Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

um, the navy doesnt have "soldiers"
they have "sailors"
Well maybe some of the sailors boyfriends are soldiers! :lol:

Which reminds me of a joke:
"Did ya hear about they Gay Whale spotted up in San Francisco bay? It was biting the noses off of submarines and sucking all the seamen out!"
LOL, a youtube video that's really just some muddy audio of a dude saying some navy "soldiers" are dying.

What more info do we really need other than that to be convinced?

I know I'M sold.


Greetings to All:

[ame=""][/ame][ame=]DO NOT Take The Deadly H1N1 Vaccine!!![/ame]


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Greetings to All:

[ame=]Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More Deadly Than Swine Flu[/ame]


Greetings to All: Story

Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): “Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon”

Today, the MSM are not talking about this case any more. Yesterday, they wanted us to believe that Joseph Moshe was a nutcase and a terrorist, arrested for threatening to bomb the White House. Interesting detail about his arrest (the “Westwood standoff”) was that he seemed to be immune to the 5 cans of tear gas and 5 gallons of law-enforcement grade pepper spray they pumped into his face. He very calmly remained in his car, as the video footage of his arrest shows.

Professor Moshe had called into a live radio show by Dr. A. True Ott, broadcast on Republic Broadcasting claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death.

Sources tell us that Bar-Joseph Moshe made no threat against the President or the White House. He did not mention any bomb or attack. He then proceeded to inform the White House he intended to go public with this information. When he noticed men in suits in front of his house and feared that the FBI was about to detain him, he packed some belongings into his car and, him being a dual Israeli citizen, tried to reach the Israeli consulate located in close proximity to the federal building where the standoff took place. The FBI and the bomb squad prevented him from reaching it. Who is this man? His profile on says he is a plant disease expert with many publications on his name involving the genetic manipulation of virii. Photographic evidence that Moshe is who he says he is can be found here. (More)

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Greetings to All:

PrisonPlanet Story

French scientist : French military told to get ready for forced vaccinations


Wednesday, Sept 23rd, 2009

French scientist : French military told to get ready for forced vaccinations

Paris : A French scientists has reported on his website that he has received information from the French overseas departments and territories (DOM-TOM) that the French military have been told to prepare for forced vaccinations and the arrest of demonstrators.

Jean-Pierre Petit advises parents to keep their children at home to avoid mobile “pandemic vaccination teams” entering schools and giving children the “swine flu” jab outside the control by family doctors.

He said : I have received information from DOM-TOM where the French military are saying that they have received orders without any equivocation: forced vaccination, demonstrators to be put under lock and key.​

All this will happen in months, or even weeks to come. You have seen the guidelines laid down by the duo of Bachelot – Hortefeux.When the vaccination campaign starts, mobile teams, freed from all medical advice from family doctors, will go into schools directly to operate. Which is tantamount to saying that if the parents have any doubts about the nature of this campaign and want their children to escape the vaccine, they should keep them safe at home.

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Greetings to All:

Information is streaming in on Navy ships and quarantined crew suffering from taking the H1N1 Vaccine. Dr. Deagle and his radio guest lead with the story in Hour 1 of the Nutrimedical Report (GCN link + Hour 1 link << click and listen). This kind of information about the deadly H1N1 Vaccine is not carried by the mainstream media . . .


Greetings to All:

Information is streaming in on Navy ships and quarantined crew suffering from taking the H1N1 Vaccine. Dr. Deagle and his radio guest lead with the story in Hour 1 of the Nutrimedical Report (GCN link + Hour 1 link << click and listen). This kind of information about the deadly H1N1 Vaccine is not carried by the mainstream media . . .


ah, Bill Deagle again
Greetings to All:

The evidence says that Novartis Pharmaceuticals (Homepage) patented the Triple-triple Recombinant H1N1/H5N1 Virus (mischaracterized as "Swine Flu") for the purpose of "Mass Murder." Article

[SIZE=+3]Startling New Evidence That The 'Swine Flu' Pandemic Is Man-Made[/SIZE]
Novartis Patent Detailed And Mass Murder Charged[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]By A. True Ott, PhD, ND

[SIZE=+1]Murder suspects are either convicted or acquitted at trial based on the prosecution's presentation of EVIDENCE which usually hinges on MOTIVE, OPPORTUNITY, and TIME-LINES combined with physical documents. To gather such hard evidence, detectives and/or federal agents often spend months following leads and interviewing witnesses. In the trial phase, re-creating the sequence of events is essential. I submit this paper will provide more than enough hard evidence to at least result in a series of criminal indictments of charges of MASS MURDER, and CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WORLD GENOCIDE against Novartis Pharmaceutical principals and agents and others.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]


