Michelle Bachmann Hires Failed Ross Perot Campaign Manager Ed Rollins. 'Attacks Palin

She just sunk her candidacy. Rollins within moments of being hired immediately attacked Sarah Palin by saying she wasn't serious and had the VP cadidacy handed to her. First thing is Palin is a civilian and hasn't announced a candidacy for the Presidency. Second thing, aren't all VP candidates handed the job by being picked by the presidential candidate? Why yes. The hiring of Rollins who led a failed campaign for Ross Perot and Mike Huckabee reflects on Bachmann’s knowledge and instincts. Either she fires him ASAP, or she looses any conservative support she had for this unwarranted attack on Palin who Bachmann praised profusely for helping republicans take the house with her endorsements. Bachmann doesn't have the executive experience like Palin has. Michele Bachmann is just a tool of the establishament GOP to try and keep Palin out of the race. That’s what my instincts have been saying ever since she got in the race. Romney has probably promised her the VP slot to boot if she divides the Tea Party base that want to vote for Palin.

Noone was going to vote for her anyways dude, it's no big deal. By the way, Herman Caine is who I would vote for now.....let's see them try to call me a racist this time!!!! HEEHEE!!!

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain to Obama at CPAC: "U.S. Will Not Become U.S. of Europe on our Watch"‬‏

No one accuses anyone of being a racist unless they say something racist, or it's perceived as racist. Simply supporting a person or not who happens to be black doesn't mean you're a racist.

I also think Herman Caine brings an intelligent voice to the Republican mix, except when he starts parroting the usual right wing mantra "We don't need more revenue, we need more budget cuts."
...but that's certainly the implication at first glance. At the moment I am too pissed to see straight. I just read the same article on Yahoo that Michele Bachmann hired Ed Rollins to run her campaign. My first thought was: Good move, hiring a Reagan guy. (I have no problem with the fact that he worked for Perot. I was all for the Reform Party till the "little General with a bad haircut" as Rush called him bailed then re-entered the race). But what the hell is Ed Rollins major malfunction? He immediately creates the headline for the left: "Michele Bachmann's camp says Palins not serious," when he critisizes(sp) Palin leaving the Governorship early, on an interview with Brian Kilmeade (Gee, I think Oblabla left his Senate seat early to pursue other things didn't he? But not a word about that)
Of course, the implication is that this is Michele's view when what she has actually said, is as I would expect, much more positive and diplomatic than her advisor, saying the two conservatives were friends: "I compare myself to Barack Obama. Not to any of the other Republican candidates," she told George Stephanopoulos when he asked her what sets her apart from Palin.
"First of all, I want to say I like Sarah Palin a lot. We’re friends and I don’t consider her a competitor. I consider her a friend. But my comparison ultimately is to Barack Obama,” Bachmann said.

Has Ed Rollins, (who, as I mentioned, worked for Reagan) forgotten Reagan's 11th commandment: "Thou shalt not speak ill of thy fellow Republicans (read Conservatives)? If he has forgotten it, IMO, he is about as worthless as Karl Rove who has no problem criticizing the nominee after they win the primary if it doesn't happen to be his candidate. As he did in throwing the Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell overboard "after" she had won the primary in Delaware (I believe possibly costing her the election). I've had no use for the guy since. Can you say RINO? As far as I'm concerned he can stick his little "white board" where the sun don't shine. We've got to quit "eating our own" or we are going to get four more years of "Iman Barack Hussein Obamadinejad". If Michele wants this nomination IMO, she'd better have a chat with Rollins who knows better. If he doesn't dummy up, he goes away IMO. Regards, Russ

The nine scariest words in the English language: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" Ronald Wilson Reagan

Now that's a joke. Reagan spoke "ill" of anyone who crossed him whenever he had the chance, and most certainly spoke "ill" of his eventual running mate, George H.W. Bush.

Actually, that's Palin's problem too. She cannot take criticism, even constructive criticism. She's in the wrong business, then.
Hey, tropic lightning, don't sweat palin, she is on nothing more then a distraction tour, if she runs it will be as vice again. I would love to see Christy run, a Christy/Palin ticket would be sweet, but his fatass will wait until 2016 "Inwhich I hope it's not too late, we need his big ass right now". I would vote christy right now in a heart beat just because the left criticized him too early, which leads me to believe he is a more than serious threat to them.

