Miami Judge Smacks Down Teen After She Gave Him The Finger In Court

A bitter ass old man, an employee of the freest nation on the planet, decided to punish a young woman extra because she used freedom of speech? Fuck that fat dumb-ass judge.

Declaring her "criminally contempt?" That's unbelievable. That you can so candidly take away a month from a person's life in a matter of seconds. Fuck that guy.

You do not have the freedom to flip the judge off in court any more than you have the freedom to shout "fire" in a crowded theater. She deserved her punishment, maybe she'll have more respect when she comes up before a judge again, or better yet, maybe she will turn her life around and not end up in front of a judge again. Her parents should have slapped her down long before she gave the judge the finger.

(I hope your kitty does not point and fire that at you: They can be mischievous, you know.)

Miami Judge Smacks Down Teen After She Gave Him The Finger In Court

Abby Rogers
Feb. 6, 2013

A Miami teen's bad attitude got her 30 days behind bars after the judge decided he wasn't going to put up with it.

Penelope Soto, 18, was in Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat's bond court Monday on charges of possessing Xanax, Local 10 reported Monday.

Penelope Soto, Miami Teen, Flips Off Judge And Gets A Month In Jail or 10,000$ Bail - YouTube

Humble Pie-(1974)-30 Days In The Hole - YouTube

Read more: Penelope Soto Flips Off Judge - Business Insider

Outright abuse of power. I think government officials should be able to divorce emotions from official duties.

Miami Judge Smacks Down Teen After She Gave Him The Finger In Court

Abby Rogers
Feb. 6, 2013

A Miami teen's bad attitude got her 30 days behind bars after the judge decided he wasn't going to put up with it.

Penelope Soto, 18, was in Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat's bond court Monday on charges of possessing Xanax, Local 10 reported Monday.

Penelope Soto, Miami Teen, Flips Off Judge And Gets A Month In Jail or 10,000$ Bail - YouTube

Humble Pie-(1974)-30 Days In The Hole - YouTube

Read more: Penelope Soto Flips Off Judge - Business Insider

Outright abuse of power. I think government officials should be able to divorce emotions from official duties.

The little bitch had it coming

The whole proceeding was a joke to her as she preened in front of the Judge.Does she ever let go of her hair? Flipping off someone who has great control over your life is not wise

She learned a valuable life lesson
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If you show active contempt for the court, don't be surprised if the judge notes that fact and finds you in contempt. Lil Miss Pretty may have gotten it into her head that she can act however she wants in this life with impunity, however the judge may have done her a great service by showing her at 18 that her previous thoughts were misplaced. Other people can and will do things to you based on your behavior toward them. Since she's all involved in drugs, she may have encounters with drug dealers in the future. Some of whom kill people occasionally. This example may keep her from getting killed by one of them.

Agreed but explain lindsey Lohan.
What's really funny is the standards the liberals use. Someone would defend the right of a criminal defendant in front of a judge for not showing that judge respect, and mercilessly attack someone who called obama a **** for not showing him respect - in an on-line message board.

Liberals are nothing more than comic relief.

How the fuck did this turn political with you? Stfu. Oh and god bless.
Agreed but explain lindsey Lohan.
Unfortunately, rich celebraties are treated differently than the average person by the judicial system.

OJ Simpson is a perfect example of this disparity........... :cool:
A bitter ass old man, an employee of the freest nation on the planet, decided to punish a young woman extra because she used freedom of speech? Fuck that fat dumb-ass judge.

Declaring her "criminally contempt?" That's unbelievable. That you can so candidly take away a month from a person's life in a matter of seconds. Fuck that guy.

You do not have the freedom to flip the judge off in court any more than you have the freedom to shout "fire" in a crowded theater. She deserved her punishment, maybe she'll have more respect when she comes up before a judge again, or better yet, maybe she will turn her life around and not end up in front of a judge again. Her parents should have slapped her down long before she gave the judge the finger.

(I hope your kitty does not point and fire that at you: They can be mischievous, you know.)

I'll tell you a secret, it's a toy gun and doesn't fire, but they'd probably suspend my kitty from the public school anyway.

Outright abuse of power. I think government officials should be able to divorce emotions from official duties.

The little bitch had it coming

The whole proceeding was a joke to her as she preened in front of the Judge.Does she ever let go of her hair? Flipping off someone who has great control over your life is not wise

She learned a valuable life lesson​

I doubt that she learned anything. I can only assume that very early in her life she chose to reject 'the Rules'.

