Mexican President: Mexico Doesn’t Believe In Walls

Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Why did they ever knock down the Berlin wall? Seems like a stupid decision now

OMG, Democrats are so stupid it's funny. The Berlin wall was a prison wall to prevent their own citizens from leaving. Our wall is to allow us to decide who comes into our own country. We need to check out everyone coming here to ensure they are not a criminal, aren't carrying diseases and they can support themselves. You're such a dim wit

The obvious question becomes...did the Berlin wall work?

Of course it did.

The FIRST thing these illegal do is break up into small groups. The LAST thing the 'coyotes' tell the hundred illegals is to immediately spit up into small groups when they get across the border so they don't all get rounded up.
I'm sounds like you think you have a point here. Most people realize that a drone can patrol hundreds of miles very effectively by itself (because it is high up in the air and is equipped with cameras that can see great distances). So one drone picks up those 5 people. Another drone picks up another 5 people. And so on until 20 drones have all 100.

Math not your strong point?
It's hard to get a handle on exactly what the Mexican government believes in. Mexico is a country rich in resources but many of it's people live in dirt poor conditions with rampant crime and drug and kidnapping cartels. The best thing to do is not worry about what Mexico believes and listen to the hardships the border states endure as a result of illegal aliens and consider the incredible cost of illegal immigration in the United States.

Mexico is the worlds 11th richest country when based on GDP. Let them finance their population themselves.

IF 'drones' were anywhere NEAR the solution Border Patrol would be using them.
They do use them... :lmao:

You poor little nitwit:

US Border Patrol Drones Hacked by Drug Cartels

Border patrol agents want more drones and fencing along Mexican border

And here is the thing o'ignorant one: we just came off of the Obama nightmare. Government wasn't all that efficient or intelligent under Obama. Assuming that government always does the smart thing is a special kind of stupid - even by the standard you've set for yourself. :lol:
IF 'drones' were anywhere NEAR the solution Border Patrol would be using them.
They do use them... :lmao:

You poor little nitwit:

US Border Patrol Drones Hacked by Drug Cartels

Border patrol agents want more drones and fencing along Mexican border

And here is the thing o'ignorant one: we just came off of the Obama nightmare. Government wasn't all that efficient or intelligent under Obama. Assuming that government always does the smart thing is a special kind of stupid - even by the standard you've set for yourself. :lol:
"The Border Patrol has been doubling down on a "virtual wall" of drones, blimps and tower-mounted cameras, an approach that has produced mixed results."
'Mixed results' allright!
Border Patrol has attempted to use drones with "limited success".
Drones are a major pain in the ass to operate and maintain.
Some math.

Length of US-Mexican border: 1954 miles. One guard tower every two miles is 976 guard towers.

Average salary of Border Patrol agent: $49K/year. Two agents per tower, 8 hour shifts 24/7, 5 days each is about 10 agents per tower (covers weekends, sick, holidays, etc). 10 X 976 towers X $49K = payroll $478,240,000/year. This doesn't cover the cost of maintaining the wall and towers nor the cost of those doing the repairs. It doesn't cover the cost of annual training and equipment such as weapons and vehicles.
The Wall itself is estimated to cost up to $50B to build (although some put it at about half that) and about $1B/year to maintain. Trump's immigration tab: $166 billion

The Wall doesn't prevent anyone from entering the US by other means nor does it deport anyone. Those are additional costs. Using legislation to prevent supporting illegals, E-verify and other means would have to also be used. Since this is true, why not go that route first? It would cause many illegals to self-deport. Building the Wall first, IMHO, seems to be putting the cart before the horse.
making it a crime is an economic rational choice. a market friendly visa will generate revenue to defray the cost of Government.

only the right wing, has a problem with it.
Bwahahahaha! By that "logic" (and man am I using that term loosely here) making rape a crime is an "economic rational choice" and "rape friendly visas will generate revenue to defray the cost to government".

The cost is not an issue. At all. Hell - the money recouped by not educating these illegals, not providing healthcare to these illegals, not providing housing to these illegals, not providing food to these illegals, will more than cover ALL of the costs and then some. As will stop aid to Mexico. We'll have an insane surplus.
it is a fallacy of composition; "jaywalking over an imaginary State line", is Only a misdemeanor. you are confusing serious criminals with persons simple hoping to have a better life, or to make some decent money to go home and start a business, over there.

a wall is a waste of money. just spend and finance, is all the right wing knows how to do.

a market friendly visa will ensure participants in markets within our Union, are lawful.
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.
just more red tape from "red Russian" drinkers. all they are doing, is increasing the cost of doing business while claiming to be for limited government and free trade.
I can't wait until Trump suspends ALL foreign aid to Mexico. The country will collapse. And it will be glorious to watch.
That is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics:
Mexico is currently our 3rd largest goods trading partner with $531 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2015. Goods exports totaled $236 billion; goods imports totaled $295 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with Mexico was $58 billion in 2015.

