Merrick Garland to appoint Special Counsel in Mar-a-lago documents probe

No the leftist need to stop with their twisting of the truth in order to suit their agenda's and narratives. I have sat here and watched the left twist the truth into pretzel's trying to turn it into their narratives, and it's really sickening.

One thing I'm good at, and that is reading into how the leftist operate, and how they take word's and either twist them, add to them or just completely lie about them.

Trump says something, and the left quickly goes into action trying to figure out a way to twist it into the false narratives contemplated.

No the leftist need to wake up and realize that their games aren't working anymore.

Example - The mere fact an actual candidate would personally call an election official and talk about votes counted, is improper and illegal.

Not if there is a strong suspicion of fowl play afoot. Questioning is one thing, but attempting to sway an official or coerce an official is another...... Trump was just asking an official to double check or make sure that irregularities aren't present, but if the official was asked to generate votes somehow (out of thin air), then it would be improper and illegal......To do anything other than to question an official to make sure integrity of the vote was insured would be illegal, but Trump stayed within the law's whenever asked about the election results or vote's due to possible interference which is not illegal.

If you know what the details are, then please list them here for us to analyze, then we can go farther with this.
The "fowl play" is a candidate asking an election official to find him "11,000 votes".

According to the liberal.
They haven’t found anything. They’ve been after Trump since the second he announced his candidacy in 2015. That’s third world dictatorship shit. You’re just a freaking partisan hack who supports politicizing the DOJ.

I consider people like you a domestic enemy to the US constitution.
And people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6th Patriots in support of the Constitution?
And this type of ignorance is making the repub party look like Morons. Voters are not so stupid as you think.


You know that's the sarcasm tag right?


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