Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

fuck he has gone from his five word post to no words and just stupid smileys.. how much more inane can it get ?
i suppose i could do what YOU do, just Copy & Paste a load of shit that is totally stupid
Mexican swine flu is ariba, ariba, undela, undela, ariba, ariba.

I have no idea what this post is supposed to mean, but I am still alive.

Swine flu can suck my Darwinian balls.
Your prediction has officially failed. You suck balls loser. Try again next time. :lol:
Your prediction has officially failed. You suck balls loser. Try again next time. :lol:

The balls of destiny have their own sacred scrotum, be sucked, fucked or drive a monster truck, you will never understand the nature of the balls.

Just play with and placate them every now and then.
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Your prediction has officially failed. You suck balls loser. Try again next time. :lol:

hey goatboy..fill us in on your knowledge and the history of vaccines and how safe they are.. you know ..from all of that reading you have done on the subject I am sure you must have some interesting

If i was to do some reading on vaccines, i wouldnt do it at any of your wacky sites. Its funny though, because out of all the endless reading YOUVE probably done on the subject, you still have no facts either! Imagine all the hours youve wasted reading pure shit on your nutjob websites.

Seriously though, i would much rather spend my time reading MMA stuff, than reading the rantings of madmen. I can tell you all kinds of stuff about MMA though.
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Your prediction has officially failed. You suck balls loser. Try again next time. :lol:

hey goatboy..fill us in on your knowledge and the history of vaccines and how safe they are.. you know ..from all of that reading you have done on the subject I am sure you must have some interesting

If i was to do some reading on vaccines, i wouldnt do it at any of your wacky sites. Its funny though, because out of all the endless reading YOUVE probably done on the subject, you still have no facts either! Imagine all the hours youve wasted reading pure shit on your nutjob websites.

Seriously though, i would much rather spend my time reading MMA stuff, than reading the rantings of madmen. I can tell you all kinds of stuff about MMA though.

OK so you basically admit you have never read about the historical benefits and failures of vaccines or the potential risk from any source in any depth which is already clear..if it is of no interest to you that's fine but it does effect the value of your opinion...but hey cool.. I am a big fan for many years and took judo as a has served me well over the years ..and when those first ufc videos came out I got hooked and have been ever since
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hey goatboy..fill us in on your knowledge and the history of vaccines and how safe they are.. you know ..from all of that reading you have done on the subject I am sure you must have some interesting

If i was to do some reading on vaccines, i wouldnt do it at any of your wacky sites. Its funny though, because out of all the endless reading YOUVE probably done on the subject, you still have no facts either! Imagine all the hours youve wasted reading pure shit on your nutjob websites.

Seriously though, i would much rather spend my time reading MMA stuff, than reading the rantings of madmen. I can tell you all kinds of stuff about MMA though.

OK so you basically admit you have never read about the historical benefits and failures of vaccines or the potential risk from any source in any depth which is already clear..if it is of no interest to you that's fine but it does effect the value of your opinion...but hey cool.. I am a big fan for many years and took judo as a has served me well over the years ..and when those first ufc videos came out I got hooked and have been ever since

Damn, im not sure how to respond to this. On one hand, i want to make fun of you and your wacky theories, yet on the other, you are a fan of MMA and i generally like to stick up for my fellow MMA fans. Soooo torn.

P.S. Im a brown belt in Taekwondo
Greetings to All: is an excellent place for updates on this Swine11 Topic: << Lots of links to Swine11 Info


Dr. True Ott and Alexander S. Jones (formerly of the National Institute for Health) about converging global events and the Swine11 Pandemic:
Mr. Ott is not a Doctor. I documented his license revocation in another thread.

Where are all the dead bodies Terral? California is reporting that only 5% of all flu cases they see are of the swine variety. Hardly a pandemic.
Oh FUCK!!! Al Gore said I was going to drown because the polar ice caps are melting. You mean I'm gonna die from the flu?

Hi Mad:

Where are all the dead bodies Terral? California is reporting that only 5% of all flu cases they see are of the swine variety. Hardly a pandemic.