Source: Mexico | United States Trade Representative
Do you have a point to your socialist babbling? Do you really believe the U.S. needs trade with Mexico to survive? :lmao:
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
a market friendly visa could solve our illegal problem on permanent basis using capitalism, not socialism.
Not sure what you are really trying to do or go for here or how that would play out, but regardless of any of that it certainly is an intriguing idea...need to figure out who, and how many, would be eligible and how that would affect or conflict with current immigration policy but it is something that piques my idea that is at least worth considering even if it is in jest.
about how many illegals do you believe are within our Union, now?
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.
The coast line is pretty heavily populated though. Way more than the desert. Chances of them getting nabbed are much larger. Nothing will cut it all off but a real border is a big step. Mexico doesn't want a wall because we are nothing effing with their economy, funny how that works.
just more socialism on a national basis, funny how that works, with the right wing.
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.
The coast line is pretty heavily populated though. Way more than the desert. Chances of them getting nabbed are much larger. Nothing will cut it all off but a real border is a big step. Mexico doesn't want a wall because we are nothing effing with their economy, funny how that works.
Parts, yes. Nonetheless, the "Drug War" has been a resounding defeat. Terrorists have money and will do anything to hurt us. Obviously the current steps we've employed (attacking them where they live) are easier than having a bunker mentality. There are cheaper methods to stopping illegal immigration. The single biggest causal factor for slowing illegal immigration in the past 30 years was the Great Recession. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.

Either way, this spectacle will be awesome to watch as it unfold on the way to the 2018 midterms.

a market friendly work visa can generate revenue to defray the cost of pursuing, serious criminals, not frivolous criminals, like gun lovers.
Canada should build a wall
They don't have to - they realize that all the liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump won were bluffing. :p
Nonetheless, building a 2000 mile, multi-billion dollar wall on the southern border won't stop drug runners and terrorists from simply going around it by boat or one of the other 5500+ miles of Canadian border or 12,400+ miles of coastline.
The coast line is pretty heavily populated though. Way more than the desert. Chances of them getting nabbed are much larger. Nothing will cut it all off but a real border is a big step. Mexico doesn't want a wall because we are nothing effing with their economy, funny how that works.
Parts, yes. Nonetheless, the "Drug War" has been a resounding defeat. Terrorists have money and will do anything to hurt us. Obviously the current steps we've employed (attacking them where they live) are easier than having a bunker mentality. There are cheaper methods to stopping illegal immigration. The single biggest causal factor for slowing illegal immigration in the past 30 years was the Great Recession. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.
Yeah so lets make sure we don't improve the gdp. How has the drug war been a defeat? They've confiscation millions of tons by now.
how long until the (other) Peoples' tax monies, runs out.
Drones are a major pain in the ass to operate and maintain.
Interesting response after you claimed that the border patrol doesn't use them. It's comical watching you uninformed, ignorant progressives chase your tails.

"Drones are a major pain in the ass to operate and maintain"! Really? Based on what? Your extensive history of operating and maintaining drones? :lmao:

This is why everyone in the world laughs at you people. You don't understand even basic economics. You reject technology. You deny science and biology. If it wasn't for conservatives - you fucking people would be like tribes in Afghanistan. Sitting in dirt huts without power and eating sand. :lol:
"The Mexican president also said that “Mexico doesn’t believe in walls,” and that “Mexico won’t pay for a wall.”

Mexico doesn't believe in walls, huh?

What Hypocrisy? Mexico Announces Plans for GREAT WALL on Southern Border with Central America

Mexican officialss are talking about building a great wall on its southern border with Central America. It seems Mexico agrees with Donald Trump’s plans to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants – but only on its southern border with Central America.

"Mexicans are calling for the border wall to keep out Guatemalans, Salvadorans and Hondurans fleeing violence in their own countries."

Mexico Already Has a Giant Wall, and a Mining Company Helped to Build It

Some walls are made of concrete and razor wire. Others are made of soldiers, violence, bureaucracy and misinformation. While Grupo Mexico has built a long wall to stop migrants from getting on or off its long distance train, “The Beast,” the Mexican government’s Southern Border Plan is also making it much harder for Central American migrants desperately fleeing violence and poverty to travel through the country.

Mexico moves to lock down its OTHER border wall | Daily Mail Online

Mexico has a serious, and growing, problem with immigrants transiting through Mexico on the way to the US. For years Mexico has had a more lenient policy with their own illegals TRANSITING THROUGH Mexico (not staying) on the way to the US. It is being reported now that if the US gets serious about closing and controlling its US-Mexican border the flow of illegals into their country on the way to the US will back-up and become much MORE 'their' problem. As mentioned, they already have enough problems with these transiting illegals, so they are getting serious about closing / controlling their own southern border now.

'Mexico doesn't believe in walls' my ass.

Mexico says it doesn't believe in walls because of the millions of American dollars the illegals send back home to Mexico.

Those dollars a huge part of the Mexican economy. So no. They aren't in favor of a wall that will keep their citizens in Mexico and the US dollar in America.
just more socialism on a national basis. how much is our war on illegals going to cost on a yearly basis?

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