Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

Hi Mad:

Listen up hand puppet . . .




see, you NEVER answer questions
all you do is post bullshit like this
anytime someone questions your bullshit you post more bullshit
you are a fucking waste
Hi Mad and DiveBomb:

<pic removed>
Listen Hand Puppet, Van Jones got fired for believing the very same thing you do.

Think about that. You're on the wrong side of the Sanity line.
thats all he does he never actually answers questions

If either of you guys have anything to contribute to the H1N1 Weaponized Flu/Medical Martial Law Topic, then by all means do something to help these readers prepare for the coming Chaos. Otherwise, please save your nonsense and stupidity for another thread. I will not waste more time chit-chatting with those without a single clue :)confused::confused:).

Dr. True Ott is speaking at an Anti-vaccination Rally in Montana and providing some excellent information on how the WHO has obtained the power to place everyone here under Medical Martial Law:

[ame=""]Dr. True Ott @ Anti-Vaccination Rally Part 1[/ame]

[ame=""]Dr. True Ott @ Anti-Vaccination Rally Part 2[/ame]

H1N1 Recombinant Virus was created at Fort Detrick Military Base (story).

[ame=""]Dr. True Ott @ Anti-Vaccination Rally Part 3[/ame]

Depopulation By Vaccination (story).

[ame=""]Dr. True Ott @ Anti-Vaccination Rally Part 4[/ame]

[ame=""]Dr. True Ott @ Anti-Vaccination Rally Part 5[/ame]

[ame=""]Scientists Question H1N1 Mass Vaccination[/ame]


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Hi Mad and DiveBomb:
If either of you guys have anything to contribute to the H1N1 Weaponized Flu/Medical Martial Law Topic, then by all means do something to help these readers prepare for the coming Chaos.
OK Hand Puppet, here goes:
What "degree" does this guy have and from what University?
Do you buy his mineral suppliments and does he whore them during his speeches?
Welcome to Mother Earth Minerals.
I tried to click on the "FAQ" but but i got a "Reported Attack Site!" warning.
Here's a prediction from "Dr" True Ott that didn't quite pan out:
2008 Olympics in Beijing: Perfect pandemic storm
We received a special visit from A. True Ott, PhD, ND on July 18. “I have a very important scoop for you,” he said. Then he described in detail a compelling scenario that left us with a curious dilemma: Do we report our belief that what Dr. True Ott said was true—that something monstrous associated with the 2008 Olympics in Beijing is being planned—or wait until we are absolutely certain. But responsibility outweighs uncertainty because time, as you will see, is of the essence: If we wait until we are certain, it will be too late. When you put all of this together, it feels like the stage has been set for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing to kick off a global influenza pandemic with a bioengineered blend of the “recreated” H7N3 (“Spanish”) flu and the H5N1 (“avian”) flu virus via millions of doses of vaccines that have been cultured in Chinese human kidney tissue.
More than a year has passed and no pandemic. Looks like this "Dr" has made a career out of bullshitting people and taking their money.

Hand Puppet, maybe you should just refer to him as "False" Ott from now on! :lol:

Hmm. Seems "Dr" False Odd has been pushing conspiracy theories for quite some time, honing his skills perhaps?:
The Reason JFK Jr Was Murdered

George Bush Sr. Murdered JFK! :lol:

This is a letter the "Dr" supposedly wrote:
I will never forget the phone call on the 4th of July weekend, 1999 - the phone call from John Jr. thanking me profusely for the information and the file. When he told me that a grand jury was to be convened and Bush was going to be indicted for the murder of his father, I tell you, I had goose bumps.
Indicted in 24 business hours no doubt! (wink wink to those in the know)
In addition to the murder of John Sr., keep in mind the file also contained evidence concerning CIA orders for contract murders for witnesses of the event. There were over ten "collateral assassinations", one of which was the Dallas PD detective that was the focus of the DVD I sent you (Two Men in Dallas).
Of course the evil CIA murdered everyone involved, neatly tying up all loose ends of course. Because, you know, that how the CIA operates. :rolleyes:

And of course the obligatory "I don't have the proof because..." entry:
It was about a week after John's(John Jr) plane went down. I had received about 8 calls from major news publications, (U.S. News and World Report, Time, Wall Street Journal, etc.) asking about reports that I had provided a file to John - "Did I, and what did the file contain?". I denied all, and made no comment. It was at this time that George Magazine called me as well - I think it was the editor Richard, though I am not completely certain. He told me the story was "dead" and the magazine was folding. He also told me that all evidence went with John - and that their offices had been burgled. You are right of course, it doesn't make sense that there were not any backup files - apparently they were taken as well.
Oh how convenient! It's interesting that all these conspiracy theories always hinge on evidence that was "stolen" or people who are dead.

