Michael Moore Smashes Trump Where it Hurts Him: On Twitter

What’s the difference between Michael Moore and the Hindenburg?
A: One is a derigible and the other is a bag of hot air.
Senate votes tonight to give immunity to banks that rip off consumers by 51-50. Wall Street's biggest gift of the year.

While the nation is distracted by Trump’s tantrums, this is what he and the Republicans are REALLY up to...
What your Congress is really up to
@Realdonald trump
While not at all presidential I must point out that the Sloppy Michael Moore Show on Broadway was a TOTAL BOMB and was forced to close. Sad!

@ MMint
1) You must have my smash hit of a Broadway show confused with your presidency-- which IS a total bomb and WILL indeed close early. NOT SAD

2) Today, 1 U.S. service member was killed & 6 injured in our never-ending war in Afghanistan. You,our President, are not even aware of this.

3) You ARE aware I'm a "B'way star" & I guess this bothers you more. SAD.

4) Prosecutor Mueller's GrandJury has just approved the 1st criminal indictments of your administration. R u trying 2 distract us from this?

5) 38 days after Maria, 3/4 of PR (our fellow Americans) have NO electricity. Yet u are more upset that so many ppl saw my B'way show. SAD.

6) They say Twitter "distracts" you from your presidency. But Twitter IS YOUR PRESIDENCY! It's all you know how to do. #LOSER!

7) And now, for this weekend, I’m your latest distraction from your crimes. Ha! Raucous & joyous crowds every nite on B’way- & u missed out!

8) It was the highest grossing play (non-musical) of the summer, despite my offering $29 cheap seats + free student tix so ALL could afford.

9) As announced on May 1st, it was always a "12-WEEK-ONLY" run, due to my commitments to my upcoming primetime TV series & my new movie.

10) On Broadway, Donald, they call it a "LIMITED ENGAGEMENT" -- just like we’re planning on making your presidency.
Michael Moore is far too obese to take seriously...
View attachment 157259
He’s controversial and brilliant. Every time he appears on a news show he provides a fresh perspective no one has ever heard before.
Here's your sign......


That makes you as stupid as Trump. Aren't you proud.
Here you go Ringel, do the math.
Only an alt-left hack would come up with that, now you must truly be proud of yourself, I mean it's obvious that to you anyone to the right of Mao is a far rightie....... :lmao:

there is no such thing as "alt left".

stop it. and stop projecting. because if you can look at the trash on this board and say that they accept anyone to the left of atilla the hun, you'd be fooling yourself, my dear.
Another alt-left zombie chimes in........ Far left morons that are just as blind as far right morons are what I consider alt-left, those too stupid to see that they're just as much a problem as the alt right. Care to try digging that hole any deeper?

excuse me?

wow... you've gone all wing nut, huh....

and this is why rightwingers can't ever be trusted.

congrats, another pretend formerly decent person gone over to trumptardism.

View attachment 157259
Here's your sign......


That makes you as stupid as Trump. Aren't you proud.
Here you go Ringel, do the math.
Only an alt-left hack would come up with that, now you must truly be proud of yourself, I mean it's obvious that to you anyone to the right of Mao is a far rightie....... :lmao:

there is no such thing as "alt left".

stop it. and stop projecting. because if you can look at the trash on this board and say that they accept anyone to the left of atilla the hun, you'd be fooling yourself, my dear.
Another alt-left zombie chimes in........ Far left morons that are just as blind as far right morons are what I consider alt-left, those too stupid to see that they're just as much a problem as the alt right. Care to try digging that hole any deeper?

excuse me?

wow... you've gone all wing nut, huh....

and this is why rightwingers can't ever be trusted.

No, just the opposite hence my all too appropriate response to you. You earned it, you wear it. :thup:
View attachment 157259 Here you go Ringel, do the math.
Only an alt-left hack would come up with that, now you must truly be proud of yourself, I mean it's obvious that to you anyone to the right of Mao is a far rightie....... :lmao:

there is no such thing as "alt left".

stop it. and stop projecting. because if you can look at the trash on this board and say that they accept anyone to the left of atilla the hun, you'd be fooling yourself, my dear.
Another alt-left zombie chimes in........ Far left morons that are just as blind as far right morons are what I consider alt-left, those too stupid to see that they're just as much a problem as the alt right. Care to try digging that hole any deeper?

excuse me?

wow... you've gone all wing nut, huh....

and this is why rightwingers can't ever be trusted.

No, just the opposite hence my all too appropriate response to you. You earned it, you wear it. :thup:

piss off, trumptard
The only thing Mikey Moore smashes is copious amounts of peanut M&Ms into his pie hole.
@Realdonald trump
While not at all presidential I must point out that the Sloppy Michael Moore Show on Broadway was a TOTAL BOMB and was forced to close. Sad!

@ MMint
1) You must have my smash hit of a Broadway show confused with your presidency-- which IS a total bomb and WILL indeed close early. NOT SAD

2) Today, 1 U.S. service member was killed & 6 injured in our never-ending war in Afghanistan. You,our President, are not even aware of this.

