Miami issuing citations for not wearing a mask

What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.

That's a fair and cogent explanation, I can respect that. However, when we face a dire emergency like this pandemic, which, regardless if one does or does not consider Covid-19 a deadly virus, the facts are that those getting sick are overwhelming our hospitals and medical staff, and even if you consider this to just be like the flu, the facts are that many patients have life threatening side effects from this virus, and young people are dying from this virus as well. A mandate to wear masks is totally understandable in light of the extenuating circumstances, and ultimately is such a trivial task that for anyone to connect this mandate to a loss or infringement of their civil liberties is just, well, stupid.
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
Slade3200, Good to hear from you! I reside in the eastern side of Washington state. I DO appreciate your concern for public safety as your concern is based on the right side of personal responsibility in my opinion. My fear of legislation requiring the proper use of a virus containment mask is NOT grounded in public safety, rather my fear of such legislation is based on the possibility of yet another stepping stone for the encroachment of ever more g'ment regulation(power & control). It is no secret that the top three fields of employment that people afflicted with narcissistic abberation try to aquire are 1) Political & legal professions(one in the same), 2) Clergy, 3) Teaching. The field of sociology(Historical) was quite an eye opener for me. My studies in this field ran into government @ every turn, so much so that I actually confronted one of my socioloy professers & asked him if this was a sociology class or government class? Add in the element of psychology & unbelievable as it sounds even Philosophy & I ended up taking a 2 semester detour(my mistake) from my major. I can tell you this, Psychologists in general believe that big government is the only way for mankind to go, Philosophy seems to look @ government as an evil necessity, & Sociologists in general believe government will be the end of humanity on planet earth. I am somewhere in the midlle of "Evil Necessity" & "The End Of Humanity On Earth" mindset regarding government. I certainly hope that this reply of mine helps you understand my position in my first post. Take care Slade3200, till next time!
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
Slade3200, Good to hear from you! I reside in the eastern side of Washington state. I DO appreciate your concern for public safety as your concern is based on the right side of personal responsibility in my opinion. My fear of legislation requiring the proper use of a virus containment mask is NOT grounded in public safety, rather my fear of such legislation is based on the possibility of yet another stepping stone for the encroachment of ever more g'ment regulation(power & control). It is no secret that the top three fields of employment that people afflicted with narcissistic abberation try to aquire are 1) Political & legal professions(one in the same), 2) Clergy, 3) Teaching. The field of sociology(Historical) was quite an eye opener for me. My studies in this field ran into government @ every turn, so much so that I actually confronted one of my socioloy professers & asked him if this was a sociology class or government class? Add in the element of psychology & unbelievable as it sounds even Philosophy & I ended up taking a 2 semester detour(my mistake) from my major. I can tell you this, Psychologists in general believe that big government is the only way for mankind to go, Philosophy seems to look @ government as an evil necessity, & Sociologists in general believe government will be the end of humanity on planet earth. I am somewhere in the midlle of "Evil Necessity" & "The End Of Humanity On Earth" mindset regarding government. I certainly hope that this reply of mine helps you understand my position in my first post. Take care Slade3200, till next time!
Very thoughtful response and I always appreciate a good conversation especially one of contrasting opinions that stays above board so I commend you on engaging in such a way.

I’d like to explore why you think the mask mandate is more a power play than a safety measure. You do agree that mask wearing and social distancing will reduce spread, correct? And I’m assuming you’d agree that a mandate is going to result in more people wearing masks than a hyper politicized “ask” for personal responsibility, is that right?

I do understand the objections to an overbearing government but if we can put that aside for a second... would you agree with my presumptions that Masks reduce spread and Mandates increase compliance?
I'm disappointed that so many still don't understand what's going on. Arrrrgh!

In 1992, the United Nations assembled to craft a plan to deal with over population and the ruination of the environment and depletion of natural resources. On the face, it sounds good if not desirable. The catch is the implementation.

A plan was devised to address those concerns, but the process involves a VAST restructuring of the global economy and especially the USA, seen as the biggest obstacle, due to it's freedoms and Constitution.

