Mexican President: Mexico Doesn’t Believe In Walls

That said, most Americans, myself included, do see that "Dreamers" need to be treated fairly. Deporting an 18 year old who arrived at 6 months is not an equitable solution.
What exactly does 'treating them fairly' look like to a criminal who broke into your house through the window and now demands to be allowed to stay?

Is it 'fair' that they knowingly came here and now expects the US Tax payer to pick up the tab?

There are no 'Dreamers' because the federal Dream Act was never passed by Congress, and since Immigration is controlled by the FEDERAL Govt the individual States' 'Dream Acts' still fall under the federal govt's ability to override them.

Just because the previous President allowed illegals to stay in this country for 6 months doesn't mean the next President must honor the last President's refusal to enforce existing US law.

I am not saying immediately kick their asses out, but don't tell me what is 'fair' to criminals who knowingly disrespected this country by breaking our laws to come here. We don't OWE them anything. If allowed to stay it will be due to the graciousness and generosity of the American people, not because we owe them anything.
I defer to President Trump on that one:
Trump: 'We’re going to work something out' with Dreamers
In an interview with Time magazine announcing him as "Person of the Year," Trump didn't go into specifics but signaled that he could find a way to accommodate the Dreamers.

"We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud,” Trump told the magazine. “They got brought here at a very young age, they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never land because they don’t know what’s going to happen.

What Americans want to do about illegal immigration
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now
Like I said yesterday, and here they are right on que, comparing what Trump is going to do to the fucking Berlin Wall.

Fucking dipshit puppet morons.

Hey, purple moron, the Berlin Wall was built to keep people IN! You stupid fucking ignorant ape.

You get the difference or not?

No, you don't.

Trust me folks. This moron is only parroting the narrative being pushed by soros and leftist think tanks.

The morons will now shift from ridiculing Trump for "lying about a wall" to comparing to the Berlin Wall.

If you think this purple ape has anything original to ever say.....

Just said it yesterday and I have been saying it for a year. The left will compare it to the Berlin Wall.

Here they are.
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns

Well, we aren't doing it for Mexicans, we are doing it to ensure we can keep out the criminals, the health risks and the ones who can't support themselves. So your post is irrelevant, no one is saying we are doing it for them. The ones who just want to work and not harm us or suck us dry are welcome. We have every right and the government has the responsibility to ensure that
a market friendly visa could solve our illegal problem on permanent basis using capitalism, not socialism.
Actually - enforcing our immigration laws would solve all of our illegal alien problems on a permanent basis. Crime is not an economic issue genius. It is neither capitalist or socialist.
Where is the money going to come from for the construction of the wall. mexico has said time and again they aren't paying for it, so did Trump lie to us again?
Well let me start by saying I believe the wall is a bad idea. The money would be much better spent on technology (such as drones) and more man power, to secure our borders.

But that being said - the money from the wall will come from the foreign aid we send to Mexico. And then we tell them that if they don't pay for the wall in full - they never get another dime of aid from the U.S. again. Their panic will be the stuff of legends. And they will pay. If for some reason they don't - the money we would have spent on their aid covers it. So we are no further behind than before the wall.
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According to Mexico’s immigration laws, every article of law controls illegal immigration into Mexican territory. If you immigrate to Mexico, Article 32 states you must speak Spanish and must be a professional who is useful to the Mexican society. There are no bilingual programs in the school and no pressing 2 for English. All business must be conducted in Spanish. Investors are welcome; but must pay higher than minimum wage and your land purchases are restricted. Article 34 states that foreigners must have the necessary funds to support themselves and their dependents. There are no welfare programs, food stamps, government housing or entitlements.

