Meuller will drag this out forever because he will never admit he's got nothing...

The point of the Mueller "investigation" is not to investigate a known crime - it is too search until if find a crime...any crime even if they have to invent the pretext for the crime to take place.
Small correction. They are to search until the find circumstances from which a crime can be constructed.
Crimes have already been found and proven.
That’s the question you need to ask Clinton. He perjured himself over that.
Well, This one going after criminals and getting them.

View attachment 232815

LOL! Ken Star got a lie about a Blow Job and Dress stain...
Where the Great Douche lied about Raw Dogging a pornstar on his 3rd wife.
Again, the Starr investigation was rooted in a land deal that made lots of money for the Clintons while breaking others. It morphed into a sexual harassment and assault investigation, the result of multiple allegations (one of which was settled) and culminated in Clinton perjury. If you think that investigation was a witch-hunt then you’re a hypocrite if you think the Mueller investigation is not. Especially considering this one had nothing to base itself on.
Whitewater didn't morph into anything. The sex claims arose all by themselves when Paula Jones sued Clinton for sexual harassment. Linda Tripp came forward as a witness that she knew that Clinton had used his power against a young female intern, Monica Lewinsky. Clinton denied the affair under oath. Neither Jones, nor Tripp or Lewinsky were uncovered by Ken Starr in his investigation.

You people will just keep dredging up whatever old shit that you can think of in order to avoid the reality of what is going on now with Trump.

Actually nothing bad is going on with Trump. He's having a wonderful time being our President and is getting a lot of things done.

And if President Trump is hiring people to ruin hotel mattresses, that's his business. The man is certainly wealthy enough to replace any mattresses he contracts to have ruined.
Especially when he gets to violate the emoluments clause, or steal from his own charity.
Or.....Mueller is a man doing his job. And we'll call on a special counsel whenever we have a need for one.

We needed a lot of special counsels during the Obama Regime, but never got one for Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Pizzagate, Weinergate, Email gate or the numerous other Obama scandals.

'Pizzagate'? That batshit 'there's a child pedo ring in the basement of this pizza parlor' conspiracy idiocy?

Um, no.

As for the rest, the republicans investigated those for years. They found jackshit. And 'weinergate'? Why would we need a special counsel to look into some idiot exposing himself on twitter?

There were no SPECIAL prosecutors, however. People with the ability to force guilty pleas and impoverish witnesses until they cooperate. A house committee ain't anything,

For Pizzagate? Of course not. The entire conspiracy was fucking retarded.

As for the rest, Conservatives were long on accusation. But found nothing to back any of their batshit.

Even if the Pizzagate scheme was not proven, it would have still possibly been a source of convictions for Perjury and Obstruction, even if the libs were innocent of child molestation.
What would be the proven perjury and obstruction?
I'm still looking for a male friend who wouldn't commit perjury over cheating on his wife
Repubs are SO much more ethical
Yeah, :icon_rolleyes:, okay. You find Bill Clinton's perjury perfectly acceptable. The fact remains that the left wing fable stays corrected and Whitewater had nothing to do with Bill Clinton's use of a ditzy intern as his dick repository.
If you feel comfortable identifying with the ethics of Billy Jeff Clinton more power to you.
Here's the thing: This "Russia Collusion" thing is made-up nonsense, created in a frenzy of panic and illegality when the leaders of the Deep State had to confront the fact that HRC had somehow, miraculously, managed to lose this election to Donald J. Trump. They had ASSUMED that as soon as HRC was inaugurated all of their illegal activity would be forgotten, but a fly got into the ointment.

The purpose of the Russia Collusion caper is to take enough time and to create a big enough diversion that the people who cooked up the phony FISA warrants, spied on innocent campaign staff, etc., won't be indicted. Ideally, it will come up with SOMETHING that could even be a pretext for impeaching Donald Trump. It doesn't even have to be solid evidence; just something with minimal credibility so that Pelosi can pretend - with a straight face - is sufficient for further investigation.

Mueller is as thick as thieves with the perpetrators of these national security crimes.