How convenient! :lol:
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Greetings to All:

Doctors across the nation are saying that if you had the flu this summer, then you likely recovered from the Novel H1N1/H5N1 Flu.

ABC News Story

Had the Flu? It Was Probably Swine Flu

Despite Fears, Many Have Had &#8211; And Recovered From &#8211; New Strain

Sept. 9, 2009

If you're wondering whether your sniffling co-worker's bout of flu is indeed the swine flu, then wonder no more.

Doctors across the nation are saying people who came down with the flu this summer probably had the new swine flu (H1N1) strain.

"In the U.S., all the flu that is circulating now is the H1N1 virus," Dr. Richard Besser, a veteran of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told ABC News' "Good Morning America" Wednesday. "If you've had the flu; you've had the swine flu."

Since the U.S. Centers for Disease Control first started tracking the swine flu (H1N1) strain in mid-April, the agency has counted 9,079 hospitalizations because of it.

Swine flu also accounted for about 96 percent of all tested flu strains in the past week, according to the CDC. (Continued)
Coming down with the current Herald/Carrier Wave Flu Strain is really no big deal. However, watch out when taking the H1N1/H5N1 Flu Vaccines, because that new Recombinant DNA Material will become the mutagen that allows the current strain to mutate. If you want to become a potential New World Order Genocidal Host, then go right ahead and take the jab . . .


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"The world wide pandemic didn't turn out as badly as we predicted. So what we'll do is say that if you had the flu this past summer then you probably had Swine Flu. If we can get enough "Scientists" or "Doctors" like the ones who lost their licenses in Colorado to agree, we know you lemmings will all go along with it and we can keep our jobs".
Greetings to All:

Plans are in the works right now to create 'roadblocks/choke points' all around the USA for catching anyone refusing to take the H1N1 Bio-Weapon Vaccines.

[ame=""]Majority Of Police Will Enforce New World Order[/ame]

Dr. Bill Deagle (Nutrimedical Report entry) is interviewing Texe Marrs about his work on "Rothschild's Choice" and "The Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America."

[ame=""]Rothschild's Choice: The Trailer[/ame]

[ame=]Obama And The House Of Rothschild Part 1[/ame]

The Rothschilds, Warburgs, Morgans and Rockefellers (Chapter 3) and the other owners of the Federal Reserve are the same evil families who murdered JFK and the same people who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks and the same people orchestrating the U.S./Global Meltdown 'and' the same people who injected the H1N1/H5N1 Lab-Created Bio-Weapon into the arm of the Global Population for the sole purpose of Global GENOCIDE. The world is right now living through the quiet before the storm that will begin when the virus mutates into a Genocidal MONSTER . . .


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Greetings to All:

RFID Chips may be planted inside the H1N1 Vaccines, according to Dr. Hamer and Dr. True Ott: Entry:

Dear friends,

It appears I may have been mistaken when I said that I didn&#8217;t foresee the insertion of microchips in the vaccines. At least in Europe, this is NOT the case according to the following medical testimony by Germany&#8217;s Dr. Hamer (Facebook entry). (Check out Hitachi&#8217;s microchip technology &#8212; this is no laughing matter, now.)

I now believe that this is why Obama is requesting billions of dollars for new &#8220;Information Technology&#8221; (IT) in his &#8220;health-care reform&#8221; bill. He needs to purchase new scanners for Homeland Security, HHS, and FEMA.

-A. True Ott, PhD ND (more)
Here is my shot on what is going on: Dr. Bill Deagle and Dr. True Ott 'are' up to date on the facts about how AI (Artificial Intelligence) was used to create the current H1N1/H5N1 Recombinant Herald Virus Strain. However, they are just now coming to realize that this Bio-Weapon will be AI-assisted when the virus mutates. In other words, AI is using alien technology (AI itself was created using alien technology) to actually interface with the virus on a microscopic level 'and' systematically turn on and off key amino acids that affect each individual immune system. The inside-job bad guys can instruct AI to murder anyone on earth, according to his DNA coding and your azz is grass . . .


