Merrick Garland to appoint Special Counsel in Mar-a-lago documents probe

Perhaps not....but he would like to be able to jail his detractors and rule by his word alone. He cannot be allowed in another position of authority again. He is an evil man with contemptible intentions.

But more dangerously, he has birthed the MAGA cult which will preach trumpism for years to come. The GOP needs to find a way of diluting the influence of the MAGA extremists or it will suffer the consequences.

I think the established Republicans realize that...but the MAGA voices are drowning them out at the moment. Generations of Republicans will pay.
You claimed that a member of the executive branch cannot be impeached. The president is the chief executive of the government and they tried twice. Stop making such a huge food of yurself and admit that you know nothing on this subject.
I claimed no such thing. I claimed the house doesn't have the authority to "fire" Garland. In the case of impeachment, the authority rests in the Senate who vote to convict.
Funny you finally figured this out after twice impeaching a president simply because he won.

You know you libshits remind me of that fucked up neighbor that walks by a pissed off dog in a backyard and taunts it every single day, and then gets mad when it runs up to the fence and wants to bite you.

You keep taunting Trump, he's not going away. He's going to fight HARDER. And so will his followers. You want him to go away? Leave him the fuck alone. But YOU keep bringing him front and center, and then bitch that he's front and center.

I'm glad Trump is running again. I don't think he has a chance of winning. And he wasn't impeached for winning, he was impeached for committing high crimes while in office.
Well of course not. They made up some lame ass reason and the senate didn't buy it, TWICE. Everyone knows he was impeached because he won and ya'll wanted Hillary and were pissed she won the popular vote but lost the presidency.

Mmm… no. Not made up.
Well documented and explained evidence of their allegations.
You're putting la-la land hopes in place of reality if you think that. You're an apparatchik and a slave to the sociocommunist left deep staters. What a bright man, what a deep hole.

Here's the thing... a clever guy could avoid charges.

Trump just isn't clever. His own people ratted him out on the documents. Maybe even Jared and Ivanka. IT sucks when your own kids break bad on you.

Then why do you react so strongly to "empty words"?

And why does the AG always represent the party in power?

You continue to lie to yourself in such an obvious manner, but then you are a democrat, so it is to be expected.
I reacted appropriately.
The AG represents the American people as do all other cabinet members.
Is there “real evidence” of that. Who told you? The DOJ?
Hunter Biden was investigated. This is what they found.

Federal agents see chargeable tax, gun-purchase case against Hunter Biden​

The only partisan corruption in evidence is your lying posts.
So all of the MSM, which usually covers for the democrats, are lying about what is on the laptop? Do you see how stupid you are presenting yourself to be? And creating even more lies to cover your own idiocy.
Here's the thing... a clever guy could avoid charges.

Trump just isn't clever. His own people ratted him out on the documents. Maybe even Jared and Ivanka. IT sucks when your own kids break bad on you.

Are you speaking from personal experience, and should we expect you to be jailed soon?
Name one instance of that happening ,Fucknut.

And I have a couple other instances where the IRS suddenly audited trump's critics. The man...if you want to call him nothing but a Mafia Boss that Poootin helped elect with misinformation about Idiot!

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