Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

Greetings to All:

Dr. Bill Deagle and his guests provide the best information anywhere on the H1N1 Biological Weapon Virus and the dangers of taking the Vaccines:

Nutrimedical Report September 14, 2009 Hour 3

The "C-6" Canada Bill is akin to the HR 875 (link = warnings) and S425 Bills (warnings) here in the USA: Story:

ALERT- Two Bills before Congress will criminalize and end Organic Farming

by Elizabeth Jones Wednesday, Jun. 03, 2009 at 8:14 PM

There are two bills going through Congress right now (HR 875 and S 425) that will, in essence, very likely be the end Organic Farms and virtually all organic forms of growing food in our country. They are being touted as being about food safety, i.e.: the recent spinach ecoli scares. (The husband of one of the Senators* behind this bill works for Monsanto, the chemical giant whose intention it is to control the world food supply.)

The two bills HR 875 and S 425 will require organic farms to use specific fertilizers and poisonous insect sprays dictated by the newly formed agency to "make sure there is no danger to the public food supply." It stated that these provisions would apply to backyard gardens that grow food only for a family and not for sales.

The two bills are HR 875 (House) and S 425 (Senate).
HR 875 is being rushed through Congress in an attempt to get it though before the general populace (you and me) can object. IT IS SCHEDULED TO BE VOTED ON WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. It is not scheduled to be up for review by Congress, meaning there will be no questioning of its full meaning by your Congressmen.

Btw, it looks as though President Obama is in support of these bills.

It looks to be in the public's best interest, being that it is intending to control and regulate food so that it will be "safe". But it is a very long and complicated bill, a sure sign there are lobbyist behind it, thus large corporations. And while there may be some aspects of these bills that are in the true interest of food safety, clearly, there are other things that are not in the interest of us having the freedom to choose what we eat.

* Video from Sen. Ron Paul *~this is very short and clear--a must see:
Check it out at Ron Paul 2012

* There are some videos on You Tube on HR 875 at YouTube - hr 875

and on S 425 (lots here): YouTube - s 425 (Continued)

um, since when is Ron Paul a Senator?
Greetings to All:

The truth is being presented more and more that the A/H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus was created in a Laboratory. This is the best article on the Lab-Created Biological Weapon Virus that I have seen on the internet:

Online Journal Article:

A/H1N1 was reassorted in a lab

By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Sep 16, 2009, 00:20

(WMR) -- A virologist who has been researching the A/H1N1 virus has concluded after months of research that the ”novel” influenza was re-assorted in a laboratory from eight genes consisting of avian, swine and human type influenza A virus.

The scientist does not believe, based on intensive laboratory research of the A/H1N1 virus, that its sudden appearance in Mexico this past spring was a natural occurrence.

The reassortment of viruses occurs when one or more complete genes are exchanged enabling the virus to adapt to a new host. An example is when the avian virus switches gene with a human virus. In the case of A/H1N1, three genes were exchanged, from avian, swine, and human influenza viruses, resulting in the ressortant virus now expected to launch another deadly wave of infections in early October.

There are also signs that adaptation leading to mutation has occurred in the A/H1N1 strain. Several cases of mutated A/H1N1 have been reported from around the globe, rendering treatment with anti-A/H1N1 drugs and A/H1N1 vaccines ineffective.

Adaptation takes place when a small change takes place in the virus and sometimes that can be one amino acid alteration. The adaptation permits the virus to thrive in its new host. A/H1N1 is believed to be a laboratory strain because a specific amino acid was discovered that appears to have made several passages in eggs. The vaccine industry usually amplifies viruses by isolating them in eggs and after several passages, the mutation can be discovered.

The mutation of A/H1N1 has been discovered by our virologist source to have been more rapid than is naturally possible. The following is what was described in scientific terms about the rate of mutation of A/H1N1:

“Mutation takes time to occur, up to the rate of amino acid substitution. For example, for HA gene, or “duck virus,” HA has a substitution rate about 3 x 10e-4 per site per year which is slower compare to human and swine HA (about 10e-3 per site per year). If the total nucleotide number in influenza A virus HA is 1,700, then it takes three years for making a single change in the duck virus, or 1.7 year in the case of human and swine virus.”

The natural rate of mutation for a complete gene mutation, according to the virologist, takes “thousand of years to be established.”

As far as the reassortant A/H1N1 virus is concerned, there is a fear that a human was used as a laboratory “guinea pig” to permit the exchange of genes between humans, pigs, and fowl. The reasoning is that an individual was infected by avian, human and swine virus simultaneously, and the viruses exchanged genes inside the individual’s body, creating a new virus having mixed genes and then rapidly spreading to others.