The whole thing is explained, in detail, with citations from "reputable" sources like the New York Times, CNN, Politico, etc., in a 35-minute video that's rocketing around YouTube, starring Dan Bongino. Sorry, I'm too lazy to grab a link. It is elsewhere on this forum.

Anyone with an interest in the Truth should take the time and watch it.

Yes. It was made up because Democrats cant bear losing.
Why would he quit? He has a great gig, head up an investigation of a non-crime which is just cover for "look for any damn thing you want. Indict anyone you want." A major power trip with all of Libtardia cheering you on like you are some kind of hero. Yeah why would he quit?
There is no non-crime, when the crimes have already been exposed.
Here's the thing: This "Russia Collusion" thing is made-up nonsense, created in a frenzy of panic and illegality when the leaders of the Deep State had to confront the fact that HRC had somehow, miraculously, managed to lose this election to Donald J. Trump. They had ASSUMED that as soon as HRC was inaugurated all of their illegal activity would be forgotten, but a fly got into the ointment.

The purpose of the Russia Collusion caper is to take enough time and to create a big enough diversion that the people who cooked up the phony FISA warrants, spied on innocent campaign staff, etc., won't be indicted. Ideally, it will come up with SOMETHING that could even be a pretext for impeaching Donald Trump. It doesn't even have to be solid evidence; just something with minimal credibility so that Pelosi can pretend - with a straight face - is sufficient for further investigation.

Mueller is as thick as thieves with the perpetrators of these national security crimes.

The whole thing is explained, in detail, with citations from "reputable" sources like the New York Times, CNN, Politico, etc., in a 35-minute video that's rocketing around YouTube, starring Dan Bongino. Sorry, I'm too lazy to grab a link. It is elsewhere on this forum.

Anyone with an interest in the Truth should take the time and watch it.
The Russian conspiracy has already been proven. So no one knows what the hell you are talking about?
The point of the Mueller "investigation" is not to investigate a known crime - it is too search until if find a crime...any crime even if they have to invent the pretext for the crime to take place.
Crimes have already been uncovered.

Yes, but the people who committed the crimes are the ones who are engaged in a coup attempt against the President. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?
Drag it out? We’re in the home stretch. After today’s damaging news things might start going very bad, very quickly for Agent Orange. Even that example of Republican Alpha Male, Lindsey Graham, dared to go against Dear Leader. They know that everything that INDIVIDUAL-1 touches turns to shit, so they’re gonna start distancing themselves. TR☭MP is going down. Not impeachment, ruin.

We've heard that shit before.

The reality is that nothing that Cohen pleaded guilty to or admitted is incriminatory to President Trump.

The only reason, BTW, it was revealed today, was Mueller is doing his best to undermine American foreign policy. It isn't a coincidence that our President embarked on an important mission in Argentina at the same time this deal with Admitted Liar Cohen was unveiled by the Mule.

As far as Mueller,he will never quit. He can't, he has to stick it out until January 2025 when the 22nd Amendment kicks in and Trump leaves the presidency.

If Mueller were to leave before Trump, the libs would throw him under the bus and he would end up in jail. The libs are counting on him to bring Trump down by any means necessary.

If I were advising Trump, I'd tell him to keep Mueller on permanently. Even if Mueller were to try and resign, refuse it. Make Mueller sweat
Trump paying money through Cohen to porn stars right before the election is a violation of campaign financing laws, proving the election was illegal.
The point of the Mueller "investigation" is not to investigate a known crime - it is too search until if find a crime...any crime even if they have to invent the pretext for the crime to take place.
Crimes have already been uncovered.

Yes, but the people who committed the crimes are the ones who are engaged in a coup attempt against the President.
And the proof of that is?
The point of the Mueller "investigation" is not to investigate a known crime - it is too search until if find a crime...any crime even if they have to invent the pretext for the crime to take place.
Crimes have already been uncovered.

Yes, but the people who committed the crimes are the ones who are engaged in a coup attempt against the President.
And the proof of that is?

Crawl out from under your rock and pay attention to some real news.
Trump paying money through Cohen to porn stars right before the election is a violation of campaign financing laws, proving the election was illegal.

Its not illegal at all to pay hush money.

Where did you get the idea that it was ?

