Mexico Joins Russia, the Chicoms, Iran, Cuba and Marxist Nicaragua in Supporting Maduro

They get more countries together to stand up to bullies. I'm not saying I don't understand what you're saying.
I don't think you understand what you've been saying.

I was saying they're doing it in a symbolic way, I don't think the US would be stupid enough to invade Mexico, even with a really dumb president.

I don't really care for Maduro, but I don't think military intervention is a good idea.
I sincerely doubt military intervention will be necessary. Meduro already tried to run away once and Russia convinced him to stay.
When his military support finally collapses he will be finished. And if there was military intervention I would expect a coalition force to supply the troops.
It's hard to say if all the Latin American countries that support Maduro really support him, or don't want to get invaded if their leadership displeases the White House. I mean, given history...
Your post makes zero sense. Why would any state support the dictator Maduro if they are afraid of being invaded for that support? Wouldn't that make them NOT support Maduro (even though hardly any Latin American nations support him anyway)? Duh....
To stand up to bullies.
Now the most powerful democratic Republic in the world is a bully?

So why dont you leave?
They get more countries together to stand up to bullies. I'm not saying I don't understand what you're saying.
I don't think you understand what you've been saying.
I got what you're saying: that if they are scared of the US they'd do what the US wants them to.
So Brazil, the UK, and Australia are afraid of the USA.

You are an idiot.
You are a MASSIVE cretin for taking what I wrote out of context.
I like how trumpers are all for overthrowing some dictators but not others.....

Maduro hasn't killed any US journalists; but since he doesn't play our game when it comes to oil -- he has to go...

Trumpers are pathetic...
its more than so called trumpers biff....
It's hard to say if all the Latin American countries that support Maduro really support him, or don't want to get invaded if their leadership displeases the White House. I mean, given history...
That is silly.

Who do we have more motivation to invade than Mexico? And yet we never do it.

Most of our 'invasions' of latin American countries have come after invitations by their olligarchs who were supported by our olligrachs/corporations.

The Mexican-American War, Pershing's invasion and whole bunches of minor incidents say different about Mexico.
And people that should tell you all you need to know about Mexico's leadership. They are our enemy.

Venezuela: Heavy gunfire in Caracas after Juan Guaido calls for uprising | Daily Mail Online


Maduro is the good guy. Guaido is a George Soros' shill. Guaido wants to change their constitution back the way it was. Letting Monsanto/ Bayer to takeover Venezuela's AG business. Soros and the rest of the Elites knows how to insult everyone's intelligence. Soros got the American people to do his own will. But a few are waking up. And so he wants to overdose everyone with vaccines, in order to dumb everyone back down again. These Elite rulers are master of manipulation.


President Maduro signed the proposal into law before New Year, when a new anti-Maduro Assembly was sworn in.
Venezuela’s food revolution

In 2013, a seed law that would have opened a legal loophole for the importation of genetically modified seeds almost passed the Venezuelan legislature. Since the constituent assembly in 1999 when Venezuelans rewrote their constitution, the Venezuelan people have taken an active and leading role in writing and refining new laws to support their movements. So in 2013, the movement was ready – it blocked the passage of this law, and began a three-year process of writing a new seed law. This one would be written from the bottom up, through assemblies and workshops held across the country.

The struggle for a new seed law was the subtext of this year’s gathering in Monte Carmelo. With parliamentary elections coming up that December, it was widely perceived that the movement needed to act quickly to pass the People’s Seed Law, which by October had achieved consensus in assemblies throughout the country.

Tensions were high. One woman in an assembly reminded the crowd: “If the bad seed law is approved, we will all be converted into criminals – everyone who grows and guards ancestral seeds.” As far-fetched as it sounds, laws have criminalized seed saving around the world. The United States is an instructive example, where the federal government has persecuted and shut down seed banks across the country.
Venezuelan Farmers Fight Monsanto Seed ‘Imperialism’ – And Win! | Mondialisation - Centre de Recherche sur la Mondialisation

Three Years After Being Passed, Venezuela’s Seed Law Is Being Implemented from Below
I've never understood why Mexico remains stupid...they have beautiful beaches lovely deserts rich farmland and oil and natural gas but they are too stupid to make it as a modern day nation.....
Siding with a loser commie is just more evidence of their stupidity....

Too stupid, and too corrupt, only thinking of the short term, and who can get the highest immediate bribe. Losers.
Maduro is history.Venezuelans are making the call.
Juan Guaido had thought that he had the military support. But they backed down when they saw that he only had a small group that was supporting him.The MSM has made it seem that he had the whole world supporting him. And so now, George Soros have to figure out another way to get Maduro out, so that he can plant his GMO sugar canes for his climate change policy. He will be able to control the bio-fuel industry. Right now he is laughing at how some the conservatives are helping him to get those out of power that he doesn't like. But he hates those conservatives that see clearly since the mercury is out of their system. Now they knows what he is doing. That they are not blind to his dumb tactics.

