Mexican President: Mexico Doesn’t Believe In Walls

you are confusing serious criminals with persons simple hoping to have a better life, or to make some decent money to go home and start a business, over there.
Spare me your sob-story buttercup. I could care less what their intentions are - they broke U.S. law. That makes them a criminal.

Second - why do they need to come to the U.S. for (and I quote) "a better life"?

Third - if they want a "better life" they can build it in their own damn country. Don't run to the U.S. - dig your heels in and make Mexico better.
The FIRST thing these illegal do is break up into small groups. The LAST thing the 'coyotes' tell the hundred illegals is to immediately spit up into small groups when they get across the border so they don't all get rounded up.
I'm sounds like you think you have a point here. Most people realize that a drone can patrol hundreds of miles very effectively by itself (because it is high up in the air and is equipped with cameras that can see great distances). So one drone picks up those 5 people. Another drone picks up another 5 people. And so on until 20 drones have all 100.

Math not your strong point?
So according to YOUR math it will require 20 drones to follow 100 illegals.
Are you fucking high or are you just a fucking dummy?
So a thousand illegals run across the border in a day. How many drones will it take to track of them?????
And how many border agents will it take to drive miles and scatter out across the fucking desert to attempt to catch the illegals?
I've got a better idea! Why not simply build a WALL that will prevent the illegals entering the US at the border?
a wall is a waste of money. just spend and finance, is all the right wing knows how to do.
Projection. The right constitutionally spends money on defense. The left is the side that unconstitutionally pisses away trillions on everything and anything because they believe in failed Keynesian economics.
The FIRST thing these illegal do is break up into small groups. The LAST thing the 'coyotes' tell the hundred illegals is to immediately spit up into small groups when they get across the border so they don't all get rounded up.
I'm sounds like you think you have a point here. Most people realize that a drone can patrol hundreds of miles very effectively by itself (because it is high up in the air and is equipped with cameras that can see great distances). So one drone picks up those 5 people. Another drone picks up another 5 people. And so on until 20 drones have all 100.

Math not your strong point?
So according to YOUR math it will require 20 drones to follow 100 illegals.
No buttercup - that was according to your false narrative. I was simply playing along and proving what a dumb asshole you are. Mexicans are captured all the time in groups larger than 5. Some as many as groups of 30. Trust me my gentle little snowflake, I've forgotten more about this than you will ever know. I can't even tell you what I do know about it - that's how much I know. You're fighting a fight you can't win.
Drones are a major pain in the ass to operate and maintain.
Interesting response after you claimed that the border patrol doesn't use them. It's comical watching you uninformed, ignorant progressives chase your tails.

"Drones are a major pain in the ass to operate and maintain"! Really? Based on what? Your extensive history of operating and maintaining drones? :lmao:

This is why everyone in the world laughs at you people. You don't understand even basic economics. You reject technology. You deny science and biology. If it wasn't for conservatives - you fucking people would be like tribes in Afghanistan. Sitting in dirt huts without power and eating sand. :lol:
LISTEN you stupid little cocksucker!
Go back and READ my last 100 posts!!! I'm NOT a fucking Progressive!
I'm a REP! You are attempting to make a case to use drones. The US border patrol has tried using them and they have PROVEN themselves to be more of a pain in the ass than a useful border security tool.
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!
The FIRST thing these illegal do is break up into small groups. The LAST thing the 'coyotes' tell the hundred illegals is to immediately spit up into small groups when they get across the border so they don't all get rounded up.
I'm sounds like you think you have a point here. Most people realize that a drone can patrol hundreds of miles very effectively by itself (because it is high up in the air and is equipped with cameras that can see great distances). So one drone picks up those 5 people. Another drone picks up another 5 people. And so on until 20 drones have all 100.

