Mexican President explains why he won't go after drug cartels


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s president said Friday he won’t fight Mexican drug cartels on U.S. orders, in the clearest explanation yet of his refusal to confront the gangs.

Over the years, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has laid out various justifications for his “hugs, not bullets” policy of avoiding clashes with the cartels. In the past he has said “you cannot fight violence with violence,” and on other occasions he has argued the government has to address “the causes” of drug cartel violence, ascribing them to poverty or a lack of opportunities.

But on Friday, while discussing his refusal to go after the cartels, he made it clear he viewed it as part of what he called a “Mexico First” policy.

"We are not going to act as policemen for any foreign government,” López Obrador said at his daily news briefing. “Mexico First. Our home comes first.”

López Obrador basically argued that drugs were a U.S. problem, not a Mexican one. He offered to help limit the flow of drugs into the United States, but only, he said, on humanitarian grounds.

“Of course we are going to cooperate in fighting drugs, above all because it has become a very sensitive, very sad humanitarian issue, because a lot of young people are dying in the United States because of fentanyl,” the president said. Over 70,000 Americans die annually because of synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which are mainly made in Mexico from precursor chemicals smuggled in from China.

How does any of this logic even make sense?

1. You cannot fight violence with violence? What utter hogwash. Sure you can. That is what a military and police force are for. Hugs not bullets? Is he hugging the drug cartels?

2. Poverty and lack of opportunities is the cause of drugs? Drugs are making poverty and a lack of opportunity worse. Again, what utter hogwash.

3. Mexico first policy? Drugs are not a Mexican problem? If poverty is at the core of the drug problem, then why are so many Mexicans fleeing Mexico? Is it not because of poverty in Mexico? If so, why does Mexico not have a bigger drug problem than the US? If not, then why are they coming to the US? And why do we get stories in Mexico about farmers picking up machetes to fight off drug cartels?

Over 70,000 Americans are dying because of this hogwash from drugs coming from the country of the Mexican President, who is nothing else than one of the ring leaders of the drug cartels because he does their bidding. All of the blood of those people are on his hands, but he does not care because they are not Mexican?


American needs to implement drone warfare on these people. It really would not be hard to take them all out if their was a political will to do it. And if the US does that and the Mexican President gets upset, offer him an opportunity for some hugs.

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s president said Friday he won’t fight Mexican drug cartels on U.S. orders, in the clearest explanation yet of his refusal to confront the gangs.

Over the years, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has laid out various justifications for his “hugs, not bullets” policy of avoiding clashes with the cartels. In the past he has said “you cannot fight violence with violence,” and on other occasions he has argued the government has to address “the causes” of drug cartel violence, ascribing them to poverty or a lack of opportunities.

But on Friday, while discussing his refusal to go after the cartels, he made it clear he viewed it as part of what he called a “Mexico First” policy.

"We are not going to act as policemen for any foreign government,” López Obrador said at his daily news briefing. “Mexico First. Our home comes first.”

López Obrador basically argued that drugs were a U.S. problem, not a Mexican one. He offered to help limit the flow of drugs into the United States, but only, he said, on humanitarian grounds.

“Of course we are going to cooperate in fighting drugs, above all because it has become a very sensitive, very sad humanitarian issue, because a lot of young people are dying in the United States because of fentanyl,” the president said. Over 70,000 Americans die annually because of synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which are mainly made in Mexico from precursor chemicals smuggled in from China.

How does any of this logic even make sense?

1. You cannot fight violence with violence? What utter hogwash. Sure you can. That is what a military and police force are for. Hugs not bullets? Is he hugging the drug cartels?

As long as the profit is there you are going to have people willing to exploit that. So you get Mexican police officers killed but the issue doesn't end.

2. Poverty and lack of opportunities is the cause of drugs? Drugs are making poverty and a lack of opportunity worse. Again, what utter hogwash.

Not for those selling. They are no longer in poverty.

3. Mexico first policy? Drugs are not a Mexican problem? If poverty is at the core of the drug problem, then why are so many Mexicans fleeing Mexico? Is it not because of poverty in Mexico? If so, why does Mexico not have a bigger drug problem than the US? If not, then why are they coming to the US? And why do we get stories in Mexico about farmers picking up machetes to fight off drug cartels?

