Merry Christmas Germany!

Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

Oh stop. If we weren't all stung by it we wouldn't be talking about it. Of course it hurts. It hurts everyone who has an ounce of compassion. You Libs don't own caring and to that I'd suggest you start caring a little more for American citizens.
I wasn't criticizing you. Votto could have acknowledged the sorrow of this, maybe let them get the mess cleaned off the sidewalk before weaponizing the incident, prior to beginning the same old repetitive erroneous fight. This battle is not against the Muslim world. It is against radical jihadi's.
I'm very glad the Libs don't own caring. This one was a low blow.
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?


Now do you want to discuss the obvious response of NOT IMPORTING PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO KILL US?
Of the five terrorists who have taken American lives in the past year, three were Americans. The U.S. has the strictest refugee vetting of all, and any jihadi's who want to come here will come on a tourist or student Visa, not as a refugee. If they bother at all. All they have to do is chat up young folk on the internet, encourage them to turn. THE REFUGEES ARE FLEEING THE RADICALS, same as we want to.
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

Oh stop. If we weren't all stung by it we wouldn't be talking about it. Of course it hurts. It hurts everyone who has an ounce of compassion. You Libs don't own caring and to that I'd suggest you start caring a little more for American citizens.
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

All Muslims should be trashed.

The number of jihadists is small and there are millions of Muslims out there who do absolutely nothing about the murderers among them.

They either like what these assholes do and condone it or they don't care.

Every Muslim should be kicked out of the West and back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

Its idiots like you who keep telling everyone all Muslims aren't bad that allow those murderers to do what they do. They think you condone it by your stupid statements.

Grow a fucking brain.
My brain is fine, thank you. It understands that hate and the wish for dominance grows in certain hearts and those people will be attracted to a like-minded "cause." Sending home all Muslims is impractical and insane. You have allowed yourself to be brainwashed. There is a problem. The solution does not include your extreme and simplistic approach.
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

Oh stop. If we weren't all stung by it we wouldn't be talking about it. Of course it hurts. It hurts everyone who has an ounce of compassion. You Libs don't own caring and to that I'd suggest you start caring a little more for American citizens.
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

All Muslims should be trashed.

The number of jihadists is small and there are millions of Muslims out there who do absolutely nothing about the murderers among them.

They either like what these assholes do and condone it or they don't care.

Every Muslim should be kicked out of the West and back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

Its idiots like you who keep telling everyone all Muslims aren't bad that allow those murderers to do what they do. They think you condone it by your stupid statements.

Grow a fucking brain.
My brain is fine, thank you. It understands that hate and the wish for dominance grows in certain hearts and those people will be attracted to a like-minded "cause." Sending home all Muslims is impractical and insane. You have allowed yourself to be brainwashed. There is a problem. The solution does not include your extreme and simplistic approach.

You're the one who's brainwashed by thinking Muslims are peaceful.

There are millions out there and they do nothing about the jihadists. And remember ISIS wants a Caliphate and what better way to do then to flood Europe and America with "peaceful" Muslims.

The solution is simple. Boot the ones here and in Europe out and don't let anymore in.

Couldn't be any simpler than that.

Carry on enabler.
Last edited:
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

Oh stop. If we weren't all stung by it we wouldn't be talking about it. Of course it hurts. It hurts everyone who has an ounce of compassion. You Libs don't own caring and to that I'd suggest you start caring a little more for American citizens.
I wasn't criticizing you. Votto could have acknowledged the sorrow of this, maybe let them get the mess cleaned off the sidewalk before weaponizing the incident, prior to beginning the same old repetitive erroneous fight. This battle is not against the Muslim world. It is against radical jihadi's.
I'm very glad the Libs don't own caring. This one was a low blow.