Today, that plan is WELL in progress and meeting it's goals. It largely deals with Transforming the USA through 1000's of local programs
designed to change thinking and procedures using such catch words as "Community Development" and 'Sustainability"
Your local city hall more than likely has many of it's employees working on this every day because they have been led to believe in the face value goals
of the agenda without researching the in depth details of the plan.

The riots in Portland and Seattle and the race problems are not random or coincidental. it's all planned.

it's simply known as UN AGENDA21

Nearly all Far Leftist are Cult programmed to vehemently if not violently oppose any attempt to expose this or obstruct it's progress.
When presented with this they usually pull the "Conspiracy Theory" or "Quack Tin Foil Hat" card. They simply are not educated about it.
Most have absolutely no clue they are working to further a depopulation scheme and to consolidate control of all global assets into a few powerful hands.

in 2012, an Action Sci/fi movie debuted which strangely depicted a reasonable if not sensationalized version of the Agenda's end result.
Some claim it was put out to cleverly and covertly glamorize the finalization of the UN program.
I'll let you figure out which one.

If you are at all concerned, you owe it to yourself to check into this.
Until you understand this UNITED NATIONS AGENDA, you are not fully aware of what's happening, or the true stakes.
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What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
Can you give me a good reason why a person that has survived corona and is no longer infectious or capable of being reinfected should get a ticket for no mask? better because if we are to believe the numbers (and I don't) there will soon be millions of those people running around without a mask....
You wear it out or respect and support of others. Grow up
No it ain't...… because if that were true, they would respect and support my decision not to wear one.

Respect is reciprocal, or it ain't actually "respect".
Your decision not to wear one presents a risk to them and those around you. That’s the selfish move. For the life of me I can’t understand where all these thin skinned babies came from... it’s a little piece of cloth over your face while in public. It really isn’t hard.
No it doesn't.

That's the false premise you use to try and justify telling everyone else what to do, rather than minding your own business. It's selfish of you to make everyone else indulge you in your crybaby horseshit. Grow the hell up.

It really isn't hard; stay away from me and leave me alone, and you're perfectly safe.
Bother me and I'll make you wish you hadn't.
It doesn’t? Then why is our president up there wearing a mask and telling us that it makes a difference? I’d reference all the medical experts but you turds like to ignore those people and listen to the Bafoon in the White House so now that he is passing that message along what say you?
Is he?
I wouldn't know, I don't pay him any mind, I just enjoy laughing at the way he drives so many whiners crazy, lol.
Yes he is... why do you think he is pushing the mask wearing now?
I don't know and why would I care?

I don't live my life based off what some politician says or does, do you?

If not, then why do you care what he does?
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
Can you give me a good reason why a person that has survived corona and is no longer infectious or capable of being reinfected should get a ticket for no mask? better because if we are to believe the numbers (and I don't) there will soon be millions of those people running around without a mask....
You wear it out or respect and support of others. Grow up
No it ain't...… because if that were true, they would respect and support my decision not to wear one.

Respect is reciprocal, or it ain't actually "respect".
Your decision not to wear one presents a risk to them and those around you. That’s the selfish move. For the life of me I can’t understand where all these thin skinned babies came from... it’s a little piece of cloth over your face while in public. It really isn’t hard.
No it doesn't.

That's the false premise you use to try and justify telling everyone else what to do, rather than minding your own business. It's selfish of you to make everyone else indulge you in your crybaby horseshit. Grow the hell up.

It really isn't hard; stay away from me and leave me alone, and you're perfectly safe.
Bother me and I'll make you wish you hadn't.
It doesn’t? Then why is our president up there wearing a mask and telling us that it makes a difference? I’d reference all the medical experts but you turds like to ignore those people and listen to the Bafoon in the White House so now that he is passing that message along what say you?
Is he?
I wouldn't know, I don't pay him any mind, I just enjoy laughing at the way he drives so many whiners crazy, lol.
Yes he is... why do you think he is pushing the mask wearing now?
I don't know and why would I care?

I don't live my life based off what some politician says or does, do you?