3) You ARE aware I'm a "B'way star" & I guess this bothers you more. SAD.

4) Prosecutor Mueller's GrandJury has just approved the 1st criminal indictments of your administration. R u trying 2 distract us from this?

5) 38 days after Maria, 3/4 of PR (our fellow Americans) have NO electricity. Yet u are more upset that so many ppl saw my B'way show. SAD.

6) They say Twitter "distracts" you from your presidency. But Twitter IS YOUR PRESIDENCY! It's all you know how to do. #LOSER!

7) And now, for this weekend, I’m your latest distraction from your crimes. Ha! Raucous & joyous crowds every nite on B’way- & u missed out!

8) It was the highest grossing play (non-musical) of the summer, despite my offering $29 cheap seats + free student tix so ALL could afford.

9) As announced on May 1st, it was always a "12-WEEK-ONLY" run, due to my commitments to my upcoming primetime TV series & my new movie.

10) On Broadway, Donald, they call it a "LIMITED ENGAGEMENT" -- just like we’re planning on making your presidency.
Why is it not surprising you're a a Michael Lessthanmoore fan? That makes as much sense as the idiot righties thinking Lush Limpjaw is sage..........
MM is a brilliant man which why he’s alway in demand to appear on news and entertainment shows.
He’s 1000x smarter than you and much much smarter than Trump but that’s not saying much.

I've read a couple of his books. The man can barely convey a coherent thought and lies with every other sentence.

Agreed, Trump is a liar and speaks at a 3rd grade level! Thanks for reaffirming.
Congress just fucked you all in the ass with a Xmas gift to the Wall St. banks ... while you make MM fat jokes.

Didn't DT say HRC would do this?
Well this happened onDT's watch with his full approval.
I heard where Moore got up on the subway and gave his seat to three people.
Wow he destroyed Trump hahahaha. Love that guy....you go Michael!!!
@Realdonald trump
While not at all presidential I must point out that the Sloppy Michael Moore Show on Broadway was a TOTAL BOMB and was forced to close. Sad!

@ MMint
1) You must have my smash hit of a Broadway show confused with your presidency-- which IS a total bomb and WILL indeed close early. NOT SAD

2) Today, 1 U.S. service member was killed & 6 injured in our never-ending war in Afghanistan. You,our President, are not even aware of this.

3) You ARE aware I'm a "B'way star" & I guess this bothers you more. SAD.

4) Prosecutor Mueller's GrandJury has just approved the 1st criminal indictments of your administration. R u trying 2 distract us from this?

5) 38 days after Maria, 3/4 of PR (our fellow Americans) have NO electricity. Yet u are more upset that so many ppl saw my B'way show. SAD.

6) They say Twitter "distracts" you from your presidency. But Twitter IS YOUR PRESIDENCY! It's all you know how to do. #LOSER!

7) And now, for this weekend, I’m your latest distraction from your crimes. Ha! Raucous & joyous crowds every nite on B’way- & u missed out!

8) It was the highest grossing play (non-musical) of the summer, despite my offering $29 cheap seats + free student tix so ALL could afford.

9) As announced on May 1st, it was always a "12-WEEK-ONLY" run, due to my commitments to my upcoming primetime TV series & my new movie.

10) On Broadway, Donald, they call it a "LIMITED ENGAGEMENT" -- just like we’re planning on making your presidency.
I saw “Michael Moore Smashes...” I just assumed it was a toilet when his fat fucking ass sat on it.
Bush 92 has our newest sexual molester as his avatar.
Congress just fucked you all in the ass with a Xmas gift to the Wall St. banks ... while you make MM fat jokes.

Didn't DT say HRC would do this?
Well this happened onDT's watch with his full approval.
What’s the difference between Michael Moore and the Hindenburg?
A: One is a derigible and the other is a bag of hot air.
I do not think that flatus is considered as hot air. And Michael Moore problem is that his pressure release valve isn't working properly, and that it is causing the pressure to build up.

Congress just fucked you all in the ass with a Xmas gift to the Wall St. banks ... while you make MM fat jokes.

Didn't DT say HRC would do this?
Well this happened onDT's watch with his full approval.
Sorry Marx...I don’t sweat free-market capitalism.
Only an alt-left hack would come up with that, now you must truly be proud of yourself, I mean it's obvious that to you anyone to the right of Mao is a far rightie....... :lmao:

there is no such thing as "alt left".

stop it. and stop projecting. because if you can look at the trash on this board and say that they accept anyone to the left of atilla the hun, you'd be fooling yourself, my dear.
Another alt-left zombie chimes in........ Far left morons that are just as blind as far right morons are what I consider alt-left, those too stupid to see that they're just as much a problem as the alt right. Care to try digging that hole any deeper?

excuse me?

wow... you've gone all wing nut, huh....

and this is why rightwingers can't ever be trusted.

No, just the opposite hence my all too appropriate response to you. You earned it, you wear it. :thup:

piss off, trumptard
Never expected you to go full retard but then anything is possible in politics....... Oh well.

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