Mexican President: Mexico Doesn’t Believe In Walls

Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.
9/11 terrorists went through canada

which mostly looks like this


in fact after 9/11 when intelligence agencies told Republicans to increase canada's border patrols Bush cut funding to Canada's by 10 fold and increased mexican border patrol by the same amount

False, false and false.
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.
The coast line is pretty heavily populated though. Way more than the desert. Chances of them getting nabbed are much larger. Nothing will cut it all off but a real border is a big step. Mexico doesn't want a wall because we are nothing effing with their economy, funny how that works.
Parts, yes. Nonetheless, the "Drug War" has been a resounding defeat. Terrorists have money and will do anything to hurt us. Obviously the current steps we've employed (attacking them where they live) are easier than having a bunker mentality. There are cheaper methods to stopping illegal immigration. The single biggest causal factor for slowing illegal immigration in the past 30 years was the Great Recession. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.
Yeah so lets make sure we don't improve the gdp. How has the drug war been a defeat? They've confiscation millions of tons by now.
I'm all in favor of improving the US economy. I'm all in favor of reducing our nearly $20T debt. It's a non sequitur to say drugs or illegals are the reason our economy is down and our debt is so high.

As for drugs, some people are a drain on society. It would have been better if they had never been born, but since they are, then I'd rather they OD and remove themselves from society rather than have taxpayers spend billions of dollars each year trying to protect them from themselves.

This is the same reason why I'm against seatbelt, motorcycle helmet and other Nanny State laws.
It's a non sequitur to say drugs or illegals are the reason our economy is down and our debt is so high.

Who made that argument? Drugs are a huge drain on society and I'm not willing to relieve the China Opium War experiment.
I'd be surprised if Mexico is building a wall down south. I don't think they could afford it, but if anything, they may be putting up a fence.
Remember when Democrats invited the President of Mexico to speak to the American people from Congress, and he lectured the United States on how we did not have the right to enforce our own Immigration laws to prevent his people - and others - from coming into the United states from / through Mexico?!

I don't know who was the bigger d!ck for that - The Mexican President or Democrats. :p
I'd be surprised if Mexico is building a wall down south. I don't think they could afford it, but if anything, they may be putting up a fence.

We've already given them millions for it.
It's hard to get a handle on exactly what the Mexican government believes in. Mexico is a country rich in resources but many of it's people live in dirt poor conditions with rampant crime and drug and kidnapping cartels. The best thing to do is not worry about what Mexico believes and listen to the hardships the border states endure as a result of illegal aliens and consider the incredible cost of illegal immigration in the United States.
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.

Well placed landmines and booby traps along the border would far more effective and much cheaper than a wall.
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.
The coast line is pretty heavily populated though. Way more than the desert. Chances of them getting nabbed are much larger. Nothing will cut it all off but a real border is a big step. Mexico doesn't want a wall because we are nothing effing with their economy, funny how that works.
Parts, yes. Nonetheless, the "Drug War" has been a resounding defeat. Terrorists have money and will do anything to hurt us. Obviously the current steps we've employed (attacking them where they live) are easier than having a bunker mentality. There are cheaper methods to stopping illegal immigration. The single biggest causal factor for slowing illegal immigration in the past 30 years was the Great Recession. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.
Yeah so lets make sure we don't improve the gdp. How has the drug war been a defeat? They've confiscation millions of tons by now.
I'm all in favor of improving the US economy. I'm all in favor of reducing our nearly $20T debt. It's a non sequitur to say drugs or illegals are the reason our economy is down and our debt is so high.

As for drugs, some people are a drain on society. It would have been better if they had never been born, but since they are, then I'd rather they OD and remove themselves from society rather than have taxpayers spend billions of dollars each year trying to protect them from themselves.

This is the same reason why I'm against seatbelt, motorcycle helmet and other Nanny State laws.
It's a non sequitur to say drugs or illegals are the reason our economy is down and our debt is so high.

