Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

hi mad:

i love it when you post the same pics over and over in a vain attempt to convince people that you're not completely insane . . .

in other words, the mad scientist sees something in these pictures . . .


<snipped insane drivel>

yes, terral, anyone can see the outline of a 757 that hit nose first
you are a fucking moron to keep claiming it didnt crash there when we all have seen the pics of them digging the parts out of that hole that embedded into the ground at impact
you are a fool and a moron

can i see a picture of them digging aircraft parts out of the ground..what parts did they find ??
hi mad:

in other words, the mad scientist sees something in these pictures . . .


<snipped insane drivel>

yes, terral, anyone can see the outline of a 757 that hit nose first
you are a fucking moron to keep claiming it didnt crash there when we all have seen the pics of them digging the parts out of that hole that embedded into the ground at impact
you are a fool and a moron

can i see a picture of them digging aircraft parts out of the ground..what parts did they find ??
parts from a Boeing 757
Greetings to All:

If you are thinking about taking the H1N1 FluMist, then think about reading this article: Article

H1N1 FluMist ~ the Nasal Spray that Keeps on Giving!

September 23, 2009 by
Sherry Tomfeld

Please Be a Responsible User!

Everyone has to be responsible for their own decisions. If you are afraid of catching the H1N1 flu this year. You may be pondering whether to get a flu shot or using the H1N1 FluMist. The FluMist is administered into your nostrils. Before making your final decision, you may want to ask some questions and think of some consequences to taking the H1N1 FluMist nasal spray.

The H1N1 FluMist is made with "live" virus. This means that the H1N1 flu will be a part of the nasal spray formula. It's supposed to be just enough to start your immunity to build defenses to it. The shot is supposed to be a killed virus.

If you take the H1N1 FluMist, you will in fact become a carrier of the H1N1 flu. Information on this drug states that you can and will shed the virus for up to 21 days. That means as you are visiting with your elderly family members, or shopping in the isles of your grocery store or sitting in church with young children and people with immune problems, YOU are going to be shedding the virus H1N1 germs.

If you are a person that cannot tolerate the shot or the FluMist for the H1N1 flu, you are a sitting duck when it comes to being around people who have taken the FluMist. The use of FluMist is for people ages 2 - 49. How many people do you come into contact each day that don't fit the age range? says that you should be careful when coming into contact with "FluMist with anyone who has a weak immune system caused by disease (such as cancer, HIV, or AIDS), or by certain medicines such as steroids, cancer chemotherapy, or radiation treatment. A person with a weak immune system can become ill if they have close contact with you after you have recently received a an influenza vaccine." Pregnant women are also on this list of people who should NOT use FluMist.

What happens when anything gets in your nose? You sneeze! Please be a responsible user of the FluMist and cover your face when you sneeze and cough. Remember, you are passing the H1N1 flu germs. The flu is passed from person to person with the sneezing, the coughing and germs from your hands. So if you take FluMist for the H1N1 flu, please practice good hygiene for the rest of us and wash, wash, wash your hands!

If you take the H1N1 FluMist nasal spray, please read up on it. Please ask questions about it. And please be a responsible user of the FluMist. We're all counting on you out here!

In other words: The Rothschild/Rockefeller-controlled CDC is deliberately giving the Sheeple :)cuckoo:) the H1N1/H5N1/H3N2 Triple-triple Recombinant Bio-Weapon Virus to prime the population :)confused:) for bigger and better things down the road . . .


Greetings to All:
(Insane drivel edited out)
GL, Terral
Four days Terral, four days. In four days we better see one of two things:

1. Mass Deaths from Sine Flu.
2. Terral apology thread.

Four days Terral, only four days.
Greetings to All:
(Insane drivel edited out)
GL, Terral
Four days Terral, four days. In four days we better see one of two things:

1. Mass Deaths from Sine Flu.
2. Terral apology thread.

Four days Terral, only four days.