Who from the left criticized Christy? Just about everyone I follow on the news thought he was the only brave politician in the country, including those from the left (and including me). And by the way, he's way to smart to choose Sarah Palin as a running mate even if he lost enough weight to make it look like a Ken & Barbie team.
First, Ross Perot ran the most successful 3rd party campaign since Teddy Roosevelt. He got 19% of the vote! That is huge for a 3rd party candidate! About a dozen 3rd parties run each year and they get combine <1%. His campaign did excellent. Bachmann might have picked a genius!

United States presidential election, 1992 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second, it's not the liberal media that sinks Palin its Palin. The Bush Doctrine question was not an unfair question. And wasn't a true curve ball. Her writing on her hand deserved ridicule. I like her for what so does to get the base going, but I would fear the day she was commander and chief (ditto for Bachmann).

Third, she didn't attack her!
Hey, tropic lightning, don't sweat palin, she is on nothing more then a distraction tour, if she runs it will be as vice again. I would love to see Christy run, a Christy/Palin ticket would be sweet, but his fatass will wait until 2016 "Inwhich I hope it's not too late, we need his big ass right now". I would vote christy right now in a heart beat just because the left criticized him too early, which leads me to believe he is a more than serious threat to them.

Who from the left criticized Christy? Just about everyone I follow on the news thought he was the only brave politician in the country, including those from the left (and including me). And by the way, he's way to smart to choose Sarah Palin as a running mate even if he lost enough weight to make it look like a Ken & Barbie team.

I really love your avatar.
I just lost a little respect for Bachmann for hiring this jerk.

wake up Michelle..or else

ROFLMAO...Why on EARTH would you have any to begin with? :lol:

Unlike you lefties who PROCLAIM to be for the woman, and then kick Hillary to the curb to elect a MAN, I mean thug. I wouldn't mind seeing one be President some day....
I like Bauhmann and I don't care that you don't.

Hillary lost because she's a woman? Wow. That's news to me. Obama won 35% of women, while Clinton won 30%. That's just another reflection of the neck-and-neck campaign.
ROFLMAO...Why on EARTH would you have any to begin with? :lol:

Unlike you lefties who PROCLAIM to be for the woman, and then kick Hillary to the curb to elect a MAN, I mean thug. I wouldn't mind seeing one be President some day....
I like Bauhmann and I don't care that you don't.

Hillary lost because she's a woman? Wow. That's news to me. Obama won 35% of women, while Clinton won 30%. That's just another reflection of the neck-and-neck campaign.

Hillary would have been a better President than this idiot.
Odd...I recall the 2008 campaign quite well and I remember one candidate running a better campaign than the other. Had nothing to do with gender OR race.

They like to play the Race Card Card.

I really liked Hillary in the beginning...and then she went way too negative. I'm tired of that crap. Leave the shit throwing to folks like us! :D

The only reason I hesitated to support her is because as soon as she announced, the "Get Hillary" campaign was launched by the right. It was everywhere, and I assumed she didn't stand a chance once all the personal history was dredged up once again. Then when Obama began moving up in the polls, the "Get Obama" sites started their engines. Ironically, for all the Obama haters now that he's been in office a couple of years, Hillary would have moved in the same direction. The problems were the same; their proposed solutions not much different.
She just sunk her candidacy. Rollins within moments of being hired immediately attacked Sarah Palin by saying she wasn't serious and had the VP cadidacy handed to her. First thing is Palin is a civilian and hasn't announced a candidacy for the Presidency. Second thing, aren't all VP candidates handed the job by being picked by the presidential candidate? Why yes. The hiring of Rollins who led a failed campaign for Ross Perot and Mike Huckabee reflects on Bachmann’s knowledge and instincts. Either she fires him ASAP, or she looses any conservative support she had for this unwarranted attack on Palin who Bachmann praised profusely for helping republicans take the house with her endorsements. Bachmann doesn't have the executive experience like Palin has. Michele Bachmann is just a tool of the establishament GOP to try and keep Palin out of the race. That’s what my instincts have been saying ever since she got in the race. Romney has probably promised her the VP slot to boot if she divides the Tea Party base that want to vote for Palin.