If not, then why do you care what he does?
I’m not asking you to live your life based on what a politician says. I’m asking you why you think he would change his position on the matter. Can you answer. Perhaps an educated guess beyond “I don’t care”
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
Slade3200, Good to hear from you! I reside in the eastern side of Washington state. I DO appreciate your concern for public safety as your concern is based on the right side of personal responsibility in my opinion. My fear of legislation requiring the proper use of a virus containment mask is NOT grounded in public safety, rather my fear of such legislation is based on the possibility of yet another stepping stone for the encroachment of ever more g'ment regulation(power & control). It is no secret that the top three fields of employment that people afflicted with narcissistic abberation try to aquire are 1) Political & legal professions(one in the same), 2) Clergy, 3) Teaching. The field of sociology(Historical) was quite an eye opener for me. My studies in this field ran into government @ every turn, so much so that I actually confronted one of my socioloy professers & asked him if this was a sociology class or government class? Add in the element of psychology & unbelievable as it sounds even Philosophy & I ended up taking a 2 semester detour(my mistake) from my major. I can tell you this, Psychologists in general believe that big government is the only way for mankind to go, Philosophy seems to look @ government as an evil necessity, & Sociologists in general believe government will be the end of humanity on planet earth. I am somewhere in the midlle of "Evil Necessity" & "The End Of Humanity On Earth" mindset regarding government. I certainly hope that this reply of mine helps you understand my position in my first post. Take care Slade3200, till next time!
Very thoughtful response and I always appreciate a good conversation especially one of contrasting opinions that stays above board so I commend you on engaging in such a way.

I’d like to explore why you think the mask mandate is more a power play than a safety measure. You do agree that mask wearing and social distancing will reduce spread, correct? And I’m assuming you’d agree that a mandate is going to result in more people wearing masks than a hyper politicized “ask” for personal responsibility, is that right?

I do understand the objections to an overbearing government but if we can put that aside for a second... would you agree with my presumptions that Masks reduce spread and Mandates increase compliance?
You should look up the Peltzman Effect and then spend some time observing people wearing masks. Look at what kind of crap masks they're wearing, the amount of times they touch their faces, the way they pull the masks down, the facial hair that keeps a seal from forming, etc., etc...….. but you all tell yourselves you're doing good and protecting each other, lol.
The masks don't do shit except to let the sheep recognize each other.
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
Can you give me a good reason why a person that has survived corona and is no longer infectious or capable of being reinfected should get a ticket for no mask? better because if we are to believe the numbers (and I don't) there will soon be millions of those people running around without a mask....
You wear it out or respect and support of others. Grow up
No it ain't...… because if that were true, they would respect and support my decision not to wear one.

Respect is reciprocal, or it ain't actually "respect".
Your decision not to wear one presents a risk to them and those around you. That’s the selfish move. For the life of me I can’t understand where all these thin skinned babies came from... it’s a little piece of cloth over your face while in public. It really isn’t hard.
No it doesn't.

That's the false premise you use to try and justify telling everyone else what to do, rather than minding your own business. It's selfish of you to make everyone else indulge you in your crybaby horseshit. Grow the hell up.

It really isn't hard; stay away from me and leave me alone, and you're perfectly safe.
Bother me and I'll make you wish you hadn't.
It doesn’t? Then why is our president up there wearing a mask and telling us that it makes a difference? I’d reference all the medical experts but you turds like to ignore those people and listen to the Bafoon in the White House so now that he is passing that message along what say you?
Is he?
I wouldn't know, I don't pay him any mind, I just enjoy laughing at the way he drives so many whiners crazy, lol.
Yes he is... why do you think he is pushing the mask wearing now?
I don't know and why would I care?

I don't live my life based off what some politician says or does, do you?

If not, then why do you care what he does?
I’m not asking you to live your life based on what a politician says. I’m asking you why you think he would change his position on the matter. Can you answer. Perhaps an educated guess beyond “I don’t care”
I wouldn't have even known about it if you hadn't told me..... why the hell are you asking me?
I don't pay any attention to the man, I've never heard a single speech of his...… all my info about him comes secondhand from people who all appear to be utterly consumed with his every move. People like you, for example.

