Michelle attacks Trump: Now she is "political fair game". She doesn't even know what she has done

Michelle Obama expresses a disagreement in policy with Donald Trump, and, no surprise,

not a single RWnut on the board has anything other than off-topic personal attacks on her in response.

lol, if she had posted that here, every one of you would have been violating the rules here in your responses.

What is there to say about a racist First Lady and what she has to say about the Republican nominee? She had the same racist indoctrination in the Rev. Wright's church.

I don't understand any dispute on these facts.
Going after Mrs Obama would be stupid. I'm sure her approval ratings are very high. That will cause all blacks to come to her side in any argument and I believe a huge number of white women will reject T-rump if he gets nasty towards her. I'm neutral on Michelle. She has done very little to offend the bulk of the American voting population. I also believe the pics floating around on the internets depicting her as an apelike creature have been in very poor taste. Many people will associate those kinds of insults as being T-rump esq. Since she is not running for anything she is not expected to be PC. She basically gets a free pass to indicate respectfully that she doesn't support the Donald. Why should she? All she has really done is support vets and tend her vegetable garden. Nobody looks to her when deciding to vote anyway. Picking on her now will look willfully desperate.
Michelle Obama expresses a disagreement in policy with Donald Trump, and, no surprise,

not a single RWnut on the board has anything other than off-topic personal attacks on her in response.

lol, if she had posted that here, every one of you would have been violating the rules here in your responses.

What is there to say about a racist First Lady and what she has to say about the Republican nominee? She had the same racist indoctrination in the Rev. Wright's church.

I don't understand any dispute on these facts.
Exactly what was it that the First Lady said that was racist?
That makes zero sense. You just want him to be a racist so that it validates the rights own racism.

Are you actually attempting to deny that Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is a racist? Really?

We don't value indoctrination and brain washing, and that's mostly what goes on at college campuses.

You despise actual education and those who receive an education.
It's not "real education." Women's studies and black studies are nothing but political propaganda.

You don't think those topics are worth studying?

No. They are total bullshit.

Why? What is 'bullshit' about 'women's studies'?


How about requiring "male studies"?
LOL, after you're about to lose your bet to me that Obama will be impeached, you're going to just get back on the horse, are you? You have a bit over six months before I get to put a statement in your sig for six months ...
Obama to get impeached?? lol Could I get a piece of that bet??

You got it, you can have the same bet I made with bodecea.

So if Obama gets impeached before he leaves office by the Republicans, you get to put a statement in my sig for six months. If he doesn't get impeached before he leaves office, I get to put a statement in your sig for sx months. The bet is settled on inauguration day for his successor
Sounds fair to me I'm ok with your terms

OK, but you're insane, you seriously think Obama will be impeached with under eight months to go in office? No one is even discussing impeachment
No pardon me I got the terms of the wager all mixed up No Obama is not getting impeached My fault for misunderstanding

So follow up with Bodecea then
Exactly what was it that the First Lady said that was racist?

First, for 20+ years she attended one of the most racist churches in the most radical area of Chicago with the Rev. Wright in the lead. They were married by him, called him a part of their family, and he Baptized their daughters as well. You can't live under that constant bombardment of hateful racism without believing and drinking it down.

They didn't become legal by popular vote, and neither did freaks with penises using the women's restroom.

But even further, I think opposition and support for forcing trans gendered people to use bathrooms based on them having whatever plumbing isn't really a slam dunk for you knuckle draggers.

One thing that is a slam dunk is open-borders. The vast majority of Americans oppose them and support controlling illegal immigration.

That's good. Nobody supports open borders. Liberals are in favor of having secure borders and sensible immigration policy.

You fail again.

Yep- I laugh everytime I see a Conservative make that claim- and the claim that we 'have open borders'

Our borders are more secure than they were before 9/11- they are more secure than when Bush left office- there are long lines a border crossing points.

The Right wing nut jobs lie as easily as they breath.

The only difference is that breathing is involuntary.

That's a load of horseshit. In the first place, our borders weren't secure in 2001. For another, it was just reported that illegal aliens entering the country are up 53%.

