Meuller will drag this out forever because he will never admit he's got nothing... do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Did you say the same thing about Ken Star?

The indictments, convictions, and plea deals say otherwise. For crying out loud, the man has brought in more in fines than the investigation has cost so far. Mueller's investigation is less than free.

Again, when Mueller has taken 6 years, you can start to complain. But after White Water, a republican whining about a special counsel investigation taking too long or moving off its initial purpose.... just adorable.

I expect more fodder for giggles when after the democrats take the House, republicans start snivelling about politically motivated House investigations.

Smiling....Republicans set the tune. Now they have to dance to it.
Janet Reno appointed Starr and it was rooted in an actual suspicion. Clinton himself made it into an impeachable thing.

Yep. A blowjob between two consenting adults. Big deal.
You confuse fellacio with perjury.

He lied about a blowjob. How petty can you get?
That’s the question you need to ask Clinton. He perjured himself over that.
Well, This one going after criminals and getting them.


LOL! Ken Star got a lie about a Blow Job and Dress stain...
Where the Great Douche lied about Raw Dogging a pornstar on his 3rd wife.
If Meuller had something on Trump he would have dropped it in October for maximum effect on the mid-term elections. The fact that he didn't, proves he's got nothing.
We needed a lot of special counsels during the Obama Regime, but never got one for Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Pizzagate, Weinergate, Email gate or the numerous other Obama scandals.

'Pizzagate'? That batshit 'there's a child pedo ring in the basement of this pizza parlor' conspiracy idiocy?

Um, no.

As for the rest, the republicans investigated those for years. They found jackshit. And 'weinergate'? Why would we need a special counsel to look into some idiot exposing himself on twitter?

There were no SPECIAL prosecutors, however. People with the ability to force guilty pleas and impoverish witnesses until they cooperate. A house committee ain't anything,

For Pizzagate? Of course not. The entire conspiracy was fucking retarded.

As for the rest, Conservatives were long on accusation. But found nothing to back any of their batshit.

Even if the Pizzagate scheme was not proven, it would have still possibly been a source of convictions for Perjury and Obstruction, even if the libs were innocent of child molestation.

How can you perjure yourself about a pedo ring run out of a basement of a pizza parlor....

.....when the pizza parlor has no basement?
Janet Reno appointed Starr and it was rooted in an actual suspicion. Clinton himself made it into an impeachable thing.

Yep. A blowjob between two consenting adults. Big deal.
You confuse fellacio with perjury.

He lied about a blowjob. How petty can you get?
That’s the question you need to ask Clinton. He perjured himself over that.
Well, This one going after criminals and getting them.

View attachment 232815

LOL! Ken Star got a lie about a Blow Job and Dress stain...
Where the Great Douche lied about Raw Dogging a pornstar on his 3rd wife.

Not a single
Janet Reno appointed Starr and it was rooted in an actual suspicion. Clinton himself made it into an impeachable thing.

Yep. A blowjob between two consenting adults. Big deal.
You confuse fellacio with perjury.

He lied about a blowjob. How petty can you get?
That’s the question you need to ask Clinton. He perjured himself over that.
Well, This one going after criminals and getting them.

View attachment 232815

LOL! Ken Star got a lie about a Blow Job and Dress stain...
Where the Great Douche lied about Raw Dogging a pornstar on his 3rd wife.

Not a single one of the 25 Russians indicted has been convicted.

None have even been interviewed by Mr. Mueller or his team, even though the Russian government has generous offered to make the suspects available for questioning.

In other words, all of that was nothing.
Why would he quit? He has a great gig, head up an investigation of a non-crime which is just cover for "look for any damn thing you want. Indict anyone you want." A major power trip with all of Libtardia cheering you on like you are some kind of hero. Yeah why would he quit?
Why would he quit? He has a great gig, head up an investigation of a non-crime which is just cover for "look for any damn thing you want. Indict anyone you want." A major power trip with all of Libtardia cheering you on like you are some kind of hero. Yeah why would he quit?

The Mule will be 80 years old when President Trump leaves office in 2025, its a helluva way to spend your dotage. Theoretically, Mueller has enough money, he should be drinking wine, smoking stogies and playing bocce down in Florida with the other old timers.
Why would he quit? He has a great gig, head up an investigation of a non-crime which is just cover for "look for any damn thing you want. Indict anyone you want." A major power trip with all of Libtardia cheering you on like you are some kind of hero. Yeah why would he quit?

The Mule will be 80 years old when President Trump leaves office in 2025, its a helluva way to spend your dotage. Theoretically, Mueller has enough money, he should be drinking wine, smoking stogies and playing bocce down in Florida with the other old timers.
Or continue being a patriot. And protect this country from Russia and Puddles.
Why would he quit? He has a great gig, head up an investigation of a non-crime which is just cover for "look for any damn thing you want. Indict anyone you want." A major power trip with all of Libtardia cheering you on like you are some kind of hero. Yeah why would he quit?

The Mule will be 80 years old when President Trump leaves office in 2025, its a helluva way to spend your dotage. Theoretically, Mueller has enough money, he should be drinking wine, smoking stogies and playing bocce down in Florida with the other old timers.
Or continue being a patriot. And protect this country from Russia and Puddles.

