Michael Moore Has Completely Lost His Mind

Now go back and read through this thread and realise I was pretty nice about this whole thing.

People calling me all sorts of names and me merely giving facts.

What is not conecting with you is that NO ONE KNEW THEN WHAT WE KNOW NOW

Please go get the quote where I claimed what you accuse me of saying.

Can't you have an honest discussion? You cut and paste like a pro then use the same silly inuslts in every thread.

Helping the Mujahedeen was the right thing to do. That later some and OBL would make up the Taliban was not funding OBL or Taliban. bigreb points that out and you just act simple.
michael moore is as big a douche as you'll find roaming free

Moore is gifted film maker no doubt. And he makes some points. I forgot the movie he made about corporation making huge profits and doing gigantic layoffs. That's an issue in my book. My company laid off people like crazy and moved a ton of operations to Chile. The estimated savings in personnel was maybe $8-$10 million. Sounds like a lot. We just had our sales summit. The numbers they gave were Little under $4 billion in gross and net (including after corporate taxes) was $1 billion. That was up over $200 million from last year! So the question is, with $1 billion in profits (highest for the company in 4 years), why did they feel the need to shave $10 mil in wages and American jobs?

Moore brought up a valid point, too bad his solution is off the wall (meaning socialism)!

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan


Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan


Mullah Mohammed Omar organized the taliban in the 90's. I knew Reagan was good, but not that good

What was that about facts? :lol:

It was back in 1985 that Reagan hosted Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, then a key Mujahadin leader (and major Islamo-fascist, as some might call him), at the White House. (Hekmatyar is in the foreground on the far left in the photo.)

Hekmatyar, who, among other things, has voiced his admiration for Osama bin Laden, is now one of the trio of key warlords — they also include the Taliban’s Mullah Mohammed Omar and Jalaluddin Haqqani — who have been named as Public Enemies Number One by the Pentagon in Afghanistan.........
What is not conecting with you is that NO ONE KNEW THEN WHAT WE KNOW NOW

Please go get the quote where I claimed what you accuse me of saying.

Can't you have an honest discussion? You cut and paste like a pro then use the same silly inuslts in every thread.

Helping the Mujahedeen was the right thing to do. That later some and OBL would make up the Taliban was not funding OBL or Taliban. bigreb points that out and you just act simple.

where did I use an insult in that post?

You are so patisan you see insult where a person asks please.

I never said anywhere in this thread what he claims I said.
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To show that you are blaming America for arming and training Bin Laden. But no one from that period of time could see into the future unless they had a crystal ball. Maybe obama is creating a new bin ladin in libya right now.

You accused me of blaming when I merely stated the facts.

Now you just keep repeting this as if its in answer to something I said.

Why do you keep repeting this line in response to my posts?
I thought he was nuts before - but the killing of OBL has put the fat-boy over the edge. Check out some of his "Tweets" - Welcome to MichaelMoore.com

i can think of about 3 dozen things i don't agree with Michael Moore about. But what's "nuts"?


"This caps off disastrous few months 4 Al-Qaeda. Non-violent revolts in Egypt, Tunisia, elsewhere were Al-Qaeda's WORST nightmare. Now this"

As for his other stuff... he's correct that we created bin laden. It just isn't something that's particularly relevant right now.

We "created" OBL.
The guy was a freakin nut, and flat out evil. We didn't "create" his psychology. Nor was it our schools that he attended in Saudi Arabia where he learned radical Islam. Nor was it anything American that spawned his belief in Sharia Law at 14 years old. By 16 years old he began writing papers about Jihadism and destroying democracy, communism and socialsim - writing "all must be destroyed".

Stop drinking the Kool Aid - and learn to think for yourself.
To show that you are blaming America for arming and training Bin Laden. But no one from that period of time could see into the future unless they had a crystal ball. Maybe obama is creating a new bin ladin in libya right now.

You accused me of blaming when I merely stated the facts.

Now you just keep repeting this as if its in answer to something I said.

Why do you keep repeting this line in response to my posts?

I like the way you choped up my reply
You must have ate a whole case of lead paint as a child.

what exactly is your point here?
To show that you are blaming America for arming and training Bin Laden. But no one from that period of time could see into the future unless they had a crystal ball. Maybe obama is creating a new bin ladin in libya right now.