[SIZE=+1]The Primary Motive behind this alleged criminal activity is also the primary cause of most murders in the world today, and that motivation is simply: BIG MONEY. Billions of Dollars of windfall profits from government contracts worldwide, as a matter of fact. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]I will provide evidence that will show that Novartis Pharmaceuticals of Basel, Switzerland has conspired with corrupt "scientists" at the U.S. Army Institute of Pathology * Ft. Detrick, Maryland, to create a "novel" strain of weaponized "influenza" virus by means of "reverse engineering" the deadly 1918 killer strain * which strain was maliciously and surreptitiously released upon the world in March and April of 2009 for the primary purpose of creating a panic-stricken world-wide demand for Novartis vaccine material.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]

The evidence will also clearly show that the Novartis vaccine material is in reality designed to facilitate the further mutation of the pandemic into more lethal waves of increasingly virulent and deadly disease, rather than to curtail and limit the existing outbreak. The evidence will show that Novartis is willingly being used, (and extremely well-paid) to facilitate the edicts of the global elite's Club of Rome; which edicts clearly call for a massive and sudden depopulation of certain segments of the earth's human population.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]


[SIZE=+1]To realize such windfall profits on an engineered, global flu pandemic, detailed covert planning must take place of course. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Patents protecting the proprietary flu vaccine must be applied for and secured before the pandemic virus is released in order to minimize the competition and maximize the profit potentials. In a biological attack of this nature, timing is extremely critical. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Indeed, the evidence is clear * Novartis applied for just such a patent on Nov. 4, 2005, and the U.S. Patent Office accepted this application and granted US 20090047353A1 for a "Split Influenza Vaccine with Adjuvants" on February 19, 2009. (See bottom of page).[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]

With this patent now secured, the conspirators were now free to create the demand for their "novel" split influenza vaccine by releasing a "novel" split-influenza (combining multiple viruses) pandemic virus from a weapons lab test-tube into unsuspecting human hosts. Fort Detrick Inventory Turns Up 9,220 More Vials of Pathogens -[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]

The so-called "Swine Flu" grabbing headlines today is actually a recombinant, or "split-influenza" virus consisting of A-strain Bird-Flu (H5N1), Swine Flu (H1N1) and multiple strains of human flu (H3N2). Likewise, the 1918 Killer Flu that killed untold millions of people was a recombinant or "split-influenza" virus composed of Bird flu, Swine Flu, and multiple strains of human flu.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]


[SIZE=+1]The criminal timeline begins in 1997, when Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger assembled a team of geneticists and microbiologists to analyze the genome structure, and then to REPRODUCE (i.e. reverse engineer) what is arguably one of the most deadly viral structures the world has ever been cursed with * the 1918 killer flu virus. According to numerous published stories and reports, Taubenberger and his team utilized super-computers to map the complex RNA and DNA structures of the killer virus, then utilized human plasmids to successfully re-create the 1918 killer. Taubenberger completed his work in early 2005, then immediately left the employ of the U.S. Army at Ft. Detrick to take a much more lucrative position with the National Institutes of Health. His new focus was to create a VACCINE against the very same 1918 killer flu that he and his team had, just months earlier, successfully "reverse engineered" and created. (More)[/SIZE]

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Terral, what happens on October 2nd when you're still around posting bullshit? Was that crazy woman and you going to make videos finally admitting you're full of shit? :rofl:
Hi Dog:

Terral, what happens on October 2nd when you're still around posting bullshit? Was that crazy woman and you going to make videos finally admitting you're full of shit? :rofl:

If dogs could actually read, then you would know that the military/police checkpoints/roadblocks are scheduled to begin on October 15, 2009 and NOT on October 1, 2009. The October 15, 2009 date was given by EndTimes777 in the first video in my Opening Post here (link). The October 1, 2009 warning date is given to people on the 'red list' (like me) who are scheduled to be rounded up starting 'two weeks' (Officer Jack McLamb) before Medical Martial Law is declared.

If you use your paw to select video #2 in the same Opening Post (link again), then perhaps you can subtract 'two weeks' from EndTimes777 "October 15, 2009" date and find the October 1, 2009 warning date for 'RED LISTERS.'

[ame=""]Red List Information[/ame]

I do not expect that the idiot dog running around this USBM Board will be on any Red List, or any other list for that matter. You will likely be the very first in line to take the lethal H1N1 Vaccine. I only listed Ten Reasons That The USA Will Be Destroyed (link), but there are obviously many more than just ten. The USA is filled to the brim with little doggy versions of village idiots :)cuckoo:) . . .


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Yes, you are a "red lister". So therefore you'll be taken away around October 1st. That was my whole point of my question.

And to further continue my questioning, what happens when nothing is changed on October 16th? :lol:
Hi Doggy:

Yes, you are a "red lister". So therefore you'll be taken away around October 1st. That was my whole point of my question.

