Mexico Should Take in Caravan of Potential Law Breakers

If Republicans want people in this country to suffer, of course they want people from other countries to suffer. That goes without saying. Oh, but they care about the fetus. Oh, the fetus.

Hopes and trauma in Mexico's migrant caravan

President Donald Trump says these families are putting the United States in peril. The migrants themselves insist they are fleeing danger, not bringing it with them.

"Anna", 25, says she escaped Guatemala with her two-year-old son because she feared the boy's father was going to kill him.

"It was hard," she told me in Spanish. "We suffered on the way."

"We had to bury some of our relatives before we left," she says, wiping a tear from her face.
After a long pause she adds: "My father was one of them. He was tortured."

"Regretfully, this president doesn't have a heart," said one of the protesters, Christina Felipe Ramirez, 67.

"This president is the devil. He is a president descended from immigrants but he won't put his hand on his heart and understand that we immigrants also have the right to be here. Because we are more from here than he is, because he is not from this continent, we are from this continent."


Most Republicans are devils. These are people who don't see anything wrong with a new father, a married man having unprotected sex with porn stars.

I'm always surprised how heartless and mean spirited Republicans are. But by this time, I shouldn't be.
Relax. Mexico has offered them asylum. They are safe from the harm they were fleeing.

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