Mexico City 7.1 Earthquake

And on the exact anniversary of the 8. In 1985.

A whole lot of death and misery in Texass, Florida, the Caribbean, Cuba and now Mexico.

Mexico sent help to TX, FL am LA. Will trump return that helpmate o Mexico?

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Years ago, I remember reading rescue accounts in the 1985 Mexico City quake. I've never been able to forget the description of rescuers having to use a chain saw to get through the dead mother who was shielding her 9yo daughter with her own body.

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Yeah....and I'll never forget my old man being shredded from the waist down by a brush hog.
248 dead last I heard/saw :/ Five story buildings compressed to three stories... pretty horrible.
At U.N., Trump forgot to call out the Rogue state of Mexico, destabilizing U.S. by sending criminals, drugs & unskilled masses.
Mexico official says earthquake death toll has risen to 225.

In the last 30 days: Historic Texas Flooding, 2 Cat 5 Hurricanes, 2 Major Earthquakes, 2 X-Class Solar Flares, and Western US Wildfires.


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