Mexican President: Mexico Doesn’t Believe In Walls

Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns
Who the fuck cares what your fucking hero stalin told them.

You think the border wall will prevent America from...."escaping?"

You stupid fucking loser. Winston? What, are you some know it all English Tea Sucking English faggot?

Ignorant dick.

On 13 August 1961 peace-loving Berliners won a battle for peace. The battle groups of Berlin’s working class, along with comrades in the National People’s Army and comrades of the German police of the capital of the GDR, put an end to subversive activity against the GDR by spies, slave-traders, and Revanchist organizations based in West Berlin

The Socialist Unity Party of Germany thanks all the comrades in the battle groups, the Society for Sport and Technology, and the German Red Cross for the readiness, the determination, the courage and discipline, with which these comrades and friends protected peace. We thank comrades of the National People’s Army and the German police who by their determination demonstrated that our young workers’ and farmers’ state is willing and able to guarantee peace in Germany, and that it has the necessary means to do so.

In Praise of the Berlin Wall (1961)

OK, let's pick a specific scenario.

East Germans who tried to escape East Germany were machine gunned.

Americans who want to leave America go to a check point in the wall and walk out.

Explain how that is "exactly the same"

East Germans left East Germany all the time, with the right paperwork. So again, same scenario.

Dude jumps the wall, avoids the paperwork because he doesn't have any, and scats across one of these new checkpoints with all these new border patrol agents. What, they just going to wave goodbye to him.

Try again.
OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns
Who the fuck cares what your fucking hero stalin told them.

You think the border wall will prevent America from...."escaping?"

You stupid fucking loser. Winston? What, are you some know it all English Tea Sucking English faggot?

Ignorant dick.

On 13 August 1961 peace-loving Berliners won a battle for peace. The battle groups of Berlin’s working class, along with comrades in the National People’s Army and comrades of the German police of the capital of the GDR, put an end to subversive activity against the GDR by spies, slave-traders, and Revanchist organizations based in West Berlin

The Socialist Unity Party of Germany thanks all the comrades in the battle groups, the Society for Sport and Technology, and the German Red Cross for the readiness, the determination, the courage and discipline, with which these comrades and friends protected peace. We thank comrades of the National People’s Army and the German police who by their determination demonstrated that our young workers’ and farmers’ state is willing and able to guarantee peace in Germany, and that it has the necessary means to do so.

In Praise of the Berlin Wall (1961)

OK, let's pick a specific scenario.

East Germans who tried to escape East Germany were machine gunned.

Americans who want to leave America go to a check point in the wall and walk out.

Explain how that is "exactly the same"

East Germans left East Germany all the time, with the right paperwork. So again, same scenario.

Dude jumps the wall, avoids the paperwork because he doesn't have any, and scats across one of these new checkpoints with all these new border patrol agents. What, they just going to wave goodbye to him.

Try again.

Any East German could not leave, you had to be someone special, a government agent, an athlete going to the Olympics or another competition.

And there's no paperwork to leave the United States and go to Mexico on our side. You just drive / walk out. The Mexicans do a nominal check then let you in. Anyone can leave and our government doesn't stop them

You really think it's the same? I'm really starting to be convinced you are just stupid and a waste of time.
Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns
Who the fuck cares what your fucking hero stalin told them.

You think the border wall will prevent America from...."escaping?"

You stupid fucking loser. Winston? What, are you some know it all English Tea Sucking English faggot?

Ignorant dick.

On 13 August 1961 peace-loving Berliners won a battle for peace. The battle groups of Berlin’s working class, along with comrades in the National People’s Army and comrades of the German police of the capital of the GDR, put an end to subversive activity against the GDR by spies, slave-traders, and Revanchist organizations based in West Berlin

The Socialist Unity Party of Germany thanks all the comrades in the battle groups, the Society for Sport and Technology, and the German Red Cross for the readiness, the determination, the courage and discipline, with which these comrades and friends protected peace. We thank comrades of the National People’s Army and the German police who by their determination demonstrated that our young workers’ and farmers’ state is willing and able to guarantee peace in Germany, and that it has the necessary means to do so.