As far as paying it with campaign money or one's personal stash- that made no difference to President Trump at all. After all, candidates can make unlimited contributions to their own campaign. Donald J. Trump relied on the expertise of his lawyer in this matter to make sure it was done legally. Trump himself is not a lawyer, you know.
The point of the Mueller "investigation" is not to investigate a known crime - it is too search until if find a crime...any crime even if they have to invent the pretext for the crime to take place.
Small correction. They are to search until the find circumstances from which a crime can be constructed.
Crimes have already been found and proven.
Funny faces are always a good sign because they tell me that folks like Boedicca have nothing to counter.
The point of the Mueller "investigation" is not to investigate a known crime - it is too search until if find a crime...any crime even if they have to invent the pretext for the crime to take place.
Small correction. They are to search until the find circumstances from which a crime can be constructed.
Crimes have already been found and proven.
Funny faces are always a good sign because they tell me that folks like Boedicca have nothing to counter.

And read up on this while you're at it. I'm providing pictures because your reading comprehension and retention are clearly deficient.

Trump paying money through Cohen to porn stars right before the election is a violation of campaign financing laws, proving the election was illegal.

Its not illegal at all to pay hush money.

Where did you get the idea that it was ?

As far as paying it with campaign money or one's personal stash- that made no difference to President Trump at all. After all, candidates can make unlimited contributions to their own campaign. Donald J. Trump relied on the expertise of his lawyer in this matter to make sure it was done legally. Trump himself is not a lawyer, you know.
The money was never reported you idiot. That's illegal.
Trump paying money through Cohen to porn stars right before the election is a violation of campaign financing laws, proving the election was illegal.

Its not illegal at all to pay hush money.

Where did you get the idea that it was ?

As far as paying it with campaign money or one's personal stash- that made no difference to President Trump at all. After all, candidates can make unlimited contributions to their own campaign. Donald J. Trump relied on the expertise of his lawyer in this matter to make sure it was done legally. Trump himself is not a lawyer, you know.
The money was never reported you idiot. That's illegal.

Speaking of illegally gotten $$$.

The point of the Mueller "investigation" is not to investigate a known crime - it is too search until if find a crime...any crime even if they have to invent the pretext for the crime to take place.
Small correction. They are to search until the find circumstances from which a crime can be constructed.
Crimes have already been found and proven.
Funny faces are always a good sign because they tell me that folks like Boedicca have nothing to counter.

And read up on this while you're at it. I'm providing pictures because your reading comprehension and retention are clearly deficient.

View attachment 233168
Uranium 1 was investigated three times and found nothing you idiot. Get the hell out of here with that bs.
Trump paying money through Cohen to porn stars right before the election is a violation of campaign financing laws, proving the election was illegal.

Its not illegal at all to pay hush money.

Where did you get the idea that it was ?

As far as paying it with campaign money or one's personal stash- that made no difference to President Trump at all. After all, candidates can make unlimited contributions to their own campaign. Donald J. Trump relied on the expertise of his lawyer in this matter to make sure it was done legally. Trump himself is not a lawyer, you know.
The money was never reported you idiot. That's illegal.

Speaking of illegally gotten $$$.

View attachment 233169
Here comes this dumb ass again with off topic lies where the investigation found nothing. Try again dumb ass. What a nit wit;
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The point of the Mueller "investigation" is not to investigate a known crime - it is too search until if find a crime...any crime even if they have to invent the pretext for the crime to take place.
Crimes have already been uncovered.

Yes, but the people who committed the crimes are the ones who are engaged in a coup attempt against the President.
And the proof of that is?

Crawl out from under your rock and pay attention to some real news.
So, you're not only a dumb ass, you're a liar too.
The point of the Mueller "investigation" is not to investigate a known crime - it is too search until if find a crime...any crime even if they have to invent the pretext for the crime to take place.
Crimes have already been uncovered.

Yes, but the people who committed the crimes are the ones who are engaged in a coup attempt against the President.
And the proof of that is?

Crawl out from under your rock and pay attention to some real news.
So, you're not only a dumb ass, you're a liar too.

You're a silly moron.

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