MH17 Proof of Russian Guilt & Rebel Looting Anniversary Vid's Released


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
Videos have been released for the anniversary of the missile shoot down of MH17 over Russian controlled rebel territory in Ukraine.

This one gives the detailed evidence of rebel and Russian involvement.

This graphic video shows the rebels looting the crash site immediately following the crash. It also contains cell phone communications that show rebel complicity in the shoot down.
You can only say “proof” when either
- official Kiev publishes the communications between the pilots and the Ukrainian air traffic controllers (in all other cases the communications have been published same or the next day after the crash)
- Obama presents his “Irrefutable evidence” of who has shot the Boeing, which he has been claiming to have (American satellite-spy was above the place of crash and at the time of crash, so Obama does have the satellite pictures and he has to show them).

Before all that above is presented everything else can be considered as nothing but information spin.

So far everybody, who has access to the true information about the reasons and the causers of the tragedy [Obama and official Kiev] , are not interested for the truth to come out. Why? May be because it contradicts their geopolitical games?…
You can only say “proof” when either
- official Kiev publishes the communications between the pilots and the Ukrainian air traffic controllers (in all other cases the communications have been published same or the next day after the crash)
- Obama presents his “Irrefutable evidence” of who has shot the Boeing, which he has been claiming to have (American satellite-spy was above the place of crash and at the time of crash, so Obama does have the satellite pictures and he has to show them).

Before all that above is presented everything else can be considered as nothing but information spin.

So far everybody, who has access to the true information about the reasons and the causers of the tragedy [Obama and official Kiev] , are not interested for the truth to come out. Why? May be because it contradicts their geopolitical games?…
It is no ones job to just put out evidence to the public when that evidence will be used in criminal cases. The evidence of Russian involvement with the rebels and complicity is overwhelming. An objective court will find them guilty and Putin knows it. That is why the Russian government will not allow a tribunal of the UN to hear the case. The country of Malaysia has drafted a resolution to have such a tribunal where evidence can be heard and examined but Russia will not allow it. This by itself is practically an admission of guilt by the Russian's and the rebels.
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There's no two ways about it. Putin is directly responsible for the shoot down of that airliner..

There's nothing we can do about it beyond what were already doing, nor should we do anymore about it.
How absolutely STUPID are people anyway?!?!?! The US government has close up and personal SATELLITE IMAGES, IN REAL TIME PROVING who did this! For God's sake are people this RETARDED?!?!!!?!
How absolutely STUPID are people anyway?!?!?! The US government has close up and personal SATELLITE IMAGES, IN REAL TIME PROVING who did this! For God's sake are people this RETARDED?!?!!!?!
What do you know about satellite imaging? Why do you believe that tiny area of the world would be a photo target area? Do you think that everything in the world is just automatically imaged? If we have it, why wouldn't Russia and China?
How absolutely STUPID are people anyway?!?!?! The US government has close up and personal SATELLITE IMAGES, IN REAL TIME PROVING who did this! For God's sake are people this RETARDED?!?!!!?!

Maybe you've been watching too much movies. Your new hear. Remember most of these people hear are educated and well informed. Think before calling us those names. What do you you know about satellite positioning?
I can tell you that there was a satellite imagery published where the Russian military built up along the border of Ukraine.
Videos have been released for the anniversary of the missile shoot down of MH17 over Russian controlled rebel territory in Ukraine.

This one gives the detailed evidence of rebel and Russian involvement.

This graphic video shows the rebels looting the crash site immediately following the crash. It also contains cell phone communications that show rebel complicity in the shoot down.


Then why was an Israeli made air to air missile fired from a Ukrainian Mig-29 used to bring down MH17?

If, you know ...(wink, wink, nudge, nudge) .... the Russians did it?
The bodies that were found in the wreckage of MH-17 were rotten. Dead for days, as reported by the first people on the scene. And MH-17 was definitely now, as it all pans out, shot down by a missile made in Israel.

Now, how do you get bodies that are rotten and dead for days on an aircraft that was identical to flight 370 in all ways shot down over Ukraine? Answer: You re-paint MH-17 and flight 370, fake a few boarding logs, hire a few actors and re-appropriate MH-17 for use in the Israeli air force. You then take flight 370, all dolled up as MH-17 and dispose of it over Ukraine to hopefully be blamed on the Russians. Usually bodies simply vanish in a plane crash which would conceal the fact that they were all dead before the crash, but they were not so lucky with so-called MH-17, probably because they shot the nose first which caused a peel back and disintegration into large pieces that fell slowly, too slowly to do the job of erasing they wanted.

They got their investigators on the scene too late to conceal the fact that all the bodies were "rotten and dead for days" which means the plane took of probably via remote control or preprogrammed autopilot with no pilots at all, fully loaded with all the people from flight 370 that they could not get to shut up. Any that might have still been alive when loaded were snuffed to prevent any survivors from talking, and most likely, to serve efficiency a few "missing persons" not related to any flight were loaded.

And there is plenty of cold hard proof that this is exactly what happened, (rotting flesh) along with the soft proof that always comes later when anything like this gets busted, which took form of shills hitting the forums and blogs to explain how the low pressure from where the plane was flying when shot caused the bodies to totally rot in their five minute fall to the ground. This totally acknowledges the fact that the bodies were indeed rotten, and you don't get absolute hoax B.S. like that spewed without a coverup.

SURE, a body will disintegrate in space fairly quickly at zero pressure but that won't make it stink like rot, and there is no altitude any jumbo jet or other air breathing jet can get to that would ever cause that. Why would the cabins be equipped with oxygen masks if everyone is dead anyway? At that altitude, absent a pressurized cabin you need extra oxygen, NOT A SPACE SUIT.

So now we are out two jets, a disposed of MH-370 and one that now belongs to the Israeli air force,

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