Ed Rollins | Sarah Palin | Michele Bachmann Campaign | The Daily Caller

Good to see you are still sticking up for your (wished for) girlfriend.
They like to play the Race Card Card.

I really liked Hillary in the beginning...and then she went way too negative. I'm tired of that crap. Leave the shit throwing to folks like us! :D

The only reason I hesitated to support her is because as soon as she announced, the "Get Hillary" campaign was launched by the right. It was everywhere, and I assumed she didn't stand a chance once all the personal history was dredged up once again. Then when Obama began moving up in the polls, the "Get Obama" sites started their engines. Ironically, for all the Obama haters now that he's been in office a couple of years, Hillary would have moved in the same direction. The problems were the same; their proposed solutions not much different.

The right wing jackals and Fox News smear campaigns would have been the same if Hillary had been elected. Probably worse

Its what the rightwing does. Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and company have their playbook that they pull out regardless of who the Democratic candidate is

"Insert name here..."
It doesn't sound good for Michelle Bachman at this point. Two reasons why: First she should hire someone who knows how to WIN a campaign - not a ross perot loser. She should go to Karl Rove or someone like him and hire him - he can win!

Second, I hope Michelle Bachman doesn't resort to this type negative attack or she loses not only my support in the voting booth but also my financial support. I like both these women and wish they would be a dynamic duo - Sarah as Pres and Bachman as VP - then Bachman moving up to Pres in two terms. That would have good leadership for the next 16 years and give our country a chance to regain its footing and status and to get our debt under control!

Their skills compliment each other - Palin has the executive experience and Bachman the senate and wahington politics experience, but engaging in a cat fight only makes them appear sleezy, stupid and not smart. This gives the press fodder for jokes and Saturday night live material for the upcoming campaign. THeir skit about Sarah is what made her the laughing stock of the country!

This is NOT the time to cat fight and I hope they get the message of working together. I will lose respect for Bachman if she continues to engage in this type behavior!

Your thoughts?

Palin is a quitter and a loser with an ego the size of Alaska. Her success as governor was aided greatly by Democrats, by the way. Michelle Bachmann, although I wouldn't vote for her for president, has been engaged in the issues of Americans for a helluva lot longer than Sarah Palin. She's also an attorney. She needs to clean up her act (and that's all it is, when she goes off all wild-eyed and preachy) and that's why she hired Ed Rollins.
Understand that the lame stream media as Palin calls them will savage anyone who tries to defeat Obama - look at what has happened to candidates who have thrown their hats in the ring so far. You must have a smart man or woman to run a campaign who knows how to defeat the press and their slime reporting and who can help their candidate win!
That's bullshit. The media trashes those who deserve it: Trump whose only intent was TV ratings, Gingrich for his phoniness and flipflopping, and Sarah Palin because of her inept knowledge of even mundane things.

Palin has learned that lesson by ignorning the press. Bachmann hasn't in hiring this failed campaign manager! That shows me she may not have the moxy to be president - a poor choice to start her campaign doesn't speak highly or her thinking or her ability to plan ahead and that reflects on her choices if she were to become President!
Palin ignores the press????? Surely you jest.

Consider the following about Palin: They call her stupid and ineffective and a loser yet the press froths at the mouth whenever she speaks! They fight to get on her tour bus or plane or to be able to follow her around the country. Any words she utters are carried for days in the lame stream press. If she wasn't so powerful and charismatic and SMART, then why is the press denigrating her or even writing about her? huh?
See above. :lol: The BUS, which is so cluttered with cheap I-love-me stickers, and her "tour" around America is intended to draw the attention of the press? Are you kidding???

Why are they so concerned about her? They are AFRAID of her and the fact that she has about 60% of the country behind her currently!
She polls in the single digits against other Republican candidates. And 60% of "the country" is downright ridiculous.

Bachmann needs to hire a winning campaign manager - like Karl Rove - to win. Ross Perot was a oddity like Ron Paul - he had his adherents but not much else to back his campaign. We need someone who can win a campaign and a conservative to win the White House.
Karl Rove is a death knell to any candidate. Good grief, did you sleep through 2004 on?