Herein lies the suspicions concerning the purposeful creation of A/H1N1 and its infection of a human host. (Continued)
The simple fact that this Biological Weapon was created in a Laboratory, 'and' the Govt is keeping that truth under wraps, should tell you that trouble is on the horizon when this virus mutates! The current H1N1 vaccines have been developed to counter the 'Herald Wave Strain' that is mild and kills people with preexisting immune deficiency conditions. These vaccines are filled with many terrible concoctions that include the mutagen for transforming this Carrier Strain into a Genocidal MONSTER. The same people who created the Biological Weapon are now preparing the recombinant catalyst that will kill more than 90 percent of the population of this world. That is what We The Stupid Sheeple get for being so STUPID (my Topic) . . .

Dr. Deagle and his radio guests provide a good overview of what is really happening in these Nutrimedical Report entries:


Nutrimedical Report Sept. 15, 2009 Hour 1

Nutrimedical Report Sept. 15, 2009 Hour 3

LaRouchePac Article

Northern Hemisphere "New Flu" Peak Could Be In 6 to 8 Weeks; Sebelius Prescribes Obamacare

September 16, 2009 (LPAC)—After extending to all 50 states over the Summer, the H1N1/09 flu took off when schools started up in mid-August in several Southeast states, and when colleges convened. There are no new, authoritative statistics, but the number of cases is growing rapidly since the U.S. racked up an estimated one million cases as of mid-Summer. So far, there have been an estimated 9,000 hospitalizations, and 600 deaths.

Mexico is in a similar situation; Canada is on the same trajectory. An upsurge of the H1N1/09 in at least seven Mexican states has forced school closings, including 1,400 in Sinaloa. The Northwestern states are the hardest hit.

Yesterday in Minnesota, a leading epidemiologist, Dr. Michael Osterholm, voiced the consensus of his colleagues internationally that, "I honestly believe that the next six to eight weeks will be the peak. By early to mid-October, I think we're going to see the peak in the Northern Hemisphere."

Osterholm was addressing an audience of 600 Minnesota medical and public health leaders, convened to try to devise medical care contingencies to deal with this prospect of an "early peak," in the absence of Federal action on the economic collapse, and on this H1N1/09 pandemic, and potentially more to come. Other states have been holding similar meetings for weeks.

In contrast, today in Congress, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius presented her usual litany about preparedness for the Fall flu wave, focussing on vaccination—which will not start until mid-to-late October, and mitigation, sneeze-in-your-sleeve, and so on. She announced that the FDA today granted contracts to four vaccine manufacturers for rush-orders of vaccine for Mid-October.

Osterholm, Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota, explained several important features about the current rate of transmission of the New Flu. Already, in mid-September, the U.S. incidence rate of H1N1/09 is higher than the peak usually achieved in mid-Winter by the annual "seasonal flu," and even higher than the flu of 2007-2008 which was very high. Osterholm told

"I still believe, and I wish I was [sic] wrong, and I hope everybody proves me wrong on this...but I'm afraid too little vaccine is going to get here before the peak really hits...

"One of the major misconceptions of the situation is that this is a mild pandemic. In fact, it is a very mild illness for the vast majority of those who get it, maybe well into 98-99 percent range. But for that other 1 percent, this disease can be hell...."

As CIDRAP warned in a recent statement, logistics in depth are what is required, and do not exist. "H1N1 arrives at a time when emergency [U.S.] medicine nationwide is widely considered 'at the breaking point'...ER visits rose by 26% between 1992 and 2003, from 89.8 million to 114 million a year, while 425 emergency departments and 703 hospitals closed and the number of hospital beds in use shrank by 198,000...." Since then, it has declined even more.

Sebelius was confronted on several occasions on Tuesday about infrastructure, in her appearance at the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, but she dodged them all. Rep. Frank Pallone said that the ICUs (intensive care units) in his home district in New Jersey operate close to capacity, so, how "can we make sure" to care for people? A California Congresswoman said that in her district in Sacramento, the public health budget has been cut by 70 percent. They have lost three communicable disease specialists, two micro-biologists, field nurses, technicians and others. She asked, how will we monitor the disease? What if it mutates? (More)

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Hi David with DiveBomb and Mad Scientist mentioned:

LOL! This takes the cake!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just keep on laughing with Mad :)confused:) and DiveBomb :)cuckoo:) and the others without one clue as to what is really going on. Like with all of these other topics (Ten Reasons That The USA Will Be Destroyed), there is MUCH more going on with this Bio-Weapon Virus Topic than will ever be presented on this USMB Board. This article (here) presents the truth of 'nano particles' being used in the H1N1 Bio-Weapon Flu Vaccines. This article (here) speaks to the truth that A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) has been used to create several cyber/future worlds where these scenarios are played out and create the Oracle's version of a New World Order Utopia. However, what none of these articles reveal is that the nano particles provide an A.I. interface that provides for the manipulation of key amino acids for assisting the transmission/gestation/mutation process itself! Therefore, the RFID chips are not in the needles, but in the nano particles comprising the nanobots (link) that work diligently by the commands from the New World Order Puppeteers through their A.I. (pic) Executioner . . .