Article 87 states foreigners must be “physically and mentally healthy.” Articles 73, 85, 86, 87 state foreigners must be on a national population registry, cooperating with federal local, and municipal police. Article 116 states foreigners using fake documents face a fine and imprisonment. Immigrants must show birth certificate to show citizenship. Articles 117-121 state foreigners who fail to obey laws will be fined, deported, and felons imprisoned. No one is allowed to enter the country with a criminal record. There is no due process of deportation. There is no 14th Amendment. Law enforcement officers are required to enforce Mexico’s immigration laws at all times. Articles 123-126 make illegal immigration a felony. Articles 127 state any Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner is subject to five years in prison.
We must look at the truth about this.

The majority of southern US border migrants are central and some south Americans......and it is because Mexico does not have strong southern border control and it does not believe in walls...

So we must build it for our own sovereignty.

The more they say they don't believe in them, the more reason for us to build it.

Pretty much basic logic.

By the way...if those central and south Americans were interested in staying in Mexico and not just using it as a conduit to the u.s....I bet they would start believing in walls!
Speaking of truths, here's one:

OTOH, all good Marines know this truism:

Building a wall both passive and very expensive. Best to be aggressive and fiscally efficient.
Mexican Army is going to invade the US?
Step 1: secure the entire Southern Border. (this will help Mexico as then they won't be over-ran on their southern border by South Americans trying to get to USA). The word would go longer possible to get into USA for free housing, food, education, medication, transportation.

Step 2: Deport all illegals stuffed into jails. This is 1/3 of prison population. Get them out. Let Mexico or wherever deal with them.

Step 3: do something about everyones' "new favorite".......VISA overstays. Deal with it.

Step 4: If they are "good ones" working ............ good kids? whatever. I am sure Trump does not want to destroy them. Case by Case basis.

it ain't rocket science. it ain't all or nothing. It ain't impossible. Despite what foolish leftist puke regurgitate daily.

Just do it. shaddup about it.
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns
Yeap, they are still doing it. You can see how the puppets are being directed.

The Berlin wall.

Ever notice everything I say about all of them is dead on balls accurate?

Their problem with my claims is they have no clue how to deal with it. They are lost without the democrat left talking points.

I play them like a 3 dollar banjo. I literally own them, and they know it.

Funny isn't it?

Remember folks. The Berlin Wall. Lol...
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns
Yeap, they are still doing it. You can see how the puppets are being directed.

The Berlin wall.

Ever notice everything I say about all of them is dead on balls accurate?

Their problem with my claims is they have no clue how to deal with it. They are lost without the democrat left talking points.

I play them like a 3 dollar banjo. I literally own them, and they know it.

Funny isn't it?

Remember folks. The Berlin Wall. Lol...

It's incredible what dim wits like PurpleParrot and Winston are that they think Communists trapping their own citizens is like our wanting to know who is entering our country and check them out. They are just stupid piled on stupid
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns

Well, we aren't doing it for Mexicans, we are doing it to ensure we can keep out the criminals, the health risks and the ones who can't support themselves. So your post is irrelevant, no one is saying we are doing it for them. The ones who just want to work and not harm us or suck us dry are welcome. We have every right and the government has the responsibility to ensure that

You don't understand. That is EXACTLY what East Germany said. I mean EXACTLY. Criminals, health risks, and especially those that could not support themselves, running to their social utopia. Damn skippy it applies to Trump and his wall. It is EXACTLY the same. I am pretty sure when East Germany built that wall the vast majority of the East German people believed it was built for their protection. Hell, why would anyone want to leave?

So, flash forward 25 years from now. Maybe a few years after the German prime minister stands on the banks of the Rio Grande and says, "Madam President, tear down this wall". Scores of Hispanic Americans, now a full thirty percent of the population, stream across the newly opened border to visit relatives in Mexico.
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns

Well, we aren't doing it for Mexicans, we are doing it to ensure we can keep out the criminals, the health risks and the ones who can't support themselves. So your post is irrelevant, no one is saying we are doing it for them. The ones who just want to work and not harm us or suck us dry are welcome. We have every right and the government has the responsibility to ensure that

You don't understand. That is EXACTLY what East Germany said. I mean EXACTLY. Criminals, health risks, and especially those that could not support themselves, running to their social utopia. Damn skippy it applies to Trump and his wall. It is EXACTLY the same. I am pretty sure when East Germany built that wall the vast majority of the East German people believed it was built for their protection. Hell, why would anyone want to leave?