You must have ate a whole case of lead paint as a child.

refusing the real history for a politically correct form will lead to further failed policy

Incase you havent noticed we did arm OBL

Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mujahideen in Afghanistan
Osama Bin Laden with Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir in 1997After leaving college in 1979 bin Laden joined Abdullah Azzam to fight the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan[58] and lived for a time in Peshawar.[59] From 1979 through 1989 under U.S. Presidents Carter and Reagan, the United States Central Intelligence Agency provided overt and covert financial aid, arms and training to Osama's Islamic Jihad Mujahideen through Operation Cyclone,[60] and the Reagan Doctrine. President Reagan often praised the Mujahideen as Afghanistan's "Freedom Fighters."

By 1984, with Azzam, bin Laden established Maktab al-Khadamat, which funneled money, arms and Muslim fighters from around the Arabic world into the Afghan war. Through al-Khadamat, bin Laden's inherited family fortune[61] paid for air tickets and accommodation, dealt with paperwork with Pakistani authorities and provided other such services for the jihad fighters. Osama established a camp in Afghanistan and with other volunteers fought the Soviets.

It was during his time in Peshawar that he began wearing camouflage-print jackets and carrying a captured Soviet assault rifle, which urban legends claimed he had obtained by killing a Russian soldier with his bare hands.[62]

You accused me of blaming when I merely stated the facts.

I accuessed you of what?
Please go get the quote where I claimed what you accuse me of saying.

Can't you have an honest discussion? You cut and paste like a pro then use the same silly inuslts in every thread.

Helping the Mujahedeen was the right thing to do. That later some and OBL would make up the Taliban was not funding OBL or Taliban. bigreb points that out and you just act simple.

where did I use an insult in that post?

You are so patisan you see insult where a person asks please.

I never said anywhere in this thread what he claims I said.

What was it I said? I never claimed you said anything I just cut and pasted your replies.

Like this one

Incase you havent noticed we did arm OBL
"To show that you are blaming America for arming and training Bin Laden. But no one from that period of time could see into the future unless they had a crystal ball. Maybe obama is creating a new bin ladin in libya right now."

here is your own words BR.

You keep saying this as if it should have something to do with the facts I supplied in this thread
These liberal apologist and their "we created Osama" is typical of the shallow mind that believes whatever they hear from those that they agree with.

Read my sig. It explains people like Michael Moore, Rachel Maddow etc. well.

1) It wasn't our schools where he learned radical Islamism.
2) It wasn't anything to do with America where as young as 14 years old OBL was ranting about Sharia law.
3) It wasn't anything to do with America where at 16 years old he writing papers on Jihadism and "destroying democracy, communism and socialism".

He was brainwashed like so many, many in this entire region by clerical schools that pound in the heads of young boys hatred of all things not Islam.Where they are taught Martyrdom, and the killing of non-Muslims is not only acceptable to Alah - but rewarded.

The only thing America did, was ONCE AGAIN believe the "enemy of my enemy is a friend" (just like right now in Libya - who knows what future nut we may help get power there) and ONCE AGAIN chose to back people at least as bad as our "enemy".

we did not "create" Osama Bin Laden. Saudi Arabian radical school system has that blame.
He was raised to hate, we just provided an outlet for that hatred.
wouldn't you agree truth doesn't matter is trying to do that now almost 20 years later?

no, i would not agree.

maybe you should look up the timeline.

I knew you would not agree because it made my point. Truth doesn't matter is blaming America because we at one time trained and helped him fight the russians. She has an advantage now that the government did not have then 20 years worth. Do you thiunk hitler would ha became a dictator if the german people of 1933 could have seen the future?

You made the claim more than once.
These liberal apologist and their "we created Osama" is typical of the shallow mind that believes whatever they hear from those that they agree with.

Read my sig. It explains people like Michael Moore, Rachel Maddow etc. well.

1) It wasn't our schools where he learned radical Islamism.
2) It wasn't anything to do with America where as young as 14 years old OBL was ranting about Sharia law.
3) It wasn't anything to do with America where at 16 years old he writing papers on Jihadism and "destroying democracy, communism and socialism".

He was brainwashed like so many, many in this entire region by clerical schools that pound in the heads of young boys hatred of all things not Islam.Where they are taught Martyrdom, and the killing of non-Muslims is not only acceptable to Alah - but rewarded.