Over 70,000 Americans are dying because of this hogwash from drugs coming from the country of the Mexican President, who is nothing else than one of the ring leaders of the drug cartels because he does their bidding. All of the blood of those people are on his hands, but he does not care because they are not Mexican?


American needs to implement drone warfare on these people. It really would not be hard to take them all out if their was a political will to do it. And if the US does that and the Mexican President gets upset, offer him an opportunity for some hugs.

War!! That seems to be the only thing far too many understand. It's not worked yet.
He does have a point.

It's simply a supply and demand equation.

lf the Biden family just cut back a little bit the cartels wouldn't have to bring so much cocaine into America.

If they would just smoke crack and snort lines a few times per day rather than dozens of times per day, then there wouldn't be so much demand.

That stuff can damage your nose.

Ask Michael Jackson. He knows what that shit will do to your nose.
(1) The thread title gave me my first chuckle of the day.

(2) Thanks! I needed that.

(3) The president is not going after the cartels -- because he enjoys living.

Another part of the problem: Hollywood glamorizes drug use.


MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s president said Friday he won’t fight Mexican drug cartels on U.S. orders, in the clearest explanation yet of his refusal to confront the gangs.

Over the years, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has laid out various justifications for his “hugs, not bullets” policy of avoiding clashes with the cartels. In the past he has said “you cannot fight violence with violence,” and on other occasions he has argued the government has to address “the causes” of drug cartel violence, ascribing them to poverty or a lack of opportunities.

But on Friday, while discussing his refusal to go after the cartels, he made it clear he viewed it as part of what he called a “Mexico First” policy.

"We are not going to act as policemen for any foreign government,” López Obrador said at his daily news briefing. “Mexico First. Our home comes first.”

López Obrador basically argued that drugs were a U.S. problem, not a Mexican one. He offered to help limit the flow of drugs into the United States, but only, he said, on humanitarian grounds.

“Of course we are going to cooperate in fighting drugs, above all because it has become a very sensitive, very sad humanitarian issue, because a lot of young people are dying in the United States because of fentanyl,” the president said. Over 70,000 Americans die annually because of synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which are mainly made in Mexico from precursor chemicals smuggled in from China.

How does any of this logic even make sense?

1. You cannot fight violence with violence? What utter hogwash. Sure you can. That is what a military and police force are for. Hugs not bullets? Is he hugging the drug cartels?

2. Poverty and lack of opportunities is the cause of drugs? Drugs are making poverty and a lack of opportunity worse. Again, what utter hogwash.

3. Mexico first policy? Drugs are not a Mexican problem? If poverty is at the core of the drug problem, then why are so many Mexicans fleeing Mexico? Is it not because of poverty in Mexico? If so, why does Mexico not have a bigger drug problem than the US? If not, then why are they coming to the US? And why do we get stories in Mexico about farmers picking up machetes to fight off drug cartels?

Over 70,000 Americans are dying because of this hogwash from drugs coming from the country of the Mexican President, who is nothing else than one of the ring leaders of the drug cartels because he does their bidding. All of the blood of those people are on his hands, but he does not care because they are not Mexican?


American needs to implement drone warfare on these people. It really would not be hard to take them all out if their was a political will to do it. And if the US does that and the Mexican President gets upset, offer him an opportunity for some hugs.
Why won't he?
I have no desire to read the book written by another that you quoted.
Clue, this is a discussion forum not a news feed.
Okay. If he won’t, then we should wipe them out militarily, and any Mexican government forces that get in the way. It won’t happpen but it should.
Okay. If he won’t, then we should wipe them out militarily, and any Mexican government forces that get in the way. It won’t happpen but it should.
That is what it is going to take as the Western Hemisphere is a drug lord paradise. And then the question of American militarily used on drug kingpins/gangs in other nations would also be questioned from our own.
As long as the profit is there you are going to have people willing to exploit that. So you get Mexican police officers killed but the issue doesn't end.

Not for those selling. They are no longer in poverty.

War!! That seems to be the only thing far too many understand. It's not worked yet.
Your logic is about as good as the Mexican President.

Police officers will continue to die for trying to maintain law and order. That is just a fact of life. So, the question begs, if they are not going to put their lives on the line to do so, why have them?

Are you suggesting that the drug trade redistributes wealth? Yea, I'm sure they are sharing their wealth with the poor like the good citizens they are. LOL.