If she is already involved with the drug culture, to the level of buying/selling, then it seems probable that she will continue and live a short life.​
A bitter ass old man, an employee of the freest nation on the planet, decided to punish a young woman extra because she used freedom of speech? Fuck that fat dumbass judge.

Declaring her "criminally contempt?" That's unbelievable. That you can so candidly take away a month from a person's life in a matter of seconds. Fuck that guy.

So you don't think she should be punished for disrespecting our Courts... Bullshit! If we had more of these responses (like this judge) to these disrespectful, and disgraceful punks, perhaps then we could address the real problem... Their parents suck. She'll have plenty of time to realize the error in her judgement, and maybe grow up and become a responsible citizen instead of a brat who wants everything handed to her. Free speech doesn't apply when it comes to contempt of Court.
This country was founded on principles that prevented the government or its officials from being able to so easily strip away a person's freedoms as this judge did in a matter of seconds. Unbelievable.

She was acting like a smart ass, and you know you don't go in front of a judge with that attitude. She got what she deserved....she was there on drug charges and acted like a child, she doesn't deserve her "freedom". I'm glad she got 30 days, i wish he could have given her longer!
lmao...that was one dumbass move on her part...regardless of what she was in front of him for. You disresprect the one who pretty much has you under his thumb...accept the consequences.
That little snot just wanted to show her ass to see how far she got.
One thing peeps need to keep in mind is that it's not the judges fault she was incarcerated in the first place, it's never personal (unless you blatantly disrespect him/her in his own court) he's just doing his job.
lol...again...what a dumbass.
If you show active contempt for the court, don't be surprised if the judge notes that fact and finds you in contempt. Lil Miss Pretty may have gotten it into her head that she can act however she wants in this life with impunity, however the judge may have done her a great service by showing her at 18 that her previous thoughts were misplaced. Other people can and will do things to you based on your behavior toward them. Since she's all involved in drugs, she may have encounters with drug dealers in the future. Some of whom kill people occasionally. This example may keep her from getting killed by one of them.

Agreed but explain lindsey Lohan.

There's no explanation for her....beside she has MONEY.
Many, many years ago, I saw a cartoon somewhere (Playboy, I think). It's a courtroom scene. In front of the bench is this lawyer. He has his back to the judge, is bending over, and his pants are down around his knees. He is pointing directly to his ass, obviously inviting the judge to kiss it.

The caption: "Sir, one more outburst like that and I will find you in contempt of court!"
Everyone has to be made to respect something, whether they like it or not, like a judge in his/her courtroom.

My father told me one day after he kicked the shit out of me for being sarcastic to my mother, a man who has no respect for his mother has no respect for anything. I guess he assumed all mothers were good like mine was :)
A bitter ass old man, an employee of the freest nation on the planet, decided to punish a young woman extra because she used freedom of speech? Fuck that fat dumbass judge.

Declaring her "criminally contempt?" That's unbelievable. That you can so candidly take away a month from a person's life in a matter of seconds. Fuck that guy.

He decided to rightfully teach a punk-ass, disrespectful bitch a much needed lesson. There is a time to exercise your "freedom of speech" and a time to remain respectfully humble. She begged for him to slam her, she was warned repeatedly. Bitch still has to come up with $10,000 in bail money when her jail term is up. We need thousands more judges like this one.
Everyone has to be made to respect something, whether they like it or not, like a judge in his/her courtroom.

My father told me one day after he kicked the shit out of me for being sarcastic to my mother, a man who has no respect for his mother has no respect for anything. I guess he assumed all mothers were good like mine was :)

There is a difference between abuse of children because a parent is miserable over thier own lives, and a good of fashioned whuppin when the kid does something stupid (and usually dangerous)

The judge had to be the one to issue the whuppin here, and I hope the little giggler (who appeared to be high on something during the court date) learns a lesson.
Holy shit.

A judge who used the power of contempt to sanction a defendant for intentionally demonstrating contempt of court?


Oh wait.

Isn't that what happens to those who engage in contempt of court?
That Penelope Soto was just another uneducated spoiled brat.

Her punishment is well deserved ...Bravo Judge! :clap2:
This is a good, smart Judge, what he did was to penetrate a thick skulled teen who was worthy of rehabilitation in attitude and subsequently a drug addiction...

"Soto tearfully apologized to the judge and admitted she was under the influence of Xanax and alcohol during her first hearing. He then dropped her contempt of court charges and vacated her 30-day jail term.

Soto's lawyer said she will complete a drug court program, which includes treatment for drug addiction and usually results in charges eventually being dropped for first-time offenders."

Penelope Soto, Fla. teen who flipped off judge, apologizes and avoids 30-day sentence - Crimesider - CBS News

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