In Praise of the Berlin Wall (1961)

OK, let's pick a specific scenario.

East Germans who tried to escape East Germany were machine gunned.

Americans who want to leave America go to a check point in the wall and walk out.

Explain how that is "exactly the same"

East Germans left East Germany all the time, with the right paperwork. So again, same scenario.

Dude jumps the wall, avoids the paperwork because he doesn't have any, and scats across one of these new checkpoints with all these new border patrol agents. What, they just going to wave goodbye to him.

Try again.

Any East German could not leave, you had to be someone special, a government agent, an athlete going to the Olympics or another competition.

And there's no paperwork to leave the United States and go to Mexico on our side. You just drive / walk out. The Mexicans do a nominal check then let you in. Anyone can leave and our government doesn't stop them

You really think it's the same? I'm really starting to be convinced you are just stupid and a waste of time.

I don't know why you are getting your panties all in a nit. I simply pointed out that regardless of what you might think the Berlin Wall was for, the East German people, at the time, supporting the building of the wall to protect them from those flooding in to East Germany. Were their many people going in, no. Are they many people coming in here, no, not near as many as there was before Obama took office.

The point is that the government told the people they were building a wall to protect them. Now here we have the government, not that lying MSM, telling you they are building a wall to protect you. Yes, it is the same. It is EXACTLY the same.
Winston is still trying. Btw, he is pretty much brand new. He is a soros propagandist. Most likely works in some office working for Elizabeth Warren, the lying fake miss high cheekbones.
a market friendly visa could solve our illegal problem on permanent basis using capitalism, not socialism.
Actually - enforcing our immigration laws would solve all of our illegal alien problems on a permanent basis. Crime is not an economic issue genius. It is neither capitalist or socialist.
Where is the money going to come from for the construction of the wall. mexico has said time and again they aren't paying for it, so did Trump lie to us again?
Well let me start by saying I believe the wall is a bad idea. The money would be much better spent on technology (such as drones) and more man power, to secure our borders.

But that being said - the money from the wall will come from the foreign aid we send to Mexico. And then we tell them that if they don't pay for the wall in full - they never get another dime of aid from the U.S. again. Their panic will be the stuff of legends. And they will pay. If for some reason they don't - the money we would have spent on their aid covers it. So we are no further behind than before the wall.
While I completely agree with you about "the wall", technology (adding legislation criminalizing those who support illegals), the money in foreign aid to Mexico is $134M, a fraction of what a wall would cost. Mexico |

On the technology angle, that applies to all of our borders and coastal regions.
We must look at the truth about this.

The majority of southern US border migrants are central and some south Americans......and it is because Mexico does not have strong southern border control and it does not believe in walls...

So we must build it for our own sovereignty.

The more they say they don't believe in them, the more reason for us to build it.

Pretty much basic logic.

By the way...if those central and south Americans were interested in staying in Mexico and not just using it as a conduit to the u.s....I bet they would start believing in walls!
Speaking of truths, here's one:

OTOH, all good Marines know this truism:

Building a wall both passive and very expensive. Best to be aggressive and fiscally efficient.
Mexican Army is going to invade the US?
Unlikely. If they did, I think they'd surrender faster than the Italian army. Why do you ask?
a market friendly visa could solve our illegal problem on permanent basis using capitalism, not socialism.
Actually - enforcing our immigration laws would solve all of our illegal alien problems on a permanent basis. Crime is not an economic issue genius. It is neither capitalist or socialist.
Where is the money going to come from for the construction of the wall. mexico has said time and again they aren't paying for it, so did Trump lie to us again?
Well let me start by saying I believe the wall is a bad idea. The money would be much better spent on technology (such as drones) and more man power, to secure our borders.