He wont own up to it. He will pretend that it never happened, much like his moon landing hoax claims. He avoided that thread like it was the bubonic plague. Conspiracy theorists have no credibility... Terral and Eots have both proven this.
Hi Mad:

Four days Terral, four days. In four days we better see one of two things:

1. Mass Deaths from Sine Flu.
2. Terral apology thread.

Four days Terral, only four days.

I 'can' tell you that the H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus 'will' mutate into a deadly strain. However, nobody but the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics/Genocide Doctors can tell you 'when' that will happen. My time frame was based upon Endtime777's "October 15, 2009" Martial Law Checkpoint prediction (from this OP), which now appears to be wrong (my recent post). Right now I am listening to a LaRouchePac Update (link) saying that the U.S./Global Economies will collapse between October 12 and October 15 ("this week" = 01:30), 2009; which also coincides with the prediction of Endtime777.

I see that Endtime777 is backtracking, but is heading for the hills "just in case." Medical Martial Law 'is' coming, but exactly 'when' continues to be difficult to nail down. Until the crap hits the fan, then we are wise to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.


I 'can' tell you that the H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus 'will' mutate into a deadly strain. However, nobody but the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics/Genocide Doctors can tell you 'when' that will happen. My time frame was based upon Endtime777's "October 15, 2009" Martial Law Checkpoint prediction.
I see that Endtime777 is backtracking, but is heading for the hills "just in case." Medical Martial Law 'is' coming, but exactly 'when' continues to be difficult to nail down. Until the crap hits the fan, then we are wise to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.
Looks like you're backtracking as well. So will you post an apology thread now? You know Terral, when you post someone elses conspiracy idea it's implied that you believe and you take ownership of it.

You are real strong to defend the 9/11 conspiracies you post but when you have a chance to prove to everyone how smart you are by doing some investigative work and predicting what will come I see that you back down quite easily and start blaming others.

You started this thread "Mexican Swine Flu Will Be the 9/11 Style Event". This isn't about "endtimes777" or anyone else. Don't use them as cover. If you had any integrity you would just admit that you were duped and go on from there.
Contamination concerns
In 1960, it was determined that the rhesus monkey kidney cells used to prepare the poliovirus vaccines were infected with the SV40 virus (Simian Virus-40).[43] SV40, also discovered in 1960, is a naturally occurring virus that infects monkeys. In 1961, SV40 was found to cause tumors in rodents.[44] More recently, the virus was found in certain forms of cancer in humans, for instance brain and bone tumors, mesotheliomas, and some types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.[45][46] However, it has not been determined that SV40 causes these cancers.[47]

SV40 was found to be present in stocks of the injected form of the polio vaccine (IPV) in use between 1955 to 1963.[43] It is not found in the OPV form.[43] Over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine between 1955 to 1963 when a proportion of vaccine was contaminated with SV40; it has been estimated that 10&#8211;30 million Americans may have received a dose of vaccine contaminated with SV40.[43] Later analysis suggested that vaccines produced by the former Soviet bloc countries until 1980, and used in the USSR, China, Japan, and several African countries, may have been contaminated; meaning hundreds of millions more may have been exposed to SV40.[48]

In 1998, the National Cancer Institute undertook a large study, using cancer case information from the Institutes SEER database. The published findings from the study revealed that there was no increased incidence of cancer in persons who may have received vaccine containing SV40.[49] Another large study in Sweden examined cancer rates of 700,000 individuals who had received potentially contaminated polio vaccine as late as 1957; the study again revealed no increased cancer incidence between persons who received polio vaccines containing SV40 and those who did not.[50] The question of whether SV40 causes cancer in humans remains controversial however, and the development of improved assays for detection of SV40 in human tissues will be needed to resolve the controversy.[47]

During the race to develop an oral polio vaccine several large scale human trials were undertaken. By 1958, the National Institutes of Health had determined that OPV produced using the Sabin strains were the safest.[20]/ Between 1957 and 1960, however, Hilary Koprowski continued to administer his vaccine around the world. In Africa, the vaccines were administered to roughly one million people

Polio vaccine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FluMist is influenza...