I like Bachmann and Palin and wish they would do a dynamic duo campaign. But if Bachmann keeps up the negativity - she loses my vote and my financial support!

Not to worry. Neither one of them has a chance in hell.
All things being relative,

Michelle Bachmann is more intelligent than Palin (barely) she's more articulate, she's better looking, she interviews better, and she's a slightly fresher face than Palin whose over-exposure has pretty much made most of normal America vomitudinously sick of her.
In late January, Rollins appeared on CNN, where he's been a frequent commentator, to discuss the Republican Party's response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address. After praising Obama's speech and the GOP's official rebuttal, given by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Rollins dismissed Bachmann's poorly produced "tea party response." In doing so, Rollins questioned Bachmann's role as a credible Republican leader. Moreover, he suggested Bachmann ought not be representing the Republican Party.


Bachmann's Campaign Guru in January: She's Not a "Serious Player" | Mother Jones

And you seriously believe she didn't know that? Again, I actually admire Bachmann for admitting her failings to the point of hiring a guy who criticized her. It shows she is eager to improve, unlike Sarah who continues to defend even her Paul Revere blunder, as she does any criticism of her. A savvy politician either ignores such faux pas, or laughs at his/her own foibles and allows the subject to move off the front page.
Understand that the lame stream media as Palin calls them will savage anyone who tries to defeat Obama - look at what has happened to candidates who have thrown their hats in the ring so far. You must have a smart man or woman to run a campaign who knows how to defeat the press and their slime reporting and who can help their candidate win!
That's bullshit. The media trashes those who deserve it: Trump whose only intent was TV ratings, Gingrich for his phoniness and flipflopping, and Sarah Palin because of her inept knowledge of even mundane things.

Palin has learned that lesson by ignorning the press. Bachmann hasn't in hiring this failed campaign manager! That shows me she may not have the moxy to be president - a poor choice to start her campaign doesn't speak highly or her thinking or her ability to plan ahead and that reflects on her choices if she were to become President!
Palin ignores the press????? Surely you jest.

Consider the following about Palin: They call her stupid and ineffective and a loser yet the press froths at the mouth whenever she speaks! They fight to get on her tour bus or plane or to be able to follow her around the country. Any words she utters are carried for days in the lame stream press. If she wasn't so powerful and charismatic and SMART, then why is the press denigrating her or even writing about her? huh?
See above. :lol: The BUS, which is so cluttered with cheap I-love-me stickers, and her "tour" around America is intended to draw the attention of the press? Are you kidding???

Why are they so concerned about her? They are AFRAID of her and the fact that she has about 60% of the country behind her currently!
She polls in the single digits against other Republican candidates. And 60% of "the country" is downright ridiculous.

Bachmann needs to hire a winning campaign manager - like Karl Rove - to win. Ross Perot was a oddity like Ron Paul - he had his adherents but not much else to back his campaign. We need someone who can win a campaign and a conservative to win the White House.
Karl Rove is a death knell to any candidate. Good grief, did you sleep through 2004 on?

I like Bachmann and Palin and wish they would do a dynamic duo campaign. But if Bachmann keeps up the negativity - she loses my vote and my financial support!

Not to worry. Neither one of them has a chance in hell.
Palin does. Her exceptional record as governor will put her in office. A new movie coming out setting the record straight about her record will change a lot of minds about her in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina later this month. She is only a few points behind Romney right now. Palin has more executive experience than Bachmann at running a government. Her gracious stepping aside at governor so Alaska's government wouldn't be halted by democratic operatives frivilous lawsuits will not hurt her at all. Alaska is still thriving under her set budgets she left to Sean Parnell. Palin took the fight away of Alaska and into mainstream America where she could do the most damage to the democrats and she proved it during the mid term elections helping the republicans take back the House. Palin alone took back 19 of 20 democratically held districts she targeted across the country. That's when President Bill Clinton warned democrats on National Tv to "Do not underestimate this woman. She is resiliant like me".
Again, Palin took on Republican and Democrat corruption in Alaska and held a excellent record at governing when it came to the issues. That record outshined Obama's in the 08 campaign and the media didn't want that record to get into the mainstream so they went on the attack tarnishing her reputation based on false accusations to discredit her and her family. They couldn't allow this womans executive record to upstage Obama's lack of a executive one. That is why she is threat to him even as a civilian and that is why the media is always on the attack. Obama will never stand a chance against her head on in debates nor for the presidency. She will attack him on energy, deficits and jobs. She will make a fine patriotic president which Obama is not. Bachmann just killed any chances of her gaining any ground by letting Rollins attack Palin whom endorsed and campaigned for her in the mid terms.
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Understand that the lame stream media as Palin calls them will savage anyone who tries to defeat Obama - look at what has happened to candidates who have thrown their hats in the ring so far. You must have a smart man or woman to run a campaign who knows how to defeat the press and their slime reporting and who can help their candidate win!
That's bullshit. The media trashes those who deserve it: Trump whose only intent was TV ratings, Gingrich for his phoniness and flipflopping, and Sarah Palin because of her inept knowledge of even mundane things.

