Mexico Threatens the United States!!!


Jun 10, 2010
Mexico challenges Arizona's immigration law​

The law has provoked protests by civil rights and religious groups Mexico has waded into a legal challenge to a new immigration law in the US state of Arizona.

In papers submitted to a US federal court, the Mexican government argues that the law is unconstitutional and would damage bilateral relations.

It says it is concerned that it could lead to unlawful discrimination against Mexican citizens.

- Trimmed due to Copyright, Modbert.

BBC News - Mexico challenges Arizona's immigration law

There it is folks. Mexico is threatening the United States or rather every person who isn't Mexican in the United States. So I guess that means the people from over 200 different countries that are in the US right now.

Let's see what our fearless leader does now.
Dear Mexican Government,

Go pound sand.


A citizen of the United States of America
Mexico challenges Arizona's immigration law​

The law has provoked protests by civil rights and religious groups Mexico has waded into a legal challenge to a new immigration law in the US state of Arizona.

In papers submitted to a US federal court, the Mexican government argues that the law is unconstitutional and would damage bilateral relations.

It says it is concerned that it could lead to unlawful discrimination against Mexican citizens.

The law - which comes into force on 29 July - makes it a state crime to be in Arizona without immigration papers.

It also requires police to question people about their immigration status, if officers suspect the person is in the US illegally, and if they have stopped them for a legitimate reason.

The Mexican government submitted arguments as a "friend of the court", or amicus curiae, meaning it is not a party to the case, but is offering a legal opinion which it believes has bearing on it.

It is in support of a case brought by a group of civil rights organisations, including the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the National Immigration Law Center, and the American Civil Liberties Union.

'Discriminatory acts'

It urges the federal court in Arizona to declare the law unconstitutional and stop it coming into effect.

"Mexico has a duty to protect its citizens and ensure that their ethnic origin is not used as a basis for committing discriminatory acts," the Mexican foreign ministry said in a statement.

Arizona's governor says the border is not secure It said it would respond forcefully to any violation of the fundamental human rights of all Mexicans in Arizona, independent of their immigration status.

The action is one of five separate challenges to the Arizona immigration law.

The measure has widespread support in Arizona, where there is growing concern at the flow of illegal migrants across the border from Mexico.

Arizona governor Jan Brewer has said she was forced to act because the federal government had failed to tackle illegal immigration.

Other states are considering similar moves.

President Barack Obama has called the law misguided.

He has made immigration reform a priority, amid pressure from US border states for action to help curb illegal immigration and drug violence.

Last month, he said he would seek more funding and deploy up to 1,200 extra troops to help secure the US-Mexico border.

BBC News - Mexico challenges Arizona's immigration law

There it is folks. Mexico is threatening the United States or rather every person who isn't Mexican in the United States. So I guess that means the people from over 200 different countries that are in the US right now.

Let's see what our fearless leader does now.


It's not the first time. Check out my sig. And Bush did NOTHING.
If the USA allows other countries to interfere with our internal affairs it's the fault of the USA!!! As long as other countries are allowed to interfere in our internal affairs, they will continue to do so. Call, fax, email, write your reps and tell them how you feel about all of this. If they don't agree with your concerns, then vote them out of office.
If the USA allows other countries to interfere with our internal affairs it's the fault of the USA!!! As long as other countries are allowed to interfere in our internal affairs, they will continue to do so. Call, fax, email, write your reps and tell them how you feel about all of this. If they don't agree with your concerns, then vote them out of office.

I say vote the Latinos out of office..........with a 30-06!
If the USA allows other countries to interfere with our internal affairs it's the fault of the USA!!! As long as other countries are allowed to interfere in our internal affairs, they will continue to do so. Call, fax, email, write your reps and tell them how you feel about all of this. If they don't agree with your concerns, then vote them out of office.

Been there, done wouldn't believe how many emails I've gotten explaining why my representatives are in favor of the dream act. Not one of the emails has touched on anything I've written to them about.
Fuck Mexico.
No Illegals. No Burritos. BUT,

Illegals. Know Burritos. Think about that.
gee, i didn't know Mexico had become the benchmark for human rights

taco's all around, on me.....
Mexico challenges Arizona's immigration law​

blah, blah, blah...


DRIVE around "your" country.


This is a done, did DEAL!!!

WE ARE THE NAU ~ although I always think of it as the United States of Northern America, the USNA.

The currency is being printed,

the ink has DRIED on the agreement.

It's a LOGICAL progression of events,

and no matter HOW much anyone doesn't Like It,

it's all over.

It was done, years ago ~ an agreement of the three govs involved: USA, Mexico and Canada.

The citizenship is just now hearing of this New Fangled thang, but it was there, for all the world to see, for YEARS.

NAFTA highway? Think it's been abandoned? Think again. With a quick RENAME, it still lives. I see it, everytime I drive north. They didn't STOP {not Production, but a word that means that for this instance}.

THAT's why we MUST replace ALL of our gov, if we don't agree with that.

Of course, if you actually stop to think,

it IS a logical progression,

but this is not the time.

AS your Prez, I will probably work for this, but I'll also make sure that ALL parties are capable of CONTRIBUTING,

'cuz I sort of don't like sucker-uppers. ;)
One thing that I have found out is this: Latinos are not too bright. Sorry, but that is the truth. If any of you can read spanish, go into the spanish latino boards and read for yourselves the idiotic things that they write. They are so ignorant when it comes to the system of this country and how it functions that it blows me away. I would suggest to the spanish media that they begin by educating their masses and stop pounding their chests in glee because as they say, 'we will be the majority in this country come 2025'.
One thing that I have found out is this: Latinos are not too bright. Sorry, but that is the truth. If any of you can read spanish, go into the spanish latino boards and read for yourselves the idiotic things that they write. They are so ignorant when it comes to the system of this country and how it functions that it blows me away. I would suggest to the spanish media that they begin by educating their masses and stop pounding their chests in glee because as they say, 'we will be the majority in this country come 2025'.

Many years ago, a Mexican friend of mine pointed out a short illegal countryman of his that was working on a store project a few buildings away from his place of business. He talked about how, "In your country you have hillbillies. In my country we have people like him. He lives with 10 other guys and they take turns sleeping on the few mattresses they have. You know, he said, his Spanish is so bad I could barely understand him."

PS.....Thank God the world is ending on December 21st 2012!!!
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Mexico doesn’t have a problem shooting folks, hell ,they like chopping off heads and boiling folks in acid. Can't tell if that is Mexican Government policy or just all those drug cartels. Car bombs, anyone? My Mexican neighbors just proudly act like ASSHOLES and when gabochos like ME notice, then illegals pretend I am some kind of weirdo. Americans? What Americas? Where? Define “American”. All that . As if I am not supposed to notice all those folks that don’t speak English or American law or any sense of decorum...Not in thirty years. What fools do they take us for? Apparently, pretty big ones.
Welcome to the North American Union!

Keep voting Democrat & Republican. They are both for this.
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