Michael Moore calls for outlawing billionaires massive tax hike


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Appearing on NBC’s Late Night With Seth Meyers Thursday, aired early Friday morning, left-wing film maker Michael Moore promised viewers that if he ever ran for president his first agenda item would be “outlawing billionaires.” Asked about socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing for a 70% marginal tax rate for the wealthy, Moore endorsed the radical proposal.
Michael Moore Calls for ‘Outlawing Billionaires,’ Massive Tax Hike

This is where you become a left wing loser way down on the totem pole, this fat son of a bitch sold his soul a long time ago. He pushes all the wrong to make them right because with a fat ass like that who the hell wants something like that. The biggest reason this dumb SOB is douche he hates America and Freedom.
Appearing on NBC’s Late Night With Seth Meyers Thursday, aired early Friday morning, left-wing film maker Michael Moore promised viewers that if he ever ran for president his first agenda item would be “outlawing billionaires.” Asked about socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing for a 70% marginal tax rate for the wealthy, Moore endorsed the radical proposal.
Michael Moore Calls for ‘Outlawing Billionaires,’ Massive Tax Hike

This is where you become a left wing loser way down on the totem pole, this fat son of a bitch sold his soul a long time ago. He pushes all the wrong to make them right because with a fat ass like that who the hell wants something like that. The biggest reason this dumb SOB is douche he hates America and Freedom.

That's probably going too far, outlawing billionaires. Someone posted a meme about members of congress having their wealth increase by 7 figures a year on average despite their 6 figure salary.

Money makes money as that person said so I share some sympathies with Mr. Moore's POV.
Appearing on NBC’s Late Night With Seth Meyers Thursday, aired early Friday morning, left-wing film maker Michael Moore promised viewers that if he ever ran for president his first agenda item would be “outlawing billionaires.” Asked about socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing for a 70% marginal tax rate for the wealthy, Moore endorsed the radical proposal.
Michael Moore Calls for ‘Outlawing Billionaires,’ Massive Tax Hike

This is where you become a left wing loser way down on the totem pole, this fat son of a bitch sold his soul a long time ago. He pushes all the wrong to make them right because with a fat ass like that who the hell wants something like that. The biggest reason this dumb SOB is douche he hates America and Freedom.

Its not that radical, that is the same it was when Reagan took office, and I doubt you would even have enough high income to pay it. Trouble is those that are elites find loopholes and evade taxes as low as they are. I like Warrens idea to tax capital gains on a sliding scale and wealth tax.
Appearing on NBC’s Late Night With Seth Meyers Thursday, aired early Friday morning, left-wing film maker Michael Moore promised viewers that if he ever ran for president his first agenda item would be “outlawing billionaires.” Asked about socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing for a 70% marginal tax rate for the wealthy, Moore endorsed the radical proposal.
Michael Moore Calls for ‘Outlawing Billionaires,’ Massive Tax Hike

This is where you become a left wing loser way down on the totem pole, this fat son of a bitch sold his soul a long time ago. He pushes all the wrong to make them right because with a fat ass like that who the hell wants something like that. The biggest reason this dumb SOB is douche he hates America and Freedom.

Its not that radical, that is the same it was when Reagan took office, and I doubt you would even have enough high income to pay it. Trouble is those that are elites find loopholes and evade taxes as low as they are. I like Warrens idea to tax capital gains on a sliding scale and wealth tax.

Those loopholes can be put there to provide incentives to do things the government thinks is good for America. And should if the friggin tax rate is 70%.
Appearing on NBC’s Late Night With Seth Meyers Thursday, aired early Friday morning, left-wing film maker Michael Moore promised viewers that if he ever ran for president his first agenda item would be “outlawing billionaires.” Asked about socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing for a 70% marginal tax rate for the wealthy, Moore endorsed the radical proposal.
Michael Moore Calls for ‘Outlawing Billionaires,’ Massive Tax Hike

This is where you become a left wing loser way down on the totem pole, this fat son of a bitch sold his soul a long time ago. He pushes all the wrong to make them right because with a fat ass like that who the hell wants something like that. The biggest reason this dumb SOB is douche he hates America and Freedom.

Its not that radical, that is the same it was when Reagan took office, and I doubt you would even have enough high income to pay it. Trouble is those that are elites find loopholes and evade taxes as low as they are. I like Warrens idea to tax capital gains on a sliding scale and wealth tax.

Those loopholes can be put there to provide incentives to do things the government thinks is good for America. And should if the friggin tax rate is 70%.

The loopholes are just for the rich. The median income and lower higher incomes can't afford them. Like a couple making 100 grand a year, they are not the ones I'm talking about. Depending on where you live, if you pay for childcare and housing, you can be paycheck to paycheck . The healthcare costs and student loans will add up, to where you put off having kids and might only have one or two.

