has to be blind to partisanship and play fair. Biden is using him like the deep state is using Biden.
Can you highlight to what perceived partisanship you’re referring to?
Funny you finally figured this out after twice impeaching a president simply because he won.

You know you libshits remind me of that fucked up neighbor that walks by a pissed off dog in a backyard and taunts it every single day, and then gets mad when it runs up to the fence and wants to bite you.

You keep taunting Trump, he's not going away. He's going to fight HARDER. And so will his followers. You want him to go away? Leave him the fuck alone. But YOU keep bringing him front and center, and then bitch that he's front and center.
Funny you finally figured this out after twice impeaching a president simply because he won.
That was certainly not the stated reasons for impeachment.
That was certainly not the stated reasons for impeachment.

Well of course not. They made up some lame ass reason and the senate didn't buy it, TWICE. Everyone knows he was impeached because he won and ya'll wanted Hillary and were pissed she won the popular vote but lost the presidency.

There’s no substance to refute. It’s simply empty words.

There’s no politics in being asked to be the AG, dope.
Then why do you react so strongly to "empty words"?

And why does the AG always represent the party in power?

You continue to lie to yourself in such an obvious manner, but then you are a democrat, so it is to be expected.
You think so? I was under the impression that in the case of impeachment it is the Senate that convicts. feel free to disagree of course.
You claimed that a member of the executive branch cannot be impeached. The president is the chief executive of the government and they tried twice. Stop making such a huge food of yourself and admit that you know nothing on this subject.

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