Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

Is today the big day for Terral?


I work as the traffic manager for a major healthcare organization...we like to think of ourselves as Major anyway.

We get our vaccines in next week. If you don't hear from me two weeks from now, you may not want to get yours...I'm first in line to get the shot.

Hi Candy:

I work as the traffic manager for a major healthcare organization...we like to think of ourselves as Major anyway.

We get our vaccines in next week. If you don't hear from me two weeks from now, you may not want to get yours...I'm first in line to get the shot.


They can give me the H1N1/H5N1 Triple-triple Recombinant Bio-Weapon Mutagen, and make me a walking test tube GMP (Genetically Modified Person), when they climb over the dead bodies and pry the gun from my dead cold hands. Everyone here has been warned repeatedly that we are currently looking at the "Herald/Carrier Wave Virus Strain," AND the 'mutagen' (activating catalyst) is . . . IN . . . THE . . . LETHAL . . . VACCINE!!!!

[ame=""]Listen To Dr. Horowitz Describing H1N1 Global Genocide!!! Part 1 of 6[/ame] << Link to Dr. Horowitz's Site
[ame=""]Dr. Horowitz: H1N1 Global Genocide Part 2 of 6[/ame]
[ame=""]Dr. Horowitz: H1N1 Global Genocide Part 3 of 6[/ame]
[ame=""]Dr. Horowitz: H1N1 Global Genocide Part 4 of 6[/ame]
[ame=""]Dr. Horowitz: H1N1 Global Genocide Part 5 of 6[/ame]
[ame=]Dr. Horowitz: H1N1 Global Genocide Part 6 of 6[/ame]

Those among you refusing to 'heed' these warnings are :cuckoo:


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Hi Candy:

I work as the traffic manager for a major healthcare organization...we like to think of ourselves as Major anyway.

We get our vaccines in next week. If you don't hear from me two weeks from now, you may not want to get yours...I'm first in line to get the shot.


They can give me the H1N1/H5N1 Triple-triple Recombinant Bio-Weapon Mutagen, and make me a walking test tube GMP (Genetically Modified Person), when they climb over the dead bodies and pry the gun from my dead cold hands. Everyone here has been warned repeatedly that we are currently looking at the "Herald/Carrier Wave Virus Strain," AND the 'mutagen' (activating catalyst) is . . . IN . . . THE . . . LETHAL . . . VACCINE!!!!

[ame=]Listen To Dr. Horowitz Describing H1N1 Global Genocide!!! Part 1 of 6[/ame] << Link to Dr. Horowitz's Site

Those among you refusing to 'heed' these warnings are :cuckoo:



You remind me of that dumbass who stands on the street corner with a bullhorn a few miles north of my house and constantly predicts the rapture. Someday he'll be right; I can't say the same for you.
Hi Candy:

I work as the traffic manager for a major healthcare organization...we like to think of ourselves as Major anyway.

We get our vaccines in next week. If you don't hear from me two weeks from now, you may not want to get yours...I'm first in line to get the shot.


They can give me the H1N1/H5N1 Triple-triple Recombinant Bio-Weapon Mutagen, and make me a walking test tube GMP (Genetically Modified Person), when they climb over the dead bodies and pry the gun from my dead cold hands. Everyone here has been warned repeatedly that we are currently looking at the "Herald/Carrier Wave Virus Strain," AND the 'mutagen' (activating catalyst) is . . . IN . . . THE . . . LETHAL . . . VACCINE!!!!

[ame=]Listen To Dr. Horowitz Describing H1N1 Global Genocide!!! Part 1 of 6[/ame] << Link to Dr. Horowitz's Site

Those among you refusing to 'heed' these warnings are :cuckoo:


dude(not the poster known as dude), seriously, NO ONE IS GOING TO FORCE YOU TO TAKE THE VACCINE

Hi Candy:

I work as the traffic manager for a major healthcare organization...we like to think of ourselves as Major anyway.

We get our vaccines in next week. If you don't hear from me two weeks from now, you may not want to get yours...I'm first in line to get the shot.