I ask you again, why do you care?
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
Slade3200, Good to hear from you! I reside in the eastern side of Washington state. I DO appreciate your concern for public safety as your concern is based on the right side of personal responsibility in my opinion. My fear of legislation requiring the proper use of a virus containment mask is NOT grounded in public safety, rather my fear of such legislation is based on the possibility of yet another stepping stone for the encroachment of ever more g'ment regulation(power & control). It is no secret that the top three fields of employment that people afflicted with narcissistic abberation try to aquire are 1) Political & legal professions(one in the same), 2) Clergy, 3) Teaching. The field of sociology(Historical) was quite an eye opener for me. My studies in this field ran into government @ every turn, so much so that I actually confronted one of my socioloy professers & asked him if this was a sociology class or government class? Add in the element of psychology & unbelievable as it sounds even Philosophy & I ended up taking a 2 semester detour(my mistake) from my major. I can tell you this, Psychologists in general believe that big government is the only way for mankind to go, Philosophy seems to look @ government as an evil necessity, & Sociologists in general believe government will be the end of humanity on planet earth. I am somewhere in the midlle of "Evil Necessity" & "The End Of Humanity On Earth" mindset regarding government. I certainly hope that this reply of mine helps you understand my position in my first post. Take care Slade3200, till next time!
Very thoughtful response and I always appreciate a good conversation especially one of contrasting opinions that stays above board so I commend you on engaging in such a way.

I’d like to explore why you think the mask mandate is more a power play than a safety measure. You do agree that mask wearing and social distancing will reduce spread, correct? And I’m assuming you’d agree that a mandate is going to result in more people wearing masks than a hyper politicized “ask” for personal responsibility, is that right?

I do understand the objections to an overbearing government but if we can put that aside for a second... would you agree with my presumptions that Masks reduce spread and Mandates increase compliance?
You should look up the Peltzman Effect and then spend some time observing people wearing masks. Look at what kind of crap masks they're wearing, the amount of times they touch their faces, the way they pull the masks down, the facial hair that keeps a seal from forming, etc., etc...….. but you all tell yourselves you're doing good and protecting each other, lol.
The masks don't do shit except to let the sheep recognize each other.
Yes all evidence that masks are not 100% effective.... but nobody is claiming they are now. They REDUCE spread, not eliminate it which is why, masks, distancing and washing hands are the three things being directed.
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
Can you give me a good reason why a person that has survived corona and is no longer infectious or capable of being reinfected should get a ticket for no mask? better because if we are to believe the numbers (and I don't) there will soon be millions of those people running around without a mask....
You wear it out or respect and support of others. Grow up
No it ain't...… because if that were true, they would respect and support my decision not to wear one.

Respect is reciprocal, or it ain't actually "respect".
Your decision not to wear one presents a risk to them and those around you. That’s the selfish move. For the life of me I can’t understand where all these thin skinned babies came from... it’s a little piece of cloth over your face while in public. It really isn’t hard.
No it doesn't.

That's the false premise you use to try and justify telling everyone else what to do, rather than minding your own business. It's selfish of you to make everyone else indulge you in your crybaby horseshit. Grow the hell up.

It really isn't hard; stay away from me and leave me alone, and you're perfectly safe.
Bother me and I'll make you wish you hadn't.
It doesn’t? Then why is our president up there wearing a mask and telling us that it makes a difference? I’d reference all the medical experts but you turds like to ignore those people and listen to the Bafoon in the White House so now that he is passing that message along what say you?
Is he?
I wouldn't know, I don't pay him any mind, I just enjoy laughing at the way he drives so many whiners crazy, lol.
Yes he is... why do you think he is pushing the mask wearing now?
I don't know and why would I care?

I don't live my life based off what some politician says or does, do you?

If not, then why do you care what he does?
I’m not asking you to live your life based on what a politician says. I’m asking you why you think he would change his position on the matter. Can you answer. Perhaps an educated guess beyond “I don’t care”
I wouldn't have even known about it if you hadn't told me..... why the hell are you asking me?
I don't pay any attention to the man, I've never heard a single speech of his...… all my info about him comes secondhand from people who all appear to be utterly consumed with his every move. People like you, for example.

