Methane-producing microbes blamed for biggest ever mass extinction

So in other words, global warming and mass extinctions are natrual.

Does this mean we can stop the hysteria about 'carbon footprints'?

No. It means that CO2 and methane can hurt you. The nonsense we keep hearing that it's good for our crops and that a warmer world is better than a colder world are complete crap.

BTW, dying is natural. Does that mean it's okay to stop trying to keep you (and everyone else) alive?

I didn't think so.

You really think a cold world is better for life than a warm world? What do you think the optimum temperature for life on earth is?

And if, and that is a very large IF methane from those microbes caused the extinction...what do you suppose the atmospheric concentration was?
So... you wouldn't object - or urge action to prevent - to the extinction of the human species if it might be natural? Pardon me if I don't follow your lead on that.

Additionally, I was tickled pink by Westwall's apparent belief that new species are discovered BECAUSE THEY HAVE JUST COME INTO EXISTENCE.

Apparently you're just as stupid as most of the socko's on this forum... I never stated that they were just evolved...did I? Hmmmm? No, by pointing out that nearly 20,000 new ones have been catalogued and maybe 100 have gone extinct in the last 1000 years, that the ratio between the two puts the lie to the "6th extinction event" bullshit you propagandists spew.

Let me illustrate stupidity: someone who believes that the number of species humans have identified has ANYTHING to do with the extinction rate. I was amazed to see you make the claim and even more amazed to see you defend it. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but it might actually require an explanation. Let me find a four year old to make it clear to you.

And, again you violate the rules here by accusing others of being sock puppets. It seems to be a habit of yours.

Care to show us a Forum rule that makes sock accusations a violation? Hmmmm? As usual, you don't know shit from shinola. Just like you don't the rules of this forum, where it's absolutely A-OK to make those sorts of accusations...go ahead find a rule that says otherwise, you don't know science or the scientific method.

Here's your speed...a PEER REVIEWED study that says it's OK to lie about the climate to further your goals....

Information Manipulation and Climate Agreements


It appears that news media and some pro-environmental organizations have the tendency to accentuate or even exaggerate the damage caused by climate change. This article provides a rationale for this tendency by using a modified International Environmental Agreement (IEA) model with asymmetric information. We find that the information manipulation has an instrumental value, as it ex post induces more countries to participate in an IEA, which will eventually enhance global welfare. From the ex ante perspective, however, the impact that manipulating information has on the level of participation in an IEA and on welfare is ambiguous.

Information Manipulation and Climate Agreements
Methane-producing microbes blamed for biggest ever mass extinction

Methanosarcina churned out vast quantities of the greenhouse gas methane 252m years ago, sending temperatures soaring

Climate-changing microbes may have caused the biggest mass extinction in history 252m years ago, scientists believe.

Volcanic eruptions had previously been blamed for the sudden loss of 90% of all species on Earth at the end of the Permian era. But new research suggests volcanoes only played a bit part in the catastrophe.

The chief perpetrators appear to have been a microscopic methane-producing life form called Methanosarcina that bloomed explosively in the oceans. The enormous quantities of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, generated by the single-celled organism are thought to have sent temperatures soaring and acidified the seas. Unable to adapt quickly enough, countless species vanished from the Earth.

Analysis of geological carbon deposits reveals a significant boost in levels of carbon-containing gases – either carbon dioxide or methane – at the time of the mass extinction. But volcanic eruptions alone could never have produced the amount of carbon laid down in rock sediments during this period, the researchers claim.

Methane-producing microbes blamed for biggest ever mass extinction | Science |
I was interested in what the article stated, and after reading it, I could only think of what a bunch of hooey it was. so like someone else pointed out, worst thread ever.
Methane-producing microbes blamed for biggest ever mass extinction

Methanosarcina churned out vast quantities of the greenhouse gas methane 252m years ago, sending temperatures soaring

Climate-changing microbes may have caused the biggest mass extinction in history 252m years ago, scientists believe.

Volcanic eruptions had previously been blamed for the sudden loss of 90% of all species on Earth at the end of the Permian era. But new research suggests volcanoes only played a bit part in the catastrophe.

