Mexifornia politicians championing and harboring federal criminals, obstructing federal law

Do you right-wingers get paid to make these threads? How do they pay you? By the thread, the post, or by the number of responses? Or do you get an hourly rate, or are you salaried?
You don't like the fact that it's all proven fact, or you don't like the fact that we are spreading it around?

Don't talk to me. You're subhuman filth, and I've no interest in wasting my time trying to communicate with someone of such low intelligence.

You sound pretty subhuman to me yourself, sir. You sound like the type of guy who belongs in a whorehouse picking scabs off $20 hookers.

Don't know who you are, but you seem to know all about the "profession". So I'll leave it to people like you, thanks.

I love all the people who are so unremarkable that, while you're sure you've had to deal with them before, you can't even remember who they are. At least Mike is memorable due to how utterly stupid he is.

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