Message to Biden, Im not going through an "incredible transition"

US Oil Drilling Rig Count is at a current level of 728, up from 453 one year ago. This is a 61% increase from one year ago!

We will set many new US Oil Production Records under Biden!

Russian oil is mostly in frozen Siberia where it has now frozen solid sitting in pipelines & wellheads since it's hot flow was halted by trade embargoes. The burst wells will have to be re-drilled & new pipeline laid, but the drilling companies have pulled out back to the USA. LOL!!!

Russia, China, India, Africa & Mid-East are all screwed!
1 Billion of them will die next year.
then why is Biden releasing oil and diesel reserves?
I'm bleeding major amounts of cash 2 to 3 times a week at the pump.

There is NOTHING transitional about spending more on fuel than my fucking house payment you disconnected buffoon.

You will transition from an individual living in a first world country to a minion trying to survive in a democrat party created hell hole or into the gulag you will go....
Thank the installed invalid. We need to suffer and support a country on the other side of the world.......... Tone deaf logic but that's where we're at as a fallen nation.
Great 666 Reset gotta Great 666 Reset.




Wait until they destroy your 401Ks and you can't retire, and your savings will be worth nothing, and they force you in to the Global Currency-Economic System they are setting up, and if you don't participate, you lose all your money, your retirement, possibly your home, vehicles, everything they can grab.

Do you think they were kidding when they said, "You'll own nothing and be happy!"

A little resistance and some luck in the next couple of elections is the only way to delay it.

Remember it used to be Agenda 21 before Trump threw a monkey wrench into their plans and became the biggest cock block in history.

Now it is Agenda 2030.

With luck we can tell those SOBs to F off until 2040.
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Great 666 Reset gotta Great 666 Reset.




Wait until they destroy your 401Ks and you can't retire, and your savings will be worth nothing, and they force you in to the Global Currency System they are setting up, and if you don't participate, you lose all your money, your retirement, possibly your home, vehicles, everything they can grab.

Do you think they were kidding when they said, "You'll own nothing and be happy!"

A little resistance and some luck in the next couple of elections is the only way to delay it.

Remember it used to be Agenda 21 before Trump threw a monkey wrench into their plans and became the biggest cock block in history.

You don't sound batshit crazy, really, you don't.
Your ass is broke, not mine. ;)
I'm not broke, I'm saying people who voted for the stealer in chief are going broke. And they still offer service to him. amazing.

Or, are you saying that no demofks buy gas?
I'm not broke, I'm saying people who voted for the stealer in chief are going broke. And they still offer service to him. amazing.

Or, are you saying that no demofks buy gas?
I think you're broke. Instead of complaining about gas, buy a bus pass. Or ride a bike.
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You don't sound batshit crazy, really, you don't.
Crazy are the people who actually wrote down their agenda and are so full of themselves that they think no one is going to even try to stop them. The documentation, agreements, everything is there for anyone to read who is an independent thinker and who has not been blinded in the age of deception.

You are just a paid schill, or totally oblivious to what is coming. Either way it just makes you Globalist Cannon Fodder. These people you serve do not care about you. Joe Biden and his crowd hate you, and they hate me. You are just sucking up valuable air living your useless life. They are about to show you how useless they think you are and how little they care.

Maybe you should read your Bible because the fun is about to start soon, and you will be right in the middle of it wishing you would have listened to people with wisdom and a clear mind.
Biden: SHUT UP you ungrateful bunch of whining poor and working class peons, go green if you don't like my sky high Biden gas prices.

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