I always hesitate a long time before reporting a troll, because I don't want to bother y'all. Sometimes the mods don't agree with me about it being a troll post, too. So I get confused.
I do love your attitude, Joe.

If it's a BlackFag thread, it's a troll thread. That asswipe sleeps under Farakhan's bed.
K9Buck BlackFlag

This thread was never intended as a rebuke or praise of any members in particular. It was meant as a free guide in common-sense based messageboarding, hopefully delivered with a little humor.

The quoted conversation used as an example could have come from many places, I saw something that was easily made in to a coaching moment, and I had the time to take advantage of it.

My lesson resulting from failure as a coach in this is that I should have removed the names.

Sincere apologies for any weirdness.

More coaching and explaining what is okay and what's not is what is needed around here big time. So I commend your efforts. Seriously, this isn't ass kissing.

Trying to read between the lines from posts that have been removed is not the way to figure it out. Or more often, posts that HAVEN'T been. "Read the rules" is not all that helpful, since each mod interprets them differently. I manage to stay out of trouble but sometimes I wonder how others do.
I always hesitate a long time before reporting a troll, because I don't want to bother y'all. Sometimes the mods don't agree with me about it being a troll post, too. So I get confused.
I do love your attitude, Joe.

If it's a BlackFag thread, it's a troll thread. That asswipe sleeps under Farakhan's bed.
Having a completely opposite view from yours does not make him a troll. I've read his posts; he gets a lot of insults thrown at him, too.
I think he's banned a the moment, so I may be (probably am) wrong.
how about modding 101? maybe a course in why mods should not pink every good poster?

You, old lass and I are still here, so stop being so dramatic and go post a daily diary log to make Francis happy...

Messageboard Posting 101. Required.

...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?
Homo naledi is just fake bones buried by satan to fool Zeus's children.

I've grown tired of your unprovoked, childish trolling and am putting you on "ignore". Bye.

Click to expand the dialog above and study it. This is NOT. I repeat NOT childish trolling.

This is a member of the community expressing an opinion about the subject of of a public thread that the O/P disagrees with. It's kind of what 'Messageboarding' is all about.

UpperZone posting is, in theory, discussions, declarations and conversations about everything but the other writers engaged in the conversation.


Of COURSE you are free to call an idiot an idiot! This is America and the World Famous US Messageboard Taunting Arena is always recruiting writers who think they're funny.

The Taunting Arena is, in theory, filled with discussions about all the Drama Queens who publish their work at USMB.


If the post you are about to publish in an UpperZone Thread has more to say about another member of the community than it does about the subject of the thread, it's a troll post and the author should be ashamed of him/her self.

Reporting posts:

Please let the staff know when the drama bleeds in to the UpperZone discussions via the built in system for reporting posts. Please do NOT let the staff know when you disagree with another member. Discuss it with them and try to remember to take the personal drama downstairs and keep it funny.


Now, thank your preferred Deity that it's Monday, try to learn something when you're not teaching, and let's make Google some money!


Stop being babies and just report the stuff that really matters and if you must flame do as Bruce does and strap yourself in the Rubber Room or go even further in the dungeon where the cool kids play and flame in the Zone but not upstairs ya pathetic trolls!
I always hesitate a long time before reporting a troll, because I don't want to bother y'all. Sometimes the mods don't agree with me about it being a troll post, too. So I get confused.
I do love your attitude, Joe.
How the hell did I end up replying to a Bruce post here? There is a problem with the software--either yours or in my skull.
Chatters should not take the insults from anonymous people seriously.
Be strong.
Just laugh at them.
It's just annoying to begin in a thread on a topic you want to discuss, and all of a sudden here comes some asshole flinging poo and another poster takes umbrage and suddenly it's not about the topic anymore. It's more like a mike or Bruce thread downstairs. B.O.R.I.N.G.
It's just annoying to begin in a thread on a topic you want to discuss, and all of a sudden here comes some asshole flinging poo and another poster takes umbrage and suddenly it's not about the topic anymore. It's more like a mike or Bruce thread downstairs. B.O.R.I.N.G.
I'd like to add for some members to not plagiarize others quotes..........Quote me as saying something I never wrote.

Oh, that happens to me all the time.

But if someone is going to quote me, at least make it something that sounds plausible and not idiotic.
Oh, that happens to me all the time.

But if someone is going to quote me, at least make it something that sounds plausible and not idiotic.

Speaking of dumbass trolls....

EVERYTHING YOU SAY is idiotic as a jumping point. gravity brings it down from there.

It's just annoying to begin in a thread on a topic you want to discuss, and all of a sudden here comes some asshole flinging poo and another poster takes umbrage and suddenly it's not about the topic anymore. It's more like a mike or Bruce thread downstairs. B.O.R.I.N.G.
I see I'm not the first person to think of that comparison.
Messageboard Posting 101. Required.