The chief perpetrators appear to have been a microscopic methane-producing life form called Methanosarcina that bloomed explosively in the oceans. The enormous quantities of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, generated by the single-celled organism are thought to have sent temperatures soaring and acidified the seas. Unable to adapt quickly enough, countless species vanished from the Earth.

Analysis of geological carbon deposits reveals a significant boost in levels of carbon-containing gases – either carbon dioxide or methane – at the time of the mass extinction. But volcanic eruptions alone could never have produced the amount of carbon laid down in rock sediments during this period, the researchers claim.

Methane-producing microbes blamed for biggest ever mass extinction | Science |
I was interested in what the article stated, and after reading it, I could only think of what a bunch of hooey it was. so like someone else pointed out, worst thread ever.

Why? Real scientists put years of their life into this...So why exactly do you believe it is hooey?
Methane-producing microbes blamed for biggest ever mass extinction

Methanosarcina churned out vast quantities of the greenhouse gas methane 252m years ago, sending temperatures soaring

Methane-producing microbes blamed for biggest ever mass extinction | Science |
I was interested in what the article stated, and after reading it, I could only think of what a bunch of hooey it was. so like someone else pointed out, worst thread ever.

Why? Real scientists put years of their life into this...So why exactly do you believe it is hooey?

It's just one more example of someone offering up a POSSIBLE explanation for a thing in which they really have no idea what happened that is being taken as if it were a known truth and is being deliberately used as an alarmist tool.
Methane-producing microbes blamed for biggest ever mass extinction

Methanosarcina churned out vast quantities of the greenhouse gas methane 252m years ago, sending temperatures soaring

Methane-producing microbes blamed for biggest ever mass extinction | Science |
I was interested in what the article stated, and after reading it, I could only think of what a bunch of hooey it was. so like someone else pointed out, worst thread ever.

Why? Real scientists put years of their life into this...So why exactly do you believe it is hooey?
Did you even read it? All one has to do is read it.

They are saying something happened and they have absolutely no idea. There was this in the article:

"A timely combination of two factors may have sent Methanosarcina into overdrive, according to the findings reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. First, a genetic change allowed it to become a major producer of methane from accumulations of carbon dioxide in the oceans. Second, a surge in volcanic activity led to a sudden influx of nickel, a vital nutrient that helped the microbes proliferate."
And all the while they ignore the widespread evidence of continental glaciation that was going on from 350 million to 250 million years ago. The extinction happened 252 million years ago so right when the karoo deposits were being laid down. No empirical evidence of warming at all. LOADS showing it was colder the shit, but none showing warming.
And all the while they ignore the widespread evidence of continental glaciation that was going on from 350 million to 250 million years ago. The extinction happened 252 million years ago so right when the karoo deposits were being laid down. No empirical evidence of warming at all. LOADS showing it was colder the shit, but none showing warming.

They just don't want to consider the fact that cold ts the real killer.
And all the while they ignore the widespread evidence of continental glaciation that was going on from 350 million to 250 million years ago. The extinction happened 252 million years ago so right when the karoo deposits were being laid down. No empirical evidence of warming at all. LOADS showing it was colder the shit, but none showing warming.

Another flap-yap statement with no links showing that any scientist has presented evidence for it. Here is what a couple of real scientists state;

?Great Dying? linked to climate changes - Technology & science - Science | NBC News

They examined 126 reptile and amphibian skulls from the Karoo Basin in South Africa, where there is an exposed piece of dried sediment from the end of the Permian Era and the beginning of the Triassic, 250 million years ago.

They found two patterns, one showing gradual extinction over about 10 million years leading up to the time of the extinction, and then a spike in extinction rates that lasted another 5 million years, Ward’s team reported.
“Animals and plants both on land and in the sea were dying at the same time, and apparently from the same causes — too much heat and too little oxygen,” Ward said in a statement.
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Global coal gap between Permian?Triassic extinction and Middle Triassic recovery of peat-forming plants

Global coal gap between Permian–Triassic extinction and Middle Triassic recovery of peat-forming plants
Gregory J. Retallack1, John J. Veevers2 and Ric Morante2
+ Author Affiliations

1Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1272
2School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie University, New South Wales 2109, Australia

Early Triassic coals are unknown, and Middle Triassic coals are rare and thin. The Early Triassic coal gap began with extinction of peat-forming plants at the end of the Permian (ca. 250 Ma), with no coal known anywhere until Middle Triassic (243 Ma). Permian levels of plant diversity and peat thickness were not recovered until Late Triassic (230 Ma). Tectonic and climatic explanations for the coal gap fail because deposits of fluctuating sea levels and sedimentary facies and paleosols commonly found in coal-bearing sequences are present also in Early Triassic rocks. Nor do we favor explanations involving evolutionary advances in the effectiveness of fungal decomposers, insects or tetrapod herbivores, which became cosmopolitan and much reduced in diversity across the Permian-Triassic boundary. Instead, we favor explanations involving extinction of peat-forming plants at the Permian-Triassic boundary, followed by a hiatus of some 10 m.y. until newly evolved peat-forming plants developed tolerance to the acidic dysaerobic conditions of wetlands. This view is compatible not only with the paleobotanical record of extinction of swamp plants, but also with indications of a terminal Permian productivity crash from δ13Corg and total organic carbon of both nonmarine and shallow marine shales.

Lethally Hot Temperatures During the Early Triassic Greenhouse

Lethally Hot Temperatures During the Early Triassic Greenhouse
Yadong Sun1,2,*, Michael M. Joachimski3, Paul B. Wignall2, Chunbo Yan1, Yanlong Chen4, Haishui Jiang1, Lina Wang1, Xulong Lai1
+ Author Affiliations

1State Key Laboratory of Geobiology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan 430074, People’s Republic of China.
2School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.
3GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Schlossgarten 5, 91054 Erlangen, Germany.
4Institute of Earth Sciences–Geology and Paleontology, University of Graz, Heinrichstrasse 26, A-8010 Graz, Austria.
↵*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]
Global warming is widely regarded to have played a contributing role in numerous past biotic crises. Here, we show that the end-Permian mass extinction coincided with a rapid temperature rise to exceptionally high values in the Early Triassic that were inimical to life in equatorial latitudes and suppressed ecosystem recovery. This was manifested in the loss of calcareous algae, the near-absence of fish in equatorial Tethys, and the dominance of small taxa of invertebrates during the thermal maxima. High temperatures drove most Early Triassic plants and animals out of equatorial terrestrial ecosystems and probably were a major cause of the end-Smithian crisis.
A lot more evidence of the extreme heat and oxygen depletion in the PT event. I can post it anytime. So, Westwall, your peer reviewed articles that claim that cold was the culprit are where?

The fundamental conclusion of this study is that, given elevated CO2 levels with realistic latest Permian paleoclimatic boundary conditions, a fully coupled comprehensive climate system model can simulate terrestrial and ocean conditions in concert with latest Permian paleodata. The implication of our study is
that elevated CO2 is sufficient to lead to inhospitable conditions for marine life and excessively high temperatures over land would contribute to the demise of terrestrial life (Ward et al., 2005). The isotopic data indicate that through the latest Permian the climate was slowly warming and d13C was decreasing, and that these changes accelerated considerably at the Permian-Triassic boundary. Given
the sensitivity of ocean circulation to highlatitude warming, it is hypothesized that some critical level of high-latitude warming was reached where connection of surface waters to the deep ocean was dramatically reduced, thus leading to a shutdown of marine biologic activity, which in turn would have led to increased atmospheric CO2 and accelerated warming. The Siberian Traps most likely also emitted large amounts of sulfur compounds into the atmosphere. The presence of elevated levels
of sulfur dioxide and methane would have contributed to the extinction of terrestrial life forms (Campbell et al., 1992; Ryskin, 2003).
And all the while they ignore the widespread evidence of continental glaciation that was going on from 350 million to 250 million years ago. The extinction happened 252 million years ago so right when the karoo deposits were being laid down. No empirical evidence of warming at all. LOADS showing it was colder the shit, but none showing warming.

They just don't want to consider the fact that cold ts the real killer.

Perhaps if one of you would be so kind as to present evidence for this 'fact', then we could give that evidence some consideration.

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