Michele Obama goes to China.. Forbids any reporters.

Sooo you never once bitched about Bush's vacation times or spending of money?

You're a waste of life RW. You're a overpaid lazy hypocrite who doesn't believe the crap you yourself say.

Next up you can tell us why Bush was bad for the war on terror but Obama is good for expanding it, or same on homeland security, expanding the housing mess, killing innocent people in other countries, dividing the country, deficits, debt... like you have done on the vacations issue.

I didn't mind his diplomatic trips. They are part of the job
I still feel he spent too much time at his ranch

I supported Bush's war on terror until he sidetracked it with an Ill conceived invasion of Iraq...I prefer Obamas taking the war on terror to where the terrorists were actually hiding. Who'da think Bin Laden would be hiding in Pakastan with all the other terrorists?

OBL is dead and that war continues. Obama got us into wars in Egypt, Pakistan, Libya... All undoubtedly supported by you. Soon maybe war with Russia. Iraq ended because Bush set it to end and Obama tried to keep us there...

We are talking about Obama's fucking female partner, not the president of the US, but his wife... His wife will prolly spend more on vacations than Bush and his wife together.

I think both were bad Presidents, mainly because their policies are the same. You think Obama is one of the best and Bush one of the worst, despite their policies being near identical. The main difference in policy between Bush and Obama is that Obama's policies in many cases are a big expansion of how far Bush took his policies.

I didn't see us sending troops into Egypt, Syria or Libya. A major difference from Bush
We will not enter a war with either Iraq or Russia unless a ERepublican gets elected President. Invasion is the only diplomacy they know
The First Lady often represents our country abroad and Michelle Obama does a great job at it. Laura took quite a few trips to Africa and China....I do not recall complaining
The Policies of Bush and those of Obama are quite different. Obama never would have invaded Iraq....that bit of stupidity is something only Bush would have done

Her husband is running the country into the ground and she takes the kids to China for a Spring Break trip on the tax payer's dime.

Goddam lazy shiftless negroes!!! :evil:

The Obamas can't take a shit without some right wing hack making a controversy out of it.

"She used fifteen sheets of toilet paper to wipe her ass! Double-ply! ON THE TAXPAYERS' DIME!11!"

You did not link to the source of your copy and paste job, but I bet it was a right wing hack site, amiright?

She probably had diarrhea.

She definitely has diarrhea of the mouth!
I didn't mind his diplomatic trips. They are part of the job
I still feel he spent too much time at his ranch

I supported Bush's war on terror until he sidetracked it with an Ill conceived invasion of Iraq...I prefer Obamas taking the war on terror to where the terrorists were actually hiding. Who'da think Bin Laden would be hiding in Pakastan with all the other terrorists?

OBL is dead and that war continues. Obama got us into wars in Egypt, Pakistan, Libya... All undoubtedly supported by you. Soon maybe war with Russia. Iraq ended because Bush set it to end and Obama tried to keep us there...

We are talking about Obama's fucking female partner, not the president of the US, but his wife... His wife will prolly spend more on vacations than Bush and his wife together.

I think both were bad Presidents, mainly because their policies are the same. You think Obama is one of the best and Bush one of the worst, despite their policies being near identical. The main difference in policy between Bush and Obama is that Obama's policies in many cases are a big expansion of how far Bush took his policies.

I didn't see us sending troops into Egypt, Syria or Libya. A major difference from Bush
We will not enter a war with either Iraq or Russia unless a ERepublican gets elected President. Invasion is the only diplomacy they know
The First Lady often represents our country abroad and Michelle Obama does a great job at it. Laura took quite a few trips to Africa and China....I do not recall complaining
The Policies of Bush and those of Obama are quite different. Obama never would have invaded Iraq....that bit of stupidity is something only Bush would have done

War is war you dumb lazy fuck. Just because you arm, bomb and give Intel to someone VS putting "boots on the ground" does not mean you're not at war.

All Obama did was found is that he could do war as long as he could avoid use of the term "boots on the ground." Are drones not war because there are no "boots on the ground" is Blackwater not war because they are Mercs?

You are full retard and it's quite sad that you support killing innocents as easily as you do.
She shouldn't be going to China in the first place.

Only true leaders, lead by example. The Obama's have never cared about public opinion, unless an election in which he is running, is looming.

Which public opinion. The two-time butt hurt losers who want "Their Country Back"?