Has arresting murderers stopped murder? Has arresting thieves stopped stealing? No, yet we do these things to try and curb that activity.

A grade schooler can understand this, why can't you?

Could it be for similar reason Trump has promised, if elected, not to go after insurrections?​

About 200 American citizens are dying each day from the lax approach to the drug cartel, why don't you care?

At least the GOP lies about caring
About 200 American citizens are dying each day from the lax approach to the drug cartel, why don't you care?

At least the GOP lies about caring
Drugs: coming in through Ports of Entry (POEs).

I don't care about Mexico. I've had people close to me die from poor choices (drug abuse).

The GOP just wants to keep the Border Crisis alive -- It's political, just ask Mr. Trump.

Your logic is about as good as the Mexican President.

Police officers will continue to die for trying to maintain law and order. That is just a fact of life. So, the question begs, if they are not going to put their lives on the line to do so, why have them?

Are you suggesting that the drug trade redistributes wealth? Yea, I'm sure they are sharing their wealth with the poor like the good citizens they are. LOL.

Has arresting murderers stopped murder? Has arresting thieves stopped stealing? No, yet we do these things to try and curb that activity.

A grade schooler can understand this, why can't you?
People who call Jan 6 criminals heroes, have no place claiming they support or care about Police Officers.

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s president said Friday he won’t fight Mexican drug cartels on U.S. orders, in the clearest explanation yet of his refusal to confront the gangs.

Over the years, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has laid out various justifications for his “hugs, not bullets” policy of avoiding clashes with the cartels. In the past he has said “you cannot fight violence with violence,” and on other occasions he has argued the government has to address “the causes” of drug cartel violence, ascribing them to poverty or a lack of opportunities.

But on Friday, while discussing his refusal to go after the cartels, he made it clear he viewed it as part of what he called a “Mexico First” policy.

"We are not going to act as policemen for any foreign government,” López Obrador said at his daily news briefing. “Mexico First. Our home comes first.”

López Obrador basically argued that drugs were a U.S. problem, not a Mexican one. He offered to help limit the flow of drugs into the United States, but only, he said, on humanitarian grounds.

“Of course we are going to cooperate in fighting drugs, above all because it has become a very sensitive, very sad humanitarian issue, because a lot of young people are dying in the United States because of fentanyl,” the president said. Over 70,000 Americans die annually because of synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which are mainly made in Mexico from precursor chemicals smuggled in from China.

How does any of this logic even make sense?

1. You cannot fight violence with violence? What utter hogwash. Sure you can. That is what a military and police force are for. Hugs not bullets? Is he hugging the drug cartels?

2. Poverty and lack of opportunities is the cause of drugs? Drugs are making poverty and a lack of opportunity worse. Again, what utter hogwash.

3. Mexico first policy? Drugs are not a Mexican problem? If poverty is at the core of the drug problem, then why are so many Mexicans fleeing Mexico? Is it not because of poverty in Mexico? If so, why does Mexico not have a bigger drug problem than the US? If not, then why are they coming to the US? And why do we get stories in Mexico about farmers picking up machetes to fight off drug cartels?

Over 70,000 Americans are dying because of this hogwash from drugs coming from the country of the Mexican President, who is nothing else than one of the ring leaders of the drug cartels because he does their bidding. All of the blood of those people are on his hands, but he does not care because they are not Mexican?


American needs to implement drone warfare on these people. It really would not be hard to take them all out if their was a political will to do it. And if the US does that and the Mexican President gets upset, offer him an opportunity for some hugs.
mexican president obrador is an idiot.
Drugs: coming in through Ports of Entry (POEs).

I don't care about Mexico. I've had people close to me die from poor choices (drug abuse).

The GOP just wants to keep the Border Crisis alive -- It's political, just ask Mr. Trump.

People like you want to take all guns away because people make poor choices with them, but when it comes to drugs you want them to make all the choices they want and die from it at a rate of 200 a day?

Why is it far more people die from drugs than guns, not even close, yet you only care about people with guns? In addition, any idea how much gun violence is generated from the drug trade? Just ask Obama who gave the drug cartels guns via his Fast and Furious program.

So, the child who is given candy laced with deadly fentanyl should be allowed to make a poor choice? Or how about the police officer that finds drugs that is potent enough to kill them just by touching it or breathing the air? Did the make poor choices as well?

Try again

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