Mexican drug kingpin "El Chapo" Gave Hillary $15M... for her "Clinton Foundation"

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No real surprise here.

No wonder Democrats are soft on crime. They don't want to alienate the people who financially support them.

It's against Federal law for a Presidential candidate to accept donations to their campaign from foreign sources.

So, I'm so glad to hear that Hillary never used any of her "Clinton Foundation" money to pay for any part of her candidate.


It's interesting that this criminal "El Chapo" gave Hillary more money that all the big donors combined, from each country that ponied up.


Wikileaks: Mexican Drug Kingpin, El Chapo, Donated 15M to Clinton Foundation

El Chapo, Donated 15M to Clinton Foundation

By John T. Robertson
January 9, 2017

Julian Assange launched an attack on the integrity of the Clinton Foundation with the latest intelligence report that says the organization had ties with Mexican drug cartel leader, Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán. Guzman, widely known as ‘El Chapo’, has an estimated net worth of $2 billion USD. He is currently incarcerated in a high-security Mexican prison and is in the process of being extradited to the United States.

Speaking at a conference over the weekend, the editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks stated the report was “yet another blow to the questionable integrity of the Clinton Foundation.”

A report from intelligence officials found with “high confidence” that $320M Mexican Pesos (approximately $15M USD) was transferred from Guzman’s offshore shell assets in Saudi Arabia and Ukraine to Hillary Clinton’s private account in the Cayman Islands.

This was then redirected to the Clinton Foundation.
Can I see El Chappo's tax return to confirm this?
No real surprise here.

No wonder Democrats are soft on crime. They don't want to alienate the people who financially support them.

It's against Federal law for a Presidential candidate to accept donations to their campaign from foreign sources.

So, I'm so glad to hear that Hillary never used any of her "Clinton Foundation" money to pay for any part of her candidate.


It's interesting that this criminal "El Chapo" gave Hillary more money that all the big donors combined, from each country that ponied up.


Wikileaks: Mexican Drug Kingpin, El Chapo, Donated 15M to Clinton Foundation

El Chapo, Donated 15M to Clinton Foundation

By John T. Robertson
January 9, 2017

Julian Assange launched an attack on the integrity of the Clinton Foundation with the latest intelligence report that says the organization had ties with Mexican drug cartel leader, Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán. Guzman, widely known as ‘El Chapo’, has an estimated net worth of $2 billion USD. He is currently incarcerated in a high-security Mexican prison and is in the process of being extradited to the United States.

Speaking at a conference over the weekend, the editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks stated the report was “yet another blow to the questionable integrity of the Clinton Foundation.”

A report from intelligence officials found with “high confidence” that $320M Mexican Pesos (approximately $15M USD) was transferred from Guzman’s offshore shell assets in Saudi Arabia and Ukraine to Hillary Clinton’s private account in the Cayman Islands.

This was then redirected to the Clinton Foundation.

I was just telling myself a few minutes ago that it would just be a matter of time before the tards who are now whining about "fake news" would fall for some again. You just can't help yourselves. You have been drinking piss for so long, the sweet coolness of truth tastes like poison to you.

Boy, that was fast! :lol:
But an unsubstantiated report with all kind of red flags for fake is true about trump right Cupcake?

Awwwww. Poor baby needs a deflection baba to make him feel all better.
I think i just heard the Clintons are closing the foundation down. This can't look good for em. That's some serious cash.
I think i just heard the Clintons are closing the foundation down. This can't look good for em. That's some serious cash.

Another one!

I'm concerned about all this nasty rhetoric. It might cause some nutbags to post ridiculous stories as news and claim it's true! Sad. Believe me.
I think i just heard the Clintons are closing the foundation down. This can't look good for em. That's some serious cash.

Another one!

I'm concerned about all this nasty rhetoric. It might cause some nutbags to post ridiculous stories as news and claim it's true! Sad. Believe me.

If it's 'Fake News, go ahead and call it. I'm good with that. I call folks on their 'Fake News' all the time. But i do think i read that the Clintons are closing the foundation down.
I think i just heard the Clintons are closing the foundation down. This can't look good for em. That's some serious cash.

Another one!

I'm concerned about all this nasty rhetoric. It might cause some nutbags to post ridiculous stories as news and claim it's true!
I think i just heard the Clintons are closing the foundation down. This can't look good for em. That's some serious cash.

Another one!

I'm concerned about all this nasty rhetoric. It might cause some nutbags to post ridiculous stories as news and claim it's true! Sad. Believe me.

If it's 'Fake News, go ahead and call it. I'm good with that. I call folks on their 'Fake News' all the time. But i do think i read that the Clintons are closing the foundation down.

If? Bwaaaahaaaahhaaaa!

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