Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

Terral if this doesn't go down like you're claiming by fucking OCTOBER 15th like the girl said, don't fucking show your face around here anymore.
Terral said that martial law and 1 million foreign troops were coming to American soil on July 27.
And that worked out well, didn't it?
well, they must just be in hiding, waiting for the right time to move :lol:
We can't see them because they're wearing camoflauged fatigues!

Think man, THINK! :lol:
Greetings to All:

Dr. Bill Deagle is warning that many people are about to die in the upcoming 'Super Storm' from the Second Wave of this H1N1 911-like attack. My original suspicions that the Mexican Swine Flu 'Event' back in April was a precursor to the upcoming 911-like Attack turned out to be 'right on.' Whatever happens, DO NOT TAKE THE H1N1 BIO-WEAPON VACCINE!!!!

GCN Live.Com Podcast Website << Bookmark and listen daily

Nutrimedical Report Sept. 18, 2009 Swine11 Special Hour 1
Nutrimedical Report Sept. 18, 2009 Swine11 Special Hour 2
Nutrimedical Report Sept. 18, 2009 Swine11 Special Hour 3


They turned out to be right because some guy named Bill Deagle says so?

Are you serious?

Terral, I won't be taking this vaccine and neither will my family. I also think it's a little strange that they already have a vaccine when it hasn't mutated yet, but my reasons for not taking it are nothing like yours. I think you're a lunatic. You don't seem to have a single fucking clue how the government operates. You're a stupid fucking idiot if you think the government can have this entire country locked down in the next 3.5 weeks with checkpoints all over, sticking "beacon devices" on people's wrists and hauling them off on buses for refusing a needle in their arms.

Instead of spending 3 precious hours of my life listening to the entire podcast, why don't you just sum it up for us in your own words?
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They turned out to be right because some guy named Bill Deagle says so?

Are you serious?

Terral, I won't be taking this vaccine and neither will my family. I also think it's a little strange that they already have a vaccine when it hasn't mutated yet, but my reasons for not taking it are nothing like yours. I think you're a lunatic. You don't seem to have a single fucking clue how the government operates. You're a stupid fucking idiot if you think the government can have this entire country locked down in the next 3.5 weeks with checkpoints all over, sticking "beacon devices" on people's wrists and hauling them off on buses for refusing a needle in their arms.

Instead of spending 3 precious hours of my life listening to the entire podcast, why don't you just sum it up for us in your own words?
wait, i thought the vaccine was how they were doing the device

They turned out to be right because some guy named Bill Deagle says so?

Are you serious?

Terral, I won't be taking this vaccine and neither will my family. I also think it's a little strange that they already have a vaccine when it hasn't mutated yet, but my reasons for not taking it are nothing like yours. I think you're a lunatic. You don't seem to have a single fucking clue how the government operates. You're a stupid fucking idiot if you think the government can have this entire country locked down in the next 3.5 weeks with checkpoints all over, sticking "beacon devices" on people's wrists and hauling them off on buses for refusing a needle in their arms.

Instead of spending 3 precious hours of my life listening to the entire podcast, why don't you just sum it up for us in your own words?
wait, i thought the vaccine was how they were doing the device


Stay tuned to the thread for more info I guess. They're still working on the final plans. Might be a bracelet, might be a needle with a microchip inside the vaccine, might be a monkey from somewhere in Africa.
Greetings to All:

Dr. Len Horowitz from this video . . .


. . . has filed suit with the FBI concerning the Bio-Weapon Vaccine Campaign about to be jammed down your throat:

Infowars Story

Len Horowitz Files Pandemic Charges with FBI in NYC

Federal Jack
September 16, 2009


The substance of the message below on a false flag h1n1 flu pandemic has been widely discussed on the net for months, but the message indicates the first serious US legal action I have seen on it. I have with the help of many been tracking this issue as it affects states and localities, anticipating the need to file injunction lawsuits v. any government taking steps to compel vaccination. It is presumed by Dr. Horowitz and others that government will attempt to compel vaccination v. h1n1, which is not possible under current law, especially US Constitution and state constitution law for many First Amendment and related privacy and civil rights reasons. I offer the message as a warning as to how serious the talks, research and some of the proposed h1n1 policy state laws under consideration opposing civil rights, especially in ME, MA and OK, have become.

Having read of lawsuits filed against h1n1 in Europe for reasons indicated in the below article, I am convinced that there is considerable reason not to take any new so called h1n1 vaccine, and to prepare for simlilar suits in the US, which I am prepared to do.

To lawyers receiving this message, I welcome your comments on how to prepare clients and friends to defend against unconstitutional h1n1 legislation and acts, and any common effort we might begin in the US.

