Mexican President: Mexico Doesn’t Believe In Walls

Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.

Well placed landmines and booby traps along the border would far more effective and much cheaper than a wall.
Until American kids get blown up chasing a ball too close to the border.

Much more effective to just throw into jail anyone who hires, employs or otherwise supports illegals. Arrest a few and most Americans will comply with the law. The illegals, for lack of jobs and a place to live will self-deport just like they did during the Great Recession.

Well, then, how about throwing all drug users in jail or concentration camps?

That would stop the demand for drugs, therefore the drug trafficking.
Mexico actually has tough border security on its southern border. It's like what Trump said, you can't blame Mexico for taking advantage of America. It's been allowed for so many years. However, i think that may be changing soon.
I completely agree and support that change. I do not dispute that we need to resolve our illegal immigrant problem. The dispute is how best to do it. A wall doesn't stop a foreigner from overstaying their visa.

From 2012:

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Mexicans made up 52% of all unauthorized immigrants in 2014, though their numbers had been declining in recent years. There were 5.8 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. that year, down from 6.4 million in 2009, according to the latest Pew Research Center estimates. Meanwhile, the number of unauthorized immigrants from nations other than Mexico grew by 325,000 since 2009, to an estimated 5.3 million in 2014. Populations went up most for unauthorized immigrants from Asia and Central America, but the number also ticked up for those from sub-Saharan Africa. Increases in the number of unauthorized immigrants from other countries mostly offset the decline in the number from Mexico.
a market friendly visa could solve our illegal problem on permanent basis using capitalism, not socialism.
Actually - enforcing our immigration laws would solve all of our illegal alien problems on a permanent basis. Crime is not an economic issue genius. It is neither capitalist or socialist.
Where is the money going to come from for the construction of the wall. mexico has said time and again they aren't paying for it, so did Trump lie to us again?
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.

Well placed landmines and booby traps along the border would far more effective and much cheaper than a wall.
Until American kids get blown up chasing a ball too close to the border.

Much more effective to just throw into jail anyone who hires, employs or otherwise supports illegals. Arrest a few and most Americans will comply with the law. The illegals, for lack of jobs and a place to live will self-deport just like they did during the Great Recession.

Well, then, how about throwing all drug users in jail or concentration camps?

That would stop the demand for drugs, therefore the drug trafficking.
That's a Nanny State solution too.
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.

Well placed landmines and booby traps along the border would far more effective and much cheaper than a wall.
Until American kids get blown up chasing a ball too close to the border.

Much more effective to just throw into jail anyone who hires, employs or otherwise supports illegals. Arrest a few and most Americans will comply with the law. The illegals, for lack of jobs and a place to live will self-deport just like they did during the Great Recession.

Well, then, how about throwing all drug users in jail or concentration camps?

That would stop the demand for drugs, therefore the drug trafficking.
That's a Nanny State solution too.

But it would work. And as an added bonus all those addicts would be detoxed. or dead.

Win/win situation.
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.

Well placed landmines and booby traps along the border would far more effective and much cheaper than a wall.
Until American kids get blown up chasing a ball too close to the border.

Much more effective to just throw into jail anyone who hires, employs or otherwise supports illegals. Arrest a few and most Americans will comply with the law. The illegals, for lack of jobs and a place to live will self-deport just like they did during the Great Recession.

Well, then, how about throwing all drug users in jail or concentration camps?

That would stop the demand for drugs, therefore the drug trafficking.
That's a Nanny State solution too.

But it would work. And as an added bonus all those addicts would be detoxed. or dead.

Win/win situation.

Concentration camps are the democrats bag.
Mexico actually has tough border security on its southern border. It's like what Trump said, you can't blame Mexico for taking advantage of America. It's been allowed for so many years. However, i think that may be changing soon.
I completely agree and support that change. I do not dispute that we need to resolve our illegal immigrant problem. The dispute is how best to do it. A wall doesn't stop a foreigner from overstaying their visa.

From 2012:

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Mexicans made up 52% of all unauthorized immigrants in 2014, though their numbers had been declining in recent years. There were 5.8 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. that year, down from 6.4 million in 2009, according to the latest Pew Research Center estimates. Meanwhile, the number of unauthorized immigrants from nations other than Mexico grew by 325,000 since 2009, to an estimated 5.3 million in 2014. Populations went up most for unauthorized immigrants from Asia and Central America, but the number also ticked up for those from sub-Saharan Africa. Increases in the number of unauthorized immigrants from other countries mostly offset the decline in the number from Mexico.