They can give me the H1N1/H5N1 Triple-triple Recombinant Bio-Weapon Mutagen, and make me a walking test tube GMP (Genetically Modified Person), when they climb over the dead bodies and pry the gun from my dead cold hands. Everyone here has been warned repeatedly that we are currently looking at the "Herald/Carrier Wave Virus Strain," AND the 'mutagen' (activating catalyst) is . . . IN . . . THE . . . LETHAL . . . VACCINE!!!!

[ame=""]Listen To Dr. Horowitz Describing H1N1 Global Genocide!!! Part 1 of 6[/ame] << Link to Dr. Horowitz's Site

Those among you refusing to 'heed' these warnings are :cuckoo:



You remind me of that dumbass who stands on the street corner with a bullhorn a few miles north of my house and constantly predicts the rapture. Someday he'll be right; I can't say the same for you.
i tend to agree
Greetings to All:

Americans should anticipate this kind of treatment in the coming weeks right here in the USA. Story


Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 September 2009 13:40 Tuesday, 15 September 2009 09:41

The Irish government plans to introduce compulsory "swine flu" vaccinations and is preparing to jail people if they refuse the jab.

The Irish Daily Sunday Star reports that the Irish health department is planning to activate provisions in the 1947 Health Act to enforce mandatory "swine flu" vaccinations.

Baxter, a company currently under investigation by the Austrian police for deliberately contaminating 72 kilos of vaccine material with the live bird flu virus in February, is to supply Ireland with the "swine flu" vaccines.

Click to see Story



HSE may make vaccine compulsory for everyone

DEAD SERIOUS: Getting a flu jab

GOVERNMENT plans to introduce compulsory vaccinations for swine flu could see people JAILED if they refuse to take it.
Stringent pandemic laws open to the Department of Health allow it to enforce compulsory vaccinations against a serious outbreak of swine flu -- with stiff fines or a six-month stretch in prison for those who avoid taking the jab.

The Department of Health has said it is satisfied it can enact legislation provided in the 1947 Health Act - which include compulsory vaccinations quarantine and travel bans - to deal with a pandemic.

A HSE spokeswoman said: "The position is that the Department is satisfied that the provisions in 1947 Health Act for the control and management of infectious diseases, gives it sufficient powers to deal with a pandemic outbreak."

The Act also states that anyone who willfully obstructs the execution of a regulation - such as compulsory vaccination - shall be liable for conviction in court.

A source told Star Sunday that the Department of Health is on the verge of making the swine flu vaccine compulsory for everybody in the country next month.

The source said: "'They are seriously considering making the vaccination compulsory as it could be the on way to make it work."

Swine flu is already starting to spread in Ireland with confirmed cases found at three separate schools. A total of 91 people havebeen hospitalised with the virus.


Pharmacists across Ireland are currently in training so that they can administer the vaccine once the first batches become available.

But the Government could be hit with massive compensation claims if those forced to get the vaccination have bad reactions to it.

The Department of Health has said the State will pay any compensation claims against the drug companies supplying swine flu vaccines to Ireland, including Baxter International, which has previously been associated with two deadly scandals.

The first occurred in the 1980s when haemophiliac components were contaminated with HIV and injected into tens of thousands of people, including children.

The second event occurred more recently in February this year, when Baxter released a seasonal flu vaccine containing the bird flu virus, which could have produced a real world pandemic.

However, health officials have said that no significant adverse reactions to the vaccine, are expected and nobody would be offered the jab if the risk outweighed the benefit.

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Hi Candy:

You remind me of that dumbass who stands on the street corner with a bullhorn a few miles north of my house and constantly predicts the rapture. Someday he'll be right; I can't say the same for you.

Thank you very much. I take your comments as a definite compliment. :0) Here is the deal: Anyone who believes this EMPTY HOLE (my Topic) . . .


. . . is a crashed 100-Ton Jetliner 'is' worthy to be utterly destroyed from among the people (#7). Anyone who believes a 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into this standing E-ring Wall ( my Topic) . . .