Harold Burbank
2008 CT Green Party candidate, US House
Release: No. H1N1-15
Date Mailed: Sept. 15, 2009
For Immediate Release
Contact: Rob Potter&#8211;(959) 715-1520 or 310-877-5002

LOS ANGELES, CA &#8212; Drug-industry investigators have uncovered documents exposing an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination preparations.

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have released evidence in legal affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology &#8220;trust&#8221; are behind the pandemic flu, including its origin and alleged prevention via vaccinations. Their documents, being sent by attorneys to the FBI this week, evidence industrialists are operating a crime ring within the &#8220;Partnership for New York City&#8221; (PNYC), and are behind the pandemic&#8217;s creation, media persuasions, vaccination preparations, and health official promotions. (More)

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Greetings to All:

Dr. Bill Deagle gives an excellent presentation on the H1N1 Virus at the Granada Forum:

[ame=""]Dr. Bill Deagle:Origins Of H1N1 Pandemic Flu 1 of 10[/ame]

[ame=""]Origins Of H1N1 Pandemic Flu Part 2 of 10[/ame]

[ame=""]Origins Of H1N1 Pandemic Flu Part 3 of 10[/ame]

[ame=""]Origins Of H1N1 Pandemic Flu Part 4 of 10[/ame]
video 4 and 5 are duplicates
[ame=""]Origins Of H1N1 Pandemic Flu Part 6 of 10[/ame]

[ame=]Origins Of H1N1 Pandemic Flu Part 7 of 10[/ame]


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I like how he says "quasi". "Kway-Zee"! "Kway-Zee Scientific" and "Kway-Zee" Corporate! (4:30 in the video). I've always pronounced it "Kwah-Zee" but hey...

Kway-Zee Terral is more like it. "Shhh! Be berry berry quiet. I'm huntin' conspiracy theories!" :lol:
Greetings to All:
Dr. Bill Deagle gives an excellent presentation on the H1N1 Virus at the Granada Forum:
You already posted that Terral. I remember because you said it contained "Important Info" but that you hadn't reviewed it yet. To which I replied:

"Well how would you know if you haven't seen it?"

Your handlers are getting sloppy.
Greetings to All:

I ran out of time to edit the above post, so the final segments of Dr. Bill's Swine11 Granada Presentation appear in this post:

[ame=""]Origins Of The H1N1 Pandemic Flu Part 8 of 10[/ame]

[ame=""]Origins Of The H1N1 Pandemic Flu Part 9 of 10[/ame]

[ame=""]Origins Of The H1N1 Pandemic Flu Part 10 of 10[/ame]

BTW . . . Canada's H1N1 "Plan" says . . .

[ame=]. . . Send Body Bags . . .[/ame]


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Greetings to All:
Dr. Bill Deagle gives an excellent presentation on the H1N1 Virus at the Granada Forum:
You already posted that Terral. I remember because you said it contained "Important Info" but that you hadn't reviewed it yet. To which I replied:

"Well how would you know if you haven't seen it?"

Your handlers are getting sloppy.
i wonder what terral will do when THIS latest prediction fails to happen

in biblical times he would have been stoned as a false prophet
i wonder what terral will do when THIS latest prediction fails to happen.
in biblical times he would have been stoned as a false prophet
I think the "stoned" part would apply to Terral.

"Have you ever looked at your hands? I mean, really looked at your hands?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Greetings to all:

Dell Children's Hospital is using tents starting today, because of so many children with the presumed Swine Flu: Story


Swamped with flu patients, Dell Children's Medical Center sets up triage tents

Flu also causing staffing shortage in ER.

By Mary Ann Roser

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dell Children's Medical Center is seeing so many children sick with what is presumed to be swine flu, it expects to start treating some of them in tents starting today.

The hospital was on pace Monday afternoon for an all-time record number of patients after seeing more than 200 before 3 p.m. — the normal load for a 24-hour period, said Sister Teresa George, chief operating officer. During the school year, the busy time starts after 3 p.m., when schools are out, George said. Hospital officials said most of the children arriving at the emergency room are mildly to moderately ill with the H1N1 virus. The hospital isn't routinely testing to determine what type of flu patients have, but federal health officials say virtually all flu circulating now is H1N1.

The hospital ER has seen steady increases in patients over the past couple of weeks, but the past week has been especially grueling, with some days easily exceeding 300 patients, said Dr. Pat Crocker, chief of emergency medicine at the hospital. When 343 patients swamped the hospital Sunday, officials decided to set up the tents and triage patients with less severe flu there starting today, officials said.