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Greetings to All:

Studies in animals say that this H1N1 Weaponized Virus has many advantages over the regular seasonal flu. Story

Studies in animals suggest 2009 H1N1 virus may have biological advantage over seasonal influenza

Posted on 03 September 2009 - 11:38 by Alfie

Story Summary: Tests in animals showed that levels of the 2009 H1N1 virus rose more quickly than levels of the seasonal virus strains, and the new virus caused more severe disease. In line with previous findings by other research groups, the University of Maryland researchers also observed that the novel H1N1 virus was transmitted more easily from infected to uninfected ferrets than either of the two seasonal influenza viruses. The researchers were supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. When the investigators inoculated ferrets with 2009 H1N1 virus plus either seasonal H1N1 virus or seasonal H3N2 virus, the animals became co-infected with both viruses. However, only the 2009 H1N1 virus was then transmitted from co-infected ferrets to uninfected ferrets; there was no evidence that either of the seasonal flu viruses were transmitted between co-infected and uninfected animals. Some scientists have speculated that reassortant viruses may be more virulent or transmissible than either 2009 H1N1 or seasonal flu viruses alone. The investigators findings are posted on PLoS Currents: Influenza, a Web site for rapid communication of new scientific data on influenza. Submissions to PLoS Currents: Influenza are screened by a panel of leading influenza experts prior to posting but do not undergo formal peer review. The new research may be submitted later for peer review and eventual publication in scientific journals. It is the primary federal agency for conducting and supporting basic, clinical and translational medical research, and it investigates the causes, treatments and cures for both common and rare diseases. gov. Reference: D Perez et al. Fitness of pandemic H1N1 and seasonal influenza A viruses during co- infection&#8230;.Read the Full Story
The H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus spreads 2 to 3 times faster and more efficiently than the regular flu bug, because your Genocidal Murderers created a superior biological weapon.


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Greetings to All:

Dr. Bill Deagle and his guests provide the best information anywhere on the H1N1 Biological Weapon Virus and the dangers of taking the Vaccines:

Nutrimedical Report September 14, 2009 Hour 3

The "C-6" Canada Bill is akin to the HR 875 (link = warnings) and S425 Bills (warnings) here in the USA: Story:

ALERT- Two Bills before Congress will criminalize and end Organic Farming

by Elizabeth Jones Wednesday, Jun. 03, 2009 at 8:14 PM

There are two bills going through Congress right now (HR 875 and S 425) that will, in essence, very likely be the end Organic Farms and virtually all organic forms of growing food in our country. They are being touted as being about food safety, i.e.: the recent spinach ecoli scares. (The husband of one of the Senators* behind this bill works for Monsanto, the chemical giant whose intention it is to control the world food supply.)

The two bills HR 875 and S 425 will require organic farms to use specific fertilizers and poisonous insect sprays dictated by the newly formed agency to "make sure there is no danger to the public food supply." It stated that these provisions would apply to backyard gardens that grow food only for a family and not for sales.

The two bills are HR 875 (House) and S 425 (Senate).
HR 875 is being rushed through Congress in an attempt to get it though before the general populace (you and me) can object. IT IS SCHEDULED TO BE VOTED ON WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. It is not scheduled to be up for review by Congress, meaning there will be no questioning of its full meaning by your Congressmen.

Btw, it looks as though President Obama is in support of these bills.

It looks to be in the public's best interest, being that it is intending to control and regulate food so that it will be "safe". But it is a very long and complicated bill, a sure sign there are lobbyist behind it, thus large corporations. And while there may be some aspects of these bills that are in the true interest of food safety, clearly, there are other things that are not in the interest of us having the freedom to choose what we eat.

* Video from Sen. Ron Paul *~this is very short and clear--a must see:
Check it out at Ron Paul 2012

* There are some videos on You Tube on HR 875 at YouTube - hr 875

and on S 425 (lots here): YouTube - s 425 (Continued)


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Dr. Bill Deagle and his guests provide the best information anywhere on the H1N1 Biological Weapon Virus and the dangers of taking the Vaccines:
Nutrimedical Report September 14, 2009 Hour 3
Let me guess, Dr Dill Beagle sells the nutrient suppliments that'll fight off this terrible flu pandemic right?

How much do you get Terral for bringing in more business? I'll bet you spam more sites than this one.

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