But that being said - the money from the wall will come from the foreign aid we send to Mexico. And then we tell them that if they don't pay for the wall in full - they never get another dime of aid from the U.S. again. Their panic will be the stuff of legends. And they will pay. If for some reason they don't - the money we would have spent on their aid covers it. So we are no further behind than before the wall.
While I completely agree with you about "the wall", technology (adding legislation criminalizing those who support illegals), the money in foreign aid to Mexico is $134M, a fraction of what a wall would cost. Mexico |

On the technology angle, that applies to all of our borders and coastal regions.
$134 million is nothing to sneeze at (especially as technology becomes cheaper). $134 million over 10 years is $1.34 billion. That is some serious money. Plus,drones continue to get cheaper and can cover quite a bit of area. And of course - a drone is only one example of the tools currently available. More will be developed in the coming years.
By that logic shouldn't we also ban alcohol and tobacco? What other Nanny State laws would you support?

Alcohol has been accepted for THOUSANDS of years. Thousands,

Tobacco's bad effects weren't all that well known because people in the old days didn't live long enough to see the bad effects.

Marijuana is fine in my book. But hard drugs? Nope. No way.

I've seen the effects. And not just on individuals, on entire communities.

Your argument is specious
Disagreed about specious. Carrie Nation didn't accept alcohol. She was as big a Nanny Stater as you. She lost.

Let's be clear, I don't recommend drugs, alcohol abuse, gambling or anything else. Where you and I disagree is that you believe Big Brother should dictate what people should be able to do to themselves and I disagree. You are free to be a Nanny Stater and I'm free to disagree. God Bless America!

Who the fuck cares what your fucking hero stalin told them.

You think the border wall will prevent America from...."escaping?"

You stupid fucking loser. Winston? What, are you some know it all English Tea Sucking English faggot?

Ignorant dick.

On 13 August 1961 peace-loving Berliners won a battle for peace. The battle groups of Berlin’s working class, along with comrades in the National People’s Army and comrades of the German police of the capital of the GDR, put an end to subversive activity against the GDR by spies, slave-traders, and Revanchist organizations based in West Berlin

The Socialist Unity Party of Germany thanks all the comrades in the battle groups, the Society for Sport and Technology, and the German Red Cross for the readiness, the determination, the courage and discipline, with which these comrades and friends protected peace. We thank comrades of the National People’s Army and the German police who by their determination demonstrated that our young workers’ and farmers’ state is willing and able to guarantee peace in Germany, and that it has the necessary means to do so.

In Praise of the Berlin Wall (1961)

OK, let's pick a specific scenario.

East Germans who tried to escape East Germany were machine gunned.

Americans who want to leave America go to a check point in the wall and walk out.

Explain how that is "exactly the same"

East Germans left East Germany all the time, with the right paperwork. So again, same scenario.

Dude jumps the wall, avoids the paperwork because he doesn't have any, and scats across one of these new checkpoints with all these new border patrol agents. What, they just going to wave goodbye to him.

Try again.

Any East German could not leave, you had to be someone special, a government agent, an athlete going to the Olympics or another competition.

And there's no paperwork to leave the United States and go to Mexico on our side. You just drive / walk out. The Mexicans do a nominal check then let you in. Anyone can leave and our government doesn't stop them

You really think it's the same? I'm really starting to be convinced you are just stupid and a waste of time.

I don't know why you are getting your panties all in a nit. I simply pointed out that regardless of what you might think the Berlin Wall was for, the East German people, at the time, supporting the building of the wall to protect them from those flooding in to East Germany. Were their many people going in, no. Are they many people coming in here, no, not near as many as there was before Obama took office.

The point is that the government told the people they were building a wall to protect them. Now here we have the government, not that lying MSM, telling you they are building a wall to protect you. Yes, it is the same. It is EXACTLY the same.

