Michael Skakel, a cousin of the Kennedys, won’t be retried in 1975 death of Martha Moxley, effectively ending case that filled tabloids for decades!

Because of how long ago this happened, to me, a decision about it should've been made way before now. In my opinion, it shouldn't even be acknowledged any further especially if such a wrong doing where the accused person is concerned has never once continued.

God bless you and the family of the victim always!!!

what are you saying?
In my opinion, it shouldn't even be acknowledged any further especially if such a wrong doing where the accused person is concerned has never once continued.
never once continued ? what do you mean?
Whoever is being accused of whatever happened, were they accused of doing it again at other times? In other words, did the activity continue with the people in question appearing to be the lead character of the given performances?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Keep in mind for example the old saying, "Once a cheater, always a cheater....."
Skakel helped Robert Kennedy Jr get sober back in the day...RFK Jr wrote a piece in the atlantic in 2003 defending Skakel...the piece was titled "Miscarriage of Justice"
Skakel helped Robert Kennedy Jr get sober back in the day...RFK Jr wrote a piece in the atlantic in 2003 defending Skakel...the piece was titled "Miscarriage of Justice"
..yes, I saw that..it was very ridiculous ...more or less he said '' I know Michael didn't do it'''.....hahahhahahahahahahah
Never heard of this ... you've been reading too many tabloids ...
There's probably a whole lot of shit you've never heard of. I'll catch you up.


Fatfuck on the left (a Kennedy) beat that cute 15-year old on the right to death with Hogan 6-iron out of daddy's golf bag. He did it. But Kennedy's kill women and everyone averts their eyes. That about sums it up.
Just the Kennedys being Kennedys killing young women and using their clout to go scot free.
No one who grew up with the evil specter of that family acting out are surprised.

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