Michelle Bachmann- stop kids from sucking on satan's sacks

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Michele Bachmann Wants to Ban Halloween Stating, “Sucking on Satan’s Candy Sacks Leads to Liberalism”

She is calling for a ban on Halloween, stating, “This holiday is based in Satanism. It’s a Pagan ritual to worship Satan and call him forth to the earth and the liberal elites have added socialism to it. We are in the end days and we must purify our nation if we are to be welcomed into the kingdom of God.”

Perhaps Bachmann needs a history lesson. While there are some links to Celtic Festival of Samhain, which comes from the Old Irish for “summers end,” many historians also link today’s Halloween costumes to Christian dogma and practices derived from it. Halloween falls on the evening before the Christian holy days of All Hallow’s Day on Nov 1 and All Soul’s Day on November 2, giving the holiday on October 31 the name, All Hallow’s Eve. These three days are collectively refered to as Hallowmas and are a time for honoring the saints and praying for the recently departed souls who have yet to reach Heaven.

When asked for further comment, in an exclusive with Free Wood Post, Bachmann’s true fears came out.

“We have to ban Halloween to save the children. That’s how they indoctrinate them you know. Giving them Satan’s candy sacks. Soon you’ve got a country full of children sucking on Satan’s sacks and thinking liberal thoughts instead of good Christian ones.”

Since some actually believe this nonsense, maybe I should have put this in religion. And, it IS Michelle Bachmann so she probably does believe something as stupid as this.
wonder how many weeks/days/hours before she becomes a lobbyist?

Did you guys notice that this is in the "Political Satire" forum?

No. I've never even been in this forum before.

There oughta be some kind of label. Like that new one for the CDZ. I like that.

Clicking the link would have given it away, too.

The banner at the top says "News that's almost reliable".
Did you guys notice that this is in the "Political Satire" forum?

No. I've never even been in this forum before.

There oughta be some kind of label. Like that new one for the CDZ. I like that.

Clicking the link would have given it away, too.

The banner at the top says "News that's almost reliable".

:lol: sho 'nuff.
The thing is, with the subject it's just wacky enough to be real. Guess that's the art of satire.
"Julia Roberts Quarantined For Infectious Laugh"

Did you guys notice that this is in the "Political Satire" forum?

No. I've never even been in this forum before.

There oughta be some kind of label. Like that new one for the CDZ. I like that.

Clicking the link would have given it away, too.

The banner at the top says "News that's almost reliable".
I thought that applied to ALL MSM outlets? (i.e. Fox, MSNBC, CNN, NYT, Wallstreet Journal, etc.) :lmao:

She didn't Kaz
The Free Wood Post is a news and political satire web publication.

How is it different than anything liberals post in the regular political forum? Probably it was posted there and moved here. I'm guessing you're not going to argue with me on that, Peach...

She didn't Kaz
The Free Wood Post is a news and political satire web publication.

How is it different than anything liberals post in the regular political forum? Probably it was posted there and moved here. I'm guessing you're not going to argue with me on that, Peach...

I have no idea if it was or not.
I was just letting you know the Free Wood is not real news. Just like the Onion isn't.

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