I ask you again, why do you care?
Because Trump is about as dig in as it comes. Even when he gets caught in a lie he usually doubles down. He took a stance against masks and was pushing for reopening. He got push back and he doubled down. Now we are seeing a resurge and he has changed his tune. Canceling events, and now wearing a mask and recommending others to do so. This is the leader of our country with access to the best intel in the world. He changed his tune for a reason. That is a very strong argument to back up the already known studies and recommendations made by our top scientists. What counter arguments do you have to my points?
Infections are rising. Businesses are closing down. People are losing jobs and getting evicted. Schools aren't reopening. Our economy is getting pummeled.

Put. On. Your. Mask.

States are rolling back the re-opening of businesses.

Americans are losing their jobs because of people like you.
No they are losing their jobs because they are letting the liars in government intimidate them.

And here you are, trying to shame the unintimidated.

How exactly are you helping people get their jobs back?

There were 1.4 million more unemployment claims last week due to covid.

And what are YOU doing to help?
Nothing right?

You're just encouraging everyone to bend over and take it like a prison bitch, aren't you?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

football man thought it was ok for thousands to protest together, most w/o a mask.
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
Slade3200, Good to hear from you! I reside in the eastern side of Washington state. I DO appreciate your concern for public safety as your concern is based on the right side of personal responsibility in my opinion. My fear of legislation requiring the proper use of a virus containment mask is NOT grounded in public safety, rather my fear of such legislation is based on the possibility of yet another stepping stone for the encroachment of ever more g'ment regulation(power & control). It is no secret that the top three fields of employment that people afflicted with narcissistic abberation try to aquire are 1) Political & legal professions(one in the same), 2) Clergy, 3) Teaching. The field of sociology(Historical) was quite an eye opener for me. My studies in this field ran into government @ every turn, so much so that I actually confronted one of my socioloy professers & asked him if this was a sociology class or government class? Add in the element of psychology & unbelievable as it sounds even Philosophy & I ended up taking a 2 semester detour(my mistake) from my major. I can tell you this, Psychologists in general believe that big government is the only way for mankind to go, Philosophy seems to look @ government as an evil necessity, & Sociologists in general believe government will be the end of humanity on planet earth. I am somewhere in the midlle of "Evil Necessity" & "The End Of Humanity On Earth" mindset regarding government. I certainly hope that this reply of mine helps you understand my position in my first post. Take care Slade3200, till next time!
Very thoughtful response and I always appreciate a good conversation especially one of contrasting opinions that stays above board so I commend you on engaging in such a way.

I’d like to explore why you think the mask mandate is more a power play than a safety measure. You do agree that mask wearing and social distancing will reduce spread, correct? And I’m assuming you’d agree that a mandate is going to result in more people wearing masks than a hyper politicized “ask” for personal responsibility, is that right?

I do understand the objections to an overbearing government but if we can put that aside for a second... would you agree with my presumptions that Masks reduce spread and Mandates increase compliance?
You should look up the Peltzman Effect and then spend some time observing people wearing masks. Look at what kind of crap masks they're wearing, the amount of times they touch their faces, the way they pull the masks down, the facial hair that keeps a seal from forming, etc., etc...….. but you all tell yourselves you're doing good and protecting each other, lol.
The masks don't do shit except to let the sheep recognize each other.
Yes all evidence that masks are not 100% effective.... but nobody is claiming they are now. They REDUCE spread, not eliminate it which is why, masks, distancing and washing hands are the three things being directed.
Keeping your distance (which Americans already do more than just about any other culture on Earth), and washing your hands often are key; masks are useless. And yet masks are the battle point..... why? Because it's visible to others, that's why.
It's not about infecting others, its all about forcing others to conform. And they must show they are conforming, to the satisfaction of others.

I don't like that, and I don't like people who think that way. And things that I don't like have a way of catching on fire or suddenly bleeding a lot....... so it would be good if they stayed the hell away from me.
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
Can you give me a good reason why a person that has survived corona and is no longer infectious or capable of being reinfected should get a ticket for no mask? better because if we are to believe the numbers (and I don't) there will soon be millions of those people running around without a mask....
You wear it out or respect and support of others. Grow up
No it ain't...… because if that were true, they would respect and support my decision not to wear one.