Who made that argument? Drugs are a huge drain on society and I'm not willing to relieve the China Opium War experiment.
You are free to support Nanny Statism just like many on the Left do. I, however, am against it. Sure, restrict where people can do it just like drinking, but if someone wants to drink or drug themselves into oblivion, that should be their choice.
It's hard to get a handle on exactly what the Mexican government believes in. Mexico is a country rich in resources but many of it's people live in dirt poor conditions with rampant crime and drug and kidnapping cartels. The best thing to do is not worry about what Mexico believes and listen to the hardships the border states endure as a result of illegal aliens and consider the incredible cost of illegal immigration in the United States.

Mexico was a socialist Country for over 75 years. The Party that has run the Mexican government for 80 of the last 86 years (?give or take) is the PRI (pronounced 'pree') the Institutional REVOLUTIONARY Party.

Many of the Provinces in Mexico are Stone Cold communist-run.

Their Constitution, for over 50 years, demanded a 'socialist education' for their children.

Their 'Cristero' War was so named because they went around murdering EVERY SINGLE PRIEST THEY COULD FIND.

Mexico is one of THE most fucked up places on Earth. And not by accident.

They got the government they deserved. And still do.

Mexico is a pus-hole.
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.

Well placed landmines and booby traps along the border would far more effective and much cheaper than a wall.
Until American kids get blown up chasing a ball too close to the border.

Much more effective to just throw into jail anyone who hires, employs or otherwise supports illegals. Arrest a few and most Americans will comply with the law. The illegals, for lack of jobs and a place to live will self-deport just like they did during the Great Recession.
You are free to support Nanny Statism just like many on the Left do. I, however, am against it. Sure, restrict where people can do it just like drinking, but if someone wants to drink or drug themselves into oblivion, that should be their choice.

If they did it in a vacuum, sure.

But that's not reality. The reality is, it costs everybody.
The coast line is pretty heavily populated though. Way more than the desert. Chances of them getting nabbed are much larger. Nothing will cut it all off but a real border is a big step. Mexico doesn't want a wall because we are nothing effing with their economy, funny how that works.
Parts, yes. Nonetheless, the "Drug War" has been a resounding defeat. Terrorists have money and will do anything to hurt us. Obviously the current steps we've employed (attacking them where they live) are easier than having a bunker mentality. There are cheaper methods to stopping illegal immigration. The single biggest causal factor for slowing illegal immigration in the past 30 years was the Great Recession. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.
Yeah so lets make sure we don't improve the gdp. How has the drug war been a defeat? They've confiscation millions of tons by now.
I'm all in favor of improving the US economy. I'm all in favor of reducing our nearly $20T debt. It's a non sequitur to say drugs or illegals are the reason our economy is down and our debt is so high.

As for drugs, some people are a drain on society. It would have been better if they had never been born, but since they are, then I'd rather they OD and remove themselves from society rather than have taxpayers spend billions of dollars each year trying to protect them from themselves.

This is the same reason why I'm against seatbelt, motorcycle helmet and other Nanny State laws.
It's a non sequitur to say drugs or illegals are the reason our economy is down and our debt is so high.

Who made that argument? Drugs are a huge drain on society and I'm not willing to relieve the China Opium War experiment.
You are free to support Nanny Statism just like many on the Left do. I, however, am against it. Sure, restrict where people can do it just like drinking, but if someone wants to drink or drug themselves into oblivion, that should be their choice.
You have to greatly stretch definitions to hold your views. Making drugs illegal isn't a nanny state philosophy. In fact the opposite, more druggies will mean more dependence.
You are free to support Nanny Statism just like many on the Left do. I, however, am against it. Sure, restrict where people can do it just like drinking, but if someone wants to drink or drug themselves into oblivion, that should be their choice.

If they did it in a vacuum, sure.

But that's not reality. The reality is, it costs everybody.
By that logic shouldn't we also ban alcohol and tobacco? What other Nanny State laws would you support?
Mexico actually has tough border security on its southern border. It's like what Trump said, you can't blame Mexico for taking advantage of America. It's been allowed for so many years. However, i think that may be changing soon.
If the Mexican president idiot was on the receiving end of millions of poor welfare bound illegals, criminals, and drugs pouring across his border into Mexico he'd build a wall armed with machine guns.
By that logic shouldn't we also ban alcohol and tobacco? What other Nanny State laws would you support?