Fusion GPS and Russian agents claimed that Trump paid for whores to piss on a bed that Michael and Barry slept on and not even Christopher Steele will stand behind...somehow that equals "The ROOSKIES stole the election and revealed the corruption, criminality and outright CHEATING of there leftard clown posse and the leftards are chapped about it? Go figure......
Janet Reno appointed Starr and it was rooted in an actual suspicion. Clinton himself made it into an impeachable thing.

Yep. A blowjob between two consenting adults. Big deal.
You confuse fellacio with perjury.

He lied about a blowjob. How petty can you get?
That’s the question you need to ask Clinton. He perjured himself over that.
Well, This one going after criminals and getting them.

View attachment 232815

LOL! Ken Star got a lie about a Blow Job and Dress stain...
Where the Great Douche lied about Raw Dogging a pornstar on his 3rd wife.
Again, the Starr investigation was rooted in a land deal that made lots of money for the Clintons while breaking others. It morphed into a sexual harassment and assault investigation, the result of multiple allegations (one of which was settled) and culminated in Clinton perjury. If you think that investigation was a witch-hunt then you’re a hypocrite if you think the Mueller investigation is not. Especially considering this one had nothing to base itself on.
Talk to us when Mueller gets to year 6.
Mueller has taken two years and still hasn’t reached day 2.

The indictments, convictions, and plea deals say otherwise. For crying out loud, the man has brought in more in fines than the investigation has cost so far. Mueller's investigation is less than free.

Again, when Mueller has taken 6 years, you can start to complain. But after White Water, a republican whining about a special counsel investigation taking too long or moving off its initial purpose.... just adorable.

I expect more fodder for giggles when after the democrats take the House, republicans start snivelling about politically motivated House investigations.

Smiling....Republicans set the tune. Now they have to dance to it.
Janet Reno appointed Starr and it was rooted in an actual suspicion. Clinton himself made it into an impeachable thing.

Yep. A blowjob between two consenting adults. Big deal.

On the employer's time, while in the work place- damn straight its a big deal. A security guard would have been fired. Clinton should have got a room. And what's worse was he LIED about it, in order to say himself from having to pay Paula Corbin Jones the money he owed her for sexual harassment.

You sound like a gossipy old lady.
Yep. A blowjob between two consenting adults. Big deal.
You confuse fellacio with perjury.

He lied about a blowjob. How petty can you get?
That’s the question you need to ask Clinton. He perjured himself over that.
Well, This one going after criminals and getting them.

View attachment 232815

LOL! Ken Star got a lie about a Blow Job and Dress stain...
Where the Great Douche lied about Raw Dogging a pornstar on his 3rd wife.
Again, the Starr investigation was rooted in a land deal that made lots of money for the Clintons while breaking others. It morphed into a sexual harassment and assault investigation, the result of multiple allegations (one of which was settled) and culminated in Clinton perjury. If you think that investigation was a witch-hunt then you’re a hypocrite if you think the Mueller investigation is not. Especially considering this one had nothing to base itself on.
The Clinton`s lost 40K on the Whitewater land deal so yes it was a witch hunt and the star witness was David Hale who was convicted of numerous felonies. Most people don`t get investigated for losing money. I won`t call you a liar but I`ll point out the fact that you don`t know much about anything.
What was the Whitewater scandal?
Breaking right now. Mueller admits he got nothing on Flynn and recommends no jail time.

So much for Flynn going to jail. I guess threats to withdraw his plea was enough.
Holy Shit! That is certainly a bizarre twist on reality!! Classic propaganda where a shred of truth is used to spin a lie. Here is the real story:

Mueller: Michael Flynn Cooperated In Russia Probe, Shouldn't Serve Prison Time | Hu

The truth part...Mueller recommended no jail time

The rest of the story:....Flynn gave up a lot of good shit in return for leniency that Mueller will use to bring down the big fish
Last edited:
Yep. A blowjob between two consenting adults. Big deal.
You confuse fellacio with perjury.

He lied about a blowjob. How petty can you get?
That’s the question you need to ask Clinton. He perjured himself over that.
Well, This one going after criminals and getting them.

View attachment 232815

LOL! Ken Star got a lie about a Blow Job and Dress stain...
Where the Great Douche lied about Raw Dogging a pornstar on his 3rd wife.
Again, the Starr investigation was rooted in a land deal that made lots of money for the Clintons while breaking others. It morphed into a sexual harassment and assault investigation, the result of multiple allegations (one of which was settled) and culminated in Clinton perjury. If you think that investigation was a witch-hunt then you’re a hypocrite if you think the Mueller investigation is not. Especially considering this one had nothing to base itself on.
Whitewater didn't morph into anything. The sex claims arose all by themselves when Paula Jones sued Clinton for sexual harassment. Linda Tripp came forward as a witness that she knew that Clinton had used his power against a young female intern, Monica Lewinsky. Clinton denied the affair under oath. Neither Jones, nor Tripp or Lewinsky were uncovered by Ken Starr in his investigation.
You confuse fellacio with perjury.