Respect is reciprocal, or it ain't actually "respect".
Your decision not to wear one presents a risk to them and those around you. That’s the selfish move. For the life of me I can’t understand where all these thin skinned babies came from... it’s a little piece of cloth over your face while in public. It really isn’t hard.

do you protest at abortion clinics? if not gtfo.
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.

That's a fair and cogent explanation, I can respect that. However, when we face a dire emergency like this pandemic, which, regardless if one does or does not consider Covid-19 a deadly virus, the facts are that those getting sick are overwhelming our hospitals and medical staff, and even if you consider this to just be like the flu, the facts are that many patients have life threatening side effects from this virus, and young people are dying from this virus as well. A mandate to wear masks is totally understandable in light of the extenuating circumstances, and ultimately is such a trivial task that for anyone to connect this mandate to a loss or infringement of their civil liberties is just, well, stupid.

What does the Constitution say about forced mask wearing and forced Health Care mandates?
Pandoras box is open. There is now NO LIMIT to what they will claim they have the right to force you to do.
Next they mandate what shoes you can wear and what color your clothes must be, based on arbitrary hoaxes like the current one.

We went astray when we stopped adhering to the Constitution. Now many believe they can ignore it. Leftists mayors, Governors Presidents, Police, local government workers etc etc etc
Yet, you are fine with federal storm troopers being sent in, without a State invite?

Get your priorities straight!!! For goodness sake!! The BIG BAD GOVERNMENT has your panties in a wad over wearing a mask for saving your fellow man's life....

While the big bad gvt, sends in, unwanted paramilitary, unconstitutionally in to our cities, and you applaud or ignore it......??? sheesh!!!! :eek-52:
Well, it ain't ideal but neither is the local authorities refusing to reestablish order.

I'd prefer if the regular local citizens went and put a stop to all this bullshit but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Not in the big cities anyway, I bet if they went to the suburbs and the rural areas they would get their asses shot off pretty quick.
All the local citizens that should "take care of it" as you say, are the ones the protest.

This is a State and local issue, not the federal gvts.... local gvt and police's job, to do as they see fit.... if they do a cruddy job at it, then that is their problem, and their citizens will vote to change their gvt.

Once again, you put your glaring absolute lack of knowledge of the Constitution on Public display for all to see.

HINT: it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

Too late.
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
Slade3200, Good to hear from you! I reside in the eastern side of Washington state. I DO appreciate your concern for public safety as your concern is based on the right side of personal responsibility in my opinion. My fear of legislation requiring the proper use of a virus containment mask is NOT grounded in public safety, rather my fear of such legislation is based on the possibility of yet another stepping stone for the encroachment of ever more g'ment regulation(power & control). It is no secret that the top three fields of employment that people afflicted with narcissistic abberation try to aquire are 1) Political & legal professions(one in the same), 2) Clergy, 3) Teaching. The field of sociology(Historical) was quite an eye opener for me. My studies in this field ran into government @ every turn, so much so that I actually confronted one of my socioloy professers & asked him if this was a sociology class or government class? Add in the element of psychology & unbelievable as it sounds even Philosophy & I ended up taking a 2 semester detour(my mistake) from my major. I can tell you this, Psychologists in general believe that big government is the only way for mankind to go, Philosophy seems to look @ government as an evil necessity, & Sociologists in general believe government will be the end of humanity on planet earth. I am somewhere in the midlle of "Evil Necessity" & "The End Of Humanity On Earth" mindset regarding government. I certainly hope that this reply of mine helps you understand my position in my first post. Take care Slade3200, till next time!
Very thoughtful response and I always appreciate a good conversation especially one of contrasting opinions that stays above board so I commend you on engaging in such a way.

I’d like to explore why you think the mask mandate is more a power play than a safety measure. You do agree that mask wearing and social distancing will reduce spread, correct? And I’m assuming you’d agree that a mandate is going to result in more people wearing masks than a hyper politicized “ask” for personal responsibility, is that right?