You have your freedom to make millions or billions, but you are going to make money off someone, its payback time.

By the way, you don't think Trump real estate investors didn't benefit from this tax cut for the rich , think again.
Appearing on NBC’s Late Night With Seth Meyers Thursday, aired early Friday morning, left-wing film maker Michael Moore promised viewers that if he ever ran for president his first agenda item would be “outlawing billionaires.” Asked about socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing for a 70% marginal tax rate for the wealthy, Moore endorsed the radical proposal.
Michael Moore Calls for ‘Outlawing Billionaires,’ Massive Tax Hike

This is where you become a left wing loser way down on the totem pole, this fat son of a bitch sold his soul a long time ago. He pushes all the wrong to make them right because with a fat ass like that who the hell wants something like that. The biggest reason this dumb SOB is douche he hates America and Freedom.

Its not that radical, that is the same it was when Reagan took office, and I doubt you would even have enough high income to pay it. Trouble is those that are elites find loopholes and evade taxes as low as they are. I like Warrens idea to tax capital gains on a sliding scale and wealth tax.

Those loopholes can be put there to provide incentives to do things the government thinks is good for America. And should if the friggin tax rate is 70%.

The loopholes are just for the rich. The median income and lower higher incomes can't afford them. Like a couple making 100 grand a year, they are not the ones I'm talking about. Depending on where you live, if you pay for childcare and housing, you can be paycheck to paycheck . The healthcare costs and student loans will add up, to where you put off having kids and might only have one or two.


Having money is having power in a capitalist country and capitalism sure beats the other system, but it needs checks and balances.

Loopholes and deductions should be there on purpose though.

The people/the government think its good for us to be tied to a house instead of renting so they have this ridiculous mortgage interest deduction/loophole to provide a break for homeowners who are borderline.

Same goes for a bunch of loopholes for the better off.

Now any individual loophole can be wrong or outdated or whatever and we can debate them individually.

Mostly I think if George Steinbrenner can avoid taxes by opening a whatever and an economically depressed area it is at least debatable that tax break/loophole helps America.

If he's rich and begging for public money for stadiums the government should go take his house, his money and leave him a homeless beggar.
Appearing on NBC’s Late Night With Seth Meyers Thursday, aired early Friday morning, left-wing film maker Michael Moore promised viewers that if he ever ran for president his first agenda item would be “outlawing billionaires.” Asked about socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing for a 70% marginal tax rate for the wealthy, Moore endorsed the radical proposal.
Michael Moore Calls for ‘Outlawing Billionaires,’ Massive Tax Hike

This is where you become a left wing loser way down on the totem pole, this fat son of a bitch sold his soul a long time ago. He pushes all the wrong to make them right because with a fat ass like that who the hell wants something like that. The biggest reason this dumb SOB is douche he hates America and Freedom.

Its not that radical, that is the same it was when Reagan took office, and I doubt you would even have enough high income to pay it. Trouble is those that are elites find loopholes and evade taxes as low as they are. I like Warrens idea to tax capital gains on a sliding scale and wealth tax.

Those loopholes can be put there to provide incentives to do things the government thinks is good for America. And should if the friggin tax rate is 70%.

The loopholes are just for the rich. The median income and lower higher incomes can't afford them. Like a couple making 100 grand a year, they are not the ones I'm talking about. Depending on where you live, if you pay for childcare and housing, you can be paycheck to paycheck . The healthcare costs and student loans will add up, to where you put off having kids and might only have one or two.


Having money is having power in a capitalist country and capitalism sure beats the other system, but it needs checks and balances.

Loopholes and deductions should be there on purpose though.

The people/the government think its good for us to be tied to a house instead of renting so they have this ridiculous mortgage interest deduction/loophole to provide a break for homeowners who are borderline.

Same goes for a bunch of loopholes for the better off.

Now any individual loophole can be wrong or outdated or whatever and we can debate them individually.

Mostly I think if George Steinbrenner can avoid taxes by opening a whatever and an economically depressed area it is at least debatable that tax break/loophole helps America.

If he's rich and begging for public money for stadiums the government should go take his house, his money and leave him a homeless beggar.

Greed begets greed, having the estate tax just about tax free and set up to be totally tax free, is not good, and only betters the rich and greedy. I am tired of paying taxes for everything and the elites getting away with less taxes. Its the small mom and pop people that create jobs not the rich and powerful.

