Michelle Cheats for Barack During Debate


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Michelle Cheats for Barack During Debate



At the very beginning of the Hofstra University presidential debate, “moderator” Candy Crowley announced the rules of the road and noted that the “audience has agreed to be polite and attentive — no cheering, no booing, or outbursts of any sort.”

But many debate watchers on Twitter noticed that First Lady Michelle Obama — in bright pink in the bottom right-hand corner of the cutaway shown on Fox News (we’ve screen-capped it above) — clapped loudly, vigorously, and ostentatiously during the shameful Obama/Crowley tag-team against Romney over what the president said in the Rose Garden about Benghazi.

You can see Michelle clapping at the end of this Youtube video.


Read more at Michelle Cheats: Claps During Debate Despite Being Against the Rules
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvPaXjY2IRE]Michelle Obama Breaks Rules! Claps in Barack's Defense at Debate! - YouTube[/ame]

She's not only clapping; she's clapping the loudest and the longest! That's shameful b/c she knew the rules and she chose to not follow them.
OHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!!! Michelle Obama CLAPPED? No wonder Obama won the debate -- he cheated! There's no way he would have won without his wife clapping.

Seriously, though, American_Joke, you're a moron.
Michelle Cheats for Barack During Debate



At the very beginning of the Hofstra University presidential debate, “moderator” Candy Crowley announced the rules of the road and noted that the “audience has agreed to be polite and attentive — no cheering, no booing, or outbursts of any sort.”

But many debate watchers on Twitter noticed that First Lady Michelle Obama — in bright pink in the bottom right-hand corner of the cutaway shown on Fox News (we’ve screen-capped it above) — clapped loudly, vigorously, and ostentatiously during the shameful Obama/Crowley tag-team against Romney over what the president said in the Rose Garden about Benghazi.

You can see Michelle clapping at the end of this Youtube video.


Read more at Michelle Cheats: Claps During Debate Despite Being Against the Rules

He lies, she cheats, they are both criminals.
OHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!!! Michelle Obama CLAPPED? No wonder Obama won the debate -- he cheated! There's no way he would have won without his wife clapping.

Seriously, though, American_Joke, you're a moron.

I would think a moron is someone who thinks Obama won the debate... Consensus in every poll I have seen says otherwise.
You guys should stop attacking his family.

When Romney said his family has become part of his campaign, then they opened themselves to scrutiny. Stick to what Mrs. Obama says and not showing pride in her husband. Considering how much Republican mess he's cleaned up, we should all be proud. Just the fact that he wasn't the one who let Bin Laden go says a lot.
You rw's are SO damn predictable.

You ignore MITT'S 533 LIES but go all to pieces because First Lady Obama applauded.

OHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!!! Michelle Obama CLAPPED? No wonder Obama won the debate -- he cheated! There's no way he would have won without his wife clapping.

Seriously, though, American_Joke, you're a moron.

I would think a moron is someone who thinks Obama won the debate... Consensus in every poll I have seen says otherwise.

Well, that's what you get for relying on The Blaze polls.

Poll: Obama edges Romney in second presidential debate - CBS News Video

In a CBS News Instant Poll of uncommitted voters, 37 percent say President Obama won the second presidential debate, 30 percent say Romney won, and 33 percent called it a tie.
Michelle Cheats for Barack During Debate



At the very beginning of the Hofstra University presidential debate, “moderator” Candy Crowley announced the rules of the road and noted that the “audience has agreed to be polite and attentive — no cheering, no booing, or outbursts of any sort.”

But many debate watchers on Twitter noticed that First Lady Michelle Obama — in bright pink in the bottom right-hand corner of the cutaway shown on Fox News (we’ve screen-capped it above) — clapped loudly, vigorously, and ostentatiously during the shameful Obama/Crowley tag-team against Romney over what the president said in the Rose Garden about Benghazi.

You can see Michelle clapping at the end of this Youtube video.


Read more at Michelle Cheats: Claps During Debate Despite Being Against the Rules

In fairness, Ann R. offered to muff-dive Candy.

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