"At least one vaccine strain was isolated from 80% of FluMist recipients; strains were recovered from 1-21 days post vaccination"

"The duration of FluMist vaccine virus replication and shedding have not been established"

In other words, people who take FluMist become contagious with influenza.

This is important because FluMist is pushed on children, teachers, hospital workers, first responders, and others who are in close contact situations.

How many people receiving FluMist will avoid contact with immunocompromised individuals for at least 3 weeks? How do they even know who to avoid?

How do people figure out which strangers among them have received FluMist anytime recently?


The 3 live viruses chosen each year for FluMist production are not guaranteed to make their way around the world naturally.

Bottling them into FluMist and deliberately squirting them into people around the world significantly increases the probability that these viruses will appear worldwide.

Why do that?


Besides the 3 live flu strains, FluMist contains

Egg allantoic fluid &#8212; the part of "egg whites" containing allantoin and used to culture the live viruses; formaldehyde is added to weaken the viruses.

*Sucrose &#8212; a disaccharide (glucose + fructose); if it gets directly into the blood it can wreak havoc on the immune system.

*Potassium phosphate &#8212; See phosphate buffers; likely to intensify excitotoxicity brought on by MSG.

*Monosodium glutamate (MSG) &#8212; a potent excitotoxin. When FluMist is squirted up into sinus cavities, the MSG will be mobilize quickly into the brain causing random neurons to fire uncontrollably.

Gentamicin sulfate -- a broad-spectrum antibiotic derived from an actinomycete (the order Actinomycetales contains any of various filamentous or rod-shaped, often pathogenic microorganisms that are found in soil and resemble bacteria and fungi).

So, besides the live flu viruses you get toxins and an antibiotic.

&#8220;FluMist has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or its potential to impair fertility&#8221;

FluMist Effects
Your first link doesn't work.

The second link is to a video of John Bolton saying basically that Nixon stopped bio research, our enemies continued and then we restarted, did I get that right? I see no problem there and I see no reference to "race specific" weapons.

He did mention the difficulty in combating second and third generation bio weapons but it didn't sound to me like that was race specific as he was talking about genomes which can't be race specific as we all have genes.

And good luck getting anyone to talk about the Bilderburg or Trilateral Commision meetings, no one talks about what goes on there. Probably under the penalty of death.
Hi Eots:

Thank you very much for making contributions to the Swine11 Topic.

. . . In other words, people who take FluMist become contagious with influenza.

This is important because FluMist is pushed on children, teachers, hospital workers, first responders, and others who are in close contact situations . . .

The Swine11 Herald Wave Virus is not spreading quickly enough to reach the desired saturation point in the general population. The 'FluMist' utilizes the live virus to 'prime' the general population quickly and more efficiently, as part of the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics/Genocide Program (info). The many vaccine adjuvants (definition) are included in the H1N1 vaccines to turn off 'and' on key elements of your immune system. Toxic adjuvants have an adverse effect on the mitochondria (definition) within each cell, which makes you more susceptible to the influenza virus itself. Turning off your immune system allows the influenza virus to quickly spread throughout your entire body. Then turning 'on' your immune system forces a quick reaction called a 'cytokine storm' (definition) that sees each victim drowning in their own body fluids. Dr. Bill Deagle explains the details in the first hour of yesterday's . . . Podcast << Bookmark and listen to daily updates

Nutrimedical Report Oct. 12 Hour 1

Nutrimedical Report Oct. 12 Hour 3

How many people receiving FluMist will avoid contact with immunocompromised individuals for at least 3 weeks? How do they even know who to avoid?