So, flash forward 25 years from now. Maybe a few years after the German prime minister stands on the banks of the Rio Grande and says, "Madam President, tear down this wall". Scores of Hispanic Americans, now a full thirty percent of the population, stream across the newly opened border to visit relatives in Mexico.

Winston: "It is EXACTLY the same"

So let's clarify your stupid. You think the Berlin Wall kept people from entering, not leaving East Germany or you think the Mexican Wall will keep Americans from leaving, not Mexicans from illegally entering the United States?
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns
Who the fuck cares what your fucking hero stalin told them.

You think the border wall will prevent America from...."escaping?"

You stupid fucking loser. Winston? What, are you some know it all English Tea Sucking English faggot?

Ignorant dick.
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns
Yeap, they are still doing it. You can see how the puppets are being directed.

The Berlin wall.

Ever notice everything I say about all of them is dead on balls accurate?

Their problem with my claims is they have no clue how to deal with it. They are lost without the democrat left talking points.

I play them like a 3 dollar banjo. I literally own them, and they know it.

Funny isn't it?

Remember folks. The Berlin Wall. Lol...

Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in. As was te Iron Curtain,

Learn about history.

But that is not what the East German people were told. Which is the point.

Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns
Who the fuck cares what your fucking hero stalin told them.

You think the border wall will prevent America from...."escaping?"

You stupid fucking loser. Winston? What, are you some know it all English Tea Sucking English faggot?

Ignorant dick.

On 13 August 1961 peace-loving Berliners won a battle for peace. The battle groups of Berlin’s working class, along with comrades in the National People’s Army and comrades of the German police of the capital of the GDR, put an end to subversive activity against the GDR by spies, slave-traders, and Revanchist organizations based in West Berlin

The Socialist Unity Party of Germany thanks all the comrades in the battle groups, the Society for Sport and Technology, and the German Red Cross for the readiness, the determination, the courage and discipline, with which these comrades and friends protected peace. We thank comrades of the National People’s Army and the German police who by their determination demonstrated that our young workers’ and farmers’ state is willing and able to guarantee peace in Germany, and that it has the necessary means to do so.

In Praise of the Berlin Wall (1961)
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

Funny. East Germany told her citizens they put up the wall for their protection too, from evil Facists streaming across the border trying to change the country's great way of life. You know, kind of like evil terrorists streaming across the border to change America's great way of life?

Gott mit uns
Who the fuck cares what your fucking hero stalin told them.

You think the border wall will prevent America from...."escaping?"

You stupid fucking loser. Winston? What, are you some know it all English Tea Sucking English faggot?

Ignorant dick.

On 13 August 1961 peace-loving Berliners won a battle for peace. The battle groups of Berlin’s working class, along with comrades in the National People’s Army and comrades of the German police of the capital of the GDR, put an end to subversive activity against the GDR by spies, slave-traders, and Revanchist organizations based in West Berlin

The Socialist Unity Party of Germany thanks all the comrades in the battle groups, the Society for Sport and Technology, and the German Red Cross for the readiness, the determination, the courage and discipline, with which these comrades and friends protected peace. We thank comrades of the National People’s Army and the German police who by their determination demonstrated that our young workers’ and farmers’ state is willing and able to guarantee peace in Germany, and that it has the necessary means to do so.

In Praise of the Berlin Wall (1961)

OK, let's pick a specific scenario.

East Germans who tried to escape East Germany were machine gunned.

Americans who want to leave America go to a check point in the wall and walk out.

Explain how that is "exactly the same"

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