He lied about a blowjob. How petty can you get?
That’s the question you need to ask Clinton. He perjured himself over that.
Well, This one going after criminals and getting them.

View attachment 232815

LOL! Ken Star got a lie about a Blow Job and Dress stain...
Where the Great Douche lied about Raw Dogging a pornstar on his 3rd wife.
Again, the Starr investigation was rooted in a land deal that made lots of money for the Clintons while breaking others. It morphed into a sexual harassment and assault investigation, the result of multiple allegations (one of which was settled) and culminated in Clinton perjury. If you think that investigation was a witch-hunt then you’re a hypocrite if you think the Mueller investigation is not. Especially considering this one had nothing to base itself on.
Whitewater didn't morph into anything. The sex claims arose all by themselves when Paula Jones sued Clinton for sexual harassment. Linda Tripp came forward as a witness that she knew that Clinton had used his power against a young female intern, Monica Lewinsky. Clinton denied the affair under oath. Neither Jones, nor Tripp or Lewinsky were uncovered by Ken Starr in his investigation.

You people will just keep dredging up whatever old shit that you can think of in order to avoid the reality of what is going on now with Trump.

You confuse fellacio with perjury.

He lied about a blowjob. How petty can you get?
That’s the question you need to ask Clinton. He perjured himself over that.
Well, This one going after criminals and getting them.

View attachment 232815

LOL! Ken Star got a lie about a Blow Job and Dress stain...
Where the Great Douche lied about Raw Dogging a pornstar on his 3rd wife.
Again, the Starr investigation was rooted in a land deal that made lots of money for the Clintons while breaking others. It morphed into a sexual harassment and assault investigation, the result of multiple allegations (one of which was settled) and culminated in Clinton perjury. If you think that investigation was a witch-hunt then you’re a hypocrite if you think the Mueller investigation is not. Especially considering this one had nothing to base itself on.
Whitewater didn't morph into anything. The sex claims arose all by themselves when Paula Jones sued Clinton for sexual harassment. Linda Tripp came forward as a witness that she knew that Clinton had used his power against a young female intern, Monica Lewinsky. Clinton denied the affair under oath. Neither Jones, nor Tripp or Lewinsky were uncovered by Ken Starr in his investigation.

You don't know what you are talking about.
Clinton impeachment timeline
He lied about a blowjob. How petty can you get?
That’s the question you need to ask Clinton. He perjured himself over that.
Well, This one going after criminals and getting them.

View attachment 232815

LOL! Ken Star got a lie about a Blow Job and Dress stain...
Where the Great Douche lied about Raw Dogging a pornstar on his 3rd wife.
Again, the Starr investigation was rooted in a land deal that made lots of money for the Clintons while breaking others. It morphed into a sexual harassment and assault investigation, the result of multiple allegations (one of which was settled) and culminated in Clinton perjury. If you think that investigation was a witch-hunt then you’re a hypocrite if you think the Mueller investigation is not. Especially considering this one had nothing to base itself on.
Whitewater didn't morph into anything. The sex claims arose all by themselves when Paula Jones sued Clinton for sexual harassment. Linda Tripp came forward as a witness that she knew that Clinton had used his power against a young female intern, Monica Lewinsky. Clinton denied the affair under oath. Neither Jones, nor Tripp or Lewinsky were uncovered by Ken Starr in his investigation.

You people will just keep dredging up whatever old shit that you can think of in order to avoid the reality of what is going on now with Trump.

Actually nothing bad is going on with Trump. He's having a wonderful time being our President and is getting a lot of things done.

And if President Trump is hiring people to ruin hotel mattresses, that's his business. The man is certainly wealthy enough to replace any mattresses he contracts to have ruined.
That’s the question you need to ask Clinton. He perjured himself over that.
Well, This one going after criminals and getting them.

View attachment 232815

LOL! Ken Star got a lie about a Blow Job and Dress stain...
Where the Great Douche lied about Raw Dogging a pornstar on his 3rd wife.
Again, the Starr investigation was rooted in a land deal that made lots of money for the Clintons while breaking others. It morphed into a sexual harassment and assault investigation, the result of multiple allegations (one of which was settled) and culminated in Clinton perjury. If you think that investigation was a witch-hunt then you’re a hypocrite if you think the Mueller investigation is not. Especially considering this one had nothing to base itself on.
Whitewater didn't morph into anything. The sex claims arose all by themselves when Paula Jones sued Clinton for sexual harassment. Linda Tripp came forward as a witness that she knew that Clinton had used his power against a young female intern, Monica Lewinsky. Clinton denied the affair under oath. Neither Jones, nor Tripp or Lewinsky were uncovered by Ken Starr in his investigation.

You people will just keep dredging up whatever old shit that you can think of in order to avoid the reality of what is going on now with Trump.

Actually nothing bad is going on with Trump. He's having a wonderful time being our President and is getting a lot of things done.

And if President Trump is hiring people to ruin hotel mattresses, that's his business. The man is certainly wealthy enough to replace any mattresses he contracts to have ruined.
:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg: :no_text11:

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