"The Berlin wall was for the East German people." You are a special kind of stupid
$134 million is nothing to sneeze at (especially as technology becomes cheaper). $134 million over 10 years is $1.34 billion. That is some serious money. Plus,drones continue to get cheaper and can cover quite a bit of area. And of course - a drone is only one example of the tools currently available. More will be developed in the coming years.
Agreed $134M isn't anything to sneeze at, but compared to other nations, it's a pittance: U.S. foreign military aid: 75% goes to two countries -

Additionally, considering the $50Bish cost to build the wall and the $25Bish to maintain and staff it every year, about $300 BILLION over 10 years, it's still a pittance.

Also, please consider two facts: 1) NASA receives about half a cent for every Federal dollar spent and their annual budget is $19B, about 14 times aid to Mexico.

2) For national security, would we be better off antagonizing our next door neighbor or giving them the carrot and stick treatment with money as the carrot?
On 13 August 1961 peace-loving Berliners won a battle for peace. The battle groups of Berlin’s working class, along with comrades in the National People’s Army and comrades of the German police of the capital of the GDR, put an end to subversive activity against the GDR by spies, slave-traders, and Revanchist organizations based in West Berlin

The Socialist Unity Party of Germany thanks all the comrades in the battle groups, the Society for Sport and Technology, and the German Red Cross for the readiness, the determination, the courage and discipline, with which these comrades and friends protected peace. We thank comrades of the National People’s Army and the German police who by their determination demonstrated that our young workers’ and farmers’ state is willing and able to guarantee peace in Germany, and that it has the necessary means to do so.

In Praise of the Berlin Wall (1961)

OK, let's pick a specific scenario.

East Germans who tried to escape East Germany were machine gunned.

Americans who want to leave America go to a check point in the wall and walk out.

Explain how that is "exactly the same"

East Germans left East Germany all the time, with the right paperwork. So again, same scenario.

Dude jumps the wall, avoids the paperwork because he doesn't have any, and scats across one of these new checkpoints with all these new border patrol agents. What, they just going to wave goodbye to him.

Try again.

Any East German could not leave, you had to be someone special, a government agent, an athlete going to the Olympics or another competition.

And there's no paperwork to leave the United States and go to Mexico on our side. You just drive / walk out. The Mexicans do a nominal check then let you in. Anyone can leave and our government doesn't stop them

You really think it's the same? I'm really starting to be convinced you are just stupid and a waste of time.

I don't know why you are getting your panties all in a nit. I simply pointed out that regardless of what you might think the Berlin Wall was for, the East German people, at the time, supporting the building of the wall to protect them from those flooding in to East Germany. Were their many people going in, no. Are they many people coming in here, no, not near as many as there was before Obama took office.

The point is that the government told the people they were building a wall to protect them. Now here we have the government, not that lying MSM, telling you they are building a wall to protect you. Yes, it is the same. It is EXACTLY the same.

"The Berlin wall was for the East German people." You are a special kind of stupid
Speaking of walls and funny people:

2) For national security, would we be better off antagonizing our next door neighbor or giving them the carrot and stick treatment with money as the carrot?
It's not really a matter of "national security" though (to a small degree it is). But it's more about illegal immigration. A nation cannot handle an unlimited flow of people to it's country. There are major costs associated with each and every person that steps on their land. They are a drain on resources. A nation has to be able to properly plan and adjust for immigration.

As far as the carrot and stick treatment - that gets the Mexican government to comply with us - but that doesn't get the Mexican people to comply. They still sneak into this nation by the millions each year.
2) For national security, would we be better off antagonizing our next door neighbor or giving them the carrot and stick treatment with money as the carrot?
It's not really a matter of "national security" though (to a small degree it is). But it's more about illegal immigration. A nation cannot handle an unlimited flow of people to it's country. There are major costs associated with each and every person that steps on their land. They are a drain on resources. A nation has to be able to properly plan and adjust for immigration.

As far as the carrot and stick treatment - that gets the Mexican government to comply with us - but that doesn't get the Mexican people to comply. They still sneak into this nation by the millions each year.

Due to the multi-Billion dollar cost of "the wall" and it's annual upkeep, many of it's proponents augment the necessity of building it citing fighting anti-terrorism and drug runners. So, while I agree this is more about illegal immigration than national security, there are many who are trying to make it about national security.