Palin has learned that lesson by ignorning the press. Bachmann hasn't in hiring this failed campaign manager! That shows me she may not have the moxy to be president - a poor choice to start her campaign doesn't speak highly or her thinking or her ability to plan ahead and that reflects on her choices if she were to become President!
Palin ignores the press????? Surely you jest.

Consider the following about Palin: They call her stupid and ineffective and a loser yet the press froths at the mouth whenever she speaks! They fight to get on her tour bus or plane or to be able to follow her around the country. Any words she utters are carried for days in the lame stream press. If she wasn't so powerful and charismatic and SMART, then why is the press denigrating her or even writing about her? huh?
See above. :lol: The BUS, which is so cluttered with cheap I-love-me stickers, and her "tour" around America is intended to draw the attention of the press? Are you kidding???

Why are they so concerned about her? They are AFRAID of her and the fact that she has about 60% of the country behind her currently!
She polls in the single digits against other Republican candidates. And 60% of "the country" is downright ridiculous.

Bachmann needs to hire a winning campaign manager - like Karl Rove - to win. Ross Perot was a oddity like Ron Paul - he had his adherents but not much else to back his campaign. We need someone who can win a campaign and a conservative to win the White House.
Karl Rove is a death knell to any candidate. Good grief, did you sleep through 2004 on?

I like Bachmann and Palin and wish they would do a dynamic duo campaign. But if Bachmann keeps up the negativity - she loses my vote and my financial support!

Not to worry. Neither one of them has a chance in hell.
Palin does. Her exceptional record as governor will put her in office. A new movie coming out setting the record straight about her record will change a lot of minds about her in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina later this month. She is only a few points behind Romney right now. Palin has more executive experience than Bachmann at running a government. Her gracious stepping aside at governor so Alaska's government wouldn't be halted by democratic operatives frivilous lawsuits will not hurt her at all. Alaska is still thriving under her set budgets she left to Sean Parnell. Palin took the fight away of Alaska and into mainstream America where she could do the most damage to the democrats and she proved it during the mid term elections helping the republicans take back the House. Palin alone took back 19 of 20 democratically held districts she targeted across the country. That's when President Bill Clinton warned democrats on National Tv to "Do not underestimate this woman. She is resiliant like me".
Again, Palin took on Republican and Democrat corruption in Alaska and held a excellent record at governing when it came to the issues. That record outshined Obama's in the 08 campaign and the media didn't want that record to get into the mainstream so they went on the attack tarnishing her reputation based on false accusations to discredit her and her family. They couldn't allow this womans executive record to upstage Obama's lack of a executive one. That is why she is threat to him even as a civilian and that is why the media is always on the attack. Obama will never stand a chance against her head on in debates nor for the presidency. She will attack him on energy, deficits and jobs. She will make a fine patriotic president which Obama is not. Bachmann just killed any chances of her gaining any ground by letting Rollins attack Palin whom endorsed and campaigned for her in the mid terms.

Maybe you should be driving her bus.
She's got a pretty inflated image or herself if she really thought she had a chance of winning anyway.
Palin is doing exactly what she should be doing. Cheerleading for America. The American people need to wake up and take our country back from these slimey wieners.

I'll give here that. America needs a little pride instilled in itself.

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