...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?
Homo naledi is just fake bones buried by satan to fool Zeus's children.

I've grown tired of your unprovoked, childish trolling and am putting you on "ignore". Bye.

Click to expand the dialog above and study it. This is NOT. I repeat NOT childish trolling.

This is a member of the community expressing an opinion about the subject of of a public thread that the O/P disagrees with. It's kind of what 'Messageboarding' is all about.

UpperZone posting is, in theory, discussions, declarations and conversations about everything but the other writers engaged in the conversation.


Of COURSE you are free to call an idiot an idiot! This is America and the World Famous US Messageboard Taunting Arena is always recruiting writers who think they're funny.

The Taunting Arena is, in theory, filled with discussions about all the Drama Queens who publish their work at USMB.


If the post you are about to publish in an UpperZone Thread has more to say about another member of the community than it does about the subject of the thread, it's a troll post and the author should be ashamed of him/her self.

Reporting posts:

Please let the staff know when the drama bleeds in to the UpperZone discussions via the built in system for reporting posts. Please do NOT let the staff know when you disagree with another member. Discuss it with them, try to remember to take the personal drama downstairs, and keep it funny.


Now, thank your preferred Deity that it's Monday, try to learn something when you're not teaching, and let's make Google some money!
I have been warned by a mod for making a similar post. It's been a while though.
And also, how people get so offended just by stating a political party's official position. If it comes from the president or the Senate Majority leader then that is the official position of the party.

When I say Republicans forced the country into making a decision between children whose parents brought them here and disabled children and back that up with tweets from Mitch McConnell saying this is your choice, don't get mad at me. If something is made up, get mad at the lie. But don't get mad at the truth.
I see I'm not the first person to think of that comparison.

Not at all, in fact it's copied to my desktop for years and used to respond to most of Fakey's threads, and a lot of Guano's but he probably killed himself.
And also, how people get so offended just by stating a political party's official position. If it comes from the president or the Senate Majority leader then that is the official position of the party.

When I say Republicans forced the country into making a decision between children whose parents brought them here and disabled children and back that up with tweets from Mitch McConnell saying this is your choice, don't get mad at me. If something is made up, get mad at the lie. But don't get mad at the truth.
I've grown tired of your unprovoked, childish trolling and am putting you on "ignore". Bye.
It's just annoying to begin in a thread on a topic you want to discuss, and all of a sudden here comes some asshole flinging poo and another poster takes umbrage and suddenly it's not about the topic anymore. It's more like a mike or Bruce thread downstairs. B.O.R.I.N.G.
I see I'm not the first person to think of that comparison.
That's going to be really hard for some.

I started a thread with links about the 85 investigations into the Trump Administration. I posted a link listing all 85. And those didn't even include the Russia investigation. I mentioned Jared Kushner and the lack of help in Puerto Rico and his was the response:

You really are sick and demented. You should be staying away from kids in candy stores.
In this case, it's wrong because it disagrees with mine and I am the authority.

So the message is really that the USMB is privately owned, free speech be d*mned.....sure , i get that Joe

f their answer is out of left field, report it as off topic... if their answer is all about another member of the community, report it as a troll.

Seems you'd be a rather busy , given every other post here is either ad hominem , non sequitur , or total nonsense.

the reality is , few care to report what is daily forum decorum

This is not rocket science Bro... I'm confident that you can be a productive member of this community and the work you contribute will get read.

This place produces?

Seriously Joe, one can't honestly think the majority of folks log into this soul sucking device to better themselves if one reads it daily.

Sorry, this is humanities sounding board for it's angst, anger, greed ,lust , frustrations , raft w/ potificating sanctimony

Chill out's not that isn't........



Most of the "discussion" upstairs is garbage.

Once you realize that, you come to see that the FZ is the sanest place on the board.
But if someone is going to quote me, at least make it something that sounds plausible and not idiotic.
Every thread you make is a repeat.
And a complete waste of electrons. You can usually just ridicule the title without even having to skim the idiocy inside and risk a head ache.

Sometimes the TDS factor can be funny though, and you can tell when he woke up in a puddle again.

Such a pathetic creature, wallowing in misery, with so many ways out deanturd...

I'd like to add for some members to not plagiarize others quotes..........Quote me as saying something I never wrote.

Oh, that happens to me all the time.

But if someone is going to quote me, at least make it something that sounds plausible and not idiotic.

Every thread you make is a repeat.

No it's not. It just seems that way because the GOP under Trump has turned into a criminal organization.

Jan 1st, Democrats opening 85 investigations into Trump and the GOP. Finally, it's about time!!!!

Democrats will have 85 investigations and none are repeats. It's just that the Trump Administration is that corrupt. Look at his cabinet and all the ethics violation warnings. Democrats won't give warnings. That part has already happened.

It's just that the GOP provides so much rich material. From racism, to looting, to tax cuts for billionaires, to lies, get the picture.

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