The low blow was your resonse to Votto. And we're all sick to death of your "all Muslims" BS. Get it straigt - it's doctrinal Islam.
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

Oh stop. If we weren't all stung by it we wouldn't be talking about it. Of course it hurts. It hurts everyone who has an ounce of compassion. You Libs don't own caring and to that I'd suggest you start caring a little more for American citizens.
I wasn't criticizing you. Votto could have acknowledged the sorrow of this, maybe let them get the mess cleaned off the sidewalk before weaponizing the incident, prior to beginning the same old repetitive erroneous fight. This battle is not against the Muslim world. It is against radical jihadi's.
I'm very glad the Libs don't own caring. This one was a low blow.

The low blow was your resonse to Votto. And we're all sick to death of your "all Muslims" BS. Get it straigt - it's doctrinal Islam.
oh, a low blow to votto. are you a butthurt snowflake? yes, you are.
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?


Now do you want to discuss the obvious response of NOT IMPORTING PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO KILL US?
Of the five terrorists who have taken American lives in the past year, three were Americans. The U.S. has the strictest refugee vetting of all, and any jihadi's who want to come here will come on a tourist or student Visa, not as a refugee. If they bother at all. All they have to do is chat up young folk on the internet, encourage them to turn. THE REFUGEES ARE FLEEING THE RADICALS, same as we want to.

Of course there are Moslems who are good people. That's a given. The problem is they all support a terrible ideology. I support the removal of Islam from American soil. We can start by re-classifying Islam as an ideology, not a religion. Then stop bringing Moslems to our country. Because of the ideology they follow, they don't belong here.
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

Oh stop. If we weren't all stung by it we wouldn't be talking about it. Of course it hurts. It hurts everyone who has an ounce of compassion. You Libs don't own caring and to that I'd suggest you start caring a little more for American citizens.
I wasn't criticizing you. Votto could have acknowledged the sorrow of this, maybe let them get the mess cleaned off the sidewalk before weaponizing the incident, prior to beginning the same old repetitive erroneous fight. This battle is not against the Muslim world. It is against radical jihadi's.
I'm very glad the Libs don't own caring. This one was a low blow.

The low blow was your resonse to Votto. And we're all sick to death of your "all Muslims" BS. Get it straigt - it's doctrinal Islam.
oh, a low blow to votto. are you a butthurt snowflake? yes, you are.

Shut up, worm.
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

Oh stop. If we weren't all stung by it we wouldn't be talking about it. Of course it hurts. It hurts everyone who has an ounce of compassion. You Libs don't own caring and to that I'd suggest you start caring a little more for American citizens.
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

All Muslims should be trashed.

The number of jihadists is small and there are millions of Muslims out there who do absolutely nothing about the murderers among them.

They either like what these assholes do and condone it or they don't care.

Every Muslim should be kicked out of the West and back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

Its idiots like you who keep telling everyone all Muslims aren't bad that allow those murderers to do what they do. They think you condone it by your stupid statements.

Grow a fucking brain.
My brain is fine, thank you. It understands that hate and the wish for dominance grows in certain hearts and those people will be attracted to a like-minded "cause." Sending home all Muslims is impractical and insane. You have allowed yourself to be brainwashed. There is a problem. The solution does not include your extreme and simplistic approach.

You're the one who's brainwashed by thinking Muslims are peaceful.

There are millions out there and they do nothing about the jihadists. And remember ISIS wants a Caliphate and what better way to do then to flood Europe and America with "peaceful" Muslims.

The solution is simple. Boot the ones here and in Europe out and don't let anymore in.

Couldn't be any simpler than that.