Physiological Tweak to Rice Plants Cuts Greenhouse-Gas Emissions

SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Billionaire George Soros said on Tuesday his large investment in Brazilian ethanol production was speculative because he still sees trade barriers restricting the full potential of the world’s most efficient producer of the biofuel.
Soros says he is a speculator in Brazilian ethanol - Reuters

Maduro is history.Venezuelans are making the call.
Juan Guaido had thought that he had the military support. But they backed down when they saw that he only had a small group that was supporting him.The MSM has made it seem that he had the whole world supporting him. And so now, George Soros have to figure out another way to get Maduro out, so that he can plant his GMO sugar canes for his climate change policy. He will be able to control the bio-fuel industry. Right now he is laughing at how some the conservatives are helping him to get those out of power that he doesn't like. But he hates those conservatives that see clearly since the mercury is out of their system. Now they knows what he is doing. That they are not blind to his dumb tactics.

Physiological Tweak to Rice Plants Cuts Greenhouse-Gas Emissions

SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Billionaire George Soros said on Tuesday his large investment in Brazilian ethanol production was speculative because he still sees trade barriers restricting the full potential of the world’s most efficient producer of the biofuel.
Soros says he is a speculator in Brazilian ethanol - Reuters

Yes, those conservative states like China, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua. The Venezuelans are concerned with GMO and not about eating their pets.
Last edited:
Maduro is history.Venezuelans are making the call.
Juan Guaido had thought that he had the military support. But they backed down when they saw that he only had a small group that was supporting him.The MSM has made it seem that he had the whole world supporting him. And so now, George Soros have to figure out another way to get Maduro out, so that he can plant his GMO sugar canes for his climate change policy. He will be able to control the bio-fuel industry. Right now he is laughing at how some the conservatives are helping him to get those out of power that he doesn't like. But he hates those conservatives that see clearly since the mercury is out of their system. Now they knows what he is doing. That they are not blind to his dumb tactics.

Physiological Tweak to Rice Plants Cuts Greenhouse-Gas Emissions

SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Billionaire George Soros said on Tuesday his large investment in Brazilian ethanol production was speculative because he still sees trade barriers restricting the full potential of the world’s most efficient producer of the biofuel.
Soros says he is a speculator in Brazilian ethanol - Reuters

Yes, those conservative states like China, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua. The Venezuelans are concerned with GMO and not about eating their pets.

What makes socialism so bad? It is that this system gives the government total control. And which most likely, all members of the government can be bribed. Which it will cause the Elites to be in control.
The Global Elites wants to turn us all into cattle. They'll feed us a little. But not enough to become rich like them. They'll use us to plow their fields and build their cities. And when they need an organ. We have to give them our children's organs. And also give them our children to sexual pleasure them. But if any country that opposes them? They will bring them down to the ground, in order to force them into submission. They are trying to bring our country economy down, by bringing in too many immigrants and starting world war three.If we get into a war. We be surely polishing the Elites' cucumbers every day and night.


In short yes. He was tied to the Clinton Campaign (and not just as a major donor) through revelations from Wikileaks it is now known that he owns the voting machines in 16 US states. His email archives were recently hacked and leaked showing that he was directly colluding with the powerhouses of Europe to incite a refugee crisis (to what end no one knows).

Here are other curious tales from the life of this highly secretive billionaire that you probably don’t know:

  1. Breaking The Bank Of England - On September 16, 1992, Britain’s pound crashed out the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) with a thud that was heard around the world. Around £3.3 billion was wiped from the government’s coffers, exacerbating an already bleak recession.
Maduro is history.Venezuelans are making the call.
Juan Guaido had thought that he had the military support. But they backed down when they saw that he only had a small group that was supporting him.The MSM has made it seem that he had the whole world supporting him. And so now, George Soros have to figure out another way to get Maduro out, so that he can plant his GMO sugar canes for his climate change policy. He will be able to control the bio-fuel industry. Right now he is laughing at how some the conservatives are helping him to get those out of power that he doesn't like. But he hates those conservatives that see clearly since the mercury is out of their system. Now they knows what he is doing. That they are not blind to his dumb tactics.

Physiological Tweak to Rice Plants Cuts Greenhouse-Gas Emissions

SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Billionaire George Soros said on Tuesday his large investment in Brazilian ethanol production was speculative because he still sees trade barriers restricting the full potential of the world’s most efficient producer of the biofuel.
Soros says he is a speculator in Brazilian ethanol - Reuters

Yes, those conservative states like China, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua. The Venezuelans are concerned with GMO and not about eating their pets.

What makes socialism so bad? It is that this system gives the government total control. And which most likely, all members of the government can be bribed. Which it will cause the Elites to be in control.
The Global Elites wants to turn us all into cattle. They'll feed us a little. But not enough to become rich like them. They'll use us to plow their fields and build their cities. And when they need an organ. We have to give them our children's organs. And also give them our children to sexual pleasure them. But if any country that opposes them? They will bring them down to the ground, in order to force them into submission. They are trying to bring our country economy down, by bringing in too many immigrants and starting world war three.If we get into a war. We be surely polishing the Elites' cucumbers every day and night.


In short yes. He was tied to the Clinton Campaign (and not just as a major donor) through revelations from Wikileaks it is now known that he owns the voting machines in 16 US states. His email archives were recently hacked and leaked showing that he was directly colluding with the powerhouses of Europe to incite a refugee crisis (to what end no one knows).

Here are other curious tales from the life of this highly secretive billionaire that you probably don’t know:

  1. Breaking The Bank Of England - On September 16, 1992, Britain’s pound crashed out the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) with a thud that was heard around the world. Around £3.3 billion was wiped from the government’s coffers, exacerbating an already bleak recession.

I knew all that.

Doesn't change the fact that with a blasting economy some Americans want to trade the US system and become Venezuela.

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