Merry Christmas to gun manufacturers and sellers!

Well, one of their guns just did a bang up job, pun intended, of killing people in CA.

Handguns are made for killin', they ain't no good for nuthin' else.

Yet you own guns, and want them banned. H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E !
I have a need to kill things from time to time, most do not. And when all the guns go, so do mine. Got it? Remember it.

You want them banned, then man up and surrender yours now.
Until then, your arguments are moot.
I still have things to kill from time to time. Most don't.

I don't suppose one of those "things" would be you would it ?
Well, one of their guns just did a bang up job, pun intended, of killing people in CA.

Handguns are made for killin', they ain't no good for nuthin' else.

Yet you own guns, and want them banned. H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E !
I have a need to kill things from time to time, most do not. And when all the guns go, so do mine. Got it? Remember it.

You want them banned, then man up and surrender yours now.
Until then, your arguments are moot.
I still have things to kill from time to time. Most don't.

I don't suppose one of those "things" would be you would it ?
No yet.
It's going to be a wonderful Christmas if you deal in guns! Every time there's a mass shooting, gun nuts rush out to buy more in the mistaken notion that Obama is coming to take them away or shut down the sellers or manufacturers. Just think how many people are headed to the gun shops now in the wake of shootings in Lebanon, Paris, Mali, Colorado and California. (Of course some can't find Lebanon or Mali on a map, because 'Murica.) What better way to celebrate the birth of Christ, the Prince of Peace, than to buy an assault weapon! Get yours now! Maybe you can even find a dealer who gives a discount to Christians.
Thanks. I bought these:View attachment 56293
This one really is a John Wayne wannabe.
Not at all. I happen to like revolvers.
Your opinion of me doesn't effect me one tiny bit; as a matter of fact, the stronger your dislike of me and my principles, the more confident I am that I am on the right path.
You sir, are a joke.
get some for the whole family clingers

Just people exercising their Constitutional right :)
I believe that most of the gun nuts don't see themselves as James Madison as much as Dirty Harry. They think that merely by carrying a loaded gun, they can be the hero gunslinger. Of course that means lots of collateral damage, but they are the hero! Hurray! "I put a bullet in his spine before it became an ugly situation."

How many Americans who own guns are actually doing that?
I have not seen any.
I have seen reports of many Americans who have successfully defended themselves and without killing anyone.
Of course you have! Where do you get your news? Fox? NRA news releases(propaganda)? You want a rosy outlook on gun violence. Hide the tragedies. Ah! Guns! Is there nothing they cannot do? Guns always bring happiness, never dis pair!

More tragedies are reported than the good ones that actually protect.
There is no such thing as a rosy outlook on gun violence.
We in this Nation have the right to defend ourselves.
Where do I get that news?
KGUN 9 News- Tucson AZ.

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