I do understand the objections to an overbearing government but if we can put that aside for a second... would you agree with my presumptions that Masks reduce spread and Mandates increase compliance?
You should look up the Peltzman Effect and then spend some time observing people wearing masks. Look at what kind of crap masks they're wearing, the amount of times they touch their faces, the way they pull the masks down, the facial hair that keeps a seal from forming, etc., etc...….. but you all tell yourselves you're doing good and protecting each other, lol.
The masks don't do shit except to let the sheep recognize each other.
Yes all evidence that masks are not 100% effective.... but nobody is claiming they are now. They REDUCE spread, not eliminate it which is why, masks, distancing and washing hands are the three things being directed.
Keeping your distance (which Americans already do more than just about any other culture on Earth), and washing your hands often are key; masks are useless. And yet masks are the battle point..... why? Because it's visible to others, that's why.
It's not about infecting others, its all about forcing others to conform. And they must show they are conforming, to the satisfaction of others.

I don't like that, and I don't like people who think that way. And things that I don't like have a way of catching on fire or suddenly bleeding a lot....... so it would be good if they stayed the hell away from me.
You do see other countries have taken this thing down to earth zero deaths right? And you do see many states surging in recent weeks hitting record daily deaths, right? And you picking now to stand up for nonconformaty?! Really? Grow the fuck up child. Set and example to others and just do the right thing... there will be plenty of time for you to express you independent individuality after this thing is over.
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
Can you give me a good reason why a person that has survived corona and is no longer infectious or capable of being reinfected should get a ticket for no mask? better because if we are to believe the numbers (and I don't) there will soon be millions of those people running around without a mask....
You wear it out or respect and support of others. Grow up
No it ain't...… because if that were true, they would respect and support my decision not to wear one.

Respect is reciprocal, or it ain't actually "respect".
Your decision not to wear one presents a risk to them and those around you. That’s the selfish move. For the life of me I can’t understand where all these thin skinned babies came from... it’s a little piece of cloth over your face while in public. It really isn’t hard.
No it doesn't.

That's the false premise you use to try and justify telling everyone else what to do, rather than minding your own business. It's selfish of you to make everyone else indulge you in your crybaby horseshit. Grow the hell up.

It really isn't hard; stay away from me and leave me alone, and you're perfectly safe.
Bother me and I'll make you wish you hadn't.
It doesn’t? Then why is our president up there wearing a mask and telling us that it makes a difference? I’d reference all the medical experts but you turds like to ignore those people and listen to the Bafoon in the White House so now that he is passing that message along what say you?
Is he?
I wouldn't know, I don't pay him any mind, I just enjoy laughing at the way he drives so many whiners crazy, lol.
Yes he is... why do you think he is pushing the mask wearing now?
I don't know and why would I care?

I don't live my life based off what some politician says or does, do you?

If not, then why do you care what he does?
I’m not asking you to live your life based on what a politician says. I’m asking you why you think he would change his position on the matter. Can you answer. Perhaps an educated guess beyond “I don’t care”
I wouldn't have even known about it if you hadn't told me..... why the hell are you asking me?
I don't pay any attention to the man, I've never heard a single speech of his...… all my info about him comes secondhand from people who all appear to be utterly consumed with his every move. People like you, for example.

I ask you again, why do you care?
Because Trump is about as dig in as it comes. Even when he gets caught in a lie he usually doubles down. He took a stance against masks and was pushing for reopening. He got push back and he doubled down. Now we are seeing a resurge and he has changed his tune. Canceling events, and now wearing a mask and recommending others to do so. This is the leader of our country with access to the best intel in the world. He changed his tune for a reason. That is a very strong argument to back up the already known studies and recommendations made by our top scientists. What counter arguments do you have to my points?
I don't know the guy and I'm not going to speculate about why he does or doesn't do shit.

I base my behavior off the fact that I work in an ER and have actually encountered dozens (at least) of infected people, and yet, I still don't have it, and I never wear a mask outside of work, and even there, I only put it on when I have to approach a patient.

I'm standoffish, and I wash my hands a lot...… and despite probably more exposure risk than anyone here, I'm good.

Eat well, work out, get strong, get lots of sun, and be healthy, that's how you fight this, not by hiding in doors wearing a tyvek suit and a respirator..

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