"There's no question there's still a certain amount of panic" over the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu (a combination of pig, bird and human viruses), Crocker said. He said most of the patients coming in are at higher risk for complications from flu: They are younger than 5, have asthma or other chronic conditions or need to be seen by a doctor because of trouble breathing or a fever persisting longer than three days or are sicker than they should normally be with flu. Most don't need to be hospitalized.(More).

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Greetings to All:

The Govt has been preparing for Swine11 Genocide of the planet for some time:

[ame=""]Doomsday Underground FEMA Bases[/ame]

[ame=""]Dollar And US Govt Collapse Begins Nov 2009[/ame]

[[ame=]Super Depression Is Coming!![/ame]


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Greetings to All:

Many thanks to Eots for posting the link to this Fox News Video on another thread (here):

[ame=]9/22/09 Judge Napolitano on Forced Vaccinations in Massachusetts[/ame]

------------- Story

Quad City Hospitals Make Flu Shots Mandatory

Updated: Sep 22, 2009 01:26 PM

In year's past, Quad City hospitals highly recommended the flu shot to employees. This year, they're a requirement. If you work for Genesis or Trinity, whether you're a doctor in the back or a greeter up front, you must get a seasonal flu shot. Adminstators say it's all about protecting their patients.

"If you have staff that perhaps have influenza, have influenza-like symptoms or they haven't manifested yet and they're caring for patients, we're putting our patients at risk," Erin Lounsberry with Trinity Regional Health System said.

With H1N1 in our midst and hospitals planning for a major seasonal flu outbreak, local hospitals aren't taking any chances. A letter to employees at Trinity says the only exceptions will be for medical reasons. In that case, the employee has to have a doctor's note.

Ken Croken with Genesis Health System says it's the same at their hospitals. "The most common medical exemption for a flu vaccine is an allergy to egg or egg product because generally the flu vaccine is made of eggs," he explained.

If an employee does not have a medical reason and refuses to get the flu shot there will be consequences. In the most extreme case it will be termination.

"This is not if you refuse to get a flu shot then you're fired. If somebody has a clean record and they don't have any corrective action on their employee record then it will be noted in their file," Lounsberry said.

So far Trinity says any concern over the flu shot requirement has been minimal. Genesis notes none. They're also encouraged because last year, when the flu shot was not a requirement, at least 90 percent of employees got one anyway.
I have family working inside hospitals and they are being required to take the lethal H1N1 Swine11 Vaccine! The time is coming very soon when everyone will be required to take the deadly vaccine, OR else . . .


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Greetings to All:

Many thanks to Eots for posting the link to this Fox News Video on another thread (here):

9/22/09 Judge Napolitano on Forced Vaccinations in Massachusetts

------------- Story

Quad City Hospitals Make Flu Shots Mandatory

Updated: Sep 22, 2009 01:26 PM

In year's past, Quad City hospitals highly recommended the flu shot to employees. This year, they're a requirement. If you work for Genesis or Trinity, whether you're a doctor in the back or a greeter up front, you must get a seasonal flu shot. Adminstators say it's all about protecting their patients.

"If you have staff that perhaps have influenza, have influenza-like symptoms or they haven't manifested yet and they're caring for patients, we're putting our patients at risk," Erin Lounsberry with Trinity Regional Health System said.

With H1N1 in our midst and hospitals planning for a major seasonal flu outbreak, local hospitals aren't taking any chances. A letter to employees at Trinity says the only exceptions will be for medical reasons. In that case, the employee has to have a doctor's note.
Ken Croken with Genesis Health System says it's the same at their hospitals. "The most common medical exemption for a flu vaccine is an allergy to egg or egg product because generally the flu vaccine is made of eggs," he explained.

If an employee does not have a medical reason and refuses to get the flu shot there will be consequences. In the most extreme case it will be termination.

"This is not if you refuse to get a flu shot then you're fired. If somebody has a clean record and they don't have any corrective action on their employee record then it will be noted in their file," Lounsberry said.

So far Trinity says any concern over the flu shot requirement has been minimal. Genesis notes none. They're also encouraged because last year, when the flu shot was not a requirement, at least 90 percent of employees got one anyway.

I have family working inside hospitals and they are being required to take the lethal H1N1 Swine11 Vaccine! The time is coming very soon when everyone will be required to take the deadly vaccine, OR else . . .



next week ?
Greetings to All:

Navy Soldiers were given the Swine11 Flu Shot 'and' quarantined from the general population 'and' some of the guinea pigs are dying . . . Story

Navy Soldiers are dying from swine flu shot

[ame=""]ALERT!! Navy Soldiers DYING After Swine Flu Injections![/ame]

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