Absolutely Spot On. Our Immigration System is in shambles. It's not only about the border. Obama dismantled the System. It now has to be rebuilt. It'll take Trump at least eight years to even make a dent in reform.

It took many many years to create this catastrophe. And it's gonna take many many years to fix it. Trump will not be a 'miracle-worker.' However, he can make some progress. I support him 100% in his effort.
Mexico president cancels U.S. visit after Trump wall comments

"Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Thursday he had scrapped plans to meet Donald Trump next week after the U.S. president tweeted Mexico should cancel the meeting if it was not prepared to pay for his proposed border wall."

"Adios, amigo! Oh, and about that annual 'Foreign Aid' you were expecting...."

Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.

Well placed landmines and booby traps along the border would far more effective and much cheaper than a wall.
Until American kids get blown up chasing a ball too close to the border.

Much more effective to just throw into jail anyone who hires, employs or otherwise supports illegals. Arrest a few and most Americans will comply with the law. The illegals, for lack of jobs and a place to live will self-deport just like they did during the Great Recession.

Well, then, how about throwing all drug users in jail or concentration camps?

That would stop the demand for drugs, therefore the drug trafficking.
That's a Nanny State solution too.

But it would work. And as an added bonus all those addicts would be detoxed. or dead.

Win/win situation.
Possibly. Did Prohibition stop drinking? No, but it did give rise to the Mafia just as the "Drug War" gave rise to the Cartels.

You could have street executions of drug addicts for the rest of the year and there will always be more. Why? Human nature. Some people are just losers and those losers are being born every day. We simply won't see them for another 15-20 years.

FWIW, It's another reason why I support abortion. In fact, if a woman has more than 5(7?) abortions she gets a free tubal ligation! To be fair to men, if a man has more than the same number of children without supporting them, he gets a free vasectomy!
"The Mexican president also said that “Mexico doesn’t believe in walls,” and that “Mexico won’t pay for a wall.”

Mexico doesn't believe in walls, huh?

What Hypocrisy? Mexico Announces Plans for GREAT WALL on Southern Border with Central America

Mexican officialss are talking about building a great wall on its southern border with Central America. It seems Mexico agrees with Donald Trump’s plans to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants – but only on its southern border with Central America.

"Mexicans are calling for the border wall to keep out Guatemalans, Salvadorans and Hondurans fleeing violence in their own countries."

Mexico Already Has a Giant Wall, and a Mining Company Helped to Build It

Some walls are made of concrete and razor wire. Others are made of soldiers, violence, bureaucracy and misinformation. While Grupo Mexico has built a long wall to stop migrants from getting on or off its long distance train, “The Beast,” the Mexican government’s Southern Border Plan is also making it much harder for Central American migrants desperately fleeing violence and poverty to travel through the country.

Mexico moves to lock down its OTHER border wall | Daily Mail Online

Mexico has a serious, and growing, problem with immigrants transiting through Mexico on the way to the US. For years Mexico has had a more lenient policy with their own illegals TRANSITING THROUGH Mexico (not staying) on the way to the US. It is being reported now that if the US gets serious about closing and controlling its US-Mexican border the flow of illegals into their country on the way to the US will back-up and become much MORE 'their' problem. As mentioned, they already have enough problems with these transiting illegals, so they are getting serious about closing / controlling their own southern border now.

'Mexico doesn't believe in walls' my ass.

Mexico says it doesn't believe in walls because of the millions of American dollars the illegals send back home to Mexico.

Those dollars a huge part of the Mexican economy. So no. They aren't in favor of a wall that will keep their citizens in Mexico and the US dollar in America.
Wouldn't a cheaper resolution be to require proof of legal residence prior to transferring money out of the country? Add to that something akin to a straw purchase law to prevent legal residents from transferring money for illegals.

You mean like the Drivers License they give to illegals? Sure, the lady at Western Union in Walgreens wil verify it all.
We must look at the truth about this.

The majority of southern US border migrants are central and some south Americans......and it is because Mexico does not have strong southern border control and it does not believe in walls...