Like these guys who see it as: Michelle Obama, her mom and kids fly to China | The Daily Caller

or, the rest of America who sees it like : Michelle Obama, her mother and daughters head to China
I didn't mind his diplomatic trips. They are part of the job
I still feel he spent too much time at his ranch

I supported Bush's war on terror until he sidetracked it with an Ill conceived invasion of Iraq...I prefer Obamas taking the war on terror to where the terrorists were actually hiding. Who'da think Bin Laden would be hiding in Pakastan with all the other terrorists?

OBL is dead and that war continues. Obama got us into wars in Egypt, Pakistan, Libya... All undoubtedly supported by you. Soon maybe war with Russia. Iraq ended because Bush set it to end and Obama tried to keep us there...

We are talking about Obama's fucking female partner, not the president of the US, but his wife... His wife will prolly spend more on vacations than Bush and his wife together.

I think both were bad Presidents, mainly because their policies are the same. You think Obama is one of the best and Bush one of the worst, despite their policies being near identical. The main difference in policy between Bush and Obama is that Obama's policies in many cases are a big expansion of how far Bush took his policies.

I didn't see us sending troops into Egypt, Syria or Libya. A major difference from Bush
We will not enter a war with either Iraq or Russia unless a ERepublican gets elected President. Invasion is the only diplomacy they know
The First Lady often represents our country abroad and Michelle Obama does a great job at it. Laura took quite a few trips to Africa and China....I do not recall complaining
The Policies of Bush and those of Obama are quite different. Obama never would have invaded Iraq....that bit of stupidity is something only Bush would have done

Laura Bush's trips did not coincide with a strategic crisis in any case like we have with China over the Japanese Islands. Michele's trip is back-door appeasement.

OBL is dead and that war continues. Obama got us into wars in Egypt, Pakistan, Libya... All undoubtedly supported by you. Soon maybe war with Russia. Iraq ended because Bush set it to end and Obama tried to keep us there...

We are talking about Obama's fucking female partner, not the president of the US, but his wife... His wife will prolly spend more on vacations than Bush and his wife together.

I think both were bad Presidents, mainly because their policies are the same. You think Obama is one of the best and Bush one of the worst, despite their policies being near identical. The main difference in policy between Bush and Obama is that Obama's policies in many cases are a big expansion of how far Bush took his policies.

I didn't see us sending troops into Egypt, Syria or Libya. A major difference from Bush
We will not enter a war with either Iraq or Russia unless a ERepublican gets elected President. Invasion is the only diplomacy they know
The First Lady often represents our country abroad and Michelle Obama does a great job at it. Laura took quite a few trips to Africa and China....I do not recall complaining
The Policies of Bush and those of Obama are quite different. Obama never would have invaded Iraq....that bit of stupidity is something only Bush would have done

War is war you dumb lazy fuck. Just because you arm, bomb and give Intel to someone VS putting "boots on the ground" does not mean you're not at war.

All Obama did was found is that he could do war as long as he could avoid use of the term "boots on the ground." Are drones not war because there are no "boots on the ground" is Blackwater not war because they are Mercs?

You are full retard and it's quite sad that you support killing innocents as easily as you do.

No it isn't......if American boys are not getting killed in the process, I do not consider it equivalent.

Drones are effective killing machines for getting entrenched terrorist targets and I vastly prefer them to putting American lives at stake to accomplish the same mission
I didn't see us sending troops into Egypt, Syria or Libya. A major difference from Bush
We will not enter a war with either Iraq or Russia unless a ERepublican gets elected President. Invasion is the only diplomacy they know
The First Lady often represents our country abroad and Michelle Obama does a great job at it. Laura took quite a few trips to Africa and China....I do not recall complaining
The Policies of Bush and those of Obama are quite different. Obama never would have invaded Iraq....that bit of stupidity is something only Bush would have done

War is war you dumb lazy fuck. Just because you arm, bomb and give Intel to someone VS putting "boots on the ground" does not mean you're not at war.

All Obama did was found is that he could do war as long as he could avoid use of the term "boots on the ground." Are drones not war because there are no "boots on the ground" is Blackwater not war because they are Mercs?

You are full retard and it's quite sad that you support killing innocents as easily as you do.

No it isn't......if American boys are not getting killed in the process, I do not consider it equivalent.