Carry on enabler.
What do you think the millions of Muslims "doing nothing" in our country could do to stop the jihadi's? Why do you not condemn all the inhabitants of Chicago for "doing nothing" about the dozens of murders per week in their streets? Should they all be suspected and driven out of the country for "doing nothing" to stop the violence?
I have heard of Muslims, even family members, reporting suspicions and they are investigated--sometimes it leads to stopping a would-be terrorist. But my guess is that most jihadi's don't talk about it at the local diner. Remember the last guy--his family minister (whatever you call it) at his mosque said the guy had gotten very quiet. He tried to reach out to him, but the guy was shut down. Do you call the FBI every time someone you know gets depressed?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

Oh stop. If we weren't all stung by it we wouldn't be talking about it. Of course it hurts. It hurts everyone who has an ounce of compassion. You Libs don't own caring and to that I'd suggest you start caring a little more for American citizens.
Truck attack at Berlin Christmas market

(as an Amish jihadist plows into a crowd with a car)

When will people understand that the Amish religion is not a religion of peace?
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

All Muslims should be trashed.

The number of jihadists is small and there are millions of Muslims out there who do absolutely nothing about the murderers among them.

They either like what these assholes do and condone it or they don't care.

Every Muslim should be kicked out of the West and back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

Its idiots like you who keep telling everyone all Muslims aren't bad that allow those murderers to do what they do. They think you condone it by your stupid statements.

Grow a fucking brain.
My brain is fine, thank you. It understands that hate and the wish for dominance grows in certain hearts and those people will be attracted to a like-minded "cause." Sending home all Muslims is impractical and insane. You have allowed yourself to be brainwashed. There is a problem. The solution does not include your extreme and simplistic approach.

You're the one who's brainwashed by thinking Muslims are peaceful.

There are millions out there and they do nothing about the jihadists. And remember ISIS wants a Caliphate and what better way to do then to flood Europe and America with "peaceful" Muslims.

The solution is simple. Boot the ones here and in Europe out and don't let anymore in.

Couldn't be any simpler than that.

Carry on enabler.
What do you think the millions of Muslims "doing nothing" in our country could do to stop the jihadi's? Why do you not condemn all the inhabitants of Chicago for "doing nothing" about the dozens of murders per week in their streets? Should they all be suspected and driven out of the country for "doing nothing" to stop the violence?
I have heard of Muslims, even family members, reporting suspicions and they are investigated--sometimes it leads to stopping a would-be terrorist. But my guess is that most jihadi's don't talk about it at the local diner. Remember the last guy--his family minister (whatever you call it) at his mosque said the guy had gotten very quiet. He tried to reach out to him, but the guy was shut down. Do you call the FBI every time someone you know gets depressed?

Nice deflection. Chicago isn't the issue. Muslims murderers in Europe and America is the issue.

Of course you still think Muslims are peaceful and deserve our trust.

Sure hope the next jihadist doesn't land at your house because you would welcome him as peaceful.

Oh I'm sure the dead in Nice, Paris, Germany, the Netherlands and San Bernardino would be more than happy to agree with your asshole assessment.

Keep sticking your head in the sand.

Carry on enabler.
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

Oh stop. If we weren't all stung by it we wouldn't be talking about it. Of course it hurts. It hurts everyone who has an ounce of compassion. You Libs don't own caring and to that I'd suggest you start caring a little more for American citizens.
I wasn't criticizing you. Votto could have acknowledged the sorrow of this, maybe let them get the mess cleaned off the sidewalk before weaponizing the incident, prior to beginning the same old repetitive erroneous fight. This battle is not against the Muslim world. It is against radical jihadi's.
I'm very glad the Libs don't own caring. This one was a low blow.

The low blow was your resonse to Votto. And we're all sick to death of your "all Muslims" BS. Get it straigt - it's doctrinal Islam.
oh, a low blow to votto. are you a butthurt snowflake? yes, you are.