Do you have a link to prove your Bull Crap again?

They've already been posted. Look them up.

In other words, Brppie is just making crap up again.
I'm loving it. She has entered the political world big time now. Get ready bitch. You deserve every thing you are going to get.

Michelle Obama's nakedly political attack on Trump as she abandons non-partisan stance to trash people who 'build up walls to keep people out'
  • First lady hails 'melting pot' and 'infusion of new cultures' in commencement speech
  • Alludes to Trump by saying 'some folks' have 'different perspective'
  • 'We don't build up walls,' FLOTUS says, in obvious reference to Trump
  • President Obama used a similar tactic to slam Trump without using his name at his own commencement address at the Air Force Academy
  • Michelle Obama usually sticks to (mostly) non-controversial topics like wounded warriors and healthy eating
  • Her speech at the diverse public City College of NY was her last as first lady

Read more: Michelle Obama swipes at Trump in New York commencement speech
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As one expert put it (me):

Clinton’s female surrogates are 100% essential in this campaign. Because what has been Drumpfs history when a woman says anything about him that isn’t glowing….he insults their appearance. This will play right into HRC’s hands that Drumpf’s demeanor disqualifies him from serious consideration for President (which has the added benefit of being the truth).

Trump's scams and swindles beginning to saturate the media.

This is the next page in the playbook and it puts Drumpf onto footing that is less than favorable electorally. When he does strike back...he will be attacking a:

  • Black
  • Female
Two key voting blocks.

If he does it elegantly, it will look terrible electorally though the losers in the pit with him will cheer and it will look great at the time, on the camera.. We know that he is incapable of class or elegance so it will be a full on trash fest with someone who has zero skin in the game. Likely he will go after her appearance or something else cosmetic about her.


This is why politics is a profession and best left to the professionals.

It doesn’t look good for Hillary in November.

talk is cheap….How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.


Oh, what's that? You're an all talk, no action pussy who is nowhere near as confident as you pretend? It's okay, conservatives have a long history here of being pussies and welching on bets. That is why I no longer make "loser leave town" bets; when we did that in 2012, 100% of all conserve-hate-ives welched. An avatar bet is more cruel because it lets everyone know you've lost.

Anyway, if you can summon some manhood, feel free to take the bet. If not, your squeamish bitch-like behavior is all the proof we need that you can't run with the serious folks here.

Here's an idea...use more profanity in your posts...that sounds really grown-up.

Ink the contract bitch....lets see if you're as confident as you say you are.

I'd like to jump in on this bet if I may.

LOL, after you're about to lose your bet to me that Obama will be impeached, you're going to just get back on the horse, are you? You have a bit over six months before I get to put a statement in your sig for six months ...
I may lose that bet, yes (especially since President Obama is currently way more popular with the American Public than Congress is)....but I will not welch on it. You have my guarantee.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Why? What is 'bullshit' about 'women's studies'?
It isn't fact. It's all lies. Furthermore, it's nothing more than a political agenda. Universities should stick to teaching facts.

You're the one with the fancy G.E.D., why don't you actually demonstrate that "it's all lies"?
Spare me. No amount of proof would satisfy a gullible turd like you. I have better things to do than educate suckers.

You don't have any proof, so I'm asking to go to google, find something and pretend you knew it all along. You made a claim, back it up.

I'm not interested in proving it to you. No amount of proof will ever convince a left-wing douche bag that what they believe is all lies. They have impenetrable psychological defenses against anything that conflicts with their belief system. People capable of absorbing facts and logic know what I say is true. The rest are a waste of effort.
Of course not...just like the uneducated RW person that you are.
Michelle Obama became fair game when she started mandating what people should eat.

She never did that and has no authority to do so in the first place.

You need to shut up, study up, and then maybe you'll wake up.
What? It is you that needs to study up

Michelle Obama’s ‘Healthy’ School Lunches, by Julie Kelly, Jeff Stier, National Review
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules

Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules
Sounds line a mandate to me
Nat'l Review? :lol:

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