Once again you are going overboard just like all those who are filthy rich. Most can afford to pay more in taxes.
Appearing on NBC’s Late Night With Seth Meyers Thursday, aired early Friday morning, left-wing film maker Michael Moore promised viewers that if he ever ran for president his first agenda item would be “outlawing billionaires.” Asked about socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing for a 70% marginal tax rate for the wealthy, Moore endorsed the radical proposal.
Michael Moore Calls for ‘Outlawing Billionaires,’ Massive Tax Hike

This is where you become a left wing loser way down on the totem pole, this fat son of a bitch sold his soul a long time ago. He pushes all the wrong to make them right because with a fat ass like that who the hell wants something like that. The biggest reason this dumb SOB is douche he hates America and Freedom.

Its not that radical, that is the same it was when Reagan took office, and I doubt you would even have enough high income to pay it. Trouble is those that are elites find loopholes and evade taxes as low as they are. I like Warrens idea to tax capital gains on a sliding scale and wealth tax.

Those loopholes can be put there to provide incentives to do things the government thinks is good for America. And should if the friggin tax rate is 70%.

The loopholes are just for the rich. The median income and lower higher incomes can't afford them. Like a couple making 100 grand a year, they are not the ones I'm talking about. Depending on where you live, if you pay for childcare and housing, you can be paycheck to paycheck . The healthcare costs and student loans will add up, to where you put off having kids and might only have one or two.


Having money is having power in a capitalist country and capitalism sure beats the other system, but it needs checks and balances.

Loopholes and deductions should be there on purpose though.

The people/the government think its good for us to be tied to a house instead of renting so they have this ridiculous mortgage interest deduction/loophole to provide a break for homeowners who are borderline.

Same goes for a bunch of loopholes for the better off.

Now any individual loophole can be wrong or outdated or whatever and we can debate them individually.

Mostly I think if George Steinbrenner can avoid taxes by opening a whatever and an economically depressed area it is at least debatable that tax break/loophole helps America.

If he's rich and begging for public money for stadiums the government should go take his house, his money and leave him a homeless beggar.

Greed begets greed, having the estate tax just about tax free and set up to be totally tax free, is not good, and only betters the rich and greedy. I am tired of paying taxes for everything and the elites getting away with less taxes. Its the small mom and pop people that create jobs not the rich and powerful.

Once again you are going overboard just like all those who are filthy rich. Most can afford to pay more in taxes.

Oh, I'll never say they can't "afford to pay more and still feed themselves" about the rich. Heck, I can afford to pay more and still feed myself.

BUT, we have to leave them an incentive to earn money AND do it in a way that benefits America.

Elites have a lot of big government welfare, ask Donald and his ability to have his left hand declare bankruptcy while sipping wine from a glass in his right. We're not that far apart.
Its not that radical, that is the same it was when Reagan took office, and I doubt you would even have enough high income to pay it. Trouble is those that are elites find loopholes and evade taxes as low as they are. I like Warrens idea to tax capital gains on a sliding scale and wealth tax.

Those loopholes can be put there to provide incentives to do things the government thinks is good for America. And should if the friggin tax rate is 70%.

The loopholes are just for the rich. The median income and lower higher incomes can't afford them. Like a couple making 100 grand a year, they are not the ones I'm talking about. Depending on where you live, if you pay for childcare and housing, you can be paycheck to paycheck . The healthcare costs and student loans will add up, to where you put off having kids and might only have one or two.


Having money is having power in a capitalist country and capitalism sure beats the other system, but it needs checks and balances.

Loopholes and deductions should be there on purpose though.

The people/the government think its good for us to be tied to a house instead of renting so they have this ridiculous mortgage interest deduction/loophole to provide a break for homeowners who are borderline.

Same goes for a bunch of loopholes for the better off.

Now any individual loophole can be wrong or outdated or whatever and we can debate them individually.

Mostly I think if George Steinbrenner can avoid taxes by opening a whatever and an economically depressed area it is at least debatable that tax break/loophole helps America.

If he's rich and begging for public money for stadiums the government should go take his house, his money and leave him a homeless beggar.

Greed begets greed, having the estate tax just about tax free and set up to be totally tax free, is not good, and only betters the rich and greedy. I am tired of paying taxes for everything and the elites getting away with less taxes. Its the small mom and pop people that create jobs not the rich and powerful.

Once again you are going overboard just like all those who are filthy rich. Most can afford to pay more in taxes.

Oh, I'll never say they can't "afford to pay more and still feed themselves" about the rich. Heck, I can afford to pay more and still feed myself.

BUT, we have to leave them an incentive to earn money AND do it in a way that benefits America.

Elites have a lot of big government welfare, ask Donald and his ability to have his left hand declare bankruptcy while sipping wine from a glass in his right. We're not that far apart.

Hey you can earn more money, you just have to pay more in tax, simple, earn as much as you like.

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