Yeah, just keep on laughing . . . and by all means line up for the H1N1 Bio-Weapon Vaccine (pic) . . .


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Greetings to All:

Prove your vaccination, OR be escorted to a FEMA Camp . . .

[ame=""]Get Your Shot OR Get On The Bus!![/ame]

[ame=""]CIA Swine Flu Assassinations, Vaccinations & Depopulation[/ame]

[ame=""]This Video Explains How Your RFID Tag Works[/ame]

[ame=""]Obama Is Reviving Hitler/Nazi Depopulation Plans For You[/ame]

[ame=]Mass Vaccinations And Quarantines Are Planned For You[/ame]


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Greetings to All:

The member of our U.S. Military is breaking protocol by telling you 'the' truth about what is on the horizon. More and more people are waking to the truth that Americans will take the H1N1 Vaccine OR be loaded onto a bus for transport to a Halliburton-built FEMA Concentration Camp.
--------------------- Story:

Soldier, Former State Trooper Speak Out On Forced Vaccinations

September 17, 2009

In the video below, a soldier claims she has trained with California police to set-up checkpoints and force vaccinations on the public. Those who refuse will be boarded on a bus and taken to a concentration camp. She includes a photo of an RFID device she claims will be used to track people and materiel. She says the military and police will use electronic bracelets to track the vaccinated.

[ame=""]Urgent Message!!! Take The H1N1 Vaccine OR Be Loaded Onto The Transport Bus . . .[/ame]

The above video will disappear in a week, so I have uploaded to my account here:

[ame=""]Endtimes777 Urgent Message[/ame]

( Article) ( March 13, 2008 Secret Meeting Info) (Rex84 FEMA Camp Info)

Former Kansas state trooper Greg Evensen underscored this claim last week. “Have you been made aware of the massive roadblock plans to stop all travelers for a vaccine bracelet (stainless steel band with a micro-chip on board) that will force you to take the shot?” Evensen wrote on July 29. “Refuse it? You will be placed on a prison bus and taken to a quarantine camp. What will you do when your children are NOT allowed into school without the shot? What will you do when you are not allowed into the workplace without the vaccine paperwork? Buy groceries? Go to the bank? Shop anywhere?? Get on a plane, bus or train? Use the toilet in the mall? Nope. Police officers will become loathed, feared, despised and remembered for their ‘official’ duties.”

Mr. Evensen made the following comment at an event in Texas: (More)
[ame=""]Many Thanks To Endtimes777 For Speaking The Truth[/ame]

Endtimes777 Follow Up


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Terral if this doesn't go down like you're claiming by fucking OCTOBER 15th like the girl said, don't fucking show your face around here anymore.
Hi Paulie:

Terral if this doesn't go down like you're claiming by fucking OCTOBER 15th like the girl said, don't fucking show your face around here anymore.

This Medical Martial Law stuff 'is' going down very soon . . .

[ame=""]Wake Up People . . . [/ame]

[ame=]Military To Backup FEMA[/ame]


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Terral if this doesn't go down like you're claiming by fucking OCTOBER 15th like the girl said, don't fucking show your face around here anymore.
he first said it was gonna happen on july 27th
the boy is totally delusional
Hey what's that RFID device she refers to at the end of the first video? Well here it is:

Morovision IR-14 - Phoenix Junior IR Beacon MVA-IR-14. Morovision Night Vision.
Morovision IR-14 - Phoenix IR Beacon emits a covert signal that is visible at long ranges when viewed with night vision devices. The simple Phoenix Junior flashes a constant signal when the battery is attached. The programmable Phoenix and Phoenix Visible include an encoding capability that can be set with any metallic object such as a coin. All beacons are easy to use and operate underwater or through clothing such as in a pocket.
You've been had AGAIN Terral! It just a fuckin' beacon! Disabling it is as simple as taking the 9volt battery off! I found a few on E-Bay as well:

Phoenix Junior/Jr IR Transmitter Infrared Marker Beacon - eBay (item 380141369249 end time Jul-27-09 19:35:51 PDT)
Hey what's that RFID device she refers to at the end of the first video? Well here it is:

Morovision IR-14 - Phoenix Junior IR Beacon MVA-IR-14. Morovision Night Vision.
Morovision IR-14 - Phoenix IR Beacon emits a covert signal that is visible at long ranges when viewed with night vision devices. The simple Phoenix Junior flashes a constant signal when the battery is attached. The programmable Phoenix and Phoenix Visible include an encoding capability that can be set with any metallic object such as a coin. All beacons are easy to use and operate underwater or through clothing such as in a pocket.
You've been had AGAIN Terral! It just a fuckin' beacon! Disabling it is as simple as taking the 9volt battery off! I found a few on E-Bay as well:

Phoenix Junior/Jr IR Transmitter Infrared Marker Beacon - eBay (item 380141369249 end time Jul-27-09 19:35:51 PDT)
how the hell will THAT fit in a syringe?
Hi DiveBomb, with Mad Scientist and Paulie mentioned:

he first said it was gonna happen on july 27th
the boy is totally delusional

I have been sending out warnings about Medical Martial Law since long before July 21, 2009, or July 27, 2009 (story). The FEMA Bio-Terror War Games represented a good opportunity for the New World Order Elites to inject the mutagen (recombinant catalyst of the coming 'killer wave') into the general population, which is the reason that I sent out those warnings. Now we know that the 'second wave' will begin sometime this fall 'and' these warnings from Endtimes777 about Military H1N1 Vaccination Checkpoints/Roadblocks for October 15 represent another good reason to prepare for when the crap hits the proverbial fan!!!

The warning signs are everywhere and DiveBomb/Mad Scientist :)confused::confused: and Paulie :)cuckoo:) simply have no clue. These are the guys coming to the Conspiracy Theories Forum every damned day to pretend that 'no conspiracy exists' (my sig) . . .

Here is where the rubber meets the road in this H1N1 Bio-Weapon Debate: If Dive and Mad and Pauline are right, then all of this represents hypothetical deliberation your entertainment. However, when I and Dr. Bill Deagle and Dr. True Ott and Endtimes777 turn out to be right (and we are right), THEN a lot of unprepared people are about to die like Hitler and the Nazis murdered the Jews in Concentration Camps and Gas Chambers, so on and so forth.

My hands are clean, because everyone here has been warned repeatedly . . .


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Here is where the rubber meets the road in this H1N1 Bio-Weapon Debate: If Dive and Mad and Pauline are right, then all of this represents your entertainment.
You used to call us "fools", now you admit we may be right. Glad to see you're finally waking up.
Hi Mad:

You used to call us "fools", now you admit we may be right. Glad to see you're finally waking up.

No sir. The crap is about to hit the fan 'and' when you finally have to admit that "Terral was right all along!," then many of you will already be dying, or in a FEMA Concentration Camp, or already dead.

[ame=""]The Warning Signs Are EVERYWHERE!!![/ame]

[ame=""]FEMA Concentration Camps For YOU . . .[/ame]

Operation Garden Plot Info


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The warning signs are everywhere and DiveBomb/Mad Scientist :)confused::confused: and Paulie :)cuckoo:) simply have no clue. These are the guys coming to the Conspiracy Theories Forum every damned day to pretend that 'no conspiracy exists' (my sig) . . .
What you refer to as "pretend" is what most people would call "debunking". Try not to get your panties in a twist.
Hi Mad:

You used to call us "fools", now you admit we may be right. Glad to see you're finally waking up.

No sir. The crap is about to hit the fan 'and' when you finally have to admit that "Terral was right all along!," then many of you will already be dying, or in a FEMA Concentration Camp, or already dead.


can you tell us where these "FEMA camps" are, and dont post a fucking video, i wont watch it
tell us WHERE they are
I'm supposed to believe that in a little more than 3 fucking weeks, we're going to go from things being the way they are now, to checkpoints all over the country with people being tagged like cattle with fucking beacon devices for not taking a damn shot??

Get the fuck out of here Terral you fucking naive bastard. If the government was going to do something like that, they'd first need to confiscate the people's weapons. That would take months if not YEARS. They'd also have to have the media injecting the fear into people over a long amount of time to GET them to accept a vaccine or otherwise be taken away in a bus to somewhere unknown. This would probably have to include stories being reported such as "1000's die from swine flu in NYC" or anything similar to that.

How would this kind of thing POSSIBLY go down in the next 3 & 1/2 weeks?

I'm not even going to give you your NOVEMBER 15th contingency of the "second wave" or whatever you're calling it these days. Because that's STILL not enough time to make this kind of thing happen.

You're a stupid man, Terral. Probably even more stupid than the sheep you have so much disdain for. In fact, you ARE one of those sheep, just on a different level.
Terral if this doesn't go down like you're claiming by fucking OCTOBER 15th like the girl said, don't fucking show your face around here anymore.

Terral said that martial law and 1 million foreign troops were coming to American soil on July 27.

And that worked out well, didn't it?
Terral if this doesn't go down like you're claiming by fucking OCTOBER 15th like the girl said, don't fucking show your face around here anymore.

Terral said that martial law and 1 million foreign troops were coming to American soil on July 27.

And that worked out well, didn't it?
well, they must just be in hiding, waiting for the right time to move


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