. . . 'is' worthy to be utterly destroyed from among the people (#8). Therefore, I fully expect Candy to be standing in front of the line for the H1N1/H5N1 Bio-Weapon Vaccine. Some of you might want to read my challenge to Dr. Bill Deagle and Dr. True Ott (here) concerning their misinterpretations about the "Rapture" . . . :0)

GL with that too,

Hi Candy:

I work as the traffic manager for a major healthcare organization...we like to think of ourselves as Major anyway.

We get our vaccines in next week. If you don't hear from me two weeks from now, you may not want to get yours...I'm first in line to get the shot.


They can give me the H1N1/H5N1 Triple-triple Recombinant Bio-Weapon Mutagen, and make me a walking test tube GMP (Genetically Modified Person), when they climb over the dead bodies and pry the gun from my dead cold hands. Everyone here has been warned repeatedly that we are currently looking at the "Herald/Carrier Wave Virus Strain," AND the 'mutagen' (activating catalyst) is . . . IN . . . THE . . . LETHAL . . . VACCINE!!!!

[ame=]Listen To Dr. Horowitz Describing H1N1 Global Genocide!!! Part 1 of 6[/ame] << Link to Dr. Horowitz's Site

Those among you refusing to 'heed' these warnings are :cuckoo:


dude(not the poster known as dude), seriously, NO ONE IS GOING TO FORCE YOU TO TAKE THE VACCINE


telling you refusal will cost you your job force..keeping your children out of school then charging you with truancy... is force.. threat of force
Hi Candy:

They can give me the H1N1/H5N1 Triple-triple Recombinant Bio-Weapon Mutagen, and make me a walking test tube GMP (Genetically Modified Person), when they climb over the dead bodies and pry the gun from my dead cold hands. Everyone here has been warned repeatedly that we are currently looking at the "Herald/Carrier Wave Virus Strain," AND the 'mutagen' (activating catalyst) is . . . IN . . . THE . . . LETHAL . . . VACCINE!!!!

Listen To Dr. Horowitz Describing H1N1 Global Genocide!!! Part 1 of 6 << Link to Dr. Horowitz's Site

Those among you refusing to 'heed' these warnings are :cuckoo:


dude(not the poster known as dude), seriously, NO ONE IS GOING TO FORCE YOU TO TAKE THE VACCINE


telling you refusal will cost you your job force..keeping your children out of school then charging you with truancy... is force.. threat of force
no it isnt
Hi Eots:

telling you refusal will cost you your job force..keeping your children out of school then charging you with truancy... is force.. threat of force

What these 911Truth/Swine11 Deniers :)confused:) fail to realize is that we are now in the quite period just before the coming STORM. The H1N1/H5N1 Bio-Weapon Virus is about to MUTATE by way of the Lethal Vaccine Program. The same inside-job terrorists who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks are now launching their Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics/Genocide Campaign, which includes foreign troops taking over many of our prison facilities/FEMA Concentration Camps. Check out this video about the transition going on in Hardin, Montana . . .

[ame=]Hardin Montana - Police State In America!!![/ame]


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Hi Candy:

They can give me the H1N1/H5N1 Triple-triple Recombinant Bio-Weapon Mutagen, and make me a walking test tube GMP (Genetically Modified Person), when they climb over the dead bodies and pry the gun from my dead cold hands. Everyone here has been warned repeatedly that we are currently looking at the "Herald/Carrier Wave Virus Strain," AND the 'mutagen' (activating catalyst) is . . . IN . . . THE . . . LETHAL . . . VACCINE!!!!

Listen To Dr. Horowitz Describing H1N1 Global Genocide!!! Part 1 of 6 << Link to Dr. Horowitz's Site

Those among you refusing to 'heed' these warnings are :cuckoo:


dude(not the poster known as dude), seriously, NO ONE IS GOING TO FORCE YOU TO TAKE THE VACCINE


telling you refusal will cost you your job force..keeping your children out of school then charging you with truancy... is force.. threat of force

Thats how we roll baby.
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dude(not the poster known as dude), seriously, NO ONE IS GOING TO FORCE YOU TO TAKE THE VACCINE


telling you refusal will cost you your job force..keeping your children out of school then charging you with truancy... is force.. threat of force

Thats how we roll baby.

we ? are just another don't roll... you roll over
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Greetings to All:

