Mexicrats have sold the “old white guy” as the enemy of ‘New America’


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
There’s just no way the Party Of Filth wants Biden or Bernie as ‘the face’ of the Party...Those old white guys are reminders of the old America they want forgotten. Don’t be surprised if some shady shit suddenly pops up around Bernie as well.
He's trying to whitewash his whiteness.

And the way to do that is of course to attack all white males, the people who built America.
There’s just no way the Party Of Filth wants Biden or Bernie as ‘the face’ of the Party...Those old white guys are reminders of the old America they want forgotten. Don’t be surprised if some shady shit suddenly pops up around Bernie as well.

"Don’t be surprised if some shady shit suddenly pops up around Bernie as well."

Unlike conservatives who all ignored the shady shit around trump liberals have ethics and morals so if shady shit does come to light we will NOT vote for him.
liberals have ethics and morals.
The Democrats have three priorities. They are:

1. Elect a woman
2. Elect a person of color
3. Elect a far left, progressive, Socialist

I'm not saying they will get all three, but they will get two of three at least.
There’s just no way the Party Of Filth wants Biden or Bernie as ‘the face’ of the Party...Those old white guys are reminders of the old America they want forgotten. Don’t be surprised if some shady shit suddenly pops up around Bernie as well.

"Don’t be surprised if some shady shit suddenly pops up around Bernie as well."

Unlike conservatives who all ignored the shady shit around trump liberals have ethics and morals so if shady shit does come to light we will NOT vote for him.

Yeah, Loons are totally LefTarded standards.
He's trying to whitewash his whiteness.

And the way to do that is of course to attack all white males, the people who built America. matter how hard Creepy Joe tries to shake the White off, he just doesn’t fit for the Party Of Filth.
There’s just no way the Party Of Filth wants Biden or Bernie as ‘the face’ of the Party...Those old white guys are reminders of the old America they want forgotten. Don’t be surprised if some shady shit suddenly pops up around Bernie as well.

"Don’t be surprised if some shady shit suddenly pops up around Bernie as well."

Unlike conservatives who all ignored the shady shit around trump liberals have ethics and morals so if shady shit does come to light we will NOT vote for him.
"Liberals have ethics and morals". BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAAHA!!!!
Please explain the ethical standards involved in launching a phony investigation, financially destroying innocent people, wasting millions of tax dollars all because of the Liberal Democrats lust for political power.

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