Shut up, worm.
^^definitely butthurt, the poor snowflake.

retreat to your safe space.
You happy about the policy of high levels of Third World Immigration? You loving the results?
He is a guilt ridden German white liberal, so yes, he is happy with the destruction of Western Civilization by any means and celebrates them all.
Oh stop. If we weren't all stung by it we wouldn't be talking about it. Of course it hurts. It hurts everyone who has an ounce of compassion. You Libs don't own caring and to that I'd suggest you start caring a little more for American citizens.
Did you take even a moment to grieve for these dead and injured before joyously running this tragedy up the flagpole as your political banner?
People who were out Christmas shopping, enjoying the decorations, the Christmas music, the hot cocoa, enjoying a special moment at a special time of year. And suddenly they're dead or their heads are broken and the survivors will have a stain on their Christmas memories forever.
Did you give that even a moment before jumping to trash all Muslims?

All Muslims should be trashed.

The number of jihadists is small and there are millions of Muslims out there who do absolutely nothing about the murderers among them.

They either like what these assholes do and condone it or they don't care.

Every Muslim should be kicked out of the West and back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

Its idiots like you who keep telling everyone all Muslims aren't bad that allow those murderers to do what they do. They think you condone it by your stupid statements.

Grow a fucking brain.
My brain is fine, thank you. It understands that hate and the wish for dominance grows in certain hearts and those people will be attracted to a like-minded "cause." Sending home all Muslims is impractical and insane. You have allowed yourself to be brainwashed. There is a problem. The solution does not include your extreme and simplistic approach.

You're the one who's brainwashed by thinking Muslims are peaceful.

There are millions out there and they do nothing about the jihadists. And remember ISIS wants a Caliphate and what better way to do then to flood Europe and America with "peaceful" Muslims.

The solution is simple. Boot the ones here and in Europe out and don't let anymore in.

Couldn't be any simpler than that.

Carry on enabler.
What do you think the millions of Muslims "doing nothing" in our country could do to stop the jihadi's? Why do you not condemn all the inhabitants of Chicago for "doing nothing" about the dozens of murders per week in their streets? Should they all be suspected and driven out of the country for "doing nothing" to stop the violence?
I have heard of Muslims, even family members, reporting suspicions and they are investigated--sometimes it leads to stopping a would-be terrorist. But my guess is that most jihadi's don't talk about it at the local diner. Remember the last guy--his family minister (whatever you call it) at his mosque said the guy had gotten very quiet. He tried to reach out to him, but the guy was shut down. Do you call the FBI every time someone you know gets depressed?

Nice deflection. Chicago isn't the issue. Muslims murderers in Europe and America is the issue.

Of course you still think Muslims are peaceful and deserve our trust.

Sure hope the next jihadist doesn't land at your house because you would welcome him as peaceful.

Oh I'm sure the dead in Nice, Paris, Germany, the Netherlands and San Bernardino would be more than happy to agree with your asshole assessment.

Keep sticking your head in the sand.

Carry on enabler.
It's not a deflection. How is it actually different? It's not. You can't blame the entire Muslim community for a few (in this country, it is a few) extremists with murder in their hearts, anymore than we can blame all Americans for not (somehow) stopping the gun violence carried out by our neighbors.
Trump has no intention of kicking out all Muslims from this country, and people who are inadvertently making enemies with the peaceable Muslims in this country by their rhetoric will some day rue running their mouths. Look at what is happening right now in Berlin--police believe they have NOT caught the terrorist who drove the truck. They need the Muslim community in a big way right now.
Oh stop. If we weren't all stung by it we wouldn't be talking about it. Of course it hurts. It hurts everyone who has an ounce of compassion. You Libs don't own caring and to that I'd suggest you start caring a little more for American citizens.
I wasn't criticizing you. Votto could have acknowledged the sorrow of this, maybe let them get the mess cleaned off the sidewalk before weaponizing the incident, prior to beginning the same old repetitive erroneous fight. This battle is not against the Muslim world. It is against radical jihadi's.
I'm very glad the Libs don't own caring. This one was a low blow.

The low blow was your resonse to Votto. And we're all sick to death of your "all Muslims" BS. Get it straigt - it's doctrinal Islam.
oh, a low blow to votto. are you a butthurt snowflake? yes, you are.

Shut up, worm.


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