And to further continue my questioning, what happens when nothing is changed on October 16th? :lol:

Ask your questions in the latter half of October. The point is that my warning dates are taken from the testimony of U.S. Military and Police Officer Testimony shown to you in the videos (Endtimes777 and Jack McLamb). Are you paying any attention at all :)confused:) ????? This is NOT a case of Terral simply pulling a date out of thin air, but my conclusions are based upon evidence to support claims and the OP 'hypothesis/premise/proposal.' We will all watch and see if Endtimes777 'and' Jack McLamb are right or wrong; but my job as a USMB Conspiracy Theory writer is to gather the facts and present the case. Right? Of course.

This 'is' the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum. Right? Obviously. So stop acting surprised to see a wide range of "Conspiracy Theories" from these USMB registered members. Presenting 'our' Conspiracy Theories is our reason for being here in the first place . . .


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Greetings to All:

Washington State has suspended mercury limits for people taking the H1N1 Vaccine "to improve access" (BS).

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You are here: DOH Home[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] » News Releases Home » 09-154[/FONT]
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For immediate release: September 24, 2009 (09-154)

Michele Roberts, Immunization Program CHILD Profile 360-236-3720
Donn Moyer, Communications Office 360-236-4076

Mercury limits suspended for H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine to improve access

Creates choice for pregnant women and children under three

OLYMPIA - State health officials are taking steps to ensure Washington residents at highest risk for H1N1 (swine flu) infection have broad access to the new vaccine when its available. Secretary of Health Mary Selecky is temporarily suspending Washingtons limit on the amount of mercury (thimerosal) allowed in H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine given to pregnant women and children under three.

Its vital to be sure everyone in a high risk group has the choice to be vaccinated when swine flu vaccine becomes available, said Secretary Selecky. Mercury-free H1N1 vaccine may not always be in stock, and we want to be sure there are no barriers to protecting people.

The six-month suspension is effective through March 23, 2010 and applies only to H1N1 (swine flu) vaccines now being developed. As a precaution, Washington state law limits the amount of mercury that can be in vaccines for pregnant women and children under three. The secretary of health can suspend the law when theres a shortage of vaccine or during a disease outbreak both criteria apply to the H1N1 (swine flu)
vaccine. Supplies of mercury-free vaccine will be limited, which may stop people in these groups who want the vaccine from getting it.

H1N1 vaccination is voluntary. Pregnant women and children under three are at the top of the list to get the vaccine because theyre at high risk for serious complications from swine flu.

We believe suspending the law allows health care providers to offer their patients as many choices as possible to protect themselves against H1N1," said Cindy Markus, MD, President of the Washington State Medical Association.

When the limits are suspended, the law requires that pregnant or lactating women and parents or guardians of children under 18 be told theyre getting a vaccine containing more mercury than is usually permitted. There is no specific notification method required; most patients will get a handout to read.

The mercury in vaccines is in a preservative called thimerosal. Its been used safely for years to prevent contamination of vaccines in vials that contain more than one dose. Except for some types of flu vaccines, all vaccines routinely recommended for children under six years of age are thimerosal-free, or contain only
trace amounts. While some people are concerned about the safety of thimerosal, many large, thorough studies have shown no harm caused by thimerosal in vaccines.

Federal health officials expect H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine to be available in early October. Although there will eventually be enough vaccine for everyone, supplies will be limited at first and will likely be reserved for high risk people. People are encouraged to check with their private health care provider, public health clinics, retail pharmacies, and community vaccination event organizers on locations to get the vaccine. State and local health partners are working together to identify these locations and will share that information when vaccine is available.

More information is available on the Department of Health H1N1 (swine flu) Web site (H1N1 Swine Flu home - WA State Dept. of Health).
Not only do the lethal H1N1 Vaccines contain mercury, but the levels are higher than allowed by Law!!! The State wants to ensure that even pregnant mothers and children are killed in the coming Genocidal Plague . . .


Hi DiveBomb:

so you just keep changing the dates when your "prophesies" fail to happen


And DiveBomb continues playing the village idiot. Look at the 'Three Wave Pandemic Chart' for the 1918 Spanish/Kansas H5N1 Flu and tell everyone what you see.


The 'Second Wave' started in the fall of 1918 right around October 1, 1918 with the regular flu season. This is 'evidence' that the experts might be right that the current H1N1/H5N1 Bio-Weapon "Second Wave" might be ready to mutate in the coming week. This coincides with the testimony of Endtimes777 (first video) and her warnings that military checkpoints and roadblocks are to be set up on October 15, 2009 in conjunction with local police forces; because the Bio-weapon 'is' scheduled to MUTATE.

This is the kind of 'evidence' that I use to support my 'hypothesis' that bad things are on the horizon. Red listers should be watching the News very carefully for signs that the Bio-weapon has mutated, because Medical Martial Law 'is' coming and the crap is about to hit the fan. Jack Mclamb (second video) says that anyone on the red list (like me) should anticipate trouble starting 'two weeks' before Medical Martial Law is declared; which takes us back to October 1, 2009.

Should the evidence from my sources turn out to be 'right on,' then those prepared for trouble are ready 'and' those among you unprepared will be broadsided by a freight train going 500 miles per hour . . .


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