What the hell happened?:aug08_031:

It seems that my remark to black flag hurt Joey's vagina. Lol.
I have that poster on ignore......LOL

I put him on ignore as promised in the post cited to begin this thread. It's laughably stupid to say his post wasn't trolling and his diarrhea-quality diatribe and petty threats that followed were absurd. I've been posting on and off here for years. If he wants to ban me, so be it, but that's the move of a colossal pussy.
What the hell happened?:aug08_031:

It seems that my remark to black flag hurt Joey's vagina. Lol.
I have that poster on ignore......LOL

I put him on ignore as promised in the post cited to begin this thread. It's laughably stupid to say his post wasn't trolling and his diarrhea-quality diatribe and petty threats that followed were absurd. I've been posting on and off here for years. If he wants to ban me, so be it, but that's the move of a colossal pussy.
I couldn't listen to that poster anymore so I iggied him a long time ago.............It's a function so we don't get into a match that would get us banned eventually.
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?
Homo naledi is just fake bones buried by satan to fool Zeus's children.

If that wasn't a trolling post, then trolling posts don't exist.

I respect that that is your opinion but your opinion is wrong.

On Messageboarding, I am the coach and you are the player. I can prove this relationship with my authority to remove your work from the board and banish you from the community.


The poster in question obviously doesn't believe in God, Satan nor Zeuss. He is clearly trolling. If you want to ban me for this then be my guest. There are countless forums to discuss such topics and not all of them are run by thin-skinned morons like you, comprende, dumbass?

I'm not gonna ban you for disagreeing with me over what is or is not a troll post unless you become a pain in the ass trying to sell me your side of the story.

If you ask a question and someone gives you an answer that you don't like, as long as their answer is on topic, respond to them with enough content to sell them your side of the story or ignore them.

If their answer is out of left field, report it as off topic... if their answer is all about another member of the community, report it as a troll.

This is not rocket science Bro... I'm confident that you can be a productive member of this community and the work you contribute will get read.
I will add this. Anyone who views my posting history will see that I am willing to answer questions and offer quality-sourced citations for claims that I make. I'm honest and I don't run from discussions like so many others do. But, yea, ban me and bring in more trolls.
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?
Homo naledi is just fake bones buried by satan to fool Zeus's children.

If that wasn't a trolling post, then trolling posts don't exist.

I respect that that is your opinion but your opinion is wrong.

On Messageboarding, I am the coach and you are the player. I can prove this relationship with my authority to remove your work from the board and banish you from the community.


The poster in question obviously doesn't believe in God, Satan nor Zeuss. He is clearly trolling. If you want to ban me for this then be my guest. There are countless forums to discuss such topics and not all of them are run by thin-skinned morons like you, comprende, dumbass?

I'm not gonna ban you for disagreeing with me over what is or is not a troll post unless you become a pain in the ass trying to sell me your side of the story.

If you ask a question and someone gives you an answer that you don't like, as long as their answer is on topic, respond to them with enough content to sell them your side of the story or ignore them.

If their answer is out of left field, report it as off topic... if their answer is all about another member of the community, report it as a troll.

This is not rocket science Bro... I'm confident that you can be a productive member of this community and the work you contribute will get read.

Go fuck yourself.
What the hell happened?:aug08_031:

It seems that my remark to black flag hurt Joey's vagina. Lol.
I have that poster on ignore......LOL

I put him on ignore as promised in the post cited to begin this thread. It's laughably stupid to say his post wasn't trolling and his diarrhea-quality diatribe and petty threats that followed were absurd. I've been posting on and off here for years. If he wants to ban me, so be it, but that's the move of a colossal pussy.

I couldn't listen to that poster anymore so I iggied him a long time ago.............It's a function so we don't get into a match that would get us banned eventually.

That's using your software!!

Good job! :thup:
What the hell happened?:aug08_031:

It seems that my remark to black flag hurt Joey's vagina. Lol.
I have that poster on ignore......LOL

I put him on ignore as promised in the post cited to begin this thread. It's laughably stupid to say his post wasn't trolling and his diarrhea-quality diatribe and petty threats that followed were absurd. I've been posting on and off here for years. If he wants to ban me, so be it, but that's the move of a colossal pussy.
I couldn't listen to that poster anymore so I iggied him a long time ago.............It's a function so we don't get into a match that would get us banned eventually.

