Michael Bloomberg Wants To Ban Minority Males From Gun Ownership

Responsible, honest and law-abiding minority males need to protect themself and their families as much as majority males need to protect themself and their families.
ESPECIALLY in the inner city where the criminals run the neighborhoods because they (the criminals) are armed and the responsible, honest and law-abiding citizens are not allowed to have or carry guns.
He's a private citizen now....
He can howl at the moon all he wants...Doesn't mean anyone listens to him.
If ted cruz said this, the media would justly crucify him for racism and this would be headline news.

NYSRPA Bloomberg s Call for Male Minority Gun Ban Echoes Southern Black Codes - Breitbart

feb 9 2015
On February 9, the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYSRPA) called for Michael Bloomberg to apologize for his suggestion that cities should bar young minority males from gun ownership.

NYSRPA President Tom King said, “If a politician said this about anything other than guns, the mainstream media would be all over them.” He added, “Michael Bloomberg isn’t just any politician; he is the leading voice for gun control in America. He should be held accountable for his slander.”

Breitbart News previously reported that Bloomberg was giving a speech at the Aspen Institute on February 5, when he suggested that minority males “between the ages of 15 and 25″ should be banned from gun ownership. According to The Aspen Times, he claimed that “95 percent of all murders fall into [this] category” and that taking guns away from them will not only reduce crime, but will “keep them alive.”
Silly idea.

If more young black men in the big cities had guns, they would be much safer places.
Bloomberg is not a "liberal". We don't want him.

He's a NY Republican.
This is funny...Wait until bucs90 hears that not wanting blacks to have guns is a liberal gun grabber idea. Because he's a con that expresses the same idea often
INCREDIBLE - liberal gun hater Michael Bloomberg says young black men should not be allowed guns

Not particularly "incredible". The first gun control laws in this country, were enacted for the purpose of disarming minorities and "keeping blacks in their place". Mostly authored by the same Democrats who are doing it now.

It isn't really anything new.
Bloomberg is not a "liberal". We don't want him.

He's a NY Republican.
He's not a Repiublican.
He started as a Dem. Ran as a Republican. ANd is now an Independent.
The suggestion is typicaly racist. Law abdiing young black men need guns to protect themselves more than otehr people.
Bloomberg is not a "liberal". We don't want him.

He's a NY Republican.

Actually he's just tired of the thugs in his little city...

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