Math not your strong point?
So according to YOUR math it will require 20 drones to follow 100 illegals.
No buttercup - that was according to your false narrative. I was simply playing along and proving what a dumb asshole you are. Mexicans are captured all the time in groups larger than 5. Some as many as groups of 30. Trust me my gentle little snowflake, I've forgotten more about this than you will ever know. I can't even tell you what I do know about it - that's how much I know. You're fighting a fight you can't win.
" I've forgotten more about this than you will ever know. I can't even tell you what I do know about it - that's how much I know."
You seriously are fucking crazy. You sound like Nancy Pelosi.
Permanent Ignore.
The US border patrol has tried using them and they have PROVEN themselves to be more of a pain in the ass than a useful border security tool. Fucking GROW UP!!!!!! denied that the Border Patrol even used them until I proved it to you. Now you're going to turn around and proclaim why they are no good?!? There are two things that are indisputably clear here:

A. You don't have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about

B. You're about 15 - 17. It's obvious from your sentence structures and speech patterns.
The Mexican president is right, he uses machine guns on illegals at his southern border. He don't need no stink'n wall.
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

I love when the informed make the Berlin Wall argument. The leftist commies east Berliners built the Berlin Wall to keep people in. It was a prison. The Wall on the US border will be to keep people out. Like a fortress or to dumb it down for you the locks on the door to your (I mean your parent's) house!

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Why is it illegal Canadians don't kill people in the US, work in our businesses and refuse to speak English?
a market friendly visa could solve our illegal problem on permanent basis using capitalism, not socialism.
Not sure what you are really trying to do or go for here or how that would play out, but regardless of any of that it certainly is an intriguing idea...need to figure out who, and how many, would be eligible and how that would affect or conflict with current immigration policy but it is something that piques my idea that is at least worth considering even if it is in jest.
about how many illegals do you believe are within our Union, now?
I really couldn't venture a guess, no more than half of whatever number is being put out there, but would wager it is a lot less than even that...why?
a market friendly visa could solve our illegal problem on permanent basis using capitalism, not socialism.
Not sure what you are really trying to do or go for here or how that would play out, but regardless of any of that it certainly is an intriguing idea...need to figure out who, and how many, would be eligible and how that would affect or conflict with current immigration policy but it is something that piques my idea that is at least worth considering even if it is in jest.
about how many illegals do you believe are within our Union, now?
I really couldn't venture a guess, no more than half of whatever number is being put out there, but would wager it is a lot less than even that...why?
Most numbers I've heard over the years state 20 million. Is that accurate? No idea. But that's the number that gets repeated the most.
I can't wait until Trump suspends ALL foreign aid to Mexico. The country will collapse. And it will be glorious to watch.
That is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics:
Mexico is currently our 3rd largest goods trading partner with $531 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2015. Goods exports totaled $236 billion; goods imports totaled $295 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with Mexico was $58 billion in 2015.

Source: Mexico | United States Trade Representative
Do you have a point to your socialist babbling? Do you really believe the U.S. needs trade with Mexico to survive? :lmao:
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Forgot already, BH?
a wall is a waste of money. just spend and finance, is all the right wing knows how to do.
Projection. The right constitutionally spends money on defense. The left is the side that unconstitutionally pisses away trillions on everything and anything because they believe in failed Keynesian economics.
Our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror need to be listed under defense spending, not social spending.
a market friendly visa could solve our illegal problem on permanent basis using capitalism, not socialism.
Not sure what you are really trying to do or go for here or how that would play out, but regardless of any of that it certainly is an intriguing idea...need to figure out who, and how many, would be eligible and how that would affect or conflict with current immigration policy but it is something that piques my idea that is at least worth considering even if it is in jest.
about how many illegals do you believe are within our Union, now?
I really couldn't venture a guess, no more than half of whatever number is being put out there, but would wager it is a lot less than even that...why?
a market friendly visa could be generating revenue, from each and every one of them.
I can't wait until Trump suspends ALL foreign aid to Mexico. The country will collapse. And it will be glorious to watch.
That is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics:
Mexico is currently our 3rd largest goods trading partner with $531 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2015. Goods exports totaled $236 billion; goods imports totaled $295 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with Mexico was $58 billion in 2015.

Source: Mexico | United States Trade Representative
Do you have a point to your socialist babbling? Do you really believe the U.S. needs trade with Mexico to survive? :lmao:
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Forgot already, BH?
Mexico is currently our 3rd largest goods trading partner with $531 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2015. Goods exports totaled $236 billion; goods imports totaled $295 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with Mexico was $58 billion in 2015.

Source: Mexico | United States Trade Representative

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