The link below shows "millions" of Mexicans don't cross the border each year since there are only about six million total in the US, a number that is declining. As a frequent business traveler to Mexico over the past 15 years, I've watched their economy boom. Good because it keeps Mexicans at home, bad because many of their factories are in competition with US factories and lower cost. While there are US factories there, most are Japanese and German with an eye toward exports throughout the Western hemisphere.

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Mexicans made up 52% of all unauthorized immigrants in 2014, though their numbers had been declining in recent years. There were 5.8 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. that year, down from 6.4 million in 2009, according to the latest Pew Research Center estimates. Meanwhile, the number of unauthorized immigrants from nations other than Mexico grew by 325,000 since 2009, to an estimated 5.3 million in 2014. Populations went up most for unauthorized immigrants from Asia and Central America, but the number also ticked up for those from sub-Saharan Africa. Increases in the number of unauthorized immigrants from other countries mostly offset the decline in the number from Mexico.

Again, I completely agree we need to resolve the illegal immigrant issue, it appears you and I agree our money could be better spent fixing the problem through legislation and enforcement of laws than building a single-point-of-defense White Elephant.
2) For national security, would we be better off antagonizing our next door neighbor or giving them the carrot and stick treatment with money as the carrot?
It's not really a matter of "national security" though (to a small degree it is). But it's more about illegal immigration. A nation cannot handle an unlimited flow of people to it's country. There are major costs associated with each and every person that steps on their land. They are a drain on resources. A nation has to be able to properly plan and adjust for immigration.

As far as the carrot and stick treatment - that gets the Mexican government to comply with us - but that doesn't get the Mexican people to comply. They still sneak into this nation by the millions each year.

Due to the multi-Billion dollar cost of "the wall" and it's annual upkeep, many of it's proponents augment the necessity of building it citing fighting anti-terrorism and drug runners. So, while I agree this is more about illegal immigration than national security, there are many who are trying to make it about national security.

The link below shows "millions" of Mexicans don't cross the border each year since there are only about six million total in the US, a number that is declining. As a frequent business traveler to Mexico over the past 15 years, I've watched their economy boom. Good because it keeps Mexicans at home, bad because many of their factories are in competition with US factories and lower cost. While there are US factories there, most are Japanese and German with an eye toward exports throughout the Western hemisphere.

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Mexicans made up 52% of all unauthorized immigrants in 2014, though their numbers had been declining in recent years. There were 5.8 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. that year, down from 6.4 million in 2009, according to the latest Pew Research Center estimates. Meanwhile, the number of unauthorized immigrants from nations other than Mexico grew by 325,000 since 2009, to an estimated 5.3 million in 2014. Populations went up most for unauthorized immigrants from Asia and Central America, but the number also ticked up for those from sub-Saharan Africa. Increases in the number of unauthorized immigrants from other countries mostly offset the decline in the number from Mexico.

Again, I completely agree we need to resolve the illegal immigrant issue, it appears you and I agree our money could be better spent fixing the problem through legislation and enforcement of laws than building a single-point-of-defense White Elephant.
I largely agree with everything you said. And, again, I do think money would be better spent in other ways other than the wall. However, I have to question your numbers on illegal immigrants. For decades now, I've heard "20 million illegal aliens". That's the number that gets widely reported whenever I hear it. Not saying it's correct. But I can only go on what I hear.
a market friendly visa could solve our illegal problem on permanent basis using capitalism, not socialism.
Actually - enforcing our immigration laws would solve all of our illegal alien problems on a permanent basis. Crime is not an economic issue genius. It is neither capitalist or socialist.
Where is the money going to come from for the construction of the wall. mexico has said time and again they aren't paying for it, so did Trump lie to us again?
Well let me start by saying I believe the wall is a bad idea. The money would be much better spent on technology (such as drones) and more man power, to secure our borders.

