Methods off preaching, conversion, spreading the Faith and religious tolerance

Mr. P said:
Don't be so fast to assume that anyone that thinks this is annoying are not Christian, Jeff..Big mistake, IMO.

I'm sure that some Christians find out-of-the-blue evangelizing annoying as well. My experience, though, has been that most of the annoyed people are not Christians.
gop_jeff said:
I'm sure that some Christians find out-of-the-blue evangelizing annoying as well. My experience, though, has been that most of the annoyed people are not Christians.
I can understand that..On the other hand, maybe some of these people are Christians with a different
level of belief, specifically in this case "witnessing".
Mr. P said:
I can understand that..On the other hand, maybe some of these people are Christians with a different
level of belief, specifically in this case "witnessing".

I believe the church has the wrong idea about winessing. I believe the church of today has lost much authority/respect. I believe the hearts of people today are more guarded/jaded. I believe most 'witnessing' such as 'street-corner-preaching' serves the witness more than the passers-by.

"Looky-here! I spead the gospel to 5000 people walking by me today! yay me!"
-=d=- said:
I believe the church has the wrong idea about winessing. I believe the church of today has lost much authority/respect. I believe the hearts of people today are more guarded/jaded. I believe most 'witnessing' such as 'street-corner-preaching' serves the witness more than the passers-by.

"Looky-here! I spead the gospel to 5000 people walking by me today! yay me!"

Like praying in public. Didn't Christ say that they have already received their reward?
no1tovote4 said:
Like praying in public. Didn't Christ say that they have already received their reward?

Not so much public prayer - but ceremonial, blatant, 'look-at-me' prayers as the religious leaders did (Pharisees, etc). Christ's apostles prayed/preached in public often.
blatant, 'look-at-me'
I think ya just hit the nail D..without trying to..That, "look at me " part, Is what I think so many have a problem with, vs. the lets get together in public and pray.
Mr. P said:
I think ya just hit the nail D..without trying to..That, "look at me " part, Is what I think so many have a problem with, vs. the lets get together in public and pray.

And I believe Jeff alluded to that as's the place where people take pride in their faith...their 'suffering'. (and that is the nail I was trying to hit) :D
-=d=- said:
And I believe Jeff alluded to that as's the place where people take pride in their faith...their 'suffering'. (and that is the nail I was trying to hit) :D

The same nail I was trying to hit when speaking of public praying. Prayer at the inauguration is not the same thing. While public it isn't the "look at me!" type that I meant in my original post. That is also the type of preaching you get from the "Moses" guy mentioned earlier, the one that claims to know who is going to hell and who is not.

"Look at me I am so Holy!" is not a valid method of conversion in my opinion.
no1tovote4 said:
The same nail I was trying to hit when speaking of public praying. Prayer at the inauguration is not the same thing. While public it isn't the "look at me!" type that I meant in my original post. That is also the type of preaching you get from the "Moses" guy mentioned earlier, the one that claims to know who is going to hell and who is not.

"Look at me I am so Holy!" is not a valid method of conversion in my opinion.

I'm fairly sure the only valid method of conversion of one's heart to 'truth' is through prayer, and living what you speak/believe. And that is a valid distinction - 'a' public prayer is one thing...but as the leaders in Christ's day would do; the loud moanings and rantings and pomp - those things are of Man...not of God. Men kneeling after a football game is one thing - that's a simply public acknowledgement of their faith. If those men were to start dancing and jumping and calling undo attention, that could be another.
-=d=- said:
And I believe Jeff alluded to that as's the place where people take pride in their faith...their 'suffering'. (and that is the nail I was trying to hit) :D
Maybe you misunderstood..I wasn't clear..
I mean The "Look at me" is what repels people..
Mr. P said:
Maybe you misunderstood..I wasn't clear..
I mean The "Look at me" is what repels people..

No - you were clear. I am in agreement that 'look-at-me' (LAMe) prayers serve few, but those doing the praying. :) I believe LAMe prayers stem from pride, arrogance. Perhaps how we define LAMe prayers differs, however.
-=d=- said:
No - you were clear. I am in agreement that 'look-at-me' (LAMe) prayers serve few, but those doing the praying. :) I believe LAMe prayers stem from pride, arrogance. Perhaps how we define LAMe prayers differs, however.

The converts that come to Christianity from this particular type of preaching are people that want to be "special" and "above" others. They want to feel that they are holier and miss one of the most important lessons of almost every religion. Pride is a sin, not something one should use when trying to convert people.
no1tovote4 said:
The converts that come to Christianity from this particular type of preaching are people that want to be "special" and "above" others. They want to feel that they are holier and miss one of the most important lessons of almost every religion. Pride is a sin, not something one should use when trying to convert people.

Indeed. I tend to give ppl the benefit of the doubt - and assume they 'mean' well...but I believe in their zeal they overlook the very principle even 'non-christians' can grasp.

Said1 said:
For once I agree with you. When did "Merry Christmas" become as offenisve as "hey, you must be hung like a gorilla"?

Ranks up there with Milton Berle, apparently???
I do beleive there is a line not to be crossed. Religion to me is a private matter unless all parties concerned are willing to discuss in a mutually agreeable manner. I also don't condemn Christians that really feel they want to spread their faith as that is a very large part of that faith. I also don't get offended when they do so as long as they make their case in a respectful manner, but isn't that true of all topics of discussion from politics to cooking? We collectively as a society get offended at just about everything that isn't in full agreement with our own beliefs, that's just human nature. There is nothing actually wrong about talking religion in the workplace or anywhere else, I think it's more a matter of not being the BEST place to make a good case for religion.. and so the message gets lost, and people are turned off.

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