Drones are effective killing machines for getting entrenched terrorist targets and I vastly prefer them to putting American lives at stake to accomplish the same mission

OBL is dead and that war continues. Obama got us into wars in Egypt, Pakistan, Libya... All undoubtedly supported by you. Soon maybe war with Russia. Iraq ended because Bush set it to end and Obama tried to keep us there...

We are talking about Obama's fucking female partner, not the president of the US, but his wife... His wife will prolly spend more on vacations than Bush and his wife together.

I think both were bad Presidents, mainly because their policies are the same. You think Obama is one of the best and Bush one of the worst, despite their policies being near identical. The main difference in policy between Bush and Obama is that Obama's policies in many cases are a big expansion of how far Bush took his policies.

I didn't see us sending troops into Egypt, Syria or Libya. A major difference from Bush
We will not enter a war with either Iraq or Russia unless a ERepublican gets elected President. Invasion is the only diplomacy they know
The First Lady often represents our country abroad and Michelle Obama does a great job at it. Laura took quite a few trips to Africa and China....I do not recall complaining
The Policies of Bush and those of Obama are quite different. Obama never would have invaded Iraq....that bit of stupidity is something only Bush would have done

Laura Bush's trips did not coincide with a strategic crisis in any case like we have with China over the Japanese Islands. Michele's trip is back-door appeasement.

Senkaku Islands dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WTF? :eek:
China and the Japanese Islands is a "crisis" but concurrent wars with Aghanistan and Iraq are not?

Her husband is running the country into the ground and she takes the kids to China for a Spring Break trip on the tax payer's dime.

Goddam lazy shiftless negroes!!! :evil:

The Obamas can't take a shit without some right wing hack making a controversy out of it.

"She used fifteen sheets of toilet paper to wipe her ass! Double-ply! ON THE TAXPAYERS' DIME!11!"

You did not link to the source of your copy and paste job, but I bet it was a right wing hack site, amiright?

And you're back to idiot status. She spent something like 10 million on vacations in Obama's first term, yes, she used too many sheets of toilet paper.

G5 you try too hard man.
The people who try too hard are the ones who try to make a federal case out of the President's family taking a vacation. As if anyone really gives a shit.

These mindless copy-paste drones have giant firebells mounted over their beds. And when those bells go off, like obedient Dalmations, they run to find out what it is their masters want. But in this case, they seek to stoke the fire. "What is it you want me to be angry about, master? What!?! She went on vacation? THAT BLACK FAT-ASSED BITCH!!!"
Last edited:
Vacations are to the first heifer what shoes were to Imelda Marcos. It's important that she go to China to lecture them about education and take the model of Chicago schools as an example. With a little effort China can have schools just like those.
War is war you dumb lazy fuck. Just because you arm, bomb and give Intel to someone VS putting "boots on the ground" does not mean you're not at war.

All Obama did was found is that he could do war as long as he could avoid use of the term "boots on the ground." Are drones not war because there are no "boots on the ground" is Blackwater not war because they are Mercs?

You are full retard and it's quite sad that you support killing innocents as easily as you do.

No it isn't......if American boys are not getting killed in the process, I do not consider it equivalent.

Drones are effective killing machines for getting entrenched terrorist targets and I vastly prefer them to putting American lives at stake to accomplish the same mission

I didn't see us sending troops into Egypt, Syria or Libya. A major difference from Bush
We will not enter a war with either Iraq or Russia unless a ERepublican gets elected President. Invasion is the only diplomacy they know
The First Lady often represents our country abroad and Michelle Obama does a great job at it. Laura took quite a few trips to Africa and China....I do not recall complaining
The Policies of Bush and those of Obama are quite different. Obama never would have invaded Iraq....that bit of stupidity is something only Bush would have done

Laura Bush's trips did not coincide with a strategic crisis in any case like we have with China over the Japanese Islands. Michele's trip is back-door appeasement.

Senkaku Islands dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WTF? :eek:
China and the Japanese Islands is a "crisis" but concurrent wars with Aghanistan and Iraq are not?

Which trips were you talking about? You never specified. Since the First Lady never conducts foreign affairs, Mrs. Bush's trips would never qualify in established wars, although Michele Obama's might in this case as like I said, a tricky back-door appeasement.
I'm sure all of these hack right wing sites will hold the next Republican President to the exact same standards they have been setting for Obama. :eusa_whistle:

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