But that being said - the money from the wall will come from the foreign aid we send to Mexico. And then we tell them that if they don't pay for the wall in full - they never get another dime of aid from the U.S. again. Their panic will be the stuff of legends. And they will pay. If for some reason they don't - the money we would have spent on their aid covers it. So we are no further behind than before the wall.
While I completely agree with you about "the wall", technology (adding legislation criminalizing those who support illegals), the money in foreign aid to Mexico is $134M, a fraction of what a wall would cost. Mexico |

On the technology angle, that applies to all of our borders and coastal regions.
$134 million is nothing to sneeze at (especially as technology becomes cheaper). $134 million over 10 years is $1.34 billion. That is some serious money. Plus,drones continue to get cheaper and can cover quite a bit of area. And of course - a drone is only one example of the tools currently available. More will be developed in the coming years.
How the fuck is a 'drone' going to prevent a hundred illegals from running across the border???????????
The 'drone' can only send a video to a border post four miles away.
"Looks like another hundred just ran across the border Sam. Pass the mole".
How the fuck is a 'drone' going to prevent a hundred illegals from running across the border???????????
The 'drone' can only send a video to a border post four miles away.
"Looks like another hundred just ran across the border Sam. Pass the mole". dense little can alert border patrol agents. Who can then drive to that location (while the drone continues to follow the criminals providing real time GSP coordinates). You could literally cut the border patrol agents in half while achieving 100x's their current results.

God Almighty - the collective IQ of the USMB community scares the shit out of me. Progressives have certainly achieved their goal of dumbing down society. :eusa_doh:
The Mexican government is 100% in the pockets of the drug Cartels. ANYONE with a fucking brain knows this!
President Trump to the Mexican President: "Make a fucking phone call to your Los Zetas buddies and tell them to pony up 20 billion in cash they have stored in those massive underground complexes they built in the eighties".
Make the call today. I expect to see those eighteen wheelers in front of the White House by Friday. Otherwise Los Zetas can replace the aid money the US sends you.
Who knows maybe one of our B52s carrying sixteen MOABS might mistakenly flies off course and drops the MOABS on those caverns which are hiding tens of billions of US currency in illegal drug money.
Pass that on to your Los Zetas 'fuck buddies'.
Same to you asshole!".
I largely agree with everything you said. And, again, I do think money would be better spent in other ways other than the wall. However, I have to question your numbers on illegal immigrants. For decades now, I've heard "20 million illegal aliens". That's the number that gets widely reported whenever I hear it. Not saying it's correct. But I can only go on what I hear.
11-12 million was the most often quoted number I've heard and read about. The number declined due to the "great recession", which adds weight to the idea that if we deny illegals services, jobs and other financial enticements, they'll self-deport.

Like the anti-gun fanatics who inflate the numbers of "gun violence deaths" using suicides, I think the anti-immigrant crowd inflates the problem in order to sell their position.

Demographics of Immigrants in the United States Illegally - Illegal Immigration -
How the fuck is a 'drone' going to prevent a hundred illegals from running across the border???????????
The 'drone' can only send a video to a border post four miles away.
"Looks like another hundred just ran across the border Sam. Pass the mole". dense little can alert border patrol agents. Who can then drive to that location (while the drone continues to follow the criminals providing real time GSP coordinates). You could literally cut the border patrol agents in half while achieving 100x's their current results.

God Almighty - the collective IQ of the USMB community scares the shit out of me. Progressives have certainly achieved their goal of dumbing down society. :eusa_doh:
That's right now I'm a 'Progressive' for pointing out how fucking ludicrous your idea is? Fucking idiot!
So which of the hundred illegals is the 'drone' going to follow? The FIRST thing these illegal do is break up into small groups. The LAST thing the 'coyotes' tell the hundred illegals is to immediately spit up into small groups when they get across the border so they don't all get rounded up.
So ONE drone follows five illegals into the bush. Big fucking deal asshole!!!!! What about the other ninety five????
IF 'drones' were anywhere NEAR the solution Border Patrol would be using them. You are aware that at least one border patrol agent is required per drone right?
You're a fucking dummy!

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