Alcohol has been accepted for THOUSANDS of years. Thousands,

Tobacco's bad effects weren't all that well known because people in the old days didn't live long enough to see the bad effects.

Marijuana is fine in my book. But hard drugs? Nope. No way.

I've seen the effects. And not just on individuals, on entire communities.

Your argument is specious
Parts, yes. Nonetheless, the "Drug War" has been a resounding defeat. Terrorists have money and will do anything to hurt us. Obviously the current steps we've employed (attacking them where they live) are easier than having a bunker mentality. There are cheaper methods to stopping illegal immigration. The single biggest causal factor for slowing illegal immigration in the past 30 years was the Great Recession. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.
Yeah so lets make sure we don't improve the gdp. How has the drug war been a defeat? They've confiscation millions of tons by now.
I'm all in favor of improving the US economy. I'm all in favor of reducing our nearly $20T debt. It's a non sequitur to say drugs or illegals are the reason our economy is down and our debt is so high.

As for drugs, some people are a drain on society. It would have been better if they had never been born, but since they are, then I'd rather they OD and remove themselves from society rather than have taxpayers spend billions of dollars each year trying to protect them from themselves.

This is the same reason why I'm against seatbelt, motorcycle helmet and other Nanny State laws.
It's a non sequitur to say drugs or illegals are the reason our economy is down and our debt is so high.

Who made that argument? Drugs are a huge drain on society and I'm not willing to relieve the China Opium War experiment.
You are free to support Nanny Statism just like many on the Left do. I, however, am against it. Sure, restrict where people can do it just like drinking, but if someone wants to drink or drug themselves into oblivion, that should be their choice.
You have to greatly stretch definitions to hold your views. Making drugs illegal isn't a nanny state philosophy. In fact the opposite, more druggies will mean more dependence.

19 Signs That America Has Become A Nanny State
....Our lives are governed by millions of laws, rules and regulations and more are being piled on all the time. In fact, 40,000 new laws just went into effect in January. Every single new law restricts your freedom just a little bit more. The truth is that America has become a crazy control freak nation where virtually everything that we do is highly regulated. You have probably broken multiple laws today that you don’t even know exist. We have all become criminals and lawbreakers because almost everything is illegal at this point. Our politicians are convinced that they are “making life better” by piling gigantic mountains of laws on to our backs, and law enforcement authorities are convinced that they are helping society by “cracking down on crime”, but the reality is that our liberties and our freedoms are being strangled by all of this government oppression. This is not the way that America is supposed to work.....

....So why do we have so many laws and regulations?

Well, those that run things actually believe that we cannot be trusted with liberty and freedom.

They honestly are convinced that society will be better if they regulate our lives as much as possible.

This kind of “Big Brother” thinking is very dangerous. A lot of other horrible totalitarian societies started out with “good intentions” as well.

Yes, having millions of laws, rules and regulations does make society more “predictable” but it also makes it more like a giant prison.

This is not what our founding fathers intended, and this is not what America is supposed to be about.

The Nanny State
One of the more disturbing trends in government expansion over the last 30 years has been the collection of laws, regulations, and binding court decisions that make up the ‘‘nanny state.’’ Those laws and regulations represent government at its most arrogant. Their message is clear: politicians and bureaucrats know more about how to live your life, manage your health, and raise your kids than you do. Former president Ronald Reagan once said: ‘‘Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.’’ Today’s policymakers would do well to heed Reagan’s words.

Texas Rep. Calls Out Trump Wall While Los Zetas Cartel Operates in His District

"A (D) congressman from this border city has expressed his disappointment at the executive orders signed by President Donald J. Trump, calling for more border security and a wall. The comments come at the same time the Los Zetas cartel has laid claim to a local park in his district."

"While manufacturing plants and factories on both sides of the border provide a constant flow of trucks in and out of the country, the area is also one of the main smuggling corridors used by the Los Zetas Cartel."

Illegals running into the US through Congressman Henry Cuellar's (D-TX) district...and he has
a problem with trying to stop it....

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