Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

If true it'll be irrelevant to the officer's use of lethal force unless the officer knew about it and was detaining he and his aquaintance for questioning about it. Report I heard, the officer detained them both for j-walking. In the process of that, Mr. Brown physically assaulted the officer pushing on his car door whereupon a physical struggle ensued resulting in the officer using lethal force as was his right legally as per Missouri statute 563.046

It's being reported that the shooting officer was on a different call when he was rerouted to the QT robbery. We all know what happened after that.

Correction: we all think we know what happened after that. :)

Still wouldn't matter. If the officer detained the two to question them about the robbery, but the reason he stopped them was for the j-walking that alone justifies the officer stopping them. The legal 'justification' for everythign that followed.

The use of lethal force depends on the officer's original purpose being lawful, as with stopping them for j-walking. If they'd been walking down the sidewalk, everything that followed included lethal force application could be construed as unlawful.
The 'jay-walking' BS story is from Johnson who was involved with 'Big Mike'.
Are you so fucking brain-dead you are automatically going to believe Johnson's version of why he and 'Big Mike' were stopped? Don't bother answering.
If there is a trial it will be great to watch that moron Crump try to explain to the jury how 'Big Mike', the simian who strong armed a little store clerk half his size then got into it with a cop who stopped him and Johnson based on the description from the store clerk is somehow innocent.
Anyway. No charges will be brought against the cop and the simians can go back to their tree tops and wait for another chance to loot and destroy local business on the pretext of innocently peacefully demonstrating.
Dorian Johnson even admitted they had cigars. I hope to god that they didnt rob that store.
Shocking Eh ???

Certainly wouldn't resist arrest either...

You don't steal, you don't have confrontations with the law, you needn't worry about getting shot...

Every non-Neanderthal understands this.
As the entire fiction of the necessity of the stop has been exposed, the next step is to expose the fiction of the actual shooting. There are photos of the cop's bashed in face as Brown was trying to get the officer's gun. Maybe those will be released soon.
Gramps i just heard that was debunked.........but then when this began i heard that that was the reason this cop was called to begin with....so i guess we will have to see how things proceed......

How do you debunk photos & video?

Committing a crime is committing a crime. Even against an alleged bad person. Just because someone is a criminal doesn't mean they deserve to be shot.

You of all people should know that.

But ... but ... but sometimes criminals DO need to be shot when they become violent. You are aware of that simple fact -- no?
Sounds like big mike set the wheels in motion for his own demise.
Dont go around strong arming people half your size and you might live to see the sunrise.
Dorian Johnson even admitted they had cigars. I hope to god that they didnt rob that store.

No. They really did rob that store.

We dont know that for sure yet. It was reported as a robbery. We dont know if that is actually the case. In the pics it looks like he is pushing the guy off him. We dont know what provoked that even if it is him.
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We'll have to wait to see if this is confirmed, but if true, the claim that he was a "gentle giant" goes out the window.
You know what would be really sweet? If this whole thing blew up in Rev. Al's face AGAIN!
Dorian Johnson even admitted they had cigars. I hope to god that they didnt rob that store.

Why? Would it fuck up your political narrative?

What do you mean why dumb ass? Why would I want them to be quilty of robbing a store? So you cave apes would feel vindicated for shooting him down in cold blood?

The only details of the shooting we have a from a "witness". A witness who was also involved in the robery.
Wouldn't you like to wait for all the facts before you determine it was in cold blood?

Or do you prefer the role of the court jester?
What I find amazing and so ironic...you right wing turds stand so strongly on the side of government force when a poor black man is involved...when a rich white man is involved...it is overbearing government..

If there were no imminent threats to law enforcement or public safety, the shooting is not justified.

That one might be suspected of a crime does not warrant the killing of that suspect.

The photographs from the convenience store are irrelevant, all that’s relevant is what occurred during the encounter with police just before shots were fired.

It's only irrelevant if you're trying to convict someone of murder without ALL of the surrounding facts.

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