Everyone taking the FluMist Vaccine is exposed to the 'live virus' to then shed the virus for about two weeks. The H1N1 Herald Wave Strain is becoming increasingly 'mild' to a higher proportion of the general population and 'by design,' which is allowing a prolonged transmission/gestation/mutation phase of the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics/Genocide Program. Most of the people already infected by the H1N1 Herald Strain have no idea that they have become 'carriers' of the Swine11 Flu, because they show no symptoms at all! Nobody is even trying to avoid anyone, which allowing the 'priming process' to continue as planned.

How do people figure out which strangers among them have received FluMist anytime recently?

Children, hospital caregivers and everyone receiving the FluMist are being used to 'prime' the general population. The real troubles begin when the 'mutation phase' is enhanced through the upcoming H1N1 Flu Shot Vaccination Campaign, when the amino acid catalyst is added to the equation. The 'timing' of the deadly 'killer waves' remains in the hands of the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics Doctors . . .


Last edited:
Hi Dive:

This place has FAR too many foul-mouthed lamebrain knuckleheads running around.

2 more days terral

then your latest prediction will be proven to be FALSE:lol:

I just wrote:

Children, hospital caregivers and everyone receiving the FluMist are being used to 'prime' the general population. The real troubles begin when the 'mutation phase' is enhanced through the upcoming H1N1 Flu Shot Vaccination Campaign, when the amino acid catalyst is added to the equation. The 'timing' of the deadly 'killer waves' remains in the hands of the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics Doctors . . .

Nobody except the Evil Rothschild Eugenics Doctors and the Oracle 8i Super Computer (info) can give you the window time frames on 'when' the deadly 'second wave' will begin. Dr. Bill Deagle talks on the Oracle 8i (now Oracle 11) Super Computer in this recent edition of the . . .

Nutrimedical Report October 13, 2009 Hour 1

I 'can' tell you 'what' will happen in the future, as this H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus will definitely mutate into something terrible, but 'when' remains an unknown variable in the Global Genocide Equation.


Last edited:
Hi Dive:

This place has FAR too many foul-mouthed lamebrain knuckleheads running around.

2 more days terral

then your latest prediction will be proven to be FALSE:lol:

I just wrote:

Children, hospital caregivers and everyone receiving the FluMist are being used to 'prime' the general population. The real troubles begin when the 'mutation phase' is enhanced through the upcoming H1N1 Flu Shot Vaccination Campaign, when the amino acid catalyst is added to the equation. The 'timing' of the deadly 'killer waves' remains in the hands of the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics Doctors . . .

Nobody except the Evil Rothschild Eugenics Doctors and the Oracle 8i Super Computer (info) can give you the window time frames on 'when' the deadly 'second wave' will begin. Dr. Bill Deagle talks on the Oracle 8i (now Oracle 11) Super Computer in this recent edition of the . . .

Nutrimedical Report October 13, 2009 Hour 1

I 'can' tell you 'what' will happen in the future, as this H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus will definitely mutate into something terrible, but 'when' remains an unknown variable in the Global Genocide Equation.


so its TODAY?
Hi Dive:

This place has FAR too many foul-mouthed lamebrain knuckleheads running around.

2 more days terral

then your latest prediction will be proven to be FALSE:lol:

I just wrote:

Children, hospital caregivers and everyone receiving the FluMist are being used to 'prime' the general population. The real troubles begin when the 'mutation phase' is enhanced through the upcoming H1N1 Flu Shot Vaccination Campaign, when the amino acid catalyst is added to the equation. The 'timing' of the deadly 'killer waves' remains in the hands of the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics Doctors . . .

Nobody except the Evil Rothschild Eugenics Doctors and the Oracle 8i Super Computer (info) can give you the window time frames on 'when' the deadly 'second wave' will begin. Dr. Bill Deagle talks on the Oracle 8i (now Oracle 11) Super Computer in this recent edition of the . . .

Nutrimedical Report October 13, 2009 Hour 1

I 'can' tell you 'what' will happen in the future, as this H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus will definitely mutate into something terrible, but 'when' remains an unknown variable in the Global Genocide Equation.


So, in two days right?

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