It was nice knowing ya. Take care.
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?
Homo naledi is just fake bones buried by satan to fool Zeus's children.

If that wasn't a trolling post, then trolling posts don't exist.

I respect that that is your opinion but your opinion is wrong.

On Messageboarding, I am the coach and you are the player. I can prove this relationship with my authority to remove your work from the board and banish you from the community.


The poster in question obviously doesn't believe in God, Satan nor Zeuss. He is clearly trolling. If you want to ban me for this then be my guest. There are countless forums to discuss such topics and not all of them are run by thin-skinned morons like you, comprende, dumbass?

I'm not gonna ban you for disagreeing with me over what is or is not a troll post unless you become a pain in the ass trying to sell me your side of the story.

If you ask a question and someone gives you an answer that you don't like, as long as their answer is on topic, respond to them with enough content to sell them your side of the story or ignore them.

If their answer is out of left field, report it as off topic... if their answer is all about another member of the community, report it as a troll.

This is not rocket science Bro... I'm confident that you can be a productive member of this community and the work you contribute will get read.

Go fuck yourself.

Or go down in flames like so many hard-headed and thin-skinned wanna-be message board posters before you.

I get paid the same either way.


how about modding 101? maybe a course in why mods should not pink every good poster?

You, old lass and I are still here, so stop being so dramatic and go post a daily diary log to make Francis happy...

Messageboard Posting 101. Required.

...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?
Homo naledi is just fake bones buried by satan to fool Zeus's children.

I've grown tired of your unprovoked, childish trolling and am putting you on "ignore". Bye.

Click to expand the dialog above and study it. This is NOT. I repeat NOT childish trolling.

This is a member of the community expressing an opinion about the subject of of a public thread that the O/P disagrees with. It's kind of what 'Messageboarding' is all about.

UpperZone posting is, in theory, discussions, declarations and conversations about everything but the other writers engaged in the conversation.


Of COURSE you are free to call an idiot an idiot! This is America and the World Famous US Messageboard Taunting Arena is always recruiting writers who think they're funny.

The Taunting Arena is, in theory, filled with discussions about all the Drama Queens who publish their work at USMB.


If the post you are about to publish in an UpperZone Thread has more to say about another member of the community than it does about the subject of the thread, it's a troll post and the author should be ashamed of him/her self.

Reporting posts:

Please let the staff know when the drama bleeds in to the UpperZone discussions via the built in system for reporting posts. Please do NOT let the staff know when you disagree with another member. Discuss it with them and try to remember to take the personal drama downstairs and keep it funny.


Now, thank your preferred Deity that it's Monday, try to learn something when you're not teaching, and let's make Google some money!


Stop being babies and just report the stuff that really matters and if you must flame do as Bruce does and strap yourself in the Rubber Room or go even further in the dungeon where the cool kids play and flame in the Zone but not upstairs ya pathetic trolls!
In this case, it's wrong because it disagrees with mine and I am the authority.

So the message is really that the USMB is privately owned, free speech be d*mned.....sure , i get that Joe

f their answer is out of left field, report it as off topic... if their answer is all about another member of the community, report it as a troll.

Seems you'd be a rather busy , given every other post here is either ad hominem , non sequitur , or total nonsense.

the reality is , few care to report what is daily forum decorum

This is not rocket science Bro... I'm confident that you can be a productive member of this community and the work you contribute will get read.

This place produces?

Seriously Joe, one can't honestly think the majority of folks log into this soul sucking device to better themselves if one reads it daily.

Sorry, this is humanities sounding board for it's angst, anger, greed ,lust , frustrations , raft w/ potificating sanctimony

Chill out's not that isn't........


In this case, it's wrong because it disagrees with mine and I am the authority.

So the message is really that the USMB is privately owned, free speech be d*mned.....sure , i get that Joe

f their answer is out of left field, report it as off topic... if their answer is all about another member of the community, report it as a troll.