The H1N1 Bio-Weapon Vaccine Program is just getting started 'and' the mutagen is in the lethal vaccine! The dead bodies are coming right along with Medical Martial Law . . .


Hi Mad:

Where are all the dead bodies Terral? California is reporting that only 5% of all flu cases they see are of the swine variety. Hardly a pandemic.

The H1N1 Bio-Weapon Vaccine Program is just getting started 'and' the mutagen is in the lethal vaccine! The dead bodies are coming right along with Medical Martial Law . . .


but but but.. i thought oct 15th was the d-day for it to go off?????

how many times do you take being LIED to by these shysters before you wake up?
Even if you don't trust the government at all, which I pretty much don't, why would you WANT to believe that they're about to inject us all with a worldwide genocidal virus that they TRICKED us into taking under the guise of a vaccine that's supposed to HELP us?

That's fucking LUNACY. I don't understand why anyone would actually WANT to believe such a thing. I mean, that makes thinking 9/11 was an inside job merely an afterthought.
That said, I'm still not taking the vaccine though. If they're really going to take me away to Auschwitz over it, so be it.
Hi Paulie:

Even if you don't trust the government at all, which I pretty much don't, why would you WANT to believe that they're about to inject us all with a worldwide genocidal virus that they TRICKED us into taking under the guise of a vaccine that's supposed to HELP us?

An honest question requires 'the' right answer. So here goes:

All of this 'deception' has been done 'twice' already in God's Infinite Realm (far left) 'and' again in the "Word Realm/Heaven" where Michael the Archangel overcame the Dragon (Rev. 12:7-8 = in red). If you will read these three verses from the Old Testament (here), then perhaps that lights will begin coming on. The Satanic Rebellion took place in God's Infinite Realm where Adam was murdered in the first place. Satan went out deceiving using his trickery, but everyone (sons of Noah/Eve = "you are gods") incarnate here as a 'man' laughed at his folly and were 'not' deceived. However, everyone incarnate here as a 'woman' WAS deceived by Satan 'AND' they went out and deceived those incarnate here as men.

All of these things from the Satanic Rebellion in God's Infinite Realm played out 'again' in the battle between the Dragon and Michael the Archangel in the 'almost infinite realm*' that stands between God's Infinite Realm 'and' this Adamic Creation (in red*). However, all of these things are playing out for the third and final time in this Adamic Realm, as 'you' are the 'gods' from God's Infinite Realm being judged for helping Satan murder Adam through his massive Campaign of DECEPTION. The Clinton/Bush/Obama Administrations are mere 'puppets' for the Rothschild/Rockefeller (owners of the FED) Eugenics/Genocide Campaign (link) that is about to destroy more than 90 percent of the population of this godless planet. These are the same people who have been killing U.S. Presidents since Abraham Lincoln . . .

[ame=]Americans Are SO STUPID . . .[/ame]

. . . and JFK, which is reason #3 that America will definitely be destroyed (my Topic). These same Global Elites planned and carried out the 9/11 Inside-Job Attacks (my 9/11 Blog), using the out-of-control Bush Administration, the FBI, CIA, NSA and their subordinate agencies working under the DoD Counterintelligence/Disinformation Umbrella. All of this 'Genocide' is carefully planned and carried out under a massive Umbrella of Deception and Secrecy, because THAT is the exact and precise way that Satan tricked all of you into murdering Adam in God's Infinite Realm IN THE FIRST PLACE. You are about to be destroyed by Global Elites like Stupid Sheeple in the New World Order Slaughter House . . .

That's fucking LUNACY. I don't understand why anyone would actually WANT to believe such a thing. I mean, that makes thinking 9/11 was an inside job merely an afterthought.

Listen here Paulie: The fact that 'you' feel that Global Genocide is 'lunacy' speaks to the absolute truth that 'you' ARE worthy to be destroyed by these Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics MONSTERS. The H1N1 Bio-Weapon is about to mutate and begin culling more than 90 percent of the population of this world. When you finally wake up and realize that Terral Was Right All Along, then it will be MUCH too late. Again, we 'have' done all of this two times already and I know for a fact that the crap is about to hit the fan 'and' catch most of you completely by surprise . . . Watch and see . . .



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