The only thing America did, was ONCE AGAIN believe the "enemy of my enemy is a friend" (just like right now in Libya - who knows what future nut we may help get power there) and ONCE AGAIN chose to back people at least as bad as our "enemy".

we did not "create" Osama Bin Laden. Saudi Arabian radical school system has that blame.
He was raised to hate, we just provided an outlet for that hatred.

Your problem is I never said anysuch thing.

Go read the thread
These liberal apologist and their "we created Osama" is typical of the shallow mind that believes whatever they hear from those that they agree with.

Read my sig. It explains people like Michael Moore, Rachel Maddow etc. well.

1) It wasn't our schools where he learned radical Islamism.
2) It wasn't anything to do with America where as young as 14 years old OBL was ranting about Sharia law.
3) It wasn't anything to do with America where at 16 years old he writing papers on Jihadism and "destroying democracy, communism and socialism".

He was brainwashed like so many, many in this entire region by clerical schools that pound in the heads of young boys hatred of all things not Islam.Where they are taught Martyrdom, and the killing of non-Muslims is not only acceptable to Alah - but rewarded.

The only thing America did, was ONCE AGAIN believe the "enemy of my enemy is a friend" (just like right now in Libya - who knows what future nut we may help get power there) and ONCE AGAIN chose to back people at least as bad as our "enemy".

we did not "create" Osama Bin Laden. Saudi Arabian radical school system has that blame.
He was raised to hate, we just provided an outlet for that hatred.

Your problem is I never said anysuch thing.

Go read the thread

I didn't say you did.
Go read the thread.
You must have ate a whole case of lead paint as a child.

what exactly is your point here?
To show that you are blaming America for arming and training Bin Laden. But no one from that period of time could see into the future unless they had a crystal ball. Maybe obama is creating a new bin ladin in libya right now.

You must have ate a whole case of lead paint as a child.

Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mujahideen in Afghanistan
Osama Bin Laden with Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir in 1997After leaving college in 1979 bin Laden joined Abdullah Azzam to fight the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan[58] and lived for a time in Peshawar.[59] From 1979 through 1989 under U.S. Presidents Carter and Reagan, the United States Central Intelligence Agency provided overt and covert financial aid, arms and training to Osama's Islamic Jihad Mujahideen through Operation Cyclone,[60] and the Reagan Doctrine. President Reagan often praised the Mujahideen as Afghanistan's "Freedom Fighters."

By 1984, with Azzam, bin Laden established Maktab al-Khadamat, which funneled money, arms and Muslim fighters from around the Arabic world into the Afghan war. Through al-Khadamat, bin Laden's inherited family fortune[61] paid for air tickets and accommodation, dealt with paperwork with Pakistani authorities and provided other such services for the jihad fighters. Osama established a camp in Afghanistan and with other volunteers fought the Soviets.

It was during his time in Peshawar that he began wearing camouflage-print jackets and carrying a captured Soviet assault rifle, which urban legends claimed he had obtained by killing a Russian soldier with his bare hands.[62]

you just kept saying it
These liberal apologist and their "we created Osama" is typical of the shallow mind that believes whatever they hear from those that they agree with.

Read my sig. It explains people like Michael Moore, Rachel Maddow etc. well.

1) It wasn't our schools where he learned radical Islamism.
2) It wasn't anything to do with America where as young as 14 years old OBL was ranting about Sharia law.
3) It wasn't anything to do with America where at 16 years old he writing papers on Jihadism and "destroying democracy, communism and socialism".

He was brainwashed like so many, many in this entire region by clerical schools that pound in the heads of young boys hatred of all things not Islam.Where they are taught Martyrdom, and the killing of non-Muslims is not only acceptable to Alah - but rewarded.

The only thing America did, was ONCE AGAIN believe the "enemy of my enemy is a friend" (just like right now in Libya - who knows what future nut we may help get power there) and ONCE AGAIN chose to back people at least as bad as our "enemy".

we did not "create" Osama Bin Laden. Saudi Arabian radical school system has that blame.
He was raised to hate, we just provided an outlet for that hatred.

Your problem is I never said anysuch thing.

Go read the thread

I didn't say you did.
Go read the thread.

Then who was this pack of insults aimed at?
Your problem is I never said anysuch thing.

Go read the thread

I didn't say you did.
Go read the thread.

Then who was this pack of insults aimed at?

Please point out any insults?
If you are referring to "shallow minds believing whatever they read that they agree with" - how is this an insult??
Anyone who listens to the likes of Michael Moore beyond the entertainment value, is indeed a shallow mind.

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