Those among you taking the regular flu shot and avoiding the H1N1 shot need to take notes:

Crofsblogs Story

Canada: Seasonal flu shot may increase H1N1 risk

September 23, 2009

As if the vaccination issue weren't complicated already, drops a bombshell: Seasonal flu shot may increase H1N1 risk. Excerpt:
Preliminary research suggests the seasonal flu shot may put people at greater risk for getting swine flu, CBC News has learned.​
"This is some evidence that has been floated. It hasn't been validated yet, it's very preliminary," cautioned Dr. Don Low, microbiologist-in-chief at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.​
"This is obviously important data to help guide policy decisions. How can we best protect people against influenza?"​
It's important to validate the information to make sure it's not just a fluke, and that the observation is confirmed elsewhere such as in the Southern Hemisphere, which just completed its seasonal flu season, Low added.​
Four Canadian studies involved about 2,000 people in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta, sources told CBC News. Researchers found people who had received the seasonal flu vaccine in the past were more likely to get sick with the H1N1 virus.​
Researchers know that, theoretically, when people are exposed to bacteria or a virus, it can stimulate the immune system to create antibodies that facilitate the entry of another strain of the virus. Dengue fever is one example, Low said.​
The latest finding raises questions about the order in which to get flu shots.​
Across Canada, public health authorities are debating the idea of shortening, delaying or scrapping their seasonal flu vaccination campaign in favour of mass inoculation against H1N1.​
The main reason is that H1N1 may be the dominant strain of influenza circulating when the fall flu season hits, meaning it could be a waste of time and resources to mount a seasonal flu vaccine campaign.​
Shorter version: Wait for more information about the efficacy and safety of seasonal flu vaccinations.

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Greetings to All:

Those among you taking the regular flu shot and avoiding the H1N1 shot need to take notes:

Crofsblogs Story

Canada: Seasonal flu shot may increase H1N1 risk

September 23, 2009

As if the vaccination issue weren't complicated already, drops a bombshell: Seasonal flu shot may increase H1N1 risk. Excerpt:
Preliminary research suggests the seasonal flu shot may put people at greater risk for getting swine flu, CBC News has learned.​
"This is some evidence that has been floated. It hasn't been validated yet, it's very preliminary," cautioned Dr. Don Low, microbiologist-in-chief at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.​
"This is obviously important data to help guide policy decisions. How can we best protect people against influenza?"​
It's important to validate the information to make sure it's not just a fluke, and that the observation is confirmed elsewhere such as in the Southern Hemisphere, which just completed its seasonal flu season, Low added.​
Four Canadian studies involved about 2,000 people in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta, sources told CBC News. Researchers found people who had received the seasonal flu vaccine in the past were more likely to get sick with the H1N1 virus.​
Researchers know that, theoretically, when people are exposed to bacteria or a virus, it can stimulate the immune system to create antibodies that facilitate the entry of another strain of the virus. Dengue fever is one example, Low said.​
The latest finding raises questions about the order in which to get flu shots.​
Across Canada, public health authorities are debating the idea of shortening, delaying or scrapping their seasonal flu vaccination campaign in favour of mass inoculation against H1N1.​
The main reason is that H1N1 may be the dominant strain of influenza circulating when the fall flu season hits, meaning it could be a waste of time and resources to mount a seasonal flu vaccine campaign.​
Shorter version: Wait for more information about the efficacy and safety of seasonal flu vaccinations.

wow they are getting sloppy
they still havent got you yet?
Greetings to All:

Take the H1N1 Bio-Weapon Shot, OR . . .

[ame=""]... Get On The FEMA Death Camp Bus ...[/ame]

[ame=""]Will You Go Quietly?????????? . . .[/ame]

[ame=""]YOU ... Are The ... "Domestic Terrorists" ... Destined For ... ... Camp FEMA ...[/ame]

[ame=]Camp FEMA Is NOW Hiring All Positions[/ame]


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Greetings to All:

Take the H1N1 Bio-Weapon Shot, OR . . .


why should ANYONE believe ANYTHING you say

you have been wrong so many times you SHOULD be too fucking embarrassed to show your face anywhere

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