Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Even if he did rob a store the cop had no right to shoot him when he was surrendering, as witnesses have stated.
Alleged is the proper term....but you Gramps like to convict at home...why are you not working??

Gramps has said that he's an ex-con. One would think he'd know better.

Oh wait - its Gramps. Known for jumping the gun and having no information or proof.
The only details of the shooting we have a from a "witness". A witness who was also involved in the robery.
Wouldn't you like to wait for all the facts before you determine it was in cold blood?

Or do you prefer the role of the court jester?

You have NO PROBLEM convicting the victim of robbery in "cold blood"

Photos & video don't have motive or bias. Nor do they lie. He's a thief. Question is, did he fight the cop for his gun....

If he did then the cop did society a favor & likely saved future victims from gunshots or death.

The photos dont show him robbing the store. They show an altercation. Where is the video?
If true it'll be irrelevant to the officer's use of lethal force unless the officer knew about it and was detaining he and his aquaintance for questioning about it. Report I heard, the officer detained them both for j-walking. In the process of that, Mr. Brown physically assaulted the officer pushing on his car door whereupon a physical struggle ensued resulting in the officer using lethal force as was his right legally as per Missouri statute 563.046

Did you actually read it?

Law enforcement officer's use of force in making an arrest.

563.046. 1. A law enforcement officer need not retreat or desist from efforts to effect the arrest, or from efforts to prevent the escape from custody, of a person he reasonably believes to have committed an offense because of resistance or threatened resistance of the arrestee. In addition to the use of physical force authorized under other sections of this chapter, he is, subject to the provisions of subsections 2 and 3, justified in the use of such physical force as he reasonably believes is immediately necessary to effect the arrest or to prevent the escape from custody.

2. The use of any physical force in making an arrest is not justified under this section unless the arrest is lawful or the law enforcement officer reasonably believes the arrest is lawful.

3. A law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest or in preventing an escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only

(1) When such is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or

(2) When he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested

(a) Has committed or attempted to commit a felony; or

(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon; or

(c) May otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.

4. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting the issue of justification under this section.

A fleeing unarmed suspect doesn't meet this criteria.
The entire video will be released today. I do hope they release the photos of the cop taken at the hospital after Brown smashed his face in.

The store clerk is still alive. He didn't die in the fire the looters set. He got away along with the other employees of the Quick Trip.
Even if he did rob a store the cop had no right to shoot him when he was surrendering, as witnesses have stated.

Doesn't matter if he was Al Capone.

The moment he put his hands up? It's over.
Why would he lie?

So the kid could get arrested. Why does anyone lie? What provoked the altercation? Do you know or are you just taking the word of the Asian guy?

Why does that sound so familiar? What a fucken hypocrite.

You avoided the question. I have gotten into it as a teenager with Asian store owners that start shit with you so I know the type. Where does it show him robbing the store? Why is there no video?
Even if he did rob a store the cop had no right to shoot him when he was surrendering, as witnesses have stated.

Accomplices don't make credible witnesses.

There were other witnesses that stated he was shot after turning and putting his hands up.

If the witnesses are correct, do you approve of the police acting in that manner?
Actually it does. If you dont like that too bad. Where do you see him robbing the store?

You are simply lying.....you see him robbing the store and assaulting the man.

Please post the video of Brown actually robbing a store.


That's not even the issue.

The officer was well in keeping with his job to stop, question and if he thought he had a reasonable cause, arrest this man.

He was not, in the scope of his duties, allowed to kill him, if he was unarmed, fleeing or had given up.

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