So we must build it for our own sovereignty.

The more they say they don't believe in them, the more reason for us to build it.

Pretty much basic logic.

By the way...if those central and south Americans were interested in staying in Mexico and not just using it as a conduit to the u.s....I bet they would start believing in walls!
"The Mexican president also said that “Mexico doesn’t believe in walls,” and that “Mexico won’t pay for a wall.”

Mexico doesn't believe in walls, huh?

What Hypocrisy? Mexico Announces Plans for GREAT WALL on Southern Border with Central America

Mexican officialss are talking about building a great wall on its southern border with Central America. It seems Mexico agrees with Donald Trump’s plans to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants – but only on its southern border with Central America.

"Mexicans are calling for the border wall to keep out Guatemalans, Salvadorans and Hondurans fleeing violence in their own countries."

Mexico Already Has a Giant Wall, and a Mining Company Helped to Build It

Some walls are made of concrete and razor wire. Others are made of soldiers, violence, bureaucracy and misinformation. While Grupo Mexico has built a long wall to stop migrants from getting on or off its long distance train, “The Beast,” the Mexican government’s Southern Border Plan is also making it much harder for Central American migrants desperately fleeing violence and poverty to travel through the country.

Mexico moves to lock down its OTHER border wall | Daily Mail Online

Mexico has a serious, and growing, problem with immigrants transiting through Mexico on the way to the US. For years Mexico has had a more lenient policy with their own illegals TRANSITING THROUGH Mexico (not staying) on the way to the US. It is being reported now that if the US gets serious about closing and controlling its US-Mexican border the flow of illegals into their country on the way to the US will back-up and become much MORE 'their' problem. As mentioned, they already have enough problems with these transiting illegals, so they are getting serious about closing / controlling their own southern border now.

'Mexico doesn't believe in walls' my ass.

Mexico says it doesn't believe in walls because of the millions of American dollars the illegals send back home to Mexico.

Those dollars a huge part of the Mexican economy. So no. They aren't in favor of a wall that will keep their citizens in Mexico and the US dollar in America.
Wouldn't a cheaper resolution be to require proof of legal residence prior to transferring money out of the country? Add to that something akin to a straw purchase law to prevent legal residents from transferring money for illegals.

You mean like the Drivers License they give to illegals? Sure, the lady at Western Union in Walgreens wil verify it all.
Agreed. That's the sort of laws we need to change. Anything that supports illegal immigration, including "sanctuary cities", needs to be fixed.

That said, most Americans, myself included, do see that "Dreamers" need to be treated fairly. Deporting an 18 year old who arrived at 6 months is not an equitable solution. Reagan's amnesty program didn't work because there was nothing in place to prevent it from happening again. I have no problem with amnesty given that it is part of an overall program to fix the illegal immigration for once and for all.
That said, most Americans, myself included, do see that "Dreamers" need to be treated fairly. Deporting an 18 year old who arrived at 6 months is not an equitable solution.
What exactly does 'treating them fairly' look like to a criminal who broke into your house through the window and now demands to be allowed to stay?

Is it 'fair' that they knowingly came here and now expects the US Tax payer to pick up the tab?

There are no 'Dreamers' because the federal Dream Act was never passed by Congress, and since Immigration is controlled by the FEDERAL Govt the individual States' 'Dream Acts' still fall under the federal govt's ability to override them.

Just because the previous President allowed illegals to stay in this country for 6 months doesn't mean the next President must honor the last President's refusal to enforce existing US law.

I am not saying immediately kick their asses out, but don't tell me what is 'fair' to criminals who knowingly disrespected this country by breaking our laws to come here. We don't OWE them anything. If allowed to stay it will be due to the graciousness and generosity of the American people, not because we owe them anything.
We must look at the truth about this.

The majority of southern US border migrants are central and some south Americans......and it is because Mexico does not have strong southern border control and it does not believe in walls...

So we must build it for our own sovereignty.

The more they say they don't believe in them, the more reason for us to build it.

Pretty much basic logic.

By the way...if those central and south Americans were interested in staying in Mexico and not just using it as a conduit to the u.s....I bet they would start believing in walls!
Speaking of truths, here's one:

OTOH, all good Marines know this truism:

Building a wall both passive and very expensive. Best to be aggressive and fiscally efficient.

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