Seems you'd be a rather busy , given every other post here is either ad hominem , non sequitur , or total nonsense.

the reality is , few care to report what is daily forum decorum

This is not rocket science Bro... I'm confident that you can be a productive member of this community and the work you contribute will get read.

This place produces?

Seriously Joe, one can't honestly think the majority of folks log into this soul sucking device to better themselves if one reads it daily.

Sorry, this is humanities sounding board for it's angst, anger, greed ,lust , frustrations , raft w/ potificating sanctimony

Chill out's not that isn't........


In all fairness........this message board doesn't throw that many flags..........not really............they let people go at it and politics is a blood sport.
And on that note.....

Get back to work.

K9Buck BlackFlag

This thread was never intended as a rebuke or praise of any members in particular. It was meant as a free guide in common-sense based messageboarding, hopefully delivered with a little humor.

The quoted conversation used as an example could have come from many places, I saw something that was easily made in to a coaching moment, and I had the time to take advantage of it.

My lesson resulting from failure as a coach in this is that I should have removed the names.

Sincere apologies for any weirdness.

how about modding 101? maybe a course in why mods should not pink every good poster?

Moderation and Due Process.

Moderators are, in theory, judging your work for excess personal drama and pornography only, against the backdrops of common sense and conversations needing a little drama to make them more interesting, as well as the posted rules and the many members who study them specifically to skate their edge.

If anyone feels that they have been moderated unfairly, they are free to take it up in a Private Message with any other staff member. Just remember that we consider ourselves a team and we talk about things back-stage. These conversations may or may not involve the staff member accused of being abusive.
Why are you posting thinly veiled threats as an authority figure? Where have the posters on USMB gone off rail.
Even though I vehemently disagree with some members, my experience here has been quite entertaining, isn't that the objective of a message board? Thanks
See post # 35 in this thread.

You're welcome.
poor usmb mods...their volunteer jobs are just too hard.....i love watching the flipping between black when they want to be a regular poster then red when they need to shake the mod stick
Really? :disbelief:

That's what you love?

I don't really get that, but I don't want an explanation either.

Yeah, sometimes I'm just a big ol' girl.

:dunno: WYGD?​
how about modding 101? maybe a course in why mods should not pink every good poster?

You, old lass and I are still here, so stop being so dramatic and go post a daily diary log to make Francis happy...

Messageboard Posting 101. Required.

...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?
Homo naledi is just fake bones buried by satan to fool Zeus's children.

I've grown tired of your unprovoked, childish trolling and am putting you on "ignore". Bye.

Click to expand the dialog above and study it. This is NOT. I repeat NOT childish trolling.

This is a member of the community expressing an opinion about the subject of of a public thread that the O/P disagrees with. It's kind of what 'Messageboarding' is all about.

UpperZone posting is, in theory, discussions, declarations and conversations about everything but the other writers engaged in the conversation.


Of COURSE you are free to call an idiot an idiot! This is America and the World Famous US Messageboard Taunting Arena is always recruiting writers who think they're funny.

The Taunting Arena is, in theory, filled with discussions about all the Drama Queens who publish their work at USMB.


If the post you are about to publish in an UpperZone Thread has more to say about another member of the community than it does about the subject of the thread, it's a troll post and the author should be ashamed of him/her self.

Reporting posts:

Please let the staff know when the drama bleeds in to the UpperZone discussions via the built in system for reporting posts. Please do NOT let the staff know when you disagree with another member. Discuss it with them and try to remember to take the personal drama downstairs and keep it funny.


Now, thank your preferred Deity that it's Monday, try to learn something when you're not teaching, and let's make Google some money!


Stop being babies and just report the stuff that really matters and if you must flame do as Bruce does and strap yourself in the Rubber Room or go even further in the dungeon where the cool kids play and flame in the Zone but not upstairs ya pathetic trolls!
I always hesitate a long time before reporting a troll, because I don't want to bother y'all. Sometimes the mods don't agree with me about it being a troll post, too. So I get confused.
I do love your attitude, Joe.

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