Michele Obama goes to China.. Forbids any reporters.

No it isn't......if American boys are not getting killed in the process, I do not consider it equivalent.

Drones are effective killing machines for getting entrenched terrorist targets and I vastly prefer them to putting American lives at stake to accomplish the same mission

Laura Bush's trips did not coincide with a strategic crisis in any case like we have with China over the Japanese Islands. Michele's trip is back-door appeasement.

Senkaku Islands dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WTF? :eek:
China and the Japanese Islands is a "crisis" but concurrent wars with Aghanistan and Iraq are not?

Which trips were you talking about? You never specified. Since the First Lady never conducts foreign affairs, Mrs. Bush's trips would never qualify in established wars, although Michele Obama's might in this case as like I said, a tricky back-door appeasement.

Think of all the po' hungry chillins that money would have fed~!
She shouldn't be going to China in the first place.


As long as the cake contains no cream, butter, sugar and eggs
She shouldn't be going to China in the first place.


Was it wrong of Bush and Laura to go?

And you do realize that Bush was at his Ranch a large part of the time. That's WITH housing that's made available to the President and his family.

So in effect, the Taxpayer is stuck with maintaining security on two domiciles.

Where were your outrage then?

This is just it, instead of 'we the people' addressing ridiculous spending by ALL presidents and their families we make it partisan.

Cost of Obama's Trip is Dwarfed By George And Laura Bush's Africa Spending Spree

The article above was meant to 'defend' Obama, but point out the startling fact, that just three vacations by three presidents cost the taxpayers an astounding 126 million dollars if we go by the lowest figure of Clinton's trip.
She shouldn't be going to China in the first place.


Was it wrong of Bush and Laura to go?

And you do realize that Bush was at his Ranch a large part of the time. That's WITH housing that's made available to the President and his family.

So in effect, the Taxpayer is stuck with maintaining security on two domiciles.

Where were your outrage then?

Why isn't Barry going with her?
She shouldn't be going to China in the first place.


Was it wrong of Bush and Laura to go?

And you do realize that Bush was at his Ranch a large part of the time. That's WITH housing that's made available to the President and his family.

So in effect, the Taxpayer is stuck with maintaining security on two domiciles.

Where were your outrage then?

Why isn't Barry going with her?

Don't you guys bitch and moan any time he leaves town?
She shouldn't be going to China in the first place.


Was it wrong of Bush and Laura to go?

And you do realize that Bush was at his Ranch a large part of the time. That's WITH housing that's made available to the President and his family.

So in effect, the Taxpayer is stuck with maintaining security on two domiciles.

Where were your outrage then?

Why isn't Barry going with her?

Maybe there are no gay bath houses in China? :dunno:
The problem here is not that Michelle and family are going on Chinese Vacation on the taxpayer's expense
it is the fact that reporters are forbidden access to the trip. This is where the real problem is.

Do you ever do anything except try to push the discussion to what happened 6 or more years ago?

Got news for you.. President G. W. Bush isn't the President any more. He hasn't been for 5 years now. Obama has been in charge.

No OriginalSpermFace..

When you are crying like a little faggot about shit, sometimes you need to be bitch slapped with some cold hard reality.

Presidents get vacation.

They get to travel.

It's been that way since the beginning.

Now, ALL OF A SUDDEN, you think its a big deal?

Now why is that, gay boi?
Don't you believe in tradition. :lol:

Traditionally, people at least try to communicate clearly. Give it a shot.

To begin with, while not even going into tradition, their writing system is a thousand times more difficult than ours, and therefore their brains are far more stimulated simply by learning to write.

That is, of course, nonsense. Don't wallow in stereotypes born of ignorance. Don't do that to yourself.
Why is the press excluded? Why the blackout except for the posed photographs and official script? If we're paying shouldn't we know?
Just what they need Michelle going to China and taking her mother and kids with her.

Another costly vacation payed for by we the taxpayer.

Wonder who will pay for all those vacations when he's out of office??

Can you point to where Obama has taken more of these vacations than other recent Presidents?

It might help your case

Well, since Claudette was obviously out of her league or just plain old too stupid to know where to look, here is real information about FLOTUS vacations, Michelle Obama vs. Laura Bush.

National Taxpayers Union - Which First Lady Flies Highest? Michelle vs. Laura

From 2001-2009, during the span of her husband's administration, Laura Bush took 46 foreign trips, ended up visiting 73 foreign countries for a total of 212 days, or 7.26% of her husbands two-terms.

By contrast, now in the middle of Obama's 6th year, Michelle Obama has taken 14 trips to a total of 25 foreign countries, a total of 72 days. Obama has now been in office 1,883 days.

72 / 1883 = 3.82%.

Assuming that Michelle Obama continues at this rate, she will never catch up to Laura Bush's record.

So, tell us, y'all, which FLOTUS was more expensive?

Remember, all of Laura Bush's trips were on the public dime, just like Michelle Obama's.

So, the Right is bellyaching about what, again?

Oh, and thanks, [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION]!

I do note that you managed to leave out any information detailing cost, though.
She shouldn't be going to China in the first place.

Why? Because you're butthurt?

No because her husband ran off being a uniter and instead he and his family go out of their way to divide. People were not happy with Bush "vacationing" at his ranch so the Obama's spend far more going all over the world.

Wonder how much CO2 they add to helping kill the world on all these vacations... Something tells me I doubt liberals care about Global warming until a Republican does it.

And that means she shouldnt go to China why?
Traditionally, people at least try to communicate clearly. Give it a shot.

To begin with, while not even going into tradition, their writing system is a thousand times more difficult than ours, and therefore their brains are far more stimulated simply by learning to write.

That is, of course, nonsense. Don't wallow in stereotypes born of ignorance. Don't do that to yourself.

This is why morons like you will never set a good example for children.
To begin with, while not even going into tradition, their writing system is a thousand times more difficult than ours, and therefore their brains are far more stimulated simply by learning to write.

That is, of course, nonsense. Don't wallow in stereotypes born of ignorance. Don't do that to yourself.

This is why morons like you will never set a good example for children.

What on earth does that have to do with your ridiculously uninformed comment?

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