Mexican demands america let him come here and get a free $2 million heart and liver transplant

If a foreign child in a nation without quality treatment available, were to need expensive surgery/treatment, I would like to believe that our nation should, as a gesture of goodwill and to help foster relations between such nations, step up to the plate and treat the child. I don't mind some of my tax dollars being used to save a childs' life.

We'd be broke in no time. Think about how many sick destitute children there are in this world.
Your world or the real world?

So in your world there are no sick destitute children in other countries?
Medical care is already too expensive without treating the worlds sick for free.
So how much is a life worth to you??
is it worth more in the USA and less if they come from a smaller nation?

We cant afford to heal the world so yes Americans come first.
Why can't the mexican govt give the american hospital the $2 million? That would clear up everything.

Young Mexican in need of transplant denied visa by the US - WTOP

march 25 2015
HERMOSILLO, Mexico (AP) — A young Mexican who urgently needs a heart and liver transplant has twice been denied a U.S. visa to go to the Mayo Clinic for treatment, he and his family said Wednesday.

Jose Chua Lopez, 20, was born with a heart defect and could die if he doesn’t receive the transplants, said his mother, Myra Lopez Martinez.

Chua, whose father is an Arizona resident, had a U.S. visa until he was 15. But when it expired, his family didn’t renew it because they didn’t have money to pay for more trips.

U.S.-based Consejo de Latinos Unidos, which helps uninsured people secure medical care, stepped in to try to get Chua to the Mayo Clinic.

Chua’s family lives in a modest, one-story home in a potholed suburb of Hermosillo, capital of Sonora state. He shares a room with his brother.

Family and friends in Hermosillo organized fundraisers, sold tamales, hamburgers and seafood and held raffles to defray the initial cost of his potential treatment at the Mayo Clinic.

“We needed $15,000 and we put together a little bit more, just for the evaluation” said Lopez. “Afterward, the double transplant would cost around $2 million. … For now, I don’t want to think about that.”
If he promises to vote Democrat it might help his case.
Not on the local scale...
It's how California went Democrat....
Also, those organs are in short supply for making transplants and giving it someone from another country means an American greatly in need won't get it.
That is a good point. This is not just treating a sick person. This involves making a deliberate choice between two people who could benefit from a transplant.
Maybe he can bring his own??

Impossible. Hearts don't last long enough out of a donor's body to get from Mexico to the Mayo Clinic and into the O/R in time to be transplanted. A kidney could.

I know you meant that mostly in jest, but I work in the transplant field and can't resist being nerdy about it.
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Also, those organs are in short supply for making transplants and giving it someone from another country means an American greatly in need won't get it.
That is a good point. This is not just treating a sick person. This involves making a deliberate choice between two people who could benefit from a transplant.
Maybe he can bring his own??

Impossible. Hearts don't last long enough out of a donor's body to get from Mexico to the Mayo Clinic and into the O/R in time to be transplanted. A kidney could.
If he is Mayan he could sacrifice one of his slaves for transplanting...
If a foreign child in a nation without quality treatment available, were to need expensive surgery/treatment, I would like to believe that our nation should, as a gesture of goodwill and to help foster relations between such nations, step up to the plate and treat the child. I don't mind some of my tax dollars being used to save a childs' life.
This is not a child in the first place, unless you think people are children until 26, like Obama does.

That said, do it for ONE, expect hundreds of thousands.
Meanwhile Americans go to Mexico for dentistry because the work is better and the price is lower. Americans, stuck with outrageous deductibles, fly to The Philippines for surgery because the whole bill for excellent care there....including the airfare....makes the total cost lower than what they'd have to pay outta pocket under Obamacare.

Want to do the kid a favor? Buy him a ticket to Manila where his family might be able to afford the treatment he needs.

Obamacare has caused medical bills of most americans to explode. But - as democrats intended - the welfare bums now get great health care for free.
And the working poor have $5,000+ deductibles, or, in effect, no coverage at all.
This is not a child in the first place, unless you think people are children until 26, like Obama does.

That said, do it for ONE, expect hundreds of thousands.

Actually obama says anyone